02x06 - Blue's Senses

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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02x06 - Blue's Senses

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]

Oh, hi.

You're just in time.

We're having a race.

You want to be the referee?



[ Barks "hello"]

Look who's going to be our referee.

[ Barks]

Oh... Finish line.

Okay, you say, "on your mark, get set, go!"

Ready, ready, ready?

Okay, go ahead.

On your mark, get set, go!

[ Imitating announcer]: and they're off.

Oh, and blue's toy is ahead.

Now steve's toy is ahead.

They're neck and neck, folks.

This is going to be a close one.

And... Hey...

They both finished at the same time.

So, it's a... A...

What's that word?

[ Barks quizzically]

A tie!

Tie, right.

Okay, blue, let's do it again.

You wind up your...

[ Barks "no"]

No, you don't want to play

With our wind-up toys again?

[ Barks "no"]

Oh. Well, what do you want to play?

Oh... Okay.

We'll play "blue's clues"

To figure out what blue wants to play.

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ Because it's really great, yeah! ♪

Remember, blue's paw print will be on the clues...

Blues clues.

Oh, yeah.

This paw print needs a little cleaning up.

I know.

[ Whirring]

[ Chuckles]

Hey, you know what we need for blue's clues: our...


Notebook, right. Come on.

Blue's clues!

I'm so excited!

Here it is.

You know, I think I'm really going to need your help today

Figuring out what blue wants to play.

Will you help me?

You will?


Oh, okay, so, to play blue's clues

We got to find a...

Paw print!

Paw print, right, 'cause that's the first...


Yeah, then we put it in our...



♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ You know what to do

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Hey? What's that sound?

[ Whirring and drumming...]

The toy.

Oh, yeah, you know, that does sound like our wind-up toy.

Hey, do you think he's looking

For blue's clues, too?

Let's go.

♪ We are looking for... [ Drum beats] ♪

♪ We are looking for... [ Drum beats] ♪

♪ We are looking for... [ Drum beats] ♪

♪ Wonder where they are

♪ We are looking for...

♪ We are looking for...

Where is it?

Under the bed.

Oh, under the bed.


Ready or not, here we come.

Wow, look at all this stuff.

Now, where's that toy?

Oh, wait, wait, I got something.

Yep, it's... It's a...

This isn't it.

What is this?

It's... It's prickly here.

And smooth on this handle part.

Prickly here and smooth here.

What do you think it is?

A hairbrush.

A hairbrush, really?

Oh, yeah, look at that.

It is a hairbrush, see?

The bristle part is prickly

And this handle part is smooth... Cool.

Now for that wind-up toy.

Oh, oh, wait.

Yep, I've definitely got something this time.

It's, it's...

This isn't it.

Well, it's soft on top

And the bottom part is... Hard and bumpy.

And this inside part is soft, too.

What do you think it is?


My slippers?


Oh, it is.

It's my bunny slippers.

I've been looking for these.

See how they're furry on top

So they keep my feet warm

And, and hard and bumpy on the bottom

So I don't slip when I walk

'Cause, you know, sometimes I do that.

Oh, my bunny slippers.

It's been so long since we've walked the cold nights and...

[ Clears throat]

[ In a deep voice]: we must find that wind-up toy.

Oh, wait, I've got something else.

It's... It's... Furry.

And has long ears

And a... Wet nose.

What do you think it is?


[ Barks "ta-da"]

Oh, blue.

You found our toy.

Well, that was fun.

Hey, do you want to feel our way to the living room?


Oh, wait, wait, what's this?

This feels kind of, sort of...


Soft, right.

It's probably a...

Pillow, to rest your head on.

Yep, yep, feeling our way...

To the living room.



All right, this feels kind of, uh...

Kind of, uh...


Right, this desk feels hard and wooden.

Ooh, ooh, this, this here feels kind of, uh...

Kind of...



This sponge feels kind of squooshy.

A clue!

A clue!

A clue!

You see a clue? Where?

On the box!

On my socks?

No, on the box!

Oh, on this... Box.

This box is a clue.

Okay, you can definitely see we need our...


Right, our hearty...

Cardboardy notebook.

Okay, so.

Our first blue's clue is a box.

So, a square.

Some lines to make a flap.

And another flap.

Some lines down here.

And another line.

And we have...

A box.


So what could blue want to play...

With an empty box?

I think we need to find some more clues and see.

Come on.

Wow... This room looks a little messy.

Maybe we should clean some of this stuff up.


Blue, will you help me?

I think we should put some of these toys away.

[ Barks]

Great idea, blue.

We'll play lights on, lights off to clean up.

Blue turns out the light

And I put a toy away.

You figure out which one.

You ready?

Take a good look.

Lights off.

[ Barks]

[ Footsteps, rattling]

Lights on.

Okay, can you tell which toy I put away?

The blocks!

The blocks.

Exactly. Great job.

Okay, blue, your turn.

Lights off.

[ Barks]

[ Rattling]

Can you tell which toy blue put away?

The giraffe.

The giraffe stuffed animal.

Great job.

You sure are a good cleaner-upper.

My turn.

[ Barks]

Lights off.

[ Rattling]

Lights on.


Can you tell which toy I put away this time?

The crayons.

The crayons.

Great job... Wow.

Okay, blue, your turn.

[ Barking...]

Huh! A clue, a clue!

You see a clue?

How can you see a clue?

It's dark in here.

Behind you, that light!


[ Footsteps running]

This light...

[ Pulling chain]

Oh, this light must be our second clue.

We need to write this light in our wiry, spirally...



Okay, so.

How do I draw a light?

Hmm. Let's try a circle here.

And a line here.


That looks like a light.

So, we need to figure out what blue wants to play.

What was our first clue?

A box.

A box, right.

[ Rhythmic tune begins...]

And now we have this...


Light, right.

[ Harmonica playing...]

Hmm. So what could blue want to play

With a box and a light?

What do you think?

[ Music stops]

I think we need to find our last blue's clue

To figure this out.

♪ Mail time, mail time, mail time! ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪


[ Laughing...]

[ Laughing...]

[ Laughing]: mail's here.

[ Laughing]: wh-why are we laughing, mailbox?

Your letter, it, it tickles.


[ Laughing]

These feathers were tickling mailbox.


[ Both laughing]

Thanks for the feathery letter.

You're welcome.

[ Laughs]

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a feather in a funny letter ♪

♪ We just got a feather letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

[ Laughing...]

Oh, look, it's a letter from our friends.

All: hi, steve and blue.

Can you see?


[ Rattling]

Guess what that was.

A puzzle.

A puzzle?



I need another hint.

[ All giggling]

What did you hear or feel?

Um, macaroni!



[ Soft boinging]

Hey, what's that... Sound?

[ Soft boinging]

Hey, blue.

[ Barks "hello"]

What are you doing?

Oh, you're playing that sound game.

[ Boinging]

Hey, listen, that sound

Is the ball she's playing with.

[ Barking softly]

[ Gasps] my ball!

Hey, did you see that?

[ Barks "blue skiddoo" tune]

What was that sound?

The sound of blue skiddooing.

Let's go, too.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.


[ Barks "hello"]

This is cool.


[ Barks "you're welcome"]

Oh... Hello, squirrel.

Say that again.

Oh... Hello, squirrel.

What a magnificent voice.

Oh, thanks, i... What are you doing?

I'm looking for sound notes.

When I find one, I listen real hard.

Oh, so you can figure out what it is.

Yeah. Do you want to help?

Sure, we'll help.

Will you help us find the sound notes


You know, just point if you see one.

A sound note!

Oh, yeah, there's a sound note.

Now what do we do?

Press it, then listen.

Will you help us figure out what the sound is?

Great, let's listen.

[ Chirping...]

[ Chirping continues]

What sound is that?

[ Chirping...]

A bird!

Oh, yeah.

It is the sound of a bird.

What a magnificent-sounding bird.


[ Chirping...]

Oh, and he's building a nest.

Let's go find another note to play.

A sound note!

Oh, yeah.

It's another sound note.

Okay, I know what to do.

We just...

What do we do?

Press it!

Press it, then listen.

Will you help us figure out what the sound is?

Okay. Shh. Ready?

[ Water running...]

What sound is that?

[ Water running...]

A fountain!

Oh, yeah.

A foun... Tain.

What a magnificent- sounding fountain!


And it feels wet.

Whoa, come on!

Let's go find another sound note.

[ Blue barking happily]

A sound note!

Oh, yeah, another sound note.

Good looking.

You know what to do.

Press it!

Then listen.then listen.

[ Rhythmic squeaking...]

What sound is that?

[ Squeaking continues...]

A swing!

[ Squeaking continues...]

Oh, the sound is these swings.

Blue squirrel: they have a...

A magnificent sound?

Blue squirrel: yeah.

This is my friend.

Pink squirrel: hi, I was looking for you.

It's time to go home.

Blue squirrel: okay.

Thanks for all your help.

Pink squirrel: bye!

[ Blue barks "bye"]


Hey, blue.



A clue!

A clue, a clue!


You see another sound note.

I mean, clue.


Right there!

On the sound note!

Oh, our clue must be a sound.

Wonder what sound it is?

Let's listen.

[ Engine chugging, whistle tooting...]


So, our third clue must be this sound.

Sounds like we need our...



Okay, so, our third clue is...

This sound.

[ Engine chugging, whistle tooting]

Hey, let's draw a sound note

To help us remember the sound.

A little circle with some lines like this

And another little circle.

There, a sound note.

Okay... That's our third clue.

We have... All three clues.

That means we're ready for our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair-- let's go!

[ Barks "blue skiddoo" tune]

[ "Blue skiddoo" tune continues...]

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair...

Let's think.

You will help me, right?

You will? Great.

Okay, so, we're trying to figure out what blue wants to play.

And our clues are: a box...

[ Rhythmic tune begins, harmonica playing...]

This light...

And this sound...

[ Engine chugging, whistle tooting...]

Hmm... So what could blue want to play

With a box, this light, and this sound?

[ Imitates chugging]

Hey... Do you think blue wants to put the box over the light

And then shake it till it makes this sound?

[ Chugging]


Well, what could blue be playing if she got in the box

And put the light out front

So she could see where she was going

And made this sound...

[ Chugging...]


You're a genius!

Blue wants to play train!

She wants to get in the box

Shine the light to show us the way

And make that sound...

[ Chugging...]

Just like a train.

We just figured out blue's clues.

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart!

Blue, let's go play train.

[ Imitates train starting up]

[ Chugging like train... Stops]

Great train.

This is going to be so cool.


I get to be... The engineer.

All right, and we can use this flashlight as a headlight.

Okay... Who wants to go for a ride?

[ Barks]

All... Aboard!

[ Chugging....]

Oh, look, it's my furry little fr--

I mean, slippers.

[ Continues chugging...]

Remember lights on, lights off?

It's the giraffe we put away.

Blue squirrel: whoo-whoo!

I'm the caboose.

Hey, it's squirrel.

Remember those sounds?

Blue squirrel: a tunnel!

Steve: not a problem with our headlight.

[ Chugging continues...]

Blue's turn.

[ Blue barking chugging sounds]

Oh, come on.

Hey, thank you so much for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Bye-bye, see you later.

Thanks, bye.

[ Barks "bye-bye"]

[ Train chugging...]

[ Barks]

[ Train toots whistle]
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