02x03 - Blue's ABCs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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02x03 - Blue's ABCs

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there.

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?


Come on in.

Bowwow! Bowwow!

Bowbow! Bowbow!

[ Doorbell ringing]

Oh. Oh, hi.

Guests! Ha!

Our first guests for blue's birthday party.

Come on in.

I'll be right back.

Just have to put this stuff down.

So come on.

Hey, since you are a little bit early

Will you help us get ready for the party?


You will. Great.

Hey, birthday girl!


Look who it is.

It's the birthday girl!

[ Tooting]

Okay, now, I made up a surprise dance for blue.

Will you do it with me?

You will. Great. Okay.

Hit it.

[ Music playing]

♪ Have a happy birthday, you-oo ♪

♪ We'll have a great day, too-oo ♪

♪ Everybody play

♪ It's blue's special day

♪ Happy birthday.

Blow out the candles.


We still have lots of stuff to do

To get ready for the party.

Oh, speaking of...

Blue, did you ever tell me what present

You want for your birthday?


Oh! Oh, a birthday game...

Of blue's clues to figure it out.

[ Music playing]

♪ It's a birthday game of blue's clues. ♪

So we'll play blue's clues

To figure out what present blue wants for her...


How did she...?

Blue's pawprints will be on the clues--

Blue's clues.

I'll need your help

Because I want everything to be just right

For blue's big day.

Like, this pawprint can't be here

So maybe we should...

[ Tooting]

Little thing's pretty handy.

Speaking of handy, you know what we need: our...


Handy-dandy notebook! Right.

Wait till you see it.

I'm so excited

For blue's birthday party!


[ Tooting]

Ha! Hey, thanks, side table drawer.

Our notebook is all decorated for the party.

It's a birthday notebook!

Okay, will you help me with blue's party today?

And to figure out what she wants for her present?

You will? Great. Okay.

[ Music playing]

♪ To play blue's clues, we got to find a... ♪


Oh. A pawprint. Right.

♪ And that's our first...


♪ Then we put it in our

♪ Blue's clues! Blue's clues!

♪ We got to find another pawprint ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last pawprint ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ We put it in our notebook 'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ You know what to do: sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds

♪ And take a step at a time

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

Okay, let's finish setting up for the birthday party.


[ Tooting]

♪ Have a happy birthday, you-oo ♪

♪ We'll have a great day, too-oo ♪

♪ Everybody play, 'cause it's blue's special day ♪

♪ Happy birthday

[ Sniffing]

♪ Yummy cupcakes.

Looks like mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper

Must have just finished making these yummy cupcakes

For the party.

But looks like something's missing.

Do you see what's missing?

Kids: sprinkles!


We're missing sprinkles. Where?

Both: forgotten sprinkles? Where?

Ooh. Right there.

These birthday cupcakes look amazing.

We are so excited for blue's big birthday!


[ Party horn tooting]

Me, too.

Oh, wow.

Doesn't the back yard look great?

It's just so "birthday."


Ooh! What's this...

Invitation doing here?

You know, blue made these birthday invitations

All by herself.

[ Chuckles]

And they look really good, too. Look.

Kids: a clue! A clue!

No, really.

All by herself.

Well, maybe I helped a little bit.

Kid: no. A clue!

Oh. Oh, a clue!

A clue to what blue wants for her birthday present.

This is the clue?

It looks like the color...

Kids: green!



My favorite color.

Okay, you know what we need?

Our handy-dandy birthday decorated notebook.

[ Bell ringing]


My favorite color: green.

You know, I think I need my green crayon

For this green clue.

We'll draw a droplet shape--

A line that loops around like this.

There. The color green.

So, what could blue want for her birthday present

That is the color green?


You think so?

Well, well, I think we need to find

Two more of our clues.

Yeah. What do you think?

I think these streamers look great.

But those balloons...


You know, it looks like a balloon is missing

From this group.

Do you know which balloon is missing from this group?

Kid: a light blue one!

Yup, a light blue balloon is missing from this group.

♪ Bow-ba-bow-ba- bow-bow-bow-bow ♪

Hey, birthday girl!

♪ Bow-bow!

[ Horn tooting]

Thanks for helping.



Looks like something is missing from our party table.

Do you know what's missing from the table?


Kids: a napkin!

A napkin?


Oh! Look at that!

We do need another napkin right here.




Thanks a lot, birthday girl.

♪ Bow-bow!

[ Horn tooting]

Oh, wonderful!

The birthday party table is all set.

Blue, do you want to help us

Put the cupcakes on each plate

For your friends?


Can you help me pick out

A special birthday present for blue?

Oh, quick, quick!


Psst! Mrs. Pepper

We're going to skidoo for a minute

So could you keep your eye on blue for us?

Great. Thanks.

Okay. Ready?

Present store.

There it is.

♪ Let's go, too

♪ Don't tell blue

Oh! I just love the present store!

Hey, do you think we'll find something for blue here?

Yeah, yeah, okay, let's pick out something from you first, okay?


Look at these adorable little toys!

Well, which one do you think blue would like the most?

Kids: the blue puppy!

[ Bell dings]

Wonderful choice!

Now, we just need something for me to give to blue.

Oh! Look over here!



Do you see that?

Is that a little turtle with a blue dotted shell?

Cash register: why, yes.

Her name is turquoise.



Do you think blue would like that little turtle

For her birthday present?

Yeah. I think so, too.

Okay, that will be blue's present from me.


Here you go.

One blue spotted puppy, and one turquoise turtle.

Thank you, cash register.

Oh. You know, I just love the present store. Bye.

Okay. Let's go see how blue is doing.

[ Giggling]

Let's go play some musical chairs.

Kids: a clue, a clue!

What? You don't want to play musical chairs?

But it's blue's birthday, and...

Kids: a clue!

Oh! Oh, you see a clue.

Where is it?

Kid: it's right there!

It's right there!

I mean, yeah.

It's right there.

I'm cool.

Our second clue is right here in front of us

And it's, uh, uh...

What is this?

Kids: a t*nk!

A t*nk! Right!

Okay, so, now we need our handy-dandy...

Kids: notebook!


[ Bell dings]


[ Kids giggling]

First, we draw a rectangle with some lines like this

And another one here, and some lines here, like this.

There. A t*nk.

So, what was blue's first clue?

Kid: green!

Oh, yeah.

My favorite color.


And now, our second clue is this t*nk.


So, what could blue want for her birthday present

That is the color green, and could maybe be in this t*nk?

Hmm. What do you think?

Yeah! But, but I think we should keep our eye out

For our last clue.

That'll help, but for now, let's get to the party!

[ Doorbell ringing]

Let's go get the door.

Look who it is.

It's... Gingerbread boy.

Hey, come on in.

Welcome to blue's party.

So glad you could make it.

Everyone's around back. Come on.

Oh, look.

Now it's time for...

Musical chairs.


And do you know whose favorite birthday party game that is?



And here comes mailbox now.

Tell us the mail's here.

♪ Here's the mail

♪ It never fails

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail ♪

♪ Mail.

[ Barks]

[ Tooting]

Is there a birthday girl here?

Oh, I don't know.

I wonder.

Do you know?

Is there a birthday girl here?

Oh, yeah.

Right there.

Well, I happen to have a special birthday card

Just for the birthday girl.


[ Barks]

Thanks, mailbox.

Hey, look, blue.

You just got a birthday card.

♪ Blue just got a birthday card ♪

♪ Blue just got a birthday card ♪

♪ Blue just got a birthday card ♪

♪ 'Cause she's the birthday girl. ♪

It's a really big one, too, blue.

Look at this.

[ Humming]

Hi, blue. I'm gloria estefan and this one's for you.

♪ Everybody play

♪ It's blue's special day

♪ Happy birthday.

Happy birthday, blue.

Happy birthday, blue.happy birthday, blue.

Happy birthday, blue!happy birthday, blue!

A very special birthday wish to the smartest puppy I know.

Happy birthday, blue!

[ Tooting]

Aw, that was so nice.

[ Barking]


Let's go play some musical chairs.

[ Doorbell ringing]

Let's go answer the door.

It's, it's...

Baby bear.

Baby bear.

Hi. So glad you could come.

Come on in.

Thanks, mama bear. Bye.

[ Horn honking]

I have a present for you, blue.

Hey, blue, do you know what time I think it is?

[ Barks]

Present time.

Let's go.

♪ Present time♪

♪ Present time, present time♪

♪ Present time♪

♪ Now it's time to open presents ♪

♪ Wonder what she's getting

♪ Everybody play

♪ It's blue's special day

♪ Open presents.

[ Cheering]

[ All chanting]: present time, present time.

Open a present and see what's inside.


This one makes a water sound.

[ Sniffing]

And it smells like soap.

Hmm, what do you think it could be?

[ Chatters]

It's bubbles

'Cause bubbles smell like soap.

Well, who do you think it could be from?


I just love bubbles

And I thought you would, too, blue.


Yay for slippery soap.

Present time, present time.

Open a present and see what's inside.

[ Sniffing]

This present smells like cinnamon.

What do you think it could be?

[ Groans]

[ Barks]

It's a gingerbread house.

Well, who do you think it could be from?

[ Whimpers]

Gingerbread boy.

Gingerbread boy?

Now you won't forget my house, blue.

Thank you.

All right, gingerbread boy.

Present time, present time.

Open a present and see what's inside.

Ooh. Okay, so this one is circle-shaped.


What do you think it could be?

[ Speaking gibberish]

It's a clock puzzle.

Well, who do you think that could be from?



That clock puzzle's from me.

Happy birthday.

Thank you.

Yay for tickity-tock.

All right.

Present time, present time.

Open a present and see what's inside.

[ Clears throat]

I wonder what that present could be.

I don't know.

[ Shrieks]

Do you know who that's from, blue?

[ Speaking gibberish]

Yep. It's from your friend.

We picked it out just for you

For your birthday.

And these flowers are from us

From the garden.

And this book is from me.

I wrote it all by myself.

Well, yay for everyone.

What great presents.

[ Doorbell ringing]

Ooh, better go get that.

Wonder who it could be.

[ Chattering]

[ Humming]

Look. It's blue's friend from school.



Hi. Come on in.

You're just in time to finish playing

Present time, present time...

A clue!

Someone else is here, too?


Wow, they must be really little

'Cause I can't...

Oh, hold on. Hold on.

I see a clue.

Our third clue.

Well, what is it?

You know, I think it's a....

I think it's a...


A shell. Yeah.

Well, how did it get here?

Okay, we know what to do.

We need our handy dandy...


Notebook. Right.

Okay, a shell.

Let's draw this shell, shellwe?

A shell.

A line that curves around here for the bump

And then these shapes for the spots.

And we have a shell.

We have all three clues.

Let's go tell blue.

Bow? Bow? Bow!

Oh, blue.

Did magenta give that to you?

Bow-bow, bow, bow!

Remember? We took that picture

When magenta came over to play.

♪ Bow-bow, bow

Well, yay for magenta.

Hey, blue. Guess what?

We found all three clues.

You know what it's time for? Our...

Kids: thinking chair!

Right. Our thinking chair.

Let's go.

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.

So, we're trying to figure out

What blue wants for her birthday present.


And our clues are...

The color green

A t*nk

And a shell.


So, what could blue want for her...

That is the color green

Could be in a t*nk

And has a shell?


Do you know?

Well, what could blue want

That is the color green

Has a shell

And could be in a t*nk.

Kid: a turtle!

A turtle. Yeah, a turtle.

Because turtles are green

They have shells and they can be in tanks.

We just figured out blue's clues.

[ Tooting]

And a turtle is what we bought for blue at the present store.

[ Cowbell clanking]

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart.

Hey, blue? Bow?

I think it's time for me to give you

Your birthday present.


[ Tooting]

♪ Bow, bow-bow, bow-bow, bow, bow, bow. ♪

Present time. Present time.

Open a present and see what's inside.

Here you go, blue.


Do you know what it is, blue?

Bow-bow, bow-bow, bow!

It's a special green turtle

With a blue-dotted shell.

Just for you, blue.

Her name is turquoise.


Can you believe it?

That's exactly what blue wanted.

Happy birthday, blue.

I love you. Bow.

Ooh, ooh. Licking.

Are you ready for a birthday party game?

We already played musical chairs.

I have a new birthday party game. You do?

Yep. Pin the flag on mailbox.

Hit it!

Hey, do you want to play "pin the flag on mailbox"?

You do? Great. Come on.

[ Bossa nova intro]

♪ Pin the flag on mailbox

♪ Pin the flag on mailbox

♪ Go!

Bow... Bow-bow.

Good try, blue.

Birthday girl...

Now it's time for our present to you.

A special homemade birthday cake.


Mmm. Cake.

[ Slurping]

Oh, look, blue.

This cake is shaped just like your paw print.


[ Tooting]

♪ Bow, bow-bow, bow bow, bow, bow. ♪

Hey, let's sing your favorite birthday song.

Will you sing it with us? Bow?

You will? Great!

Okay, ready? Hit it.

[ Blues piano intro]

♪ Have a happy birthday, you-oo ♪

♪ We'll have a great day, too

♪ Everybody play

♪ It's blue's special day, happy birthday. ♪

Bow, bow, bow. Bow!

Okay, blow out the candles.

Bow, bow!

Bow-bow, bow.

Hey. Hey, blue.

The candles didn't blow out.

Bow-bow, bow, bow.

Will you help blue blow out the candles?

You will? Great.


One, two, three, blow!

Bow, bow!

Okay, I would just like to say thanks to all of you.

Thank you so much

For making blue's birthday party so special.


♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do

Kids: ♪ we can do anything

♪ That we want to do

♪ We can do anything.

[ Tooting]

♪ Bow, bow-bow, bow-bow, bow, bow, bow. ♪
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