02x12 - What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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02x12 - What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]

Oh... Hi.

I have a surprise for blue.

Ooh, but, um... I lost it.

Will you help me look for it?

You will?

Great. Come on.

So, I made her a puppet.

And it's so cool.

It's got big, button eyes, and it's all peach.

And, and, it's all fuzzy.

Now, it's around here somewhere, but I can't find it.


Blue... We found your surprise.

It's a...

Feather duster.

No, that's, that's not the surprise.

Well, we better keep looking.

Do you see it?

There, behind the pillow!

Oh... There it is!


Okay, blue.

[ Barks "hello"]

This time we really found your surprise.

Close your eyes.


It's a puppet.

Isn't it cool?

[ Barking...]

Whew... This finding stuff is really hard.

So many places to look.

It's a big house.


Oh, you have something for me.


[ Confused barking]

Where... Where is it?

[ Barks "I don't know"]

Oh, you too, huh?

You lost my surprise.


Oh, it's in your backpack.

Well, do you remember where you were

When you lost your backpack?


And then, we can look for it there.

Oh, of course.

We'll play "blue's clues"

To figure out where blue was when she lost her backpack.

And then we can look for it there.

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game, yeah! ♪

So remember, blue's paw print will be on the clues:

"Blue's clues."

Oh, yeah, we'd better clean this paw print up.

Hey, we can use that feather duster!

Now, I remember I had it before but, um, I seem to have lost it.

In your back pocket.

Oh, yeah.

Right there.

I put it there before.



Hey, you know what we need for blue's clues:

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Come on.

Here it is.

Right where you left it.


You know, I know we can figure out

Where blue was when she lost her backpack... Together.

Will you help me?

You will?

Great... Ooh.

So, to play blue's clues we have to find a...

Paw print!

Paw print, right, 'cause that's the first...


Yeah. Then we put it in our notebook...

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues. ♪

You know what to do.

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Okay, so, we need to find some clues.

But... Ooh, did we lose blue now?

Where did she go?

That way.

That way.

Great. Thanks.

So, keep your eyes open for blue's clues

So we can figure out where blue lost her backpack.

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ To figure out where blue lost her backpack. ♪

A clue.

Oh, you lost something, too?


A clue!

Oh, a clue.

You found our first clue.

Well, where is it?

The flowers.


Oh... On these flowers.

[ Sniffs]

So our first clue is flowers.

Hey, we need our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Better write down our flower clue.

A circle for the middle.

A line that curves around for the petals.

Two lines for the stems.

Some more petals, like this.

And two leaves.

There. Flowers.

So, where was blue when she lost her backpack that has flowers?

Hmm... Somewhere with flowers.


Ooh, maybe... Maybe.

But, but I think we need to find two more clues to where she was.

Pail: oh, I can't find my airplane.

[ Imitating airplane...]

Hi, shovel, hi, pail.

What's the matter?

Pail lost her airplane.

Will you help me find it?

Whoa, something else is lost.

Well... Will you help us find it?

You will? Great.

So, when you lose something, you should go back.

Go back to where you were.

So, when you lose something...

♪ Go back, go back, go back

♪ Go back to where you were.


All right, so let's go back.

Okay, pail, where were you playing with your airplane?

I remember, I threw it, and it landed in the grass.

It must be...

Where should we look?

In the grass!

Right-- in the grass.

All right, pail, let's go back to the grass.

So, do you see it?

Your airplane!

Right where you were playing before.

I don't want to play planes anymore.

Let's drive our cars instead.


Wait, my car!

I lost it!

Oh.... Well, we can help.

So, when you lose something...

How does it go?

♪ Go back, go back, go back

♪ Go back to where you were.

Okay, shovel, do you remember

Where you were playing

With your car before?

I remember.

I was pushing my car up

And then my car rolled down.

I was on the...

Well... Where should we look?

The hill!

Oh, on the hill.

Okay, shovel, let's go back to the hill.

Do you see it?

My car! Thanks!

Oh, it must have rolled down the hill.

Pail: vroom-vroom!

Shovel: vroom-vroom...!

[ Imitates tires squealing]

Hey, look, my boat.

Let's take our boats to the ocean.

Oh, no! My boat, I lost it!

Do you know what shovel and pail should do?

♪ Go back, go back, go back♪

♪ Go back to where you were.♪


Okay, so, do you remember

Where you were playing when you lost your boat?

Well, I was sailing it in the water.

Well, where should we look?

The pool!

The pool, right. The pool.

Okay, pail.

Let's go back to the pool.

So, do you see it?

Both: behind the beach ball!

We found it!

Thanks, steve.

Ah, you're welcome.

And thank you.

You're really good at this lost thing.

Oh, no.

I, I think I lost my notebook.

I... What should I do?

♪ Go back, go back, go back♪

♪ Go back to where you were.♪

Right, I should go back to where I was.

Where was i?

Right, the kitchen.

Let's go.

A clue, a clue!

Oh, a clue.

You found our second clue!

Where is it?

On the grass!

Oh... Oh!


Now we really need our notebook.

Well, where is it?

There, by the flowers!

Oh, yeah, right there by the flowers.


Right where we left it.


So, now we need to write down this grass clue.

We can draw zig-zaggy lines like this for the blades of grass.

There-- grass.

We're trying to figure out

Where blue was when she lost her backpack.

Somewhere where there's flowers and grass.

Do you know?


Oh, yeah.


But I think we should find our third clue.

♪ ...mail time, mail time, mail time! ♪

The mail's here! Let's go!

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Barks happily]

I had a letter for you... But I lost it.

Well, when you lose something...

♪ Go back, go back, go back

♪ Go back to where you were.

Oh, okay.

I was right out on the path.

Let me go check.

It's right here!

I went... ♪ Back and back and back... ♪

And I found it. Thanks.

So glad we could help.

Thanks, mailbox.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

Oh, look, it's a letter from our friends.

All: hi, steve and blue!

I lost my red sweatshirt.

Where could it be?

We're going back to all the places we played today.

It's not here.

Check there.

Both: where could the sweatshirt be?

Right there!

I found it!

[ All laughing]

All: bye, steve, thanks.



That going back stuff really works.

Hey, blue.



Woman: steve, blue.

What's that?

[ Barking a tune]


♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

Hey, were you calling me?


Steve, could you walk to school with felix?

Oh, you, you want us to walk felix to school.

All right, felix.

We'd be happy to.

Great, thanks.

Felix, don't forget to put your bike away

And return your library book on the way.

Okay. We can do that.

Are you ready?

Bye, steve.

Bye, felix.

Let's go, steve.

Going to school.


Oh, I have to put my bike in the garage.

It might rain today.

Okay, all put away.

All right.

Let's go to school.

Oh, the library.

I have to return my book.

Oh, right.

Good memory.

We're almost there, come on!

Walk, walk, walk.

Walking, to school.

Steve, I just want to swing one time before school.

Do you think we can?

Well, okay, but just once.


Thanks, steve.

Well, that was fun, wasn't it?


Steve, I don't have my hat

Or my book bag

Or my lunch box.

Will you help me find my things?

Sure we'll help, felix.

We're really good at finding lost stuff.

When you lose something...

♪ Go back, go back, go back♪

♪ Go back to where you were.♪

Right. We need to...

♪ Go back, go back, go back ♪

♪ Go back to where we were. ♪

All right, felix, let's go back.

But, steve, I forget.

Where were we right before we got to school?

I remember felix saying "whee, that was fun."

But do you remember where we were?

The swings!

Right, the swings.

Felix, remember we played on the swings?

Yeah, let's go look there.

So, do you see any of felix's things around here?

His hat!

Right there.

Hey, felix, isn't that your hat right there?

My hat! Thanks!

But my other stuff, it isn't here.

Oh, yeah.

Well, we better keep going back.

But all I can remember is that felix ran up all those stairs.

Do you remember where we were?

The library.

The library, right.

You remember, felix, when we returned your book.

Wow, I wonder if there's anything there.

Let's go see.

Okay, so, do you see any of felix's things around here?

His book bag!

I see it, too.

Oh, I must have left it when I returned my book.

But I still need to find my lunch box.

Do you remember where we were

Before we went to the library?

Well, we better keep going back.

I remember we had to do something in case it rained

But do you remember where we were?

Near the garage!

Near the garage. Right.

I forgot about that.

You have a really good memory.

Felix, remember

You put your bike away in the garage.


Come on, let's go.

So, do you see felix's lunch box?

Right there!

Near the garage.

There it is.

Thanks, steve.

Let's go back to school.



I'm all set.

Good morning, class.

All: good morning, miss thistle.

Phew, we made it just in time.

Thanks for your help.

♪ Go back, go back, go back

♪ Go back to where you were.

A clue, a clue!

Oh... You, you want to swing on the swing again?

Well, I guess we could, just one more time.

No, it's a clue.

Oh. Oh, you see a clue.

Our third clue!

Well, where is it?

The tree!

Oh, on this tree.

A tree? Hmm.

Hey, you know where we need to write this clue?

Our handy-dandy...




A tree.

Let's draw a big, puffy shape for the leaves of the tree.

A rectangle for the trunk, and there, we have a tree.

A tree.

Oh, after our third clue, where do we go?

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair, right.

[ Barking tune]

Okay. Now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.

Will you help me?

You will?


Okay, so, we're trying to figure out where blue was

When she lost her backpack.

And the clues are:



And... A tree.


So, where could blue have been when she lost her backpack

That has flowers, grass, and a tree?


Well, what place around here has grass

And, and maybe some flowers nearby

And maybe even a tree?

Where do you think she was?


Oh, outside.

Outside, in the backyard

'Cause our backyard has all those things:

Flowers, grass and a tree!

We just figured out blue's clues.

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart!

Blue, were you outside in the backyard

When you lost your backpack?

[ Barks yes]

Well, then, let's...

♪ Go back, go back, go back

♪ Go back to where you were.

You were outside, in the grass

By the flowers, by the tree.

Let's go look.

Steve: backpack... Backpack...

Ooh, hi, shovel and pail.

We're looking for blue's backpack.

Do you want to help us?

Both: sure, we'll help you look.

Remember how we helped shovel and pail

Find their lost things?

I'll help you look, too.


Remember how we helped felix

Find the stuff that we lost

On the way to school?

Okay, everyone.

Let's look for that backpack.


Where is the backpack?

There, behind the tree!

You found it.

Right there, in the grass, by the flowers, behind the tree.

I can't wait for my surprise.

[ Barks "surprise!"]

Oh, blue.

You made this paper plate man for me.

Well, this is my surprise.

It was in your lost backpack.

Thank you so much, blue.

This has to be the best paper plate steve

I've ever seen.


Uh, now we have a surprise for you.

[ Barking]

♪ Now it's time for so long ♪

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ We can do...

♪ Anything

♪ That we want to do.


See you later.

Please recycle.

Bye. See you.

[ Barks "bye"]

[ Barks "bye-bye"]
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