03x16 - Occupations

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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03x16 - Occupations

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.


Hi. This is steve, reporting live from the front door.

This just in: our friend has just arrived.

Ha. See, I'm being an investigative reporter.

My job is to investigate things.

I report what I find out so everyone can know.

Right now, it's my job to investigate you.

You're big news around here, you know.

May I ask you a few questions?


Who did you come over to see today?

Steve and blue.

I see, I see.

And why did you come over?

To play "blue's clues".

That's amazing!

You came over to play blue's clues.

This just in: you came over to play blue's clues.

I'm steve, that's the news, now everyone knows.

Ha. Better go report this news to blue.

Come on.




A breaking story by the snack table.

Our puppy, blue, has decided to be someone today, too.

Let's investigate.

We appear to be at some sort of restaurant.

And there's blue.

Let's take a closer look.

[Barking a tune]


So, who is she being?

A cook!

Oh, yeah, a cook, or a chef.

Mmm, delicious.

Well, there you have it, folks.

Our puppy, blue, is being a cook.

If you look closely

You can see her cooking utensils.

She uses those to make food for people.

So, blue, this is fascinating.

Is that who you want to be today, a cook?

[Barking "no"]

No. No, that's not who you want to be.

Well, who do you want to be today?


Oh! This just in!

Blue wants to play blue's clues.

I love blue's clues.

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game, yeah! ♪

We'll play blue's clues to figure out who blue wants to be today. Ha.

So remember... Blue's paw print will be on the clues... Blue's clues.

So... How should we get rid of this paw print?


[With english accent]: hello. Window washer steve here.

Washing windows and paw prints, that's my job.

Well... Spit, spot.


[Normal voice]: there you have it, folks.

Window washer steve just cleaned up the paw print, because that's what he does.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

Hey, what do we need to start playing blue's clues?


Our notebook, right.

Come on.


[Deep voice]: can I help you?

Hey, side table, are you being someone today, too?

Yup, steve, I'm being a security guard.

I watch over things to keep them protected.

[Normal voice]: here's your notebook, steve.

[Deep voice]: safe and sound in my drawer.

[Deep voice]: thank you, security guard side table.

Keep up the good work.

[Normal voice]: you're welcome.

To play blue's clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first...


A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook!

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ You know what do-- sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time, we can do anything... ♪


♪ That we want to do.

So, we're here live in the living room

And we're investigating three clues that will tell us who blue wants to be today.

Will you help me find them?

You will?


Let's go.

Uh... Which way did blue go?

That way!

Oh... That way.

Our sources say blue went that way.

You sure are good at uncovering news.

Now let's go uncover some clues.

Excuse me, sir, have you seen any clues?

Hmm... No comment.

A clue, a clue!

Ooh, an eyewitness.

A clue, right there!

We hear you've seen a clue.

What more can you tell us?

There's a clue.

Right there.

Oh, there isa clue on this... Wooden stick.

This just in: we discovered a wooden stick clue. Ha.

Thanks to your amazing investigating skills.

So, a wooden stick is our first blue's clue.

You know where we need to write it?

In our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Okay, a wooden stick.

We start with a line that curves up and around.

There... A stick.

So, our first clue is a wooden stick.

Well, who could blue want to be today with... A wooden stick?

Do you know?

Oh... Maybe...

But I think we better find some more clues, don't you think?

Slippery: raise the nets!

Hey... That sounds like more news.

Let's investigate.

We've just entered the bathroom

And slippery is wearing some very puzzling clothes.

Steve, who am I being today?

Will you help me figure out who slippery is being?


I drop this net over the sides of my boat to catch fish.

So, who is slippery being?

A fisherman.

Oh, a fisherman.

Slippery, are you being

A fisherman... Person... Fisher... Soap?

Yup, I send what I catch all over the world

So people have something to eat.


Slippery is being a fisher-soap.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

Whoa... Got to go check my other nets.

Bye, steve.

Hey, we better go investigate more clues

To figure out who blue wants to be today.

Let's go.

Mrs. Pepper: bonjour et bienvenue a bord...

Do you hear that?

Hey, it sounds like something else to report.

Veuillez attacher votre ceinture

Hello and welcome aboard.

[Blue barks "hello"]

We will be flying high in the sky today

And I will be driving this plane.

Flight attendants, prepare for takeoff.

Veuillez attacher votre ceinture.

Please fasten your seat belts.

Who is mrs. Pepper being today?

A pilot!

A pilot?

Let's see.

Mrs. Pepper, are you being a pilot today?

That's who I am being, passenger steve.

I fly and land this plane all over the world.


[Imitates engine]

We've landed!


Before we go, captain pepper

Do you have anything you'd like to say to our audience?

I hope you had an enjoyable flight.

Thank you for flying the concord grape airline.

Thank you, captain pepper.

You're welcome.

I'm on my way!


Hmm... Uh-huh.

Pail, take a look.


Trouble shaking tail...

And fanning feathers.

We think you need a bandage.

There you go.

Hey, shovel, pail.

What are you doing?

We examine all kinds of animals

And make them feel better when they are sick.

Well, who are shovel and pail being today?

Do you know?


Oh, yeah, doctors. I see.

Well, what kind of doctors

Take care of only animals?


Veterinarians, right.

They're doctors who only take care of animals.

Veterinarian shovel

This giraffe would like a checkup.

Wait, hold everything.

It looks like these two veterinarians

Are about to perform a very delicate medical procedure.

Let's watch and see what happens.

Please say, "aah..."


Doctor pail, this giraffe thinks

A bandage will help her feel extra okay.

I see.

There you go.

How's that?

A clue!

I know, I've never seen anything like it.

A clue, a clue.

Right, they put the bandage

Right on the boo-boo.

No, there's a clue right there.

Oh, I get it.

There is a clue, on this bandage.

This just in: a bandage is our second clue.

You know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Okay... A bandage.

We draw a long, rectangular shape like this...

Two lines here, and some little dots for the holes.

A bandage.

So, do you remember what our first clue was?

A wooden stick, right.

And now our second clue is... A bandage.

So, who could blue want to be today

With a wooden stick and a bandage?

Do you know?

Ooh, maybe.

Stay tuned, folks.

We're going to have to find our third clue

Just to be sure.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

♪ ...mail time!

The mail's here

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪


Hello, and welcome to mail time.

With us today is a very important member of the household

The one responsible for bringing in the mail.

Mailbox, welcome.

So, tell us, what's it like

Having so many people depend on you

Each and every day?

It's a big responsibility, but I do my best.


And how did you start?

I started by just bringing in postcards.

Then I moved up to letters.

And now I even bring in packages.

I see.

Our mailbox--

A simple box who started out small, but worked hard.

Mailbox, do you have any advice

For our friend who may just be starting out themselves?

If you work hard, you can do anything you want to do.

Thank you, mailbox.

You're welcome.

Here's your letter.


We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

It's a letter from our friends.

Hi, steve, I'm a reporter reporting from a music studio.

♪ We are making music...

She's a singer.

♪ We are...

Hi, what's your job?

I'm a drummer.

♪ We are making music...

[Playing harmonica]

That's the harmonica player.

Can you try these again?

You're doing a great job.

He's the composer-- he writes songs.

♪ Ba-da-da-ba-bum

♪ Ba-da-da-ba-bum

See how all these people work together to make a song?

♪ Ba-da-da-ba-bum... Yeah! ♪

Back to you, steve.

All: bye!

Fascinating story.

[Distant voice]: oh, no, who should I call?

This just in: there's an intriguing voice coming from... That way.

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]

There's definitely a story there.

Follow that puppy!

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.

Hi, steve here, reporting live from what appears to be...

A construction site.

Hi, do you mind if we ask you a few questions?

Oh, not at all.

What is your name

And what are you doing

With all these supplies?

I'm door and I'm building my house.

Wow, doesn't it take a lot of people to build a house?

Are you building it all by yourself?

Nope. I have to call the right people to help me.

But I can't figure out who.

Hey, do you want to help door

Figure out who to call to build his house?


Don't worry, door.

We'll help.

Well, first, I have all these ideas.

I need someone to turn my ideas

Into a design for my house.

Who should I call for that?

Who should door call to design what his house will look like?

Should he call a librarian...

A farmer...

Or an architect?

The architect!

Oh, yeah, an architect

Because a librarian checks out books

And a farmer works on a farm.

Door, an architect is who you need.

Hello, I would like an architect, please.

Architect here. [Clicks]


I can make the designs for your house.

They're called blueprints.

What do you want your house to look like?

I'd like a big house with a slanted roof

A triangle-shaped window

And a rounded garage door.

Here you go.

Follow these blueprints carefully

And your house will turn out fine.

Great! Thanks!

Well, let's see what happens next in this house-building stuff.


Steve, now that I have blueprints

I need to find someone who can build the frame for my house.

Who should I call for that?

Well, who should door call to build the frame of his house?

A painter...

A builder...

Or an auto mechanic?

A builder!

Oh, yeah, a builder

Because a painter paints things

And an auto mechanic works on cars.

A builder is who you need

To build the frame of your house.

Yes, hello.

I need a builder, please.

Builder here.

Building house frames

Is one of the things I do.

Can I see your blueprints, please?

Oh, the builder is reading the architect's blueprints.

And now he's building the frame of the house.

Uh-huh... I see you're using... Wood.


Steve, I really need running water in my house

So the toilets and bathtubs work.

Who should I call for that?

Who should door call to set up running water in his house?

A plumber, an electrician, or a landscaper?

The plumber!

A plumber, yeah.

Plumber ought to be able to set up running water in your house.

Hi, uh, can you send...

Plumber here.

Let me at those pipes.

Well, plumber is running pipes all through door's house.

Now I connect all the pipes so that water can get into the house.

But what about the lights?

I need electricity, too.

Electrician here.

I could wire your house

So you can have lights.

Look, electrician is running wires

So door can have lights at night.

Now that everything is hooked up

Let's finish the walls.

And I can help you fix up your yard

So it looks nice.

I'm a landscaper, you know.


Landscaper is planting shrubs and trees in door's yard.

Looks nice.

Well, door, your house seems to be completed.

Looks all right.

Ah, it's the house that I always wanted.

But where do I go?

Right there!

Home sweet home!

There you have it.

Door's house is finished at last, and he's happy.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

Hey, we better get back to our house

So we can find our last clue.

Let's go.

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]

A clue, a clue!

Yeah, I know.

All that building

Gave me lots of ideas

For this house, too.

I'm thinking drawing room.

A clue!

Right there!

Ooh, a whirlpool.

That's a good idea.

We could put it in the mud room.

No, a clue!

Oh, you saw a clue?


This stethoscope is our third blue's clue!

You know where we need to put this clue.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Okay... Stethoscope.

First we draw a half-circle...

Then a squiggly line here...

A triangle on the bottom...

And two small circles that go in the ears.

There, a stethoscope.

A stethoscope is our third blue's clue.

We have all three clues.

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair.

Let's go.

Okay... Now that we're in our thinking chair

Let's think.

You will help me, right?

You will? Great!

So, we're trying to figure out who blue wants to be today.

And our clues are a wooden stick...

A bandage...

And a stethoscope.

So, who could blue want to be today

With a wooden stick, a bandage and a stethoscope?

What kind of person uses all these things?

You know, a wooden stick to check your throat...


And a bandage to help you heal faster.

And a stethoscope to check your heart-- lub-dub, lub-dub.

Who could she want to be today?

A doctor!

A doctor!

Blue, is that who you want to be today, a doctor?

[Barking "yes"]

That's it, folks--

Blue wants to be a doctor.

She wants to use a wooden stick to check our throats... Blah...

A bandage to help us heal faster...

And a stethoscope to check our hearts.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

We just figured out blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Blue, why don't you go to your office

And we'll go to the waiting room

And, uh, you can get ready to give us a checkup.

[Barks "okay"]


Hi. We're waiting in the waiting room

For doctor blue to call me for my appointment.

Beside me is...

Slippery, fisher-soap.

Mrs. Pepper, pilot.

Both: shovel and pail, veterinarians.

Remember how we figured out who they were being?

Is blue being an animal doctor like us?

Nope. She's being a doctor who only takes care of people.

Hey, look, it's door.

Remember how we helped him call the right people

To build his house?

How's the new abode?

It's swinging.

[Blue barks]

Doctor's ready to see me.




[Heart beating...]

Hey, do you want to hear, too?

[Beating louder]

Pretty neat, huh?

So, blue, am I okay?

[Barking "okay"]

Thank you, doctor blue.


There you have it, folks-- I'm okay.

That's the news, now everyone knows.

Great investigating.

Thank you so much for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything...

That we want to do.

This is steve, and blue, signing off.

Until next time. Buh-bye.

[Barking "good-bye"]



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