03x12 - Anatomy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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03x12 - Anatomy

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.


Oh, hi.

Come on in.

I'm so glad you're here.

Blue and I just discovered something amazing

With our... Stethoscope.

Come on.


Here... Put these in your ears.

Okay... Now, listen.

[Heart beating]

Is it working?

[Heart beating]


Well, what do you hear?

[Heart beating]

Blue's heart.

Yeah. Yeah, that's the sound...

[Blue imitating heartbeat]

Of blue's heart.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.

[Laughs] cool.

Hey, let's go see

If there's something else we can discover.

Oh... Thanks.



Blue, did you discover something?

[Barks enthusiastically]

Well, what is it?


Oh! You want us to play "blue's clues"

To figure out what you discovered.

What a great idea.

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's really fun, yeah. ♪

So remember, blue's paw print will on the clues.

Blue's clues.

Hey, what part of blue's body does she use

To make the paw print?

Her paw, yeah, right.

And she also uses her paws to walk and run

And... [Pop]... Leave clues

And even dance.

[Dance music playing]

Okay then.

To play blue's clues, we need our handy-dandy


Notebook, right.

Come on.

Hi, steve.

What's that?

Oh, this?

This is a stethoscope for listening to your heart.


Hey, side table drawer

Will you do us a really big favor?

Will you hold on to our stethoscope for us?


I'll take good care of it.

Here's your notebook.

Thank you, side table drawer.

You're welcome.

To play blue's clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right

And that's our first...


A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ You know what do

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going to need your help today

Trying to figure out what blue discovered.

You will help me, right?

You will?

Great, come on.


Whew... [Laughs]

Ooh... Hey.

I just discovered something else.

You got to try this with me.

Move around, really fast.

Okay, all right, now put your hand

On your chest, like this.

Can you feel that?

Can you feel your heart beating?

Yeah, me, too!

My heart's beating kind of fast.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.

So, I guess when you move around

It makes your heart beat faster.

Wow... I got to tell blue.

Hey, blue.


Did you see which way blue went?

That way!

This way. Great.


♪ Our hearts are beating for blue's clues... ♪

Lub-dub, lub-dub.

♪ Hearts are beating for blue's clues... ♪

Lub-dub, lub-dub.

A clue, a clue!

Oh, right, I have a dentist appointment tomorrow.

A clue, a clue, a clue!

Yeah, don't let me forget.

Oh... You see a clue!

I get it now.

Right here.

Our first clue is this, this... What is this?

A mouth.

A mouth.

Right, you know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...




To draw a mouth, we make a curvy line up and down

And then around here

And another line here.


A mouth.

[Woman humming]

Hmm, well, what do you think blue discovered with a mouth?

Do you know?

Maybe, but I think we better find two more blue's clues to figure this out.

Come on.

Steve, steve!

Where's that voice coming from?

Over there!

On the computer.


Hello there.

What's your name?

Hi! I'm cursor.

Look what I found on the computer.

It's all about the body. [Clicks]

Look at that.

Hey, what's this part right here? [Clicks]

Do you know, steve?

Why, that's the...

Computer voice: this is the mouth.

If you look closely, you can see the taste buds.

Taste buds help you taste food.


Steve, I can't find the taste buds.

Do you see the taste buds?

Where are they?

Right there.

Here? [Clicking]

Let's see.

Oh, yeah.

Those small bumps on the tongue

Must be the taste buds.

And right now

They're tasting some sour lemon juice.

Let's look at another part of the body.[Clicks]

Come on. [Clicks]

This is the inside of the ear.

If you look closely, you can see the eardrum

A very thin piece of skin that vibrates and shakes

When a sound come into the ear.


I don't see it.

Wow, can you help us find the eardrum?

Where is it?

Right there!

Here? [Clicks]

Let's see. [Clicks]

[Tone rising]

Oh, yeah, that must be the eardrum.

That sound made it vibrate and shake.

[Tone rising]

I want to see something different. [Clicks]

Let's go here now. [Clicks]

You ever get the feeling you were being watched?

This is the eye.

A closer look will reveal the pupil.

In the light, the pupil is very small

But in the dark, the pupil gets big.

The pupil?

I don't see it, steve.

Hmm, do you see the pupil?

Where is it?

Right there.

[Clicks] here in the middle?

Let's see. [Clicks]

[Lamp clicks]

[Lamp clicks]

Whoa, did you see that?

That dark spot in the middle

Got smaller when the light came on

And bigger when the light went off.

That must be the pupil.

I see.


You're welcome. [Clicks]

Ooh, we still have to figure out what blue discovered.

Come on.





Hey... I just discovered something else.

Put your hand in front of your nose and your mouth when you breathe, like this.


I can feel the air blowing out when I breathe.


Can you?


Let's use our lungs and breathe for blue's clues.

♪ We are breathing for blue's clues... ♪

[Inhales, exhales]

♪ We are breathing for blue's clues... ♪

[Inhales, exhales]


♪ ...clues, wonder where they are. ♪

Both: hello, steve!

Oh, hi, mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper.

Let me help you with that.

Whew, thank you, steve.

Can't be too heavy.


[Laughs with effort]

[Grunting]: oh, dear...

Ooh, la, la, steve-- big muscles.

Well, you know I have been... Working out.


Oh, ho.


Aha. [Giggles]


Hey, can you make a muscle?


Muscles help you to move different parts of your body.

A clue, a clue!

Oh, you see a clue? Where?

Right there.

Oh! I see it.

What is this paw print doing?

Seems to be making a wiggling motion, yeah.

So, this wiggle motion must be our second clue.

You know where we need to write this wiggle clue.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Let's make a big squiggly line, yeah

With some marks for motion.

There, a wiggle motion.

So, do you remember what our first clue was?

[Woman humming]

A mouth, right.

And now our second clue is this wiggle motion.

So what do you think blue discovered with a mouth and a wiggle motion?

Do you know?

[Humming continues]

Oh, yeah, but I think we better find our third clue, just to be sure.

♪ ...mail time!

The mail's here.

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪


Mail's here, mail's here.

Hi, steve.

Mailbox, what are you doing?

Oh, I'm just moistening my eyeballs

Keeping them wet and clean.

Moistening your eyeballs?

But it looks like you're just blinking.

That's what blinking does.

It keeps your eyes wet and clean.

Really? Even when I blink?

Yup, when everyone blinks.

Here's your letter.

Thanks, mailbox.

You're welcome, steve.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

Look, it's a letter from our friends.

All: hi, steve.

Today we're learning about our bones.

This skeleton shows all the bones that we have.

These are hip joints.

All: these are our hips.


Rib bone.

These are my ribs.

If we didn't have a skeleton, we couldn't move.

All: bye, steve!


Wow, that skeleton was really... Bony.

[Blue barks]

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]

Whoa... Blue just skiddooed into that...



Wonder what's in there.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too



I'm sarah scientist.

Oh, it's very nice to meet you.

This place is great.

Come over here.

I've built a special x-ray machine

That shows the inside of the body.

Hey, will you help me test my machine?

Do you want to help sarah scientist

Test her special x-ray machine?

You do? Great.

Sure, we can help.

[Beeping, ding]

Do you see anything?

Oh, yeah, I can definitely see something.

[Heart beating]

But what part of her body is it?

Do you know?


Her heart.

Her heart.

Hey, we can see your heart.

Oh, yes, my heart.

See what happens when I do this.

Hey, what's her heart doing now?

Sarah scientist, your heart

Is pumping blood all through your body.

That's what your heart does, steve.

Oh, yeah, remember?

We felt our hearts before... Lub-dub, lub-dub.

My machine, it's working!

Let's try it again.

[Beeping, ding]

What do you see now?

Can you help me with this again?

I see something, but what part of her body is it?

Her stomach!

Oh, her stomach.

Sarah scientist, we can see your stomach.

My stomach, yes.

Now watch what happens when I do this.

Hey, what is her stomach doing to that apple?

Sarah scientist, uh

That apple is breaking up into little pieces.

That's my stomach digesting the apple

So my body can use it for energy.

Steve, let's try my machine one more time.

[Beeping, ding]

What do you see now?

Um, I think I'm going to need your help again.

What is sarah scientist doing?

Well, it looks like she's... Breathing, yeah.

So, what part inside her body moves when she breathes?

Her lungs.

Oh, we can see your lungs, sarah scientist.

That's right.

When you breathe in... [Inhales]

Your lungs fill up with air

And when you breathe out... [Exhales]

Your lungs get smaller.

That's what happens when you breathe.

Wow, amazing!

It seems my special x-ray machine is working perfectly.

Thank you.

Can I try?

Ooh, I can see my bones!

Ooh, I can see my muscles!


Oh... [Laughs]

Right, blue, we still have to find our last clue

To figure out what blue discovered.

Bye, sarah scientist.

Bye, steve.

Thank you.

A clue, a clue!

Yeah, that is one big tooth.

No, a clue.

I bet you'd need a really big toothbrush to clean that tooth.

No, it's a clue.

Oh! That tooth is a clue.

We better put it in our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Hope it fits.

To draw a tooth, we draw a line that curves around like this

And another curvy line for the top.

Hey, we have all three clues.

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair.

Let's go.

[Barking "blue skiddoo"]

Ah... Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair

Let's think.

You will help me, right?

You will? Great.

So, we're trying to figure out what blue discovered

And our clues are a mouth...

[Woman humming]

A wiggle motion...

And... A tooth.

So, what could blue have discovered

With a mouth, a wiggle motion and a tooth?

Well, what could wiggle?

Maybe something in your mouth could wiggle

But what could wiggle in your mouth?

A tooth!

Yeah, a tooth could wiggle.

But why would a tooth wiggle?

It's loose, it's coming out.

Yeah, a loose tooth!

Blue must have discovered that she has

A loose tooth in her mouth that's wiggling.

We just figured out blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Blue, did you discover

That you have a loose tooth?


You have your first loose tooth!


Can we see it?



Oh, that is so cool.


Wiggle it again.


This is so exciting.

Hey, I know how we can find out more

About blue's loose tooth. Come on.


What are you looking up?

Could I help?

Look, it's cursor.

Remember, the taste buds

And the eardrum and the pupil.

Um, we want to learn more

About blue's loose tooth.

A loose tooth?

What a great discovery.

I can help.

Blue has a loose tooth?

We want to see, too.

It's mr. Salt, mrs. Pepper and paprika.

Remember how we helped them lift that really heavy bag?

Blue, you are getting so big!

I know a lot about loose teeth.

And it's sarah scientist.

Remember how we helped her test

Her special x-ray machine.


Sarah: okay, teeth get loose and fall out

To make room for bigger, stronger teeth.

But not that fast.

[Barks in amazement]

Wow, blue, so that's what's happening.

Your tooth is loose and soon it'll fall out

Because a bigger tooth

Is going to grow in its place.


Thank you so...


Blue, is that your loose tooth?

[Barks yes]

It came out!

This is...

Are you okay?

This is great!

Hey, let's put it someplace safe to keep it.

Hey, side table, do you have something that we could keep blue's tooth in?

Blue's loose tooth came out? Yay!

I have just the thing.

Ooh, that's perfect.


You're welcome.

Congratulations, blue.

[Barks "thank you"]

Maybe blue will put it under her pillow.

Thank you so much for all your help today.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.

Buh-bye. Don't forget to brush.

[Blue barks "good-bye"]

[Woman singing scat...]


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