02x04 - Action Packed/Smarty Pants

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x04 - Action Packed/Smarty Pants

Post by bunniefuu »

F ♪♪ timmy is an average kid ♪

♪♪ That no one understands ♪

♪♪ Mom and dad and vicky ♪

♪♪ Always giving him commands ♪

Bad twerp!

♪♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪♪

♪♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause in reality... ♪

♪♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪♪

♪♪ With fairly oddparents ♪

Yeah, right.



[Alarm goes off]


Here we go. Another boring day.

Sports. Same. News. Same. Weather. Hey!



See ya.

Man, this tv show sure is boring.

Guess what boring movie we rented?

The boring dog who could sh**t boring hoop.

Announcer: detective ryan mccain is a loose cannon cop

Who doesn't play by the rules in...

Uh! Egad!

In my advanced state of lethargy,

I must have grabbed something interesting by mistake!

Come on, guys! Can we watch it?

Please! Please! Please!

Wow! This movie is violent andstupid!

I know. I'd have settled for just one.

Ah! Hah! My brains! Babble and drool!

Timmy: pow! Pssh! Boom! Pssh! Bee woo woo!

Vruh! Bee-woo-wow! Powwah-hah!

Timmy turner is a loose cannon cop on the edge,

Who doesn't play by the rules.

Boom! Ha ha!

Action movies are awesome!

I know, but it was just a movie.

So what? In that movie, life was exciting.

Action everywhere ya look.

I want a life like that!

But, timmy, that would be dangerous.

Not to me!

I'd be the hero,

And nothing bad ever happens to the hero!

I wish my life was exactly like an action movie!

Action...[Yawn]... Movie...[Snore].


[Alarm goes off]

Good morning, mr. Turner!

Cosmo's voice: we scheduled you for a death call at : sharp!


I mean...that was close.

What's going on?

What you wished for.

Your life is now an action movie.


Hold on, big guy.

You can't go out and beat baddies in your pjs!

Booyah! Awesome!

I've got o'clock shadow!

And it's only a.m.

That reminds me.

Here, timmy.

You might need this.

A watch?

It's more than just a watch.

It's a multipurpose wrist communicator,

So you can stay in touch with us.


I'm late for breakfast!





A percent chance...

Of action!

On tape: pass the butter. This tape will now self-destruct.

It's butterin' time.

Oh, no! I'm late for school.

Explosions, villains,

And jet packs out of nowhere!

I should have wished for my life to be like this years ago.

It's quiet in here... Too quiet.

Timmy's really whoopin' tushy.

Yeah, but I got a bad feeling about this.

Things always go from bad to worse in action movies.

Really? Like how?

Like this! Ah ha ha ha!

Cool! I wish I had more ninjas to fight.

Cosmo! Wanda! Where are you?

Wanda: timmy! Timmy! Come in!

Cosmo: are you calling timmy?

Tell him cosmo says hi.

Shush. Timmy, you have to save us!

Come on, come on. Tell him I said hi.

We've been fairynapped!

We don't know where we are.

Timmy? Is that you?

Hi, timmy!

There isn't much time.

I've gotta save them!

Boy, this movie just gets better and better.

Let's see. If I use the communicator

To triangulate the signal from their transmission,

I should be able to pinpoint their location.

Ah-ha! Bingo!

Now I just have to find out who's behind all this.

Let me save you the trouble, puny man.

I, jorgen von strangle,

Very tough fairy and obligatory action movie villain,

And my kitty, mr. Toolitoes...

Kitty, kitty, kitty...

Are going to kidnap all the fairies in the world

And then, using my brilliant

Magic siphoning invention,

I will suck the magic out of their pathetic fairy bodies...

And transfer it into my wand!

Ah-ha ha ha ha!

Timmy! Help! He's taking our magic!

Ehhhh, I like older woman...

But wait...wait...stop!

Ah-ha ha ha ha ha!

Soon the world will be mine!


The horror!

The pure, unadulterated, pg- horror!

Cosmo: you mustn't blame yourself,

Even though it is all your fault.

Wanda: timmy, remember...

We love you...

Timmy: noooooooooo!

I goofed up this world.

Now I'm ungoofing it.

Yes, that's it.

Heh heh heh. Drain those fairies

Of every last sprinkle of magic

My beautiful machine.

Eh! Off with you! Go do...kitty things.

I want to be alone with my wonderful invention. Ha ha!

Oh, who is the pretty machine?

You are! Oh, yes you are. Yes...

Egggh! Soon all the world's magic

Will be at my disposal,

And then I shall rule the world!

Not so fast, jorgen von poop-head!


Set the fairies free and gimme back my godparents!

You fool. By draining these fairies of their magic,

I have done what I thought was impossible.

I've found a way to make myself even more powerful!

Oh, crud!

Now-witness- my-power!

Prepare for your... Doom!

Oh, double crud.

He's gone mad with power.

Pathetic human!

He's too powerful.

I can't dodge him forever.

If only I could get to that machine.

Oh, triple crud.

It is over, turner.

Prepare to change your name to

The late timmy turner.


Aahh! Mr. Toolitoes? What are you doing?

Ah! Get off me! Ah!

Muscles-too-huge. Can't reach face!

Hey, jar-head. Lose something?


Why did I put a reverse switch on it?

'Cause this is my movie.

Uh-oh, it's overloading!

Eehh! My muscles, my beautiful muscles!

My heart, she is glad.

But my art... She will suffer.


We're young!we're magic!

And we're not dust. Thank goodness.

I was allergic to myself.

Guys, I'm so sorry.

My selfish wish almost...


Ruined everything for everybody.


Can you ever forgive me?

Already done, timmy.

We love you!

So, timmy, got any more wishes?

I sure do.


I wish the world was back to its normal, boring, safe self.


You've got it!




Cool! Same boring house.

Same boring breakfast.

Same boring life.

Hey, where are my same boring parents?

[g*nsh*t]oh, no!

[Car screeches, crash!]

That ryan mccain is a loose cannon cop on the edge!

Boom! Yeah! This is cool!

I wish my life could be an action movie!

Trust me. No, you don't.

That's it! You're off the case!


Who's up for a nice, safe

Disease of the week movie?

Ooh! I am.

I thought so.


[Bell rings]

Well, class, the test results are in...

And, as always, aj gets an a.

All right! Another a!

I'm gonna add this to my "a" collection.


What's wrong, timmy?

Aw...i didn't study.

Well, I thought you were studying all week with cosmo.

What were you guys doing?

Hey! Wanna play the "not study game?"

How do you play?

You're already playing!



My parents are gonna totally k*ll me!

Go aj! Go aj!...

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh!

All right, I heard!

The whole school heard you!

Give it a rest!

There's no need for jealousy, timmy.

I'm not jealous.

I'm just sick of crocker failing me.

If you studied, you probably wouldn't fail.

I'll bet I could help you get that "f"

All the way up to a "d".


Thanks a lot, supernerd.

But shouldn't you be rescuing a calculator from a tree?

Spell "calculator".



Son, do you know why we're disappointed in this "f"?

Because I can do better than that?

What? You can?

What a relief! We were going to blame ourselves.

You march right up to your room

And apply yourself!

Chapter one.

I'm done.

Let's play the "not study game."

All I have to do is get the turbo laser

Hyperbole generator to activate zarkon's principle of thrust

And create a worm hole large enough

To break the space-time continuum!

[Phone rings]darn it.


Hi, timmy. I...

Crash nebula video game: game over! But I shall return.

Are you playing the crash nebula video game?

Shouldn't you be studying?

What are you, my mom?

Hey, genius. You missed the receiver.

Nope, still off.

Just 'cause aj gets as all the time,

He thinks he knows everything!

But he doesn't.

Hey, but I could. Right?

I wish that I knew everything!


[Applause]let's see how smart you are.

What flammable...


What flammable substance is the most abundant element in the universe?

[Buzz!] Timmy?


And the study of fish? Ichthyology.

And a chinese mammal who eats mainly bamboo, is the giant panda.

Correct. It's official!

You know everything!

[Buzz buzz!]

I like making the buzzy noise.

[Bell rings]

Well, we're two days away from the academic brainathon

And I don't suppose anyone other than aj read...

About the texans' w*r for independence from mexico?

Remember? The alamo. Yes, the alamo!

Circa . Days.

It gained texas its independence and added more than...

...a million square miles to america.

Actually a million, five thousand and two.

He's right.

May I borrow your "a"?

Here you go.

[Kids cheer]


What was that all about?

Let's see, how can I phrase this eloquently?

Oh, yeah! Just smokin' you at your own game.

Go timmy, go timmy, go timmy!

Yeah, timmy, go.

So you're smart for a day.

You think anybody's impressed?

Wow, timmy, I'm impressed!

How would you like to be in our academic brainathon?

We could sure use you as a first chair.

But...i've always been first chair.

Oh, aj, you'll still be on the team.

You'll just be in the not-as-important second chair.

What's the difference?

One chair. Duh!


[Flipping tv channels]

Oooh! The game!


Oooh! The other game!


Ooooh! Government funded television!


Oh, timmy, my little prodigy,

I made you...

A hot fudge sundae,

Teeming with cholesterol, saturated fats,

Artificial preservatives. Gee, thanks.

Wanda and cosmo: gasp!


I was filling out your application to harvard

Like you told me to and...

You misspelled college. Way to go.


Wow! It sure is late! Time for bed, champ.

Geniuses get to stay up late.

Oh, not when they're years old, they don't.

Well, if your math is as good as dad's spelling,

I may already have turned for all you know!


Those gasping mice are right!

You are way out of line!

You can make fun of my math skills until it's o'clock,

But you do not act like a smarty-pants.

Can you prove I was a smarty-pants?

Eeehh wha...?

In an infinite universe,

Where reality is interpreted through

Our continuously fluctuating perception,

Providing any kind of absolute definitive proof of anything

Becomes little more than speculation based on random data.

Uh...in an infinite what?

Errr...my brain hurts.

[Bell rings]

Welcome to the annual dimmsdale academic brainathon!

Today's competition is between snerd elementary

And dimmsdale elementary!

[Crowd cheers]

Here's your first question...

This pacific northwest insect can grow to a length of inches.


Well, it's very obvious. The answer is...uh...


Uh, no, I'm sorry. Duh is incorrect.

[Buzz!] Snerd!

The banana slug.

First point goes to snerd!

What are you doing?

Um...building dramatic tension?

Next question.

What is the capitol of idaho?

[Buzz!] Dimmsdale.


It's...uh...i gotta go.



Correct! Point for dimmsdale.

Cosmo...wanda... Where are you? What's going on?

I don't know anything anymore!

Welcome to my world.

Now that you're in a competition,

You can't use the knowledge to win.

That's cheating! The wish is off!

What? Why didn't you tell me that?

We figured you'd know, mr. "I know everything in the universe."

I got here because of a magic wish.

Aj worked hard for it...

And I took it away from him.

And that completes our first round

With snerd leading by points.

We'll take a short intermission and then continue.


What? Did you get the questions wrong

So you can look like the big hero

With a come-from- behind-victory?

I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you.

I was just jealous.

And, in an impossible-to- explain way,

I sorta cheated to make myself seem smarter than I really am.

Yeah, well...

Maybe you would have let me help you study

If I hadn't been so busy gloating.

But you deserve to gloat!

Everybody's got something they're good at.

You're good at studying and I'm good at...uh...

Playing video games.

Did you see how much faster you were than me on that buzzer?

Maybe, but it doesn't matter.

I can't win by cheating.

I'm gonna disqualify myself.

Excuse me. I...

He wanted to tell you that he wants to switch chairs with me

And get back in the game. Right?

Uh...yeah! What he said.

He's the smart one.

And you're the fast one.

I'll be the brains, you be the reflexes.

Deal? Deal!

Welcome back. The score is to ,

With snerd in the lead.

Let's begin.

The scientific name for "spider".

It's arachnid.




Another point for dimmsdale.

[Buzz!]Gluteus maximus!


[Buzz!]The answer is , .


Nice button-hitting, pal.

Don't thank me. Thank the "not study game!"

Well, with a dead-heat score of to ,

We move on to our final question.

The category is...potpourri.

A question about smelly stuff?

A question than can be about anything.

Describe the propulsion system used on...

The spaceship used by crash nebula?

I don't know that!


And dimmsdale!

Crash nebula's cross-dimensional propulsion system

Uses a turbo-laser hyperbole generator

To activate zarkon's principle of thrust

To create a worm hole large enough

To shatter the space-time continuum!

Correct! Dimmsdale wins!

Both: yes!

[Audience applauds and cheers]

Congratulations, timmy turner!

Actually, I'd like this to go to my pal aj.

He did the work.

I just made the buzzy noises.


I gotta work on the gloating.

[Timmy sighs]

Wanda: we're glad you're back to normal, timmy.

Yeah! We missed the nice, less smart you.

Dad: ah ha!

After re-reading our parenting books,

We think we've got a response to your sassiness.

Yes! We hired a lawyer!

Well, that won't be necessary.

I'm sorry I was a jerk,

And I think you have the grounds to... Well, ground me.

I was a creep, a big, smart creep.

You figured that out on your own?

Well, I still get paid.

We grounded the smart kid!

Go parents! Go parents!

Uh-huh! Go parents!

Indeed! Mm-hmm!

Nothing to do now except study.

Good idea, timmy!


Cosmo: indeed!
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