03x09 - Abra-Catastrophe! Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x09 - Abra-Catastrophe! Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality, they are his... ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Wands and wings!♪ Floaty crowny things!

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you're the kid with ♪

♪ Fairly odd parents!

Yeah, right!

[Crocker laughing]

So, little fairy,

Do you like the way

I've changed everything into planet crocker?

It's horrible.

When are you going to let me go?

What's today? Tuesday.

Wednesday, thursday...

Never! Ha ha ha!


Fancy that!

It's time for the hourly bowing down ceremony.

Good evening, everybody.

I'm chet you-bow-down

And it's time to bow down

Before our lord and master,

Mr. Crocker.

Crowd: yay!

Let's get ready to bow down!




Look at them bow to me, their ruler.

Do you know what this party needs?

Shrimp puffs!



Crowd: agh! Shrimp puffs!



He's hurting wanda!

He's too powerful!

We gotta do something!

Well, what do you want me to do?

I mean, look at me. I'm a wimp.

These aren't muscles. These are bones with sleeves.

I can't do it!

I failed youandwanda.

Ok, cosmo's too freaked out to do anything.

I guess it's up to me.

I'll never bow down to you, crocker!

I don't care how powerful you are,

You're still a second-rate elementary schoolteacher.

And shrimp puffs reek!

Crowd: ooh.

Hmm, what would an angry dictator

Say right now?

"I'm gonna let the fairy go"?

No! Good try, though. I respect that.

He'd say, "silence!"



Who are you?!

I'm one of america's most beloved comedy entertainers.

Fine, shemp.

If it's a magic fight you want,

It's a magic fight you'll get!


Now, my comedic little friend,

I hope you enjoy life as a shrimp puff!

Cosmo: excuse me. Hi, mr. Crazy face.

Meet mr. Fairy fist!

Cosmo, you saved me!

And you look positively hunky.

Where were you?

I poofed home and watched

My favorite workout video,

Second massive pecs.

You can't get massive pecs like this

With just magic, you know.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I'm going to rescue my wife!


That fairy hit me.

Wait! Thatfairyhit me.

Cosmo, look out!

Those are some massive pecs.

Oh, poopy.


Nice massive pecs.

You like them? Well, maybe I'll watch

-Second massive calves

And -second massive thighs

And -second massive glutes.

Now I have two times the fairy fun,

And nobody can stop me.

Let those fairies go!

Back for more, eh?

Ok, I'll show you what magic--

Along with the proper planning and a little psychosis--

Can really do!

Ha ha ha!




Go ahead and run, little man!

If the asteroids don't get you...

I will!

Crocker may have magic, but he's still human.




My magic might not be able to affect you,

But it can affect everything around you.

Nice kitty.


Happy easter!



Timmy: good boy!

Now let's get that mean old mr. Crocker.


No! I don't want to be a cat toy!


Had enough, tiny?

I'll show you who's tiny.

Subatomic, in fact!

Where did he go? Where did he go!

I've got to get crocker back on the defensive

If I'm ever going to get that muffin!

Where did he go?

He's got to be around here somewhere.


Ha ha!

You always were a lousy teacher, crocker,

But I did learn something from science class,

And that's what happens

When you split an atom.

Ha! You missed!

Wasn't aiming at you.

Ha ha! Seems his splitting the atom plan has backfired.

There's no possible way he could have survived

An atomic expl*si*n.


Guess again, crockpot!

I'm just as powerful as you are.


You're not shemp! You're not even curly joe!

Uh-oh. I knew I should have gotten those things fitted.

I should have known.

Perhaps these fairy godparents

Aren't powerful enough to stop you,

But I know which parents are:

Your mom and dad!




Both: aah!

Mom! Dad!

Timmy: mom! Dad!

Leave them alone!

You're done giving me orders, turner.

Now surrender, or I turn your parents into ice sculptures

And transport them to the sun!


I surrender.


I win! I like it when I win.

But do you know what I like better?

I like it when other people...


Wait! Before you waste me,

Can I at least have one last word

With my mom and dad?

Why should I allow that?

Well, other great evil villains grant last requests.

Don't you want to be a great evil villain?

Well, I've always been an over-achiever.

Why settle for villain

When I can be agreatevil villain?

Very well.

But make it quick.

Both: timmy!

Normally, I don't like the chain look,

But you pull it off quite nicely.

You great evil monster!

Thank you. I was going for that.

I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!

Hey! Bear hands!

Mom, dad, no!

He's too powerful.

And...and it's all my fault, anyway.

None of this would have happened

If I hadn't gotten mad at you today.

Oh, timmy, we're sorry, too.

Oh, for pete's sake. Pick it up, people!

But no matter what happens to us,

No matter what crocker does,

Just remember,

This will always be true:

We love you.

I love you, too.

And over the years, I've told my share of lies.

You see those two creatures floating in crocker's scepter?

Hey, they have the same eyes as your goldfish.

And the same eyes as your notebooks.

And the same eyes as your balloons.

In fact, they look like a lot of stuff you have.

You know why?

Because their names are cosmo and wanda.

Both: timmy!no!

And they're my fairy godparents!

Ha ha! I knew it all along!

I was right! You do have fairies--

That I have now! Ha ha ha!

You mean, all this time you had magical fairy godparents

That granted your every wish?

And I still have to work my paws to the bone

To scrape out a meager existence

In a middle-class neighborhood?

Well, there's rules

As to what I can and can't do with them.

And you just broke the biggest one.

When you reveal our existence,

We have to go away forever!


That's the point.


But we don't want to go away forever!

We love you!

I love you, too,

And that's why I had to tell the truth.

Because the truth will set you free!

Both: timmy!

No! Stop! My fairies!

No! Blast! My fairies! They're gone!

You will pay for that!

All: aah!

Well, I can still smack you around with this.

I'll go for his teeth.

And I'll claw out his eyes. Uh-oh.

Dad and mom: and that's the truth.

[Crocker grunting]

The fairy-versary muffin!

And now for my rule-free wish.


I wish cosmo and wanda were my godparents again!


Wow, that was quick.

Oh, nice use of muffin, sport.

Would you like to do the honors?

You bet!

I wish everything was back to normal,

And everybody forgot I had fairy godparents!


Cool! My same old house!

Cool! My same old godparents!

Bye, timmy. We're off to work.

And after paying all the bills,

We're going to sock the extra cash away

For your college fund.

I mean, spend it on a nice dinner alone!

Cool. Parents who tell the truth.

Same old school.

And same old crocker.

It's true! Fairies exist!

And someday, you will all bow down to me!

But today, it's time for you to bow down

For your medicine.

Night-night, crazy guy.


And my same old room.

Everything's the way it should be.

My parents are finally telling the truth,

While I continue to lie to them about you guys.


Rule-free wish or not,

You almost destroyed the world!

And you revealed the existence of your fairy godparents!

Your godparents must return to fairy world with me at once!

And this time, they will be reassigned

To a more trustworthy child.

Any last words, puny earth boy?

Think fast.

Ow! I...

Wait. What was I just doing?

You were just about to reassign us.

Ooh, really?

Yeah! Word on the street is,

There's a -year-old boy

With a silly pink hat and a horrible baby-sitter

Who could really use some fairy godparents.

Well, ok. Where would I find such a child?


You! I will assign them to you

Until my head stops hurting

And I can concentrate long enough to find such a child.

What was I going to do next?

Uh, scramble the fairies?

Yes! I like to scramble the fairies!

Well? Well, what?

Did I not just get assigned fairy godparents?

Oh, right.

I'm cosmo!

And I'm wanda!

And we're your fairy godparents!

And I wouldn't wish it any other way!




They're here! I can prove it!




Night-night, crazy guy.


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