03x16 - Pipe Down!/The Big Scoop!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x16 - Pipe Down!/The Big Scoop!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Timmy is an average kid ♪

♪♪ That no one understands ♪

♪♪ Mom and dad and vicky ♪

♪♪ Always giving him commands ♪

Bad twerp!

♪♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪♪

♪♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause in reality... ♪

♪♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪♪

♪♪ With fairly oddparents ♪

Yeah, right.



[Alarm goes off]

I'm chet ubetcha,

And that was a test of the emergency meteor warning system.

But that was just a test.

Yeah! If an actual meteor was actually going to plow into dimmsdale,

You'd have actually heard this.

Ah ah! Oh, my gosh!

Run! A meteor!

We're all gonna die!





Yeah! Ah ha ha ha!


Hey, timmy!


Come on! Charades! [Bang!]

Hey, I was doing something!

And now you're doing something else.

Playing a nice, friendly,

Non-competitive game of charades

With our good friends, the dinklebergs.

But you hate the dinklebergs.

Uh--when they're not around.

But since they're within earshot,

I love them!

Eh--how does this whole charades thing work?

But dad, you're the world charades champion

Five years running.

Hey, whoa! Are you insinuating

That this is all part of some sinister plot

To invite the dinklebergs over

To humiliate them in a game of charades?

Ha ha ha ha!


I know. That's why we don't have any.

Ha ha ha! Me, too!

Come on. Let's play charades.

All right, you guys. Remember the rules of charades.

This means "sounds like."

This means "two words."

This means you got it.

Now let's show these dinklebergs

How we turners are the best charades players ever!

You are the worst charades players ever!

[Mom crying]

Thanks for the trophies, turner.

This is not a bulldozer.

This is not a fudge sickle.

And how is this ghostbusters ii?

But-- no buts.

Go to your room!

Aw, cheer up, sport.

Charades is simple when you get the hang of it.

Yeah, we can totally turn you into a champion!

Now, focus.

What am i?

You're a white horse.

No! I'm a stripeless zebra!

What's the matter with you?!

You're the worst charades player ever!

Stop yelling at timmy!

Stop yelling at cosmo!

Stop yelling at me for yelling at cosmo for yelling at you!

Stop yelling at me for yelling at you

For yelling at cosmo for yelling at me!

Stop yelling at me for yelling at you

For yelling at me for yelling at cosmo for yelling at you!

Stop yelling at timmy for yelling at you

For yelling at him for yelling at blah blah blah!

That's it!

I'm sick of people yelling!

I'm sick of the noise!

All I want is complete and utter silence!

And put it in wish form!

[No sound throughout]


[Loud music]

I wish the meteor was gone!



Timmy, you did it!

You charaded the sound back

And saved us from the meteor!

Oh, my gosh! There was a meteor?

Son, I'm sorry I snapped at you about charades.

It's not like our lives depended on it.

Besides, those trophies didn't mean anything to me anyway.

[Knock on door]

Hey, turner. I melted down your charades trophies

And made a solid gold toilet seat.



Better go break this baby in.


[With french accent] fantastique!

Wow! Nice tall, pointy thingy, timmy.

Yeah! You finally built your model of the eiffel tower!

Yeah, and best of all,

I don't have to worry about dad snapping at me over charades anymore.

Timmy, hurry up! We're playing the dinklebergs

In red light/green light, double or nothing for the golden toilet seat!


Oh, no!

My tower!




Like father, like son.

Stop yelling at me!


Man: chester, you're gonna be late!

Just finishing my chores, pop.

Viola! Paper plates, washed!

Dishes done.

[Cat screeches]

Living room's clean.

And now I'm off to get a.j.

So we can turn in our big story for the school paper.

Bye, pop.

Have a good day at school, son.

Man, we got to get chair in here.

[Ding dong]

Alarm system: security system activated.

Girl scout...

Prepare to be vaporized in - - .

Ahh! Ahh! A.j., It's me, chester!

Identity confirmed. Chester.


Chester, prepare to be vaporized in - - .

Sorry, uh-- my parents set that.

But your parents love me.

[Horn honking]

There's the bus.

We don't want to be late.

I printed out our barn-burning

Front page worthy story

For the school newspaper.

Oh, yeah. With your words and my pictures,

We're gonna shake the foundations of the school

To its core!

Fight the power!

I'm sorry, but you can't fight the power

With a story like this.

But--mr. Birkenbake,

Back hair is a plague that's sweeping this school!

The people need to know!

Not about mine.

Look little writing dudes,

It's a free world and you can, like, write about anything you want.

I'm not saying back hair isn't an important and interesting story. Fine.


But that's exactly what I'm saying.

If you don't find a better story,

You and your hairless backs, are, like, off the paper.


Oh, man!

If I get kicked off the paper,

That'll be the first non-sporting club

I've ever been kicked out of.

Dagummit! We can't let the first amendment down.

It's the only one I know!

Where are we going to find a story

That's not about mr. Birkenbake's back hair by tomorrow?

Timmy? You look positively popular.

Where'd you get all this stuff?



I inherited the internet.

Uh-bup-bup. Seat's taken.

By who?


And where are we supposed to sit?

Hi, I'm elmer, and this is my boil, bob.

Inherited the internet?

Is that even possible?

No, chester, it's not.

The internet's for everyone

And no one man can own it.

I know. I've tried.

My eyes! My perfect blue eyes!

Something of national importance is going on with timmy.

And the first amendment gives us the right to violate his privacy

And find out what it is.

I think.

To the permanent records!

I'm sorry, boys, but I can't let you look

At timmy turner's permanent records,

No matter how quickly he became popular

And traded up to better friends.

Well, I'm sorry you feel that way.



It's easy.

Too easy.

Allow me.

Thank you corrective dentistry.

They gave me a quarter.

Am I in trouble?

Is this tuna?


Then you're fine.

She's eating the tuna. Seconds.

Chester: o seconds.


The system is coming to stomp down

On the people's right to know the truth!

Got it!

Oh, my goodness!

This is an outrage! I--hmm?

Yay! Cookie!

Wow! Timmy's permanent record!

Who knows what kind of dark secrets

And hidden agendas we'll find in here.

Let's do this.


Low grades, health report.

Look at all the cheese he ate in fourth grade.

No wonder he was constipated that entire year.

And here's a photo from his last parent/teachers conference.

Holy food stamps!

Those aren't timmy's parents.

You're right.

That guy with green hair

Looks way smarter than timmy's dad.

Here they are in the three-legged race.

Picking him up from school.

And here they are backstage with siegfried and roy!

No way! Those tickets are impossible to get.

I know. I've tried.

There's only one logical explanation.

Come on.

Timmy turner?

We know your secret.


We know you got rid of your real parents

And used the insurance to buy the internet

And these pink and green replacement parents.

We're onto you.

Um--i still can't see,

But those two kids sound really unpopular.

Guys, I'm finally at the popular table.

Can we do this later?

Ha ha oh! You'd like that, wouldn't you?

Is that all part of your scheme?

Are you gonna get rid of us, too? Hmm?

Actually, that would be my job.

We will not be silenced!

Do you hear anything?

Shh. He's talking.

Hey, about today. It seems like I got on your nerves.

Yeah, I'd get on my parents nerves, too,

If had them bound, gagged, and stuffed in a bowling ball bag!

Quiet. Get up there and find out what's happening.

Chester mcbadbat, ace photographer on the case.

I'm part squirrel.

Go. There are lives at stake.

So, I made you a list of things I'll need for my party

Tonight at my mansion!

That fiend! He's using his parents' insurance money

To fund some sort of fancy mansion party.


Oh, my gosh. I--whoa!


Did you get the shot?

Chester mcbadbat, ace photographer,

Always gets his shot.

Come on. Let's go run this by mr.birkenbake.

Chester mcbadbat, ace photographer,

Is not part flying squirrel.

Chester, a.j.?

Do you, like, have any idea what time it is?

Investigative journalism has no curfew, man!

And I don't have a watch.

We're sorry to bother you, mr. Birkenbake,

But we have our story.

Yeah. Timmy turner got rid of his parents

And he's using the insurance money to become more popular!

Do you have any proof?

Did you, like, talk to timmy?


Boys, if you're gonna destroy somebody's reputation,

You have to be fair and get their side of the story, too.

And you have to do it by tomorrow,

Or you're off the paper.


This is just another way the man is keeping us down!

Amen, brother. Amen.

Ok, we get one statement from timmy...

And then tomorrow, we expose him

As the vicious, pink-hatted scoundrel he is.

I want friends who like me for who I am,

Not for the stuff I have.

I'm sorry I didn't figure that out earlier.

Wow. He just dumped his popularity to be friends with us.

Big deal. He's still a less popular

Parent getter rid-of-er... Ver.


We're back.

And there's our son who never bounds and/or gags us.

Or stuffs us into bowling ball bags.

He's so good to us.

Cool. His parents are still alive.

Oh, great.

Except now mr. Birkenbake's

Gonna kick us off the paper for sure.

So, you boys don't have a story.

No, mr. Birkenbake.

Timmy's a good friend and didn't get rid of his parents.

We didn't want to trash his reputation unfairly.

Oh, yeah. When we trash his reputation,

We want to have our facts straight.

Which is why you get to stay on the paper.


Little freedom fighters,

You just learned the most important lesson in journalism.

It is better to print a boring, truthful story

Than an exciting lie.

Now, go get me a truthful story.


Um...and we promise the next story we bring you

Will be both exciting and the truth.

So, tell us more about how you gave us detention

Because you read the story we wrote about

How we broke into the permanent records.

That's exciting and truthful.

No talking!

I will not be silenced!

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