04x18 - Catman Meets the Crimson Chin/Genie Meanie Minie Mo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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04x18 - Catman Meets the Crimson Chin/Genie Meanie Minie Mo

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality, they are his... ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Wands and wings!♪ Floaty crowny things!

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly odd parents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you're the kid with ♪

♪ Fairly odd parents!

Yeah, right!

Hey, future crime stopper!

Tell me your name,

And I'll sign this photo of me

As tv's catman.

I don't want your autograph.



Woman: help!

A cry for help! This looks like a job for...


Here you go.


These prices are a crime!

Did somebody say "crime"?

[Cat meowing]

I hope you know a good lawyer.

Your honor,

I wish my client catman was not guilty.

Timmy, I don't know how you do it.

I guess the world doesn't need crime fighters

With colorful costumes anymore.


[People screaming]

Crimson chin!

We need you and your colorful costume!

Men: ♪ here comes the crimson chin

Your heavy metal household weaponry

Will never wipe away justice from this city,

Iron maiden!

All: yay, crimson chin!

Wow! They sure love their colorful crime fighters

In the crimson chin's web-toon.

But not in dimmsdale.

Adam sure seemed upset outside the courthouse.

Yeah! And he's still upset!

Timmy, what'll I do all day

If I can't fight crime?

I can't lick the spoons clean

At the dairy whip.

That would be unsanitary.

People on computer: yay, crimson chin!

Hey! I know a place that would love

A fantastic feline crime fighter

Like yourself.


How do we get there?

Can I borrow your cat nap spray?

I wish we were in the crimson chin's web-toon.

Where am i?

Hey! I know you.

You're cleft, the boy chin wonder.

Have you seen my youthful pal timmy?

Catman, it's me, timmy.

Timmy! Ah, thank heavens i--

Cleft, thank heavens.

Timmy's missing,

And I don't know where to--



Cats are a-scared of dogs.

Relax. That's clefto and ace,

Cat-friendly and faithful canine sidekicks

Of the one and only crimson chin!

So you want me to take a vaca-chin

And let catman fight crime here in my web-toon?

Well, I could use a break

From my never-ending battle for justice.

Ha ha! It is i, h olga.

Get set to get dunked, crimson chin.


Your days of crime are dried up.

Super-absorbent cat litter with deodorizing crystals?

No! No!

All: yay, catman!

Catman, I leave chincinatti

In your very capable hands.

Paws--i have paws because I'm part cat.



Ok, everybody,

There's a new superhero in town,

And his name is catman.

I just wish timmy were here to see this.


Ha ha ha!

The admiral's secret recipe.


All: crimson chin!



Ha ha ha!


Now, now.

Remember, I drink my milk just like you--

On my knees, lapping it from a bowl next to the refrigerator.

So, you ready to go home now?

Are you insane?

No, wait. That's me.

I'm never leaving!

And if you're going to be my sidekick--

Whoever you are--

You're gonna need a new secret identity.

Wee wee kitty boy?

I knew you'd love it!

And look. You come with your own fluffy cycle.

And check out the fearsome wee wee kitty horn.

Love me!

That's it! I'm stopping this right now!

Ace, clefto,

I wish...hey.

Where are ace and clefto?

Eh, the mangy mongrels.

I locked them away

In my super liquid laser dog crate,

Accessible only through a super-secret cat password.

The chin isn't gonna like this.

Men: ♪ here comes the crimson chin

What in the name of all things mandibular

Is going on here?

Timmy: chin! I can explain!

No need, boo boo cuddly boy.

It looks like somebody's gotten too big

For his whiskers.


Uh, your standard hero vs. Hero combat rules?

Loser leaves town forever?

You got it!

Let's take this outside.

We are outside.

You win round one, chin,

But let's see how you handle round two!

Nice snappy hero banter.

Me, I like to chin-provise!

Oh, man. I can't look.

But I have to because it's kind of cool.

One problem with ad-libbing--

What do you do when the cat's got your tongue?

Get it?

, , .

You're out!

Catman wins!

Easy, citizens. I'm just like you.

I, too, go to the bathroom in a box

In the corner of the laundry room.

Chin, no! Don't go!

I'm ok, kitty kitty bang bang.

I lost fair and square.

If this town wants a cat-based hero

Instead of a chin-based one,

I won't argue.

Hey, do you have cents in that girly-girly outfit?

Oh, my gosh!

He's so upset he forget he could fly off in a huff.

Oh, man. I've got to get cosmo and wanda free

And fix this wish.

But first, I got to climb this really big windy hill.


Almost there.

Yep. Still climbing.

Here I go.

A super-secret password, huh?

What password would somebody as deep and complicated as catman

Choose as his password?

Let me guess--

We need to create a supervillain

That will get the chin and catman

On the same crime-fighting team.

Something catman can't stop alone.

Something he hates

And that he'll need the chin's help to defeat.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Both: you're thinking?

Yeah. I was thinking big mechanical dog.




Evil robot villain,

You're not welcome here.

Aah! Nice doggie.

N-nice big robot doggie

That I'm a-scared of.


Now let's see what dogzilla has in his utility belt.


And the only thing cats hate more than fleas

Is a bath!



Might take a while.

Wow! Look at all the places he can reach

With his cat tongue.

So when does the chin come in?

Right about now.



I don't understand it.

What else can I do to make this beast heel?

Perhaps teamwork.

But I can't do it.

I'm a-scared of dogs.

Right! Because dogs chase cats.

Quick, catman!

Run, run to the park,

Like the little kitten you are!




Catman doesn't like this plan.

But dogzilla will love...




Here, boy. [Arf arf]




I don't understand it.

They shunned you, and you came back anyway.

That's because great heroes

Don't fight for fame or adulation.

Here you go. Heh heh!

You fight for justice.

And that's why I need to go back

To the place that shunned me

And save it from crime,

Whether they want me to or not.

And they don't.

For whenever someone in dimmsdale calls for help

But doesn't want me to help them,

I will answer that call anyway...

And then I'll call timmy.

Your honor,

I wish my client catman was not guilty.

Timmy, I don't know how you do it.

I wish cleft were here to see this.



Wanda: good morning, timmy!

Gosh, what a beautiful day!

And all I need is a well-balanced, nutritious breakfast

To give me the energy to destroy it.

I mean, enjoy it.

I wish I had a ham-and-cheese omelet.

[Wands sputter]


According to the rules,

We stop serving breakfast wishes at : .

I'm sick of all these rules.

I want an omelet!

And nothing will distract the laser focus

Of my -year-old mind until I get my--

Neat! A garage sale!

Oh, I've got a bad feeling about this.

Mr. Birkenbake?

What kind of garage sale is this?

There's no garage.

Of course not. I'm a teacher.

I can't afford a garage.

It's an "I don't have a garage"

Garage sale.

I don't make crocker money.

"Make smoof not w*r"?

What's smoof?

Only the greatest naturally occurring material on earth,

Little dude.

Wow! How come I've never heard of smoof before?

Because "the man" doesn't want you to.






"Dark side of the smoof!"


Neat squishy lamp.

Whoa! That was some party.

Hey. This isn't charo's house.

And these aren't my pants.

Hey, you're a genie!

Well, I guess we can take brains

Off the wish list.

Ok, kid, here's the deal.

I am...norm.

I am a magical genie, and i--hey, hey!

Hey, wait up!


Hey, hey! What's the--

What's the big -year-old hurry?

What are you, late for a wedgie?

Don't you get it?

For freeing me from the lamp,

You get wishes. So--


Hey! Hey, smoof for brains.

What part of " wishes"

Did you not understand?

Wanda: timmy doesn't need you.

He has fairy godparents.

Aah! This world is dangerous!

Fairy godparents! Oh, yeah, yeah.

They're useful.

Hey, uh, fruit cup, tell you what.

Go pick up my dry cleaning, huh?

Yes, sir.

Did I mention these were rule-free wishes?

Timmy, you have to be careful.

Genies are notoriously tricky.

They always grant what you want,

But it always bites you in the butt.

Well, your wishes always seem

To bite me in the butt,

And his are rule-free.

Ok, norm, you're on.

But I'll start with something simple

Just to be safe, like,

Even though it's after : ,

I wish I had a ham-and-cheese omelet!


Ow! Ow! Hot! Hot!

Ha! Guess you should have wished

For an omelet on a plate.

Ha ha ha!

Let me guess-- public school, right?

Timmy, see? He tricked you.


What are you talking about?

This is delicious.


Well, it is!

And the topsoil makes it crunchy on the outside

And chewy on the inside.

Time to get what I've always wanted--

Trixie tang love!

Timmy! This is going to end badly!

I'll just be more specific.

I wish trixie tang loved timmy turner.

Ha ha!

Whatever you say, jerry...

Sort of.

Hello, timmy turner.

I love timmy turner. I love timmy turner.


Not excellent!

Who's that?

That? That's timmy p. Turner

Of kenosha, wisconsin.


Norm: and that is timmy k. Turner, el segundo, california.


That's timothy t. Turner of plattsburgh, georgia.

Heh heh!

Oh, ho! You're sweet!

You know what they all have in common?

They're all smarter than you.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha! Isn't this fun?

I think it's fun.

You're going back in the lamp.

All, right, norm, in you go.

I can't. You--

You have to make one more wish first,

And then I actually get forcibly sucked back into the lamp.

How great is that?

Oh! Here's that list of horses you wanted, norm.

Oh, thanks, pudding pop.

Timmy, make a very simple wish

So he can't trick you.

A glass of water, a cupcake.

World peace!

Oh, sure.

You have one last rule-free wish.

Why not waste it?

The last thing you'd want to do

Is wish that your dad had a--

A billion jillion dollars or anything stupid like that.

Nice try,

But even I know there's no such number as a jillion.

So I'll just wish for the billion.

Ha! Eat that, norm!

Policeman: surrender, timmy turner's dad.

Your counterfeiting days are over.


Nice going, turner.

And speaking of going,

Think fast.

Look! I thought fast.


Hey! What happened?

What can I say?

Once the third wish is made,

Magic lamps suck up the nearest source of magic,

Which in this case just happened to be

Those two floating brain surgeons.

Ha ha! This is fun.

But don't worry. They'll get out

As soon as some other loser rubs the lamp.

Hello, birkenbake.

Hello, puppet of the military-industrial complex,

Or should I say "the man"?

I'm looking for a present for my uncle albert--

Some form of vintage lighting that says,

"I got this because I had to."


Hang tight, bro.

I got just the thing.

Oh, no.

I want to see all of your vintage lighting fixtures,

And then I'll buy that lamp!

Aah! The lamp!

I can't let crocker get the lamp.

If he rubs it, cosmo and wanda will be exposed.

You tricked me!

Weird, huh?

How could I have tricked you?

I mean, you're years old,

And I'm , .

Ha ha ha!

And with those teeth--i mean,

Look at the size of those things.

Hey. There's something you could have wished for--

Human-size teeth.

Well, I'm off to destroy canada.

They've had it too good for too long.

What the--

Norm: I can't get out.

Darn it!

This bag is made out of smoof, isn't it?

Things I can't escape from:

Magic lamps, the charms of barbara eden,

And smoof stuff!

Yep. And I'll only let you out for more wishes.

Huh. What's the word I'm looking for?

Oh, yeah. No!

Oh, really?

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Coming out?

What's another word I'm looking for?

It's on the tip of my tongue.

Oh, yeah. Never!

Aiee! Yahh!

All right, all right. You win.

I'll give you more wishes.


All right, smart guy.

What are your wishes this time?

And, seriously,

You probably want to do the teeth thing.

Come on, now, kid, try it out with me.

You can do it!

And by that, I mean...

You cannot do it.

He's right.

I can't, not by myself.

If I'm gonna get cosmo and wanda back

And undo all of norm's tricks,

I need someone who's as dishonest and devious

As a , -year-old magical jerk.

I wish I had a lawyer!

Yeah, yeah. Aces--

Huh? What?

Oh. Hello, norm.

Oh, great. Him.

Hi. I'm fairy mason, attorney at law.

What seems to be the problem?

[Clock ticking]

Mason: initial here, here, here, and here,

And your wish to turn everything back to normal

Is a done deal.

I hate being outjerked!

[Harmonica playing]

And now to give the biggest, fattest, wettest kiss

To dimmsdale's own timmy t--

Neat! A garage sale!


You win this round, turner,

But mark my words.

I will get you...

And you, too, canada.

Crocker: aha!

This is perfect.

Oh! By the way, "f"!

Don't you want to wipe off some of the smoof dust?

Oh, no! Crocker's gonna rub the lamp.

Do you have any brain cells left?

That's what gives this piece

Its historical authenticity.

I'm going to ship it as is, and right away.

My uncle albert will love this.

I'm sure they don't have anything like this in...


Norm: ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

This is my evil laugh.

I've been working on it for a little bit.

What do you think?


Lesson learned.

The rules don't just stop me

From making bad wishes;

They protect me from them, too.

And I'll never forget that as--

Neat! A fire hydrant!


Man: package, uncle albert.

Splendid! Put it by the other ones,


Ah! Another lamp for my collection.

I can't wait to rub it...

As soon as they let me out of this straitjacket!


Poor sap.

He thinks genies really exist.

Looney, eh?



Norm: aw, smoof.
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