01x21 - Terra-ized

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x21 - Terra-ized

Post by bunniefuu »

Terra-ized Yeah! Yep, something tells me it's going to be a great morning.

Morning, morning morning, morning, morning lots to do today so quit your snoring Morning, Starfire! Morning, morning morning, morning , morning breakfast will be cereal that I am a-pouring Morning, Raven! Morning, morning morning, morning, morning breaking villains' bones until they are moaning Morning, Cyborg! - Morning, Beast Boy! - Why are you singing, dude? Morning, morning morning, morning, morning - There he goes again! - Knock it off already! Morning, stranger going through the Titan computer Stranger going through the Titan computer! Security breach! Security breach! Slow your roll, fool! This isn't an unidentified female intruder.

This is Terra! And you can identify her as my girlfriend.

"Girlfriend" isn't the word I'd use.

You prefer "soul mate," huh? How did she get in without setting off the alarm? I gave her the tower security codes.

Aw! Trading security codes already! This sounds serious.

Oh, please regale us with your tale of love at first visual contact.

Okay, it's a pretty typical story, though.

Boy meets girl.

Girl asks if boy will get her access to the Titans tower.

Boy falls for girl.

Girl insists on getting a schematic of the Titans' defense capabilities.

I told myself I wouldn't cry.

So what's an attractive, decent smelling girl doing with Beast Boy? I guess I like how trusting he is.

I mean he is really, really trusting.

You know, she has superpowers, too.

So, if this works out, which it will, she'll make a great addition to the team! A new Titan? Let's see what you've got.

Rock manipulations.

Sweet! I like what I see.

But if Terra wants to be a part of the team, she'll have to pass a series of carefully designed tests! Be prepared! For anything! Oh! Come on, sugar, I'll show you around the rest of the tower.

No touching, remember? Titan test! Yeah! Well played, Terra.

But that's only the first test.

There is something I don't like about her.

I think I know what you don't like.

That she's all up in your man's grill.

And you're all, "uh-uh, boo bear is mine.

" What? We watch a lot of daytime talk shows together.

I have something special to show you.

You know how you're telling me how you love secret compartments? - It's my favorite thing in the world.

- Well Wow! It's beautiful, Beast Boy.

Can you bring me my camera? We're not really supposed to be taking pictures in here.

- Not even of our first kiss? - Oh, snap! Gonna find that camera! I'm in and everything is going just as planned.

Soon, the Titans will be nothing more than a memory.

Oh! Where is that camera? Whoa! Titan test! Sorry! You startled me.

I just wanted some milk.

Enjoy your milk.

You have earned it.

The next test won't be so easy.

Ow! And how are things progressing with the lady friend? It's getting pretty serious.

She wants to know everything about me! All my hopes and my dreams, my pass codes and security clearances.

All yours, too.

- Oh, boy.

- Oh, the boy, indeed.

Now, do you guys see what I'm talking about? Look, there's something you should know about your girl.

What? What is it? I think she is in the "L" word with you.

- Lobster! - Love.

Oh, that is an even better "L" word.

I am filled with the happiness for you.

Really? You think so? Why else would she be spending so much time picking your brain about everything concerning you? And the Titans? Sounds like she's using him to collect intel on us.

Do you know what else it sounds like? That somebody's j-e-alous! That's sweet, Raven, but I've found my match.

Still friends? I hate you all.

Oh, man! You have got it so bad for Beastie, don't you? Well, I'm late for a date in the Titans' secret lair with my boo.

- It's your world, son.

- That's what's up! There you are, my sweet.

Tell me, why did you pick this place for a date? I didn't say "date".

I said "data".

As in, data transfer.

I'd like to put all the Titans' most sensitive files on my flash drive.

Mmm, sounds romantic.

How about a little kissy first? Oh! Oh, I see how it is.

Confidential data first, then a kiss.

Guess who now owns all the Titans' secrets? Wow! This was way too easy.

Isn't that what they say about love? "When it works, it's just easy.

" I knew it! Let me go! You know how I had my suspicions about Terra? Well, I spied on her and found out she's been collecting info to take us out! I cannot believe it! Do you know what this means, Raven? That you are completely nutso! We never realized you are so in the love with Beast Boy.

I am so sorry, Terra, but I guess jealousy just makes people do crazy things.

I am not jealous! Look, you'll believe me when I show you the evidence.

Titan test! You're gonna make a great Titan! Now, will you admit that Terra was using Beast Boy to take us down? Wow.

You guys said she was crazy about Beast Boy, but you didn't tell me she was cuckoo! Cuckoo! The villain world is gonna pay a lot for what I have uncovered here.

- Peace out, Titans.

- Terra? What's going on? Uh, um You're leaving without telling me.

Aren't you? Sorry, uh, things are just getting too intense between us.

Beast Boy, wait! Just wanna tell you, go get her, tiger! Don't leave, Terra! You can't tell me you don't feel anything for me.

You wanna know how I really feel? Fine.

Azarath metrion zinthos! What did you do to her, Raven? Vanished her to another dimension.

You're welcome.

She was just about to tell me how she felt! Looks like somebody's a little Jealous! Well, guys, looks like Raven was right.

Thank you.

I guess it was kind of silly to think you were in love with Beast Boy.

Why is that so silly? Because you lack redeeming qualities.

- We're sorry.

- You should be.

Just the thought of Beast Boy and me.
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