03x23 - The Cruel Giggling Ghoul

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x23 - The Cruel Giggling Ghoul

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Cruel Giggling Ghoul"

Well, g*ng, I hope you're all
as excited as I am to see

basketball superstar LeBron
James' dribbling exhibition

at Wacka Doodles amusement park.

I would be more the excited
if it were not so late.

We would've been there hours
ago if Cyborg and Beast Boy

hadn't insisted on stopping
for food every five minutes.

- Hey, we were, like, hungry, man.
- Rah! Rungry!

Yeah, hungry, bro.

- What's up with your peepers, mama?
- I lost my contacts.

Well, you looks good with glasses, mmm!
Real smart, yo.

Keep an eye out for
the exit, g*ng.

It's hard to see through
this spooky fog.

I shall locate the exit sign.

Oh, I believe I see somethi...

The exit... is in one mile.

Aw, classic Starfire. No one
gets into accidents like you.

Oh, Safety Hazard Starfire,
you are a delight.

She sure is.

Now let's get going. The
amusement park awaits.

Come on, come on.

We'd better hurry if we
want to get a good seat.

Like, maybe we hurried too fast.
No one's here.

Is Jump City ready to
see some non-fancy,

basic, fundamental dribbling?

Man, I told my agent
nobody wanted to see

a man just bouncing
a ball up and down.


The Teen Titans. Love you guys.

Thanks for coming out to see me.
But, uh, where's everyone else?

- We were just wondering the same thing.
- All gone.

All of them.

This is getting a little
too creepy for me, guys.

I'm going to go dribble over here now.
Dribble, dribble, dribble...

I'm the manager of
this amusement park,

but there's not much
amusement these days.

All the guests ran away the
moment "it" showed up.

- "It?"
- The two-headed ghoul.

Comes around on nights
just like tonight.

I hate two-headed ghouls.
We out, yo!

Whoa, whoa, whoa. We are not leaving
until we solve this mystery.

Do we have to? Ghouls
are, like, scary, man.

And none scarier than this one,

with its terrifying appearance
and chilling chuckle.

Now the only people left are
me, the owner, and those two.

Ah, they love those bumper cars.

Anyway, I'd ask the
owner for help,

but he stands to make millions
if this place goes under.

- Well, that makes no sense.
- From the insurance.

That still doesn't really make
sense, but I'll go with it.

Don't worry, creepy manager.
The Titans are on the case.

Let's split up and
look for clues.

Like, no way. We split up, and
that makes us easy pickings.

Smell that, bro?

Uh, me and Beast Boy
have changed our minds.

- We will split up.
- Later, yo.

Let's check the owner's office for clues
while they investigate the Snack Shack.

Like, wow, my favorite!

A triple-decker sardine,
jelly and tomato sandwich.

Not bad, but checks out my quadruple
triple-decker veggie sammie.

You think that's
a tall sandwich?

I can eat a sandwich
my own height.

- A 6'8" sandwich? Impossible.
- Check it.


Ow, sandwich pain!

- Oh, my tum-tum can't take it, bro.
- That's just sad.

I'ma go dribble over there now.
Dribble, dribble, dribble...

Let's try to wash this down
with some ice-cold pop.


- Ahhh! It's the ghoul!
- Like, let's get out of here!

♪ You think you're so tough
Can't lose your show ♪

♪ It's all about
you and your ego ♪

♪ But that's all
right, that's okay ♪

♪ Let's see what you got
Let's see how you lay ♪

♪ So come on and take a swing ♪

♪ Go ahead and do your thing ♪

♪ Come on and take a swing ♪

- I think we lost him, buddy.
- Who you talking to, bro?

Wait, if you're in front of
me, then who's behind me?

♪ I can read between the lines ♪


♪ Can't hide your lies ♪

♪ But that's just fine... ♪

Step right up and test your luck.
Knock down the bottles

and win a stuffed animal for
your little lady friend.

Oh, my man is so strong, he's going
to win me some animals tonight.

- We have a winner!
- My hero!

- Hey, look.
- What?

Ho-ho, Safety Hazard Starfire.

Ha, ha-ha.

According to this,
attendance has gone way up

since they installed
the bumper cars.

- It's really popular with the guests.
- The owner can't be

happy about that if he wants
this place to lose money.

What are you doing in my office?

We are trying to get to the
bottom of this mystery.

All I see are three
groovy teens pawing

through my sensitive documents.
Out, all of you!

- It's like he's trying to hide something.
- Indeed. Perhaps...

- Whoa!
- Starfire? Star!

There must be a switch that
activates the hidden door.

I'll find it.

Found it.

Now, let's find Starfire before
that two-headed ghoul does.

I think these are the access
tunnels that the ghoul uses

to move around the
park undetected.

There's Starfire...

And the ghoul!

Relax, it's just me, basketball
superstar LeBron James.

Why are you wearing
that costume?

I found it in one
of these lockers.

Man, I've always
wanted to be a mascot.

Why would you want to be a mascot?
Everyone loves you!

Players get the glory, but the
mascots get all the laughs.

Check me out.


I'm going to go dribble over there now.
Dribble, dribble, dribble...

Hmm. There are costumes in all of
these lockers, except this one.

Two sets of boot prints.

I know the ghoul has two
heads, but not four feet.

Something is not right here.

This is so spooky, dude. That
ghoul could be anywhere.

BOTH: Ahhh!

Where have you guys been?

Running from that two-headed
ghoul, that's where!

You have seen the ghoul
of the two heads?

I will never forget
its chilling chuckle.

That's great. You can help us
find it again and trap it.

We need you to wander
around by the bumper cars,

loudly pretending to be lost.
That will lure the ghoul out,

where we'll be secretly
waiting to capture him.

So we're basically worms
on a hook for you?

Yes, you are the bait.

- No way, yo!
- Would you do it for a burrito?

- For sure!
- I'd do it for a burger.


Now we have to go to the burger
stand and the burrito stand?

Oh, no! I cannot believe
how lost we are.

Yes! We are both lost and alone.

There's definitely no one hiding
near us, waiting to capture anyone.

So lost! This is the
worst plan ever!

No ghoul is dumb enough
to fall for this.

- G-g-g-g-g-g!
- What?



- G-g-g-g...
- Gargantuan!

- G-g-g-g...
- Gargle?

- G-g-g-g...
- Gregory?

- G-g-g...
- Garlic bread?

- G-g-g-g...
- Gorilla?

G-g-g-g... g-g-g-g...



Get him!

My glasses!

Robin? Is that you?

Move over. Let's get that ghoul.

Robin? Robins?


Like, I hate to
waste a good meal,

but if it'll stop that ghoul...

Great job, Cyborg and Beast Boy.

Time to unmask this ghoul.

ALL: Batman and
Commissioner Gordon?

I thought I recognized
that chuckle.

- But, like, why would they do all this?
- Simple. Their favorite ride,

the bumper cars, was
becoming too popular.

So Batman and
Commissioner Gordon

dressed up like the two-headed
ghoul to scare everyone away.

Of course. With no other guests,
they'd never have to wait in line.

Hey, as long as we have them
tied up, let's unmask Batman.

I've always wanted to
know who he really is.

- Ooh! Are we allowed to do this?
- Sure. Why not?

ALL: Billionaire
playboy Bruce Wayne?

Wait! This mystery
goes even deeper.

I believe this is another mask.

ALL: LeBron James?

Hold on a minute. That's not me.

ALL: Two Commissioner Gordons?

ALL: Batman?

Jinkies. And they would have
gotten away with it, too,

if it weren't for
you meddling kids.

Ha, ha-ha!

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