02x12 - Resistance

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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02x12 - Resistance

Post by bunniefuu »

We need this filled.
We don't have time to haggle over price.



- Janeway...
- Get up.

Get away from her!

any word on that tellerium?

Not yet. How bad is it?

The antimatter reaction rate is at 12%.

If it drops below 9%,

we'll never be able
to reinitialise the nacelles.

To further reduce our power demands,
we must drop the shields.

I don't want to leave the ship

All other systems are already off-line.

That's our last option.

All right. Power down the shields.

That helped. There's nothing more
we can do without the tellerium.

Neelix to Voyager.

The rest of the away team
has been taken by the Mokra.

Did you get the tellerium?


Then beam directly to engineering.

Rerouting emergency power
to transporter room 2. And energising.

Chakotay to away team. Captain?

Unlock the control conduit.

Tuvok, Torres, please respond.

Keep an eye on the flow rate.

Rate's holding steady.

Reaction rate is stabilised at 13%.

Up to 15%...18%...

- It worked then? We're all right?
- Maybe.

Once the rate is up to normal,
we'll see if the warp drive was damaged.

Reroute power back to all key systems.

- What happened down there?
- I don't know exactly.

I went in the shop, completed the trade,
then I heard weapons fire.

I went out and the others were gone.

- Are you sure it was the Mokra?
- Witnesses said it was quite a fight.

How did the Mokra know
you were down there?

Someone must have told them.
They have informants everywhere.

Could your contact be one of them?

I wouldn't have made it back
if he had been.

And he's in the resistance movement.
He wouldn't help the Mokra.

The resistance movement
is probably under surveillance.

We're ready to give the engines a try.

I'm opening the plasma injectors.

Warp engines are back on-line.
All systems normal.

Good work, Mr Kim.
Mr Neelix, you're with me.

I think it's time we contact the Mokra.

Mr Paris, set a new course. Establish
a standard orbit around the planet.

We don't want to look aggressive.

What kind of response will we get?

The Mokra are paranoid and hostile
and have little use for diplomacy.

They may start
sh**ting at us immediately.

We'll be in full view of the planet
in a few seconds.

Their orbital sensor net has picked
us up. They're scanning the ship.

- We're being hailed.
- On screen.

I am Third Magistrate Augris
of the Mokra Order.

Commander Chakotay
of the Federation starship Voyager.

Are you seeking permission
to conduct business with us?

No. Some of my crew members
have been to the surface.

- We've lost contact with them.
- I see.

You must have been
unaware of our regulations.

- I'll transfer a copy for future reference.
- I believe they're being detained.

Detained? That's possible.
I'll look into it for you.

- I'll contact you shortly.
- Thank you.

He's unlike any Mokra I've met.
I can't believe he'll help us.

We have to pursue
a diplomatic solution.

I want continuous scans of the surface.
Standard search pattern.

I advise caution.

There's a control circuit there.
I can see it.

If only we knew that Neelix made it
back to the ship with the tellerium.

Then at least this would be worth it.

I regret I have no such reassurance
to offer you.

We don't know what happened
to the Captain. She might be dead.

That is possible.

It is also possible
that she is safely returned to Voyager.

We cannot dismiss either conclusion.

That's the Vulcan way of telling me
to hope for the best?

Look who's awake.

Just rest. You must be thirsty.

Maybe hungry for a little something?

What shall I make? What can I make?

- Where am I?
- It hasn't been that long.

I wish I had some... This will do.


- Thank you.
- I'll fix you some soup.

Now just lie down.

- You're very kind but...
- You're safe now.

- I really can't...
- Shh.

Don't worry. Everything's all right now.

Our little girl is home.

I'm very grateful
for everything you've done.

There's nothing I wouldn't do
for my Ralkana.

- My name is Kathryn Janeway.
- Kathryn? That's an unusual name.

Very pretty. I like it.

I am a starship captain.
It is important that I contact my ship.

Wonderful. Captain Kathryn
of a glorious starship.

Then what happens?
Go on. I'm listening.

- I love your stories.
- It's not a story. It's a request.

May I use your
communications equipment?

We're not supposed to have any of that.
The Mokra don't allow it.

Surely there's someone
who has an illegal transmitter.

I know what you'd like.
Some talsa root soup.

What happened
to the other people I was with?

You should be more careful.
The Mokra will pick a fight for no reason.

I don't want you getting hurt again.

But I saw the way
you handled that ugly one.

I was so proud of you, Ralkana.

My two friends.
Did the Mokra take them?

- I'm afraid so.
- Where to? A detention centre?

- The prison.
- All right.

- How do I get there?
- Soup. I'm forgetting the soup.

I appreciate your hospitality
but I've got to get to that prison.

You're right. Now that we're
together again, we can't wait.

My beautiful and brave girl.

The Mokra won't stand a chance
against us.

You're kind to offer but I didn't mean
we'd be going together.

You must eat and rest
to get your strength back.

We'll leave soon enough.
We don't want to keep her waiting.

- Keep who waiting?
- She must miss you so terribly.

It's hard to bear thinking of her
alone in that dark cell.

It's been difficult for all of us,
but don't worry.

We'll get her out.
You'll see your mother again.

Our world has come
under attack before.

You can understand our concern
at finding strangers who arrive secretly.

- We have no hostile intentions.
- I believe you.

But some of my colleagues are cautious
about dealing with disreputable ships.

What does that mean?

You've made more enemies
than friends

since you arrived from the...
Alpha Quadrant, is it?

Some think even that story is a lie.

- But not you.
- Of course not. I'm here to help.

Then I'd like to talk
to my crew members.

I'm afraid that will be difficult
in the current climate of mistrust.

Perhaps if you could tell us
what brought you here,

who you've been dealing with.

I'll consider that
after I talk to my crew members.

You're not making it easy
for me to help you.

Let me see what I can arrange.
It may take some time.


Talk to your contacts again.
I want an alternative to waiting for him.

Your question is based on a faulty
assumption. I cannot answer it.

You can't deny being in contact
with the resistance.

We are not intending
to give them weapons.

These lies are useless. We know
you are helping the subversives.

- I want names.
- I have none to give you.

We don't know anything
about the resistance!

I have heard that many times
from many people.

Take him.

Lieutenant, stop.

- That will not help either of us.
- He's right.

- I see soldiers. What's happening?
- They're searching the whole area.

I don't want to cause trouble for you.

You've been a troublemaker since
you could walk. Such a wilful child!

I love your spirit.

Don't worry. When they come
through here, we'll be gone.

Your mother will want
some of her things.

A pretty dress to wear.

They're only looking for me.
You don't have to get involved.

If my precious girl is involved,
I'm involved.

Do you remember this? She used to
wear it on special occasions.

I think today would count as one.

You know what I think
she'd like even more?

- To see you wearing it.
- I couldn't possibly take this.

Be careful. This won't heal
if you move too much.

Tell me about that prison.

Are there force fields? Detection grids?
Physical barriers?

- All of it.
- What about guards?

Lots of guards.
The Mokra make a big show of it,

always bragging about how
no one has ever escaped.

Listen to me. I can't bring you
to the prison with me.

It's too dangerous.

- I'm not afraid.
- That could get us both k*lled.

- You have to stay here.
- If I stay here I can't bring the letters.

Letters? To the prison?

Letters. Don't you remember how
we used to write to her together?

Here they are.

I still write them.
Every week since she's been gone.

I've always known that one day
I'd be able to give them to her.

- I've never forgotten.
- These are all to your wife?

- How long has it been?
- My last letter...

My last letter's not here.

I wrote it three days ago
but it's... it's not...

I can't let her think I've stopped writing,

that I gave up hope only days before...

I'll write it again.

My hand shakes sometimes.
You write it so it looks nice?

I'm very sorry. I have to go
before the soldiers come.

The last one...
The last one was about...

My memory isn't very good.
No, I remember.

I went walking in the morning.
It was very cold.

Tell her I wore my sweater.
She worries about that sort of thing.


And er... And I er...

And I what?

I saw that they had torn down that
old building where you used to play.


Tell her that it rained
for two and a half days.

I don't know if she can see the sky...

where they're keeping her.

And... there was more.

There was something about a friend...

Why can't I remember?
I wanted to tell her!

It's all right. She'll understand.

Yes. Yes, you're right.
She will.

Please let me come with you.

- I'm sorry. That's not possible.
- Check this one here!

Is there another way out?


This is a waste of time.
We don't need him anyway.

I need him. He may be able
to help me contact my ship.


He is the one! He took your mother!

- We have to fight!
- They want a fight.

Don't give them one.

I've done nothing!

You look like a helpful citizen.

So tell me. Did you see some strangers
in the marketplace earlier?

- No, sir. I've seen no one. Please.
- You!

- I'm looking for someone. A woman.
- I haven't seen any women.

There are two right over here.
You see them, don't you?

- Yes.
- Let's discuss this elsewhere.


Good morning.

I seem to have lost my hat.

It's about this big.

Have you seen my hat?

- Run along, old man.
- Without my hat?

There you go.

It's all right now. They've gone.

The prison is in the northeast corner
of the city.

It's surrounded by metaphasic shields.

Can we beam through them? The
Mokra don't understand transporters.

There is a periodic fluctuation
in the energy pattern. I'll use it.

But if the Mokra detect us
we'll be surrounded by soldiers.

If we could beam in close enough, we
might get in and out before they react.

We can't locate
the away team from here.

The detention level is subterranean.
The rock is too dense.

Look for them after you beam in.

We can't risk beaming in. We'll have to
find a way that the Mokra won't detect.

A challenge for you, Mr Kim.

You'd be welcome to use our
transmitter but they confiscated it.

Then I'll have to find my crew members.
Two were arrested. And Neelix?

He got transported up to your ship.

- Good. Tell me about the prison.
- I know about that.

I have to reach my crew.

Any sane person would tell you
it's impossible.

- Spoken like a coward.
- Old man, you're the coward.

- Enough!
- What are you doing with this lunatic?

His stories of brave deeds
are just fantasies.

- Taking him along is su1c1de.
- He's already saved me once.

And he saved you from those soldiers.

All right. Stay with him.
Get yourself k*lled.

I won't get k*lled
if you tell me what you know.

There are access tunnels
on the north side but they're guarded.

- I'll need weapons.
- They're not free.

- I don't have anything.
- That's worth some weapons.

- I can't.
- Yes, you can.

- If it will help to bring her back to us.
- Thank you.

I'll have someone meet you
in three hours.

- He'll be wearing a blue vest.
- Thank you.

I'd wish you luck,
but you'll need a miracle.

He's more than three hours late.
He may have been arrested.

You mustn't believe
what he told you about me.

I don't believe it. You're not a coward.

I had to keep my little girl safe. It was
just too dangerous to get involved.

Your mother wouldn't listen.
She wanted to fight.

She was always so passionate
about what she believed in.

- She didn't care about the risk.
- You were proud of her.

I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want
you to grow up without a mother.

I tried so hard to change her mind.
And finally she changed mine.

She convinced me to go with her.

I said I would meet her by the river.

She was leading a raid
against a Mokra supply centre.

I said I would meet her.

But I didn't. I couldn't. I was too afraid.

She was still waiting for me
when they arrested her.

I could never tell you about this.

I knew you'd hate me.
I couldn't bear that.

Please, Ralkana,
if you can ever forgive me.

I'll be right there.

- What is it?
- A blue vest.

Then it's time to go.

What happened?

He was wearing military boots,
like the Mokra. It was a trap.

And you saw it, my clever girl.
We only need each other.

We can't just walk into the prison
without weapons.

Maybe we'll have to try
a different strategy.

We don't have to ask him any more
questions if you give us the answers.

I told you I don't...

I'm sorry.

I guess I always assumed that Vulcans
didn't feel pain like the rest of us.

That you were able to
block it out somehow.

Until I heard... Was that you I heard?

Vulcans are capable of suppressing
certain levels of physical pain.

Beyond that, we must simply
endure the experience.

How can you say that so calmly?

You must feel some anger
at what they did to you,

some desire to fight back.

Under the circumstances,
physical resistance is ineffective.

We are fighting back by refusing
to give them any information.

Get down there!

Three more hours.

There's nothing going on around here.
Wake me if the lieutenant shows up.

You girls aren't supposed
to come down here anymore.

Do you want me to leave?

I didn't say that.

Then I won't.

If my lieutenant saw you,
I'd be in trouble.

Nobody will see us back here.

It's dark. Private.

I like the strategy.

- Ready to go.
- You're not coming with me.

Of course I am. We settled this.

You told that man, Darod,
how I saved you from the Mokra.

You did save me.
Now I'm returning the favour.

I'll try to find your wife.

Wait! Ralkana! No!

Their orbital sensor net
surrounds the entire planet.

This is a very sophisticated system.

- It monitors everything we do.
- So much for a surprise attack.

We may be able to surprise them
even if they see us coming.

We can send out dozens of radion
beams to penetrate the prison shields.

One of them will carry
our transporter signal.

So the Mokra won't know
where we're beaming to.

- Or where to defend.
- That's the best head start I can give.

- How long to modify the deflector?
- I can do it right now.

- Paris, is the rescue team ready?
- Standing by.

- Prepare for transport.
- Deflector ready.

- Initiate the radion beams.
- Sending them out.

- They're getting through the shields.
- Begin the transport.

Transporter room 2,
synchronise your confinement beams...

- That came from the surface.
- Damage report.

Shields at 90%. That was a precision
hit to the source of the beams.

Main deflector is now off-line.

- We're being hailed from the surface.
- On screen.

Your attempt to penetrate our defences
is a hostile act against the Mokra Order.

There are now 85 phased-ion cannons
targeted at your ship.

If you don't withdraw from Mokra space
in two minutes, we will open fire.

- Commander.
- Give me some good news.

- The prison shields are disrupted.
- Good work.

It's coming from inside the prison.

- Can we get through?
- Yes, but they'll detect our transport.

They have other things to worry about.

That disruption might not be accidental.
Someone might be trying to get out.

That's a big assumption.

Even if our people didn't cause it,
they'd take advantage of it.

- This is our best chance to find them.
- The Mokra are about to open fire.

- I don't know how we'll be able to wait.
- Understood.


- I'm looking for my people.
- Back this way. I'll show you.

Don't move.

- There you are.
- What are you doing here?

I would do everything in my power
to protect my only child.

There's a phased-ion charge
coming at us.

Full power to the shields.

Shields at 60%. Minor damage
on deck 14. They're firing again.

Try to throw off their sensors.

No effect.
Direct hit to the port nacelle.

- Redirect all warp power to the shields.
- Two more coming in.


We've got to get you back. You're hurt.

The other cells are this way.
We must find your mother.

Follow this passageway
till you see a smaller passageway.

- What are you doing?
- I have to find one more person.


After all that time I spent
looking for you.

All I had to do was wait here.

- Shields down to 23%.
- We must get out of their range.

- Scan for the away team.
- There's no sign of them.

Prepare to break orbit.

Wait! Set a course
bearing 219, mark 47.

- Where are you taking us, Mr Kim?
- There's a large electrical storm.

It should give their sensors
some trouble.

If we maintain our position
directly above the storm,

they may not be able to lock onto us.

- How long will this work?
- A few more minutes.

I'll take every second I can get.

I must say I'm impressed, Caylem.
You never made it this far before.

Every so often he goes on
one of his missions to rescue his wife.

- She's been dead for twelve years.
- Lies! Lies! Lies!

Sometimes he gets
all the way up to the front gate.

We send him on his way

and allow him to serve as a reminder
of how futile it is to challenge us.

I thought you learned
when you lost your daughter.

She made it to the tunnels
before she was shot.

So much tragedy for one man to bear.

And now your foolishness has
condemned another innocent woman.

Take the others back for questioning.
I'll interrogate this one myself.

I won't let you hurt her!



- He said you'd been shot.
- He was lying to you, Father.

I'm all right.

- And your mother?
- She's fine.

She was so happy to get your letters.

She wanted me to tell you something.
She forgives you.

We both do.

My sweet girl.

- Captain.
- I'm coming.

No one will forget what he did
here today. I'll make sure of that.

Chakotay to transporter room 2.
Do we have them?

We're all back, Commander.
Take us out of here.

Gladly. Lieutenant, you heard her.

The warp drive is functioning normally

and we'll have the main deflector
back on-line tomorrow.

Yes. Thank you, Mr Kim.

- Captain, are you all right?
- I'm fine.
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