02x18 - Death Wish

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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02x18 - Death Wish

Post by bunniefuu »

Its trajectory is erratic.
Our sensors aren't detecting anything

that could account for its motion.

Then it isn't a comet?

And yet it looks, feels and tastes
just like a comet.

There's a chance there are
magnetodynamic forces acting on it

that are too subtle
for our sensors to detect.

Or it may be something
we've never encountered.

B'Elanna, let's beam aboard a sample
for examination.

Harry, lock onto a core fragment.

Having no trouble penetrating the crust.

- Janeway to Torres. We're ready.
- Setting up a containment field.

- Field in place.
- Commence transport.


Hello. My name is Q.

Torres to Janeway.
You'd better get down here, Captain.

That transport brought a man aboard.

He says his name is Q.

Red Alert. I'll be right down.

Don't bother, Captain.
Let me take you to lunch instead.

What a pleasure it is to meet you.

It's been so long since I greeted anyone.

Here. Take a seat.

Allow me to make the setting
more appropriate.

I am Kathryn Janeway, Captain of the...

Federation starship Voyager.

Yes. I know all that.

Welsh rarebit like your grandfather
used to make.

Rabbit? She never told me
she likes rabbits.

What is a rabbit, anyway?
Is this some new chef?

Please, eat.
It's to express my appreciation.

- Appreciation for what?
- For releasing me from captivity.

You were being held against your will

inside the comet?

In a manner of speaking.

And you, all of you.

You're mortals, aren't you?

Who was holding you prisoner?

You only live for nine years.

- That's right.
- How I envy you.


Because the one thing I want,
more than any other, is to die.

I don't know what you want here,
but I know who you are.

Every captain has been briefed
about your appearances and...

My appearances?

You've mistaken me for...

Oh, well. No matter. I really must
get on with my business

before the others realise I'm here.

When someone asks you about me,
and they will, would you tell them...

I've had 300 years to think
of appropriate last words.

I wanted something memorable.
You know, quotable.

Would you tell them I said,

"I die not for myself but for you".

I know. Enigmatic. Provocative.
They'll understand.

Well, goodbye to you all. Many thanks.

Here's the end of me.

Oh, dear. That's not right.

Torres to Janeway.
All the men have disappeared.

Report to the bridge. Janeway out.

- Bring them back. Now.
- Of course.

I'm a little out of practice.

That's that, I'm afraid. They're gone.

- Gone? Where?
- Just gone.

I apologise for the inconvenience.

Good luck to you all.

- I really have to be going now.
- Return my crew.

I'm not sure how.

Humans. Humans.

Who would have more recent
experience with humans?

What have you done now, Q?

Now isn't this just fine?

Humans shouldn't be
in this quadrant for 100 years.

I didn't bring them here.

- How did you get out?
- We're responsible for that.

That's what we get for having a woman
in the captain's seat.

I thought Riker
would get this command.

May I assume you're the Q
I've heard so much about?

Have you heard about little me? Do tell.

Has Jean-Luc been whispering about me
behind my back?

Say, is this a ship of the Valkyries

or have you finally done away
with your men?

There was a slight accident.

A slight accident? Let me guess.
You were trying to commit su1c1de.

Now you see why we've locked him up
for 300 years.

Facial art. How very wilderness of you.


- We should be going.
- I'm not leaving.

Captain Janeway, I demand asylum.

- This is a joke!
- No, it isn't.

I'm asking you to grant me asylum

and give me protection from my enemy,
which is him.

You ask humans
to protect you from me?

Fat chance.

- What did you do to him?
- Nothing.

He's in the 24th Century. I just took
us to an old hiding place of mine.

- Report.
- Captain...

- There are no stars outside.
- Actually, there's no universe outside.

On screen.

- Commander?
- There's a build-up of baryonic particles.

Perfectly normal.

It appears we've been transported
back in time to the birth of the universe.

- Very old hiding place.
- I know all the hiding places, Q.

I hid here from the Continuum
myself once.

We will not survive
the formation of the cosmos.

But think of the honour of having
your DNA spread across the universe.

You could be the origin
of the humanoid form.

Q, either Q, get us out of here.

You heard the lady, Q.
Back to your cell.

- We're under attack.
- By a ship?

By... I'm not sure what they are.

I don't believe this,
but according to my readings,

we're being att*cked by protons.
We've been reduced to subatoms.

He'll never find us here.

See if you can release
a positive ion charge to repel them.

Ready or not, here I am.

- Now what?
- Checking.

We seem to be tethered
to some kind of large... plant.

Let's see it.

Computer, I need a wider angle.

- You can't hide from me, Q.
- And you can't take me by force.

I'll stalemate you for eternity.

The hell you will.
The vaunted Q Continuum.

Self-anointed guardians of the universe.

How dare you endanger this crew
with your personal tug-of-w*r?

Did anyone ever say
you're angry when you're beautiful?

- We're back where we started.
- I'm not going back to that cell.

Would you like to spend eternity
as a Gorokian midwife toad?

- Just try it.
- Stop!

You want asylum?
Fine. We'll have a hearing.

A hearing? You would have me put
his future into your delicate little hands?

So touchably soft!
What is your secret, dear?

When a captain receives a request
for asylum there is a procedure.

I suggest, to end your deadlock,
and to save my ship, that we follow it.

This could go on
for a millennium or two.

I accept on behalf of the Continuum
on one condition.

If you rule in our favour,
Q agrees to return to his confinement.

And if you rule in my favour,
the Continuum must grant me mortality.

So you can k*ll yourself?

This will be an amusing diversion.

Will you send him to prison for eternity
or will you assist in his su1c1de plan?

Tough. But that's why they made you
Captain. To handle the real tough ones.

My, my. Now I guess we get to find out
whether the pants really fit.

- Am I interrupting anything?
- I am curious.

Have the Q always lacked manners,

or is it the result of an evolutionary
process that comes with omnipotence?

What? Oh, you mean just popping in
whenever we feel like it.

- That is one relevant example.
- I apologise.

I guess we just stopped
thinking about the little niceties.

So it seems.

We're not omnipotent. No matter what
the Continuum wants you to believe.

You seem powerful to life-forms
without your technical expertise.

It's no different with us. We may appear
omnipotent but believe me, we're not.

Intriguing. Just what vulnerabilities
do the Q have?

Always looking for the tactical
advantage, Mr Tuvok. Very good.

In fact, that's why I've come to see you.

In a way, our vulnerability
is what this is all about.

As the Q have evolved,
we've sacrificed many things.

Not just manners but mortality
and a sense of purpose

and a desire for change
and a capacity to grow.

Each loss is a new vulnerability,
wouldn't you say?

- Why are you telling me this?
- Because I want you to represent me.

Me? I have no legal expertise.

I need someone who understands
Federation asylum practices.

Besides, Vulcans approve of su1c1de.

It is true that Vulcans who have reached
infirmity do practise ritual suicides.

But I fail to see how that would be
meaningful in this circumstance.

I have the right to counsel, Mr Tuvok.
Will you assist me?

I expect all parties to act appropriately
and with respect for these proceedings.

I will not have this hearing
turned into a circus. Is that clear?

Is that clear, Q?

Madam Captain, this is an issue
of great importance to the Q Continuum.

We take this matter very seriously.

Thank you. And please don't call me
"Madam Captain”.

Since your asylum would lead to su1c1de,
you place me in a difficult position.

- I understand.
- Why do you want to commit su1c1de?

As difficult as it is for you to imagine,

for me, immortality is impossible
to endure any longer.

In the Continuum, one is obliged to be
responsible to the path his life follows.

His life will follow. Emphasise life.

I never yielded that obligation
to the Continuum.

The path I choose leads to death.
What right have they to interfere?

He's putting his wishes
above everyone else's.

If I don't agree with the majority
I'm to be locked up for eternity.

Only because you're intent
on harming yourself.

With your permission, Captain, I would
like to call an expert on the Continuum

to discuss the implications
of our decision.

- Proceed.
- I call myself to the stand.

Thank you for coming.

It's an honour to have someone of your
reputation and accomplishment with us.

Tell me, what would be the impact
of a Q su1c1de?

It would interrupt the Continuum.
It would change the nature of Q.

- Can you be more specific?
- No.

We're not sure
what the result would be.

His su1c1de
could have unknown consequences.

Precisely. It would force the Q
to deal with the unknown

for the first time
since the New Era began.

They're afraid of me
because they're afraid of the unknown.

How would you characterise
his remarks?

No Q has ever tried to commit su1c1de.

Immortality is one of the defining
qualities of being a Q.

By every measure of the Continuum,

his remarks would have to be
considered as mentally unbalanced.

Mentally unbalanced?
No civilised people in the universe,

including the primitive
Federation societies,

would condone the su1c1de
of a mentally unbalanced person.

Can you offer any other evidence
of mental instability?

What more do I need?
He wants to k*ll himself.

Until this issue arose, he was known
as one of your great philosophers.

- Is that not true?
- Not now.

You judge him mentally unbalanced
due to his wish to commit su1c1de.

I submit that is a faulty premise.

In many cultures, su1c1de is acceptable

and cannot be used
as evidence of mental illness.

- I tend to agree with Mr Tuvok.
- Vulcans.

Isn't it true that the Continuum
has ex*cuted Q's for certain crimes?

- On rare occasions, yes.
- Did that interrupt the Continuum?

Their crimes created the interruption.
I know where you're going with this.

Our society, like any other,
must control its disruptive elements.

An execution may be undesirable,

but on some rare occasions,
it is necessary and warranted.

The decision to proceed is made
only after great deliberation.

You cannot imagine the chaos
that would be created

if individuals could choose life or death.

This is a matter of social order
versus anarchy.

I understand.
And you find nothing contradictory

in a society that outlaws su1c1de
but practises capital punishment?

- No.
- Any other questions, Lieutenant?

Just one other thing.

Were you yourself not once accused
of being mentally unstable?

Were you not disciplined?

- Objection.
- I'll allow the question.

My record has been expunged.

I will take that as a yes.
Thank you. That is all.

You're excused.

If I may beg the court's indulgence,
I have other witnesses.

To what end?

I'm here to argue for the majesty of life,
what it means to be alive.

A Q's life takes him
across the universe.

This Q's life has touched and affected
many others, including some on Earth.

I want to call some of the people whose
lives have been changed by this Q.

You want to bring people here
from Earth?

It won't impact the time line and no one
will remember having been here.

This is most unusual.
Do you have any objection, Mr Tuvok?

I am as curious as you are, Captain.

Very well. Proceed.

Q. What the hell is going on?

My apologies, Commander. To you all.
My name is Kathryn Janeway.

Captain Janeway. U.S.S. Voyager.

That's correct, Commander.
You're aboard Voyager.

We're lost in the Delta Quadrant.
I wish you could tell them that at home,

but your memories will be wiped
before you get back.

God, if you let me live through this,
I promise I'll clean up my act.

I demand an explanation!
Why are you dressed like this?

- Have you looked in a mirror lately?
- Allow me to explain, Mr...

Ginsberg. Maury Ginsberg.

- Sir Isaac Newton.
- William Riker. Nice to meet you.

Consider for a moment that it might be
possible to travel forward in time,

say to the 24th Century,

onto a starship
75,000 light years from Earth.

You're having a very strange dream,

and in this dream you're seeing
this man, whom you've all met before.

Yes, I have. You were
sitting under the tree the day...

- The day the apple fell on your head.
- Yes, that's right.

Quite a day, wasn't it? This man
jostled the tree when he got up to leave.

Just before the apple fell, yes.

And a new era in human science
was born.

Wait a minute.
Weren't you the guy in the Jeep?

The guy in the Jeep,

who picked you up after your vehicle
broke down that afternoon.

- Isn't that right?
- He was a life-saver.

My van died and he dragged it
off the road because of all the traffic.

- You were on your way to a job.
- I was meant to be on the follow spot.

I wouldn't have made it without him.

What happened with that groovy chick
with the long red beads?

- I've been looking for her.
- You'll see her again, don't worry.

You were a spotlight operator
at an outdoor concert,

which was put in jeopardy before it
began because the sound system failed.

Somebody must have shagged an
extension chord with one of the trucks.

- I'm just lucky I noticed it.
- The right place at the right time.

It would have taken days
to find the problem

and there would have been no concert.

I'm sorry to say I have met him.

- But I've never seen this man before.
- Are you sure?

My client has been in captivity
during Commander Riker's lifetime.

Have you seen this photograph before?

Sure I have. That is Colonel Thaddius
Riker after he was wounded.

They used to call him Old Iron Boots.

He was in command of the 102nd New
York during Sherman's march on Atlanta.

This picture was taken in 1864, just
after they let him out of the hospital.

And the soldier beside him?

I'll be damned. It's him.

He carried your wounded ancestor
back from the front line.

Didn't you?

My point is, Captain, Q has had
a profound influence on these lives.

Without Q, Isaac Newton would have
died forgotten in a Liverpool prison,

a suspect in several prost*tute murders.

Without Q,
there would have been no concert at...

- Woodstock.
- Wherever.

Mr Ginsberg would never have met
his future wife,

the "groovy chick
with the long red beads,"

or become an orthodontist,
settled in Scarsdale with four kids.

- Far out.
- Yes.

Without Q, there would have been
no William T Riker.

And I would have lost a dozen good
opportunities to insult him.

And lest I forget, without Q, the Borg
would have assimilated the Federation.

Thank you. Thank you.

This is the life that Q treats without
respect and would give up so easily.

May I remind this hearing
and my learned colleague

that for three centuries my client has
not been allowed contact with anyone.

I wish to reproduce
his confined environment

- I object.
- No.

I'll allow this.

These are the conditions
my client would live in for eternity

if you deny him asylum.

We want him to reconsider his position.

- I will never change my mind.
- This is your doing.

You could live a normal life
if you were willing to.

Please return us to the hearing room.

The quality of life
my client will have to endure

should be considered in this proceeding.

I don't like those conditions either,
and I wouldn't want to spend a day there.

But I'm here to rule on a request
for asylum,

not to judge the penal system
of the Q Continuum.

And he does have a point.

You were confined
to prevent you from harming yourself.

I've been doing a lot of research,
studying cultural attitudes on su1c1de

to frame the basis of the decision.

Do you know the "double effect"
principle on assisted su1c1de

from the Bolian middle ages?

I believe it relates
to the relief of suffering.

"An action that has the principle effect
of relieving suffering may be justified

"even though the same action has
the effect of possibly causing death.”

This is the only thing I can find

that could convince me
to decide in your favour, Q.

And yet you don't seem by our
standards aged, infirm or in any pain.

Can you show us that you suffer
in any manner

other than that caused
by your incarceration?

Any suffering that would justify
a decision to grant you asylum?

May I request a recess
to consider our response?


We're going to lose, aren't we?

We have not yet convinced the Captain
of the validity of our argument.

You're doing a fine job, Mr Tuvok.
I'm glad someone believes in me.

I'm representing your position
to the best of my ability.

It is most definitely not my own.

I see no evidence
that a life like yours should be wasted

simply because you are disgruntled.

Frankly, I see no logic to your position.

You... surprise me, Mr Tuvok,
which is a rare and special gift to a Q.

But if only you knew what life as a Q
were like, you would see the logic.

Then perhaps what we should do next

is take this hearing to see life
in the Continuum itself.

Captain's log, supplemental.

I want to find an alternative
to su1c1de or prison,

so I've summoned
the advocate Q to make a proposal.

- What is it?
- Come to the next session.

Say that the Continuum
will reintegrate Q into your society,

that you won't condemn him
to that cell for eternity.

And you will rule in our favour?

I would consider it a meaningful
gesture by the Continuum.

How would you know if I intended
to keep my word?

Based on my research,
you have been many things -

a rude, interfering,
inconsiderate, sadistic...

- You've made your point.
- ...pest.

And you introduced us to the Borg.
Thank you very much.

But one thing
you have never been is a liar.

I think you've uncovered
my one redeeming virtue.

Am I blushing?

I wish I could help you, Kathy,
but we're dealing with a dangerous man.

I didn't tell you this,
but one of his self-destructive stunts

ignited the 100-year w*r between
the Romulans and the Vulcans.

No. This man goes back
into his confinement.

But I would like to make it easier
for you.

The Continuum is prepared
to do you a little favour...

if we approve of your ruling.

Look out the window.

Now you see it, now you don't.

We are prepared to illustrate
the nature of Q's suffering.

We must show this hearing
what life is like in the Continuum.

- How do you intend to do that?
- By going to the Continuum itself.

- Is this possible?
- No, you would never understand.

We should inspect the conditions
that led to my client's suffering.

I would agree with that.

- You have some crazy idea?
- Yes.

- Only if...
- Fine.

We've agreed on a format
for this sojourn.

- But I still believe it's ill-advised.
- I'll be the judge of that.

Whenever you're ready.

This is the Q Continuum?
A road in a desert?

- I told you so.
- This is a manifestation of it.

We hope this falls
within your comprehension.

This way.

Good afternoon.

I apologise for their lack of hospitality.
We're not used to visitors.

You're the only ones
who've ever come.

Then what is the purpose of the road?

It takes us to the rest of the universe

then it leads back here,
an endless circle.

This was your existence before?

I've travelled the road many times,
sat on the porch, played the games,

been the dog, everything.

- I was even the scarecrow.
- Why?

- Because I hadn't done it.
- We've all done that. Big deal.

I can't say I entirely understand this
but they don't seem to be suffering.

Of course not! They're happy people.

What's there to feel sad about?
Look at them.

They don't dare feel sad.
If they could, that would be progress.

The philosopher speaks.

When I was a respected philosopher,

I celebrated the continuity,
the undeviation of Q life.

Our civilisation had achieved a purity
that no other culture had approached.

And it was wonderful. For a while.

At the beginning of the New Era,
life as a Q was a constant dialogue

of discovery and issues and humour
from all over the universe.

But listen to their dialogue now.

- I'm afraid I cannot hear any.
- Because it has all been said.

Everyone has heard everything,
seen everything.

They haven't had to speak
in ten millennia.

There's nothing left to say.

I appreciate a little peace and quiet
now and again.

- It's ironic, isn't it?
- I don't know what you mean.

You do. That you of all people
should be arguing their case.

I believe in the purity of the Q.

You who was banned and made mortal
to pay for your crimes?

My penance has ended. I'm
a born-again Q. That life is behind me.

What a shame.
In many ways, that life inspired me.

- It did? I did?
- Yes. You never knew that, did you?

Q rebelled against this existence
by refusing to behave himself.

He used his powers irresponsibly
and all for his own amusement

and he desperately needed amusement
because he could find none here.

I paid for my inappropriate behaviour.

No, we paid the price
by forcing you to stop.

But for a moment you really
had our attention. My attention.

You gave us something to talk about.

But then you surrendered
to the will of the Continuum

and you've become
a fine, upstanding member of it.

But I miss the irrepressible Q,
the one who forced me to think.

May I borrow this?

This was the beginning
of my fall from grace.

This was the last edition. They shut
down the presses after I wrote that.

But I continued to speak out
in favour of self-termination.

That's when he started
trying to destroy himself.

We had to confine him
for his own safety.

Not for my safety. For theirs.

I was the greatest threat
the Continuum had ever known.

They feared me so much
they had to lock me away for eternity.

And when they did that they were
saying that the individual's rights

would be protected only so long
as they don't conflict with the state.

Nothing is so dangerous to a society.

My life's work is complete
but they force immortality on me.

And when they do that,
they cheapen and denigrate my life

and all life in the Continuum.

Captain, you're an explorer.
What if you had nothing left to explore?

Would you want to live forever
under those circumstances?

You want me to prove I suffer in terms
you can equate with pain or disease.

Look at us. When life has become
futile, meaningless, unendurable,

it must be allowed to end.

Can't you see, Captain?
For us, the disease is immortality.

We rest our case, Captain.

Very well.
I'll make my ruling in the morning.

We'll be in recess until then.

Trouble sleeping?

Did you ever try
warm Kylerian goat's milk?

- Get out.
- Did you think about our offer?

- You mean your bribe.
- An incentive to make the right choice.

It will play no part in my deliberations.

No, I told them it wouldn't.

So I talked them into
giving you what you asked for.

You have my word.
He won't go back to the cell.

We'll assign someone
to look after him. Whatever it takes.

- It's what you wanted, isn't it?
- That's what I wanted.

So you've won.

Let's celebrate. Just you and me.
The two of us.

- What?
- I'll take you home.

Before you know it
you'll be with your little puppies,

the grass beneath your bare feet.

The man coming over the hill
in the distance waves to you.

You run to be in his arms and as
you get closer you see that it's... me.

- You?
- Forget Mark.

I know how to show a girl a good time.

How would you like
a ticker-tape parade?

The Captain that brought
Voyager back. A celebrated hero.

I never did anything like that
for Jean-Luc.

But I feel very close to you.
I'm not sure why.

Maybe it's because you have such
authority but still such femininity.


We'll talk about this
after the hearing tomorrow.

I've tried to reconcile the conflicting
emotions I've felt during this hearing.

My own aversion to su1c1de.
My compassion for your situation, Q.

It hasn't been easy.

I've tried to tell myself
that this is not about su1c1de,

but about granting asylum.

That I am not being asked
to perform euthanasia.

And as technically true
as that may be,

I cannot escape the moral implications
of my choices.

I've also had to consider
that a decision to grant asylum

and the subsequent su1c1de of a Q

might have a significant impact
on the Continuum.

That such a decision could change
the nature of an entire society,

whether it be a favourable or
unfavourable change, disturbs me.

But then there are the rights
of the individual.

I don't believe that you are unbalanced.

And I do believe
that you are suffering intolerably.

Under these conditions,

I find it impossible to support
immortality forced on an individual.

The unforeseen disruption that may
occur is not enough, in my opinion,

to justify any additional suffering
by this individual.

So I hereby grant you asylum.

- May I see you in your chambers?
- You've been in my chambers enough.

A sidebar, Your Honour.
Only for a moment.

She ruled in my favour.
You made a promise!

Nothing happened. Nothing!

My powers are gone! I'm mortal.

- So much for ticker-tape parades.
- I'm not finished. Q...

Now that you're mortal,
you have a new existence to explore.

An entirely new state of being,
filled with the mysteries of mortal life,

pleasures you've never felt before.

I like this life, Q.

You might, too.
Think hard before you give it up.

This hearing is adjourned.

Captain's log, stardate 49301.2.

We have assigned quarters
to our new passenger,

who has entered his name
on our crew manifest as Quinn.

I'm anxious to engage him
in ship activities as soon as possible.

How about stellar cartography?

We could shut it down
with his knowledge.

That will be a problem with everything.

- There's got to be something...
- Sickbay to Captain Janeway.

- Go ahead.
- You should come down here.

Mr Quinn is here. I'm afraid he's dying.

- There's nothing you can do?
- He's ingested Nogatch hemlock.

There is no known cure.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, Captain,

but I would only have been pretending
to fit in to this mortal existence.

This is my final gift to my people.

Tell them those were my last words.

I dearly thank you
for making this... possible.

Do you keep samples
of fatal poisons in storage?

- No.
- The replicators will not produce them.

So how did he get his hands
on Nogatch hemlock?

I got it for him.

- You assisted a su1c1de?
- Illogical, Tuvok? I don't think so.

By demanding to end his life,
he taught me something about my own.

He was right when he said
the Continuum scared me back in line.

I didn't have his courage
or his convictions.

He called me "irrepressible”.

This was a man
who was truly irrepressible.

I only hope I make a worthy student.

I imagine the Continuum
won't be very happy with you, Q.

I certainly hope not.

Au revoir, Madam Captain.
We will meet again.
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