03x31 - Arms Race with Legs

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x31 - Arms Race with Legs

Post by bunniefuu »

"Arms Race With Legs"

What are you doing?

Tryin' to jump 'n' touch
this doorjamb, yo!

Wow, what a great way
to annoy everyone.

Mama, don't you know,
jumping and touching things

is the way to show
everyone how cool you are?

- Those jumps are not cool.
- Oh, yeah? Check this.

- Boom!
- Ooh!

I want to be cool, too!

- Booyah!
- I am the cool!

Shamma Lamma Mu-mu.

Wow, there is nothing

impressive about what you're doing.
Please stop.

Can't stop now, Mama.

We're gonna jump
'n' touch all day!

Top of the fridge, yo!

The face!

- Ooh!
- Whoa!

- Touched it.
- Got it!

- Blam!
- Smackey-smack!

Okay, Titans, let's
take it up a notch.

Ceiling light!

Impossible, bro!

You are as arrogant as Icarus.

Your wings will surely melt.

Don't be a Icarus, you dummy!

Your doubt will only
make me leap higher!

- How? Tell me how?
- One word.


- I'm all about the buns!
- Ooh!

That's right.

Nothing makes you jump
higher than tight buns.

Buns? Are you kidding me?

Jumping has nothing
to do with buns.

It's all about the legs.

Legs? More powerful than buns?

- Prove it.
- Not interested.

- Why? Are you scared?
- The power of the legs

isn't something to be
used for fun and games.

- Yup, she's scared.
- I'm not scared.

She's quaking.


Lady Legasus!

Behold the power of legs!


So much of the height.

My buns! Failed.

Buns are for burgers, bro.

We wish to make jump like
you, friend Legasus.

I'm flattered, but no.

I just needed to
teach you a lesson.

The power of quads, hammies and
calves can be intoxicating.

Unchecked, that power
can lead to bad things.

How can something
bad look so good?

Come on, Lady Legasus,
have some fun, please!

Okay, okay. I guess a
little fun couldn't hurt.

That's what I'm talking about.

Thunder Thighs!

Incredible Quad!

The Calf!

Captain Cankle!

Together, we are the
League of Legs.

Hop to it!

- Whoa! Window!
- Tree!

Walk sign!


Old lady!

Roller coaster!

- Batman!
- Batman!

- Batman!
- Batman!


The city is so beautiful
from up here.

You see, the Lady Legasus,
nothing bad happened at all.

Our legs are still
noble and pure.

I'll admit, that was fun.

But it's time to put the legs
away until they're truly needed.

Whoa! What's going on?

Just legging it up Cankle style.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! Dig
on these juicy calves, Mama!

I thought we agreed
to put the legs away.

We attempted to put away the
legs, but they refused.

Also, I was hungry.

- Hungry?
- Look at these hams.

Don't tell me they
don't look delicious.

This is what I warned you about!

You're using your
legs improperly

and they're taking
control of you!

Actually, we were just
following your lead, Raven.

Yeah. You used your legs
to jump higher than Robin.

And you enjoyed the glamor of
legging it about town with us.

But I... But... But...

- But, but...
- What's that, Mama?

Having car trouble?

What's come over you?
You have to stop.

Try to stop us, Mama!


That's it. I call upon the
League of Legs to disband!

We would be happy to

if you can prove you're
still strong enough

- to lead the League of Legs.
- A challenge?

A jumping contest.

If you win, we'll go back
to being the Titans.

But if I win, you're
out of the league

- forever.
- No way.

What? Don't have the thickest
thighs on the block anymore?

Are you the chicken?

You certainly have the
legs of such a bird.

Fine. I accept your challenge.

Good luck. You'll need it.

Because I've got a leg
up on this competition.

Watch and learn.

Ha! Beat that.

- How? Impossible.
- Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I used to think it was
all about them legs,

but now I realize it's
all about these legs!

Your legs. They're
becoming evil.

Oh, yeah. Sure. Right.

Look at them.

We don't take orders from
you anymore, Lady Legasus.

Or should I say, Raven!

You remember our deal?

Come on, you guys. Let's
stretch our legs.

Walk sign!

Old lady!

Roller coaster!

- Batman!
- Batman!

- Batman!
- Sorry.

What have I unleashed
on the world?

And I was the only one
who could stop them.

Weights. Those cheaters
rigged the challenge!

I knew these gams wouldn't
have let me down.

Time for Lady Legasus to step
back into the leg-light.

- Lady Legasus.
- You mean, the Lady Chicken Legs.

What you think you're
doing dressed like that?

You lost, remember?

Didn't your mother tell
you it's a bad idea

to store weights in your onesie?

Put aside the threat in your
thighs and cruelty in your calves.

- It doesn't need to be this way.
- How dare you challenge us?

You don't have a
leg to stand on.

You're right. I have two.
Super, meaty ones.

Now here's something I think
you might get a kick out of.

- Ha!
- Kick, kick, kick, kick!

You're on your last
legs, Legasus.

Join us or suffer
the consequences.


I call upon the ancient
Spirit of Legs.

Quadratus femoris,
obturator internus!

Behold the power
of Mega Legasus.

Your legs aren't the
wet noodles I thought.

But can you stand up to this?

Leg lock!

We finish this now!

Cankle cross!

Quad quake!

Ooh! The ouch!

- Thigh thrust!
- My legs!

Not these legs, Mama!

You don't deserve those legs.
Or these.

Calf kaboom!

What? Wait... What happened?

I don't think our legs are
controlling us anymore.

Oh, thank you for shattering all the
bones in our legs, Lady Legasus.

We's was acting like real jerks.

We should have listened
when you warned us

about being corrupted
by leg power.

- I'll never use my legs again.
- I know how you feel.

But in time, you'll earn
the right to call yourself

Captain Cankle again.

No. I will literally
never use my legs again.

They're broken very badly.
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