03x41 - Coconut Cream Pie

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x41 - Coconut Cream Pie

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Yeah! The skies were clear
and the water was warm ♪

♪ The sun was blazing hot ♪

♪ And where do we
find our Titan crew ♪

♪ They're all up
on their yacht ♪

♪ That's right,
they have a yacht ♪

♪ It's called the Titan Yacht ♪

♪ It's a really big yacht ♪

♪ A super dope yacht ♪

♪ They all set sail
for a day of fun ♪

♪ Full of dancing
and good food ♪

♪ Till it all came
to a sudden stop ♪

- ♪ When Beast Boy
yelled out - "Dude!" ♪

♪ A massive wave was headed ♪

♪ Toward our frightened
Titan crew ♪

♪ They tried and tried
to outrun the swirl ♪

♪ But there was nothing
they could do ♪

♪ It crashed onto
the Titan Yacht ♪

♪ With the force of
Poseidon's rage ♪

♪ And it seemed that all
things might be lost ♪

♪ if the Titans aren't saved ♪

♪ When suddenly behind a crest ♪

♪ A heated desert isle ♪

- ♪ Just then Robin yells
out - "Whoo-hoo!" ♪

♪ And the rest went buck wild ♪

♪ It looks like
they'll be stranded ♪

- ♪ For more than just one day
- Who-ooh. ♪

♪ They're most likely
to be stranded here ♪

- ♪ For the next five whole days
- Ya-aah! ♪

♪ No less than five whole days ♪

♪ For certain five whole days ♪

♪ No less than five whole days ♪

♪ For certain five whole days ♪

♪ No less than five whole days ♪

♪ For certain five whole days ♪

♪ No less than five whole days ♪

- ♪ For certain five whole days ♪
- Go! ♪

We're shipwrecked.
Is everyone okay?

- Yeah, I'm good.
- I think so.

Beast Boy? Beast Boy!

That sounds like my dude. And
it's coming from overboard.

Dude overboard! I got you, bro!

Hey, what are you doing?
Let me go.

I'll never let you go!
Don't you die on me!

- I am not drowning. This is a beach.
- A beach?

- Sweet.
- Beast Boy!

- Ooh, that is the nice skipper hat.
- Well, you got to

have some sun protection
when you're out on a boat.

That's right. We'd be blocking them
harmful UV rays with hats, yo.

Wow. Well, this has been fun,
but I'm getting out of here.


Do not worry, I shall fly and
alert the rescue persons.

How strange.

It seems we're stranded
on a deserted island.

- But why don't our powers work?
- Because we're stranded!

On a deserted island. Which
means we can't get off.

- Even with our powers.
- That seems like the logic problem.

And there's probably
some kind of mysterious

Bermuda triangle thing
and that's why. Okay?

Oh. I buy that.

Great. That's settled.
Now, we'll have to rely

on the island's natural
resources for survival.

We can start by constructing
a rudimentary shelter

- by utilizing the indigenous flora.
- Whoa! So smart.

You's like a professor, bro.

You and Cyborg, go
gather up some bamboo.

Raven, why don't you put
that sturdy mid-western

frame to work and get
us some coconuts?

Ooh, I could make coconut cream pies.
Everybody likes those.

- And what shall my task be?
- "Task"? You're a star.

Yes, that is my name.

No. Like a movie star.

You're too glamorous
for manual labor.

Why don't you go sit in
the shade with them?

- Who are they?
- Just some millionaire

and his wife that were
on the boat with us.


It's crude, but it
should keep us alive.

Coconut, put it in your mouth.

The coconuts are taking on
the coconuts this weekend.

Don't miss the big
Coconut Bowl...

Co, co, co, co,
coconut, coconut...

Man, how does this TV even work?

Simple science, really. I
made a rudimentary enclosure

by combining coconut
husks with bamboo wiring

and then ionized coconut
milk to project a picture.

I even had enough spare
coconut to make this remote.

In other news, coconut
futures are up.

President Coconut had this
to say on the matter.

Less coconut...

Oh, man. I wanted to hear what

President Coconut had to say.
I love that guy.

- Ow!
- President Coconut is flushing

this coconut country
down the coconut toilet.

All right. We need to
discuss our exit strategy.

According to my calculations,

there are enough raw
materials on this island

to construct an escape vehicle.
The only problem is, fuel.

We'll worry about fuel later.
Go down to the lagoon

and gather up some bamboo
and leaves, little homie.

You got it, yo.

- Coconut cream pie for the road?
- Uh, no, I'm good.

Maybe later. I'll
save you a slice.

Sweet, sweet, coconut pie.

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

♪ Bam, bam, bam, bam, bamboo ♪

What's this? "Rocket foo-el."



Huh... "Fool"?

Yo! Robin said he needed fuel.

Oh, man, we're saved!

You's coming with me, fool.


I love you, Coconut.

- I love you, too.
- Kiss me.

I knew they'd always
end up together.

Yo, yo! Check out what I found.

- Rocket fuel?
- Yup.

This is powerful enough to launch
a 100-ton rocket into orbit.

You know it is!

And you brought it the inside?

That's what's up!



Well, you've certainly
done it again, Beast Boy.

No, this is good. This rocket
fuel is extremely potent.

In fact, this single barrel is
enough to get us back to Jump City.

You've done it again, Beast Boy!

All we need to do now
is build a rocket.

- Leave it to us.
- What do you need?

Let me think.

Bamboo, yes.

Leaves, definitely.

Mmm... I'm missing something...

Coconut cream pie.

That's it! Coconuts. I can't
believe I didn't think of that.

Now, we only have
this one barrel,

so we'll have to keep the
rocket's weight down.

Stick to the essentials
and we should be fine.

- Hello, friend, Beast Boy.
- What up, Star?

I must request that you
construct a wardrobe

for my many movie star gowns.

I don't know. Robin said we
gots to keep the weight down.

I cannot be seen wearing
the same dress twice.

- You understand.
- When did you get so "movie starry?"

- I cannot be seen!
- Okay! Okay! Okay, you got it.

Wardrobe city.

I was thinking, I need you
to build an oven in here,

so I can bake my world-famous
coconut cream pies.

You want to be able to eat
on the way home, right?

Uh, I do loves to get my eat on.

Excellent. I'll be sure to
save you one of my pies.


So, you better get out of
here so I can start. Bye.

Let me guess, you want
first-class seats?

What's all this?

Hey, Robin. Just finishing up
the first-class section, yo.

- "First-class section"?
- Yeah, for the millionaire and his wife.

Do you have any idea how
much those chairs weigh?!

- Not half as much as Raven's oven.
- "Oven"?!


Robin gave you one simple
job and you failed!

I was just trying to
make everyone happy.

Coconut cream pies
make people happy.

Okay, Beast Boy, get rid
of all of this stuff.

Aye-aye, bro.

Then when you're done, get
some lunch for everyone.

You got it.

Phew, done! Now I just
gots to get the lunch.

Huh. "La-unch."


La, la... "Lunch"! Lunch!

Sweet, a lunch button.

- All right, we're ready to go.
- Let's get this rocket cracking, yo.

Where's those lunches,
little homie?

Oh, they'll be here
in about 10 seconds.

What are you talking about?

I hit the lunch button.
And it said 10 seconds.

"Lunch button"?

There's no lunch button!

That was the launch button!

So, we're not getting lunch?

Beast Boy!


The fuel. It must
have been unstable.

If we had been on that
rocket, we'd all be dead.

- You saved us, little homie.
- That's how I do.

Yes, coconut cream
pie for everyone.

Hey, this is really good, yo.

Told you.
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