04x02 - Halloween vs Christmas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x02 - Halloween vs Christmas

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Okay, Titans,
Halloween is tonight.

The trick-or-treaters are
going to be out in force,

and we need to be ready.

Cyborg, Beast Boy,
you're on candy.

Those trick-or-treaters
are gonna freak

when they find out
we're handing out

those full-size bars.

Yeah, baby size is
for chumps, yo.

Bold choice. I like it.

Raven, Starfire,
you're on decorations.

Let's give those

nightmares for weeks.

Then let's get all the candy
and decorations we can find,

so the fun can begin.

Titans, go!

Man, how's they not even
have any Halloween junk for sale?

Not even a single plastic
spider ring.

I can't believe we won't
have any candy to hand out.

Don't sweat it, yo.
I gots the candy covered.

From last year.

I keeps it on me just in case.

I'd say the trick-or-treaters
will appreciate that,

but I don't see any.

Did I hear you have candy?

You heard right.

I gots that good year-old candy.

Ooh. Oh, goody.

Aren't you forgetting
to say something?

Oh, ja, ja.Yes.

Trick and treat.

It's "trick or treat."

How do you not know that?

And aren't you a little old
to be trick-or-treating?

And why are your candy sacks

shaped like the
Christmas stockings?

I said trick and treat,

and I mean it, you garbage kids.

Those aren't trick-or-treaters!

It's Santa and his elves!

Code Red and White.

Everyone in the car now!
Move, move!

Bring me that candy!

He's gaining on us!

Destroy them with your
nose so bright!

We're being boarded, yo!

On it.

Give me the candy,
you garbage children!

Santa really wants that candy.

I know the dude has
a sweet tooth, but dang.

It's not the candy he wants,
it's the holiday itself.

That's why we couldn't find any
Halloween candy or decorations.

He's erased every trace
of them from town.

This bag is the last remnant
of Halloween spirit.

But why would Santa wish
to eradicate the Halloween?

It's the only holiday that people
look forward to as much as Christmas.

And Santa can't stand that.

If he takes control
of Halloween,

no holiday will be safe.

And Christmas' influence will
stretch over the entire calendar.

Why don't you come out

Children, Santa has presents
for you.

Ooh, the presents.

A limited edition vinyl ofThe
Night Begins To Shine,

signed by B.E.R.?


Pegasus Ranch playset!

A live kitten cat!

No, it's a trap.

But... But the kitten cat...

Forget about the kitten cat!

We're not falling
for it, Kringle.

You might as well
head back to the North Pole.

Santa will head back
to the North Pole

the second you give me the bag
of Halloween candy,

and I control the holiday.


Well, if we're going to be
here a while,

why don't we all enjoy some

delightful holiday music
to pass the time?

Play all the Christmas carols
you want, Santa.

You're not laying one
sausage finger on this candy.

We'll see.

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas ♪

♪ We wish you a Merry Chris... ♪

♪ Oh, Christmas tree ♪

- ♪ Oh, Christmas tree
- Don't do it.

♪ Deck the hall with boughs of holly ♪

- ♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells ♪
- That's enough.

I can't take it!

I need to get a tree.

- I want to bake a ham.
- Stop him.

Sorry. That music just puts me
in the Christmas spirit.

We're powerless against
its influence.

We can't take much more of this.

Beast Boy,
call the Jolly Fat Man.

Tell him we're willing
to negotiate.

We said no weapons, Santa.

Oh, ho-ho-ho!

Santa must have forgotten.

And the candy canes.

Oh, have a heart.

Let my hungry little elves
have their snack.

Very well.


Now give Santa the last bag
of Halloween candy,

so we can all go home.

Or should I just take it?

- Try it!
- He's not worth it.

Let me at him!

You might wanna put a leash
on that dog of yours.

What did you say, you cookies
and milk smelling oaf?

Raven, take it easy.


We're just talking, okay?

Real calm.

I'm cool.

Look, Santa,
we can't give you Halloween,

but we are willing
to meet you halfway.

Presidents' Day.

Nobody cares
about Presidents' Day.

Most people don't even
get it off.

Then we will sweeten the pot.

Do you really think I need
those trash holidays?

I only need Halloween.

Once I control it,

all other holidays will be
forced to bow to me.

Now give Santa the candy!

You said they were snacks.

Never trust Santa. Elves!


We tried to do this peacefully.

Now, we have only one option.


But the Santa is too powerful.

Remember, Halloween
is the only holiday

that can rival Christmas.

We just need to call on
all its strength.

Raven, you're up.

I'm gonna need a pumpkin
for the ritual.

Will a squash work?

Yeah, but where...

I keeps it on me, just in case.

A witch's eye.

A dragon scale.

A mummy's hand.

A goblin's tail.

And a handful of candy corn.

Stop eating them.

Oh, but they're so good, Mama.

Yeah, they are yummy.

Two candy corn.

Who summons my might
on this All Hallows' Night?

Oh, great Halloween spirit,

we need your help
to save Halloween.

Save Halloween?

Whatever do you mean?

Santa is trying to take over
the holiday.

The Jolly Fat Man wants my day?

You and I will make him pay.

Scary creatures of the night,

I call you forth
to help us fight!

Looks like it's time to
take the fight to Santa.

♪ All hail the Jolly Fat Man ♪

♪ All the kids are so... ♪

- Santa!
- Look, the garbage children.

Here to give up?

You are outnumbered after all.

Think again.

Titans, Dracula,
Wolf Man, Frankenstein

and great Halloween spirit, go!

Naughty, naughty, naughty.

Oh, looks like I've been bested,

and Santa's patience
must not be tested.

Better hand over
that Halloween candy,

to big, fat, jolly old Santy.

Fine, Santa, you win.

The candy's mine.

Halloween is mine.

Santa wins,
you garbage children.

Wait a second,
these aren't treats.

- That's right.
- They're tricks.

We did it, Titans.

We saved Halloween from Santa.

It's not too late for
Halloween Night.

Let's make sure we do it right.

Merry Halloween to all,

and to all a scary night!
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