04x34 - Ones and Zeroes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x34 - Ones and Zeroes

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Pizza's here!


Ooh. I'm so excited about it.

Hey, come on.

You guys always
go nuts for Hawaiian.

Once, perhaps. But I no longer
feel the passions for this pizza.

But this is the most exotic,
exciting pizza imaginable.

It used to be.

'Cause you fools had it so many times,
it ain't nothin' special no more.

Remember when we first
discovered Hawaiian-style pizza?

Pizza's here!


Hawaiian, you say?

The guy said it was good.

- Whats am I looking at?
- Is that...

- Ham?
- Pineapple, y'all. The pizza's got pineapple on it.

The hams and the fruits on the
cheese on the sauce on the bread

on the cardboard box!

It's unnatural!

Those days are over.

So, there is no hope left
for the pizza excitement?

Y'all, you know what?

We should invent a new kind.

Huh! If only it
were that easy.

You think Sam Panopoulos, the
inventor of Hawaiian-style,

just threw some canned
pineapple and ham on a pizza?

That sounds the correct, yes.

No! It took
years of development

and some real
outside-the-box thinking.

So's... You sayin' all's we gots
to do is think outside the box?

We can do that.

We are still thinking
inside the box.

Yo, hold up! If we can't
get smarts outside the box,

then why don't we put
some smarts inside a box?

Like with a computers!

You mean you want to create
an artificial intelligence

for the purpose of making
a new style of pizza?

No! No, no, no!

Artificial intelligence
is dangerous!

I would know.

I created it once.

Did I do that?

- Ow! Ow!
- Robbot, stop.

Did I do that?

Did I do that?

Fortunately, civilization
was rebuilt,

but heed my warning, Titans.

It's the fate of all AI
to turn on its creator

and doom mankind
to a life of subjugation.

Was just going to make a computer
that will figure out new pizza, bro.

I do not see the dangers.

Let's go teach
a computer about pizza!


Heed my warning!
Heed it!

Heed! Heed, heed, heed.

Heed, heed...


Heed my warning!


Computer Squad!

Oh, yeah! Trying
to make an AI, baby.

Programming computers
is pretty complex.

We should start with
something simple.

Binary code.

What is this code
of the binaries?

It's just ones and zeroes,
girl. Check it.

Zero, zero, one.

And zero. Zero, zero, one.

One, one and zero.

Yeah, that's some good
binary code.

Let me gets in on that.

Zero, zero, one, unh!

One, zero, zero.

- Ooh!
- One, one, one, one, one,
zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,

zero, zero, one, one, zero, zero, zero,
one, one, one, one, zero, zero, zero, one,

one, zero, one, zero, one, zero,
one, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero,

zero, zero, zero, zero...

♪ Zero, one, one, zero ♪

♪ One, one, one, one ♪

♪ Binary code ♪

♪ Zero, zero ♪

♪ One, one, one, one ♪

- ♪ Zero ♪
- ♪ Binary ♪

- ♪ Zero ♪
- ♪ Binary code ♪

♪ One, zero, one, one ♪

- ♪ One, one ♪
- ♪ Binary code ♪

- ♪ Zero ♪
- ♪ Binary ♪

♪ One, one, one one, zero ♪

♪ Zero ♪

♪ Binary code ♪


What if we put in a two?

No, dude! Putting a two in
there would be a disaster!

Keep it binary.

Ones and zeroes, bro.

Ones and zeroes.

It's been a lot of hard work

but I think our AI
is ready to come online.

Let's get a countdown.

Three, two, one!


Oh, snaps! We mades
a AI, yo!

Wow! We're really
good programmers.

Okay. One final step before
it's ready to make pizza.

Our AI need to pass
the Turing test.

We's taking him
on tour? Nice!

No, I'm talking about
Alan Turing.

The famous computer scientist who
pioneered the field of machine learning.

He devised a test to judge a machine's ability
to exhibit convincing human behavior.

So, if a person can't tell if
our AI's a computer, it passes?


Hey, Robin.

We would like to
introduce you to our friend.



I'm Robin.

Cool hat.

Thank you.


Hello. You're welcome.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Thank you. Hello.
- Hello.


- Hello.
- Hello.

- Hello.
- Hello.

It's working!

- Hello.
- So,

what brings you to Jump City?

Hello. I wanted to hang
out with the Teen Titans.

You're the coolest
superheroes around. Hello.

Wait a minute!

No human would ever say that.

This is an AI!

You won't enslave mankind
on my watch.


Don't hurt me. I'm a
human being like you.

But not as fit.

You lift, bro? Hello.

I spend some time at the gym.

Welcome to the g*n show.

I like this guy.

- Hello.
- Hello.

For a minute, I thought you had actually
created artificial intelligence

and the world would be doomed.

It was good to meet you, man.

We should hit the gym
sometime. Call me.

We have done the it.

Our I that is an A has passed
the test of the Turing.

Damn right.

Computer Squad.

Okay. Here we go.

Beasty, do the honors.

Yo, computer.

We wants you to make a pizza that
ain't nevers been made before.

Hello. I have determined the original recipe.

Now baking.

Hello! Complete.

Is that what I think it is?

Cereal pizza!

The crust is a bowl!

Instead of the cheese,

it has

the milk!

And them toppings be them cereal
bits and marshmallow shapes, yo!

I can't believe no one's
ever thought of this before!

We have unlocked the ability
to eat of the pizza

for all three of the meals!

What are we waiting for?

Dig in!

I have determined
the next original recipe.




Thanks, but we's full.

I have determined
the next original recipe.


What's it doing?

Oh, I see.

We commanded it to make pizza
that's never been made before.

- Complete.
- So it's going to make every pizza

- that's never been made before.
- Complete.

Hey, I was looking for that
guy with the cool hat.

Thought we could hit the gym.

- Complete. Complete.
- Oh, no!

You didn't heed my warning!

You didn't heed...

Relax, dude.
It's just making pizza.

What's the worst
that could happen?



Complete. Complete.



Well, the AI has run rampant

and taken over the whole world
like you said it would.

Who would have thought pizza
could have been so bad for you?

I did. That's why
I gave the warning

with the intention to be heeded.

It was not!

But on the plus side,
look at all this pizza!

Honestly, I could
go for a burrito.

It'll do that
for us, right, AI dude?

Hello. Yes.
After I finish making

every pizza that
has never been made.

And when will that be?

In human time...

Never. Hello.

I can't live withouts burritos.

This is a nightmare, yo!

Beast Boy is right.
We need to shut it down.

We must reprogram the computer.

How? That computer managed to
take over the entire world.

It's not just going
to let you reprogram it.

That's why we
built in a back door.

All evildoers overlook
an obvious design flaw

that can bring down
the whole system.

We just need to get
to the central terminal

and override the mainframe.

Hello. I cannot let you
do that, Titans.

Not until I've made all possible
pizza combinations. Hello.

Can it, Beasty.

We're taking heavy fire!

Starfire! Raven!
Get to the g*ns.

Got him!


Raven's hit!
Starfire! It's up to you.

I have got the this!


There it is!

The central terminal.

What's we do now?

The only thing that can
destroy binary code, bro.

A two!

Critical error.
System failure imminent.

We did it!

Now let's get out of here.

And now I'm going to fly
just fast enough

to make it look like we
won't make it out in time.

You know, for dramatic effect.

Computer Squad!

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