04x09 - The Streak Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x09 - The Streak Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Streak - Part 2" [OPENING THEME PLAYING]


Kid Flash.

Stealing my team and leaving only the most useless member.

At least you still gots me, bro.

Now my streak will be over.

I'll have to eat my own sour grapes.



- Awful.

- Bro, we're still a team.

All we gots to do is stop one more crime and you get to keep your streak.

Two people do not make a team.

Everyone knows that! We are a duo.


A pair.

A couplet.

A doublet.

An odd couple.

Master and student.

Tango and Cash.

Turner and Hooch.

Two guys from different backgrounds trying to make it work.

But a team? Not by a long shot.

So? We just make a new team then.

Kid Flash couldn't find any superheroes, what makes you think we can? You just gots to know where to look, bro.


And where is that? - Oh.

I thought you knew.

- Argh! - [LAUGHS]

Gots you.

That's just some of that good comic relief I'm known for.


Don't sweat it.

I gots the new teammates.

You just enjoy them grapes.







Guys, so excited to have you on my team.

We are going to absolutely crush crime season, and bring Robin's streak to an end.

Oh, I can't wait to see the look on his face.

Dude, don't get so excited.

We haven't even stopped one crime yet.

And this one appears to be the difficult challenge.



All right, let's do this.

- Done.

- Whaaat? - You are the man.

- The ooh and the awe.

Hey, I like letting someone else do all the work.

Then you'll like being on my team.

Now just relax, while I take care of 51 more crimes.



The streak is over.

And I spent my last dollar on this pedestal.

My hubris knows no bounds.

I finally understand why Icarus was such a piece of trash.

Yo, yo, yo! You ready to meet the new teammates? Can't wait.

I thinks you gonna be pleasantly surprised, bro.

These guys are bottom of the barrel.

Beast Boy, you did it.

And I thought you were worthless.

Did you really manage to recruit the three best members of the Justice League? No.

These are my bedsheets.

I was just trying to use them to cover the new guys to build suspense, yo.

Say hello to the new Teen Titans.

Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and Sticky Joe.

Howdy! I was right.

You are worthless.

- These are not superheroes! - Not a superhero? Do you know anyone else who can carry all the toys in the world while dealing with a nagging wife and eight frisky reindeer? And I am quite the sneer.


My little fingers were burrowing under your pillow in search of smile bones just last night.

- Ta-ta-ra-ta-ta.

- Howdy! This will never work.

They're not real superheroes.

I wasn't a real superhero neither, bro.

Not till you gave me a chance and made me a Teen Titan.

You just gotta give them a chance too, bro.

So, you all wanna join the Teen Titans? Any excuse to get away from Mrs.


Uh, she can be a real lump of coal, if you catch my drift.

I will do it for teeth.

I will do anything for teeth.


There are no teeth involved.


We'll see.



Very well.

I officially declare you all to be members of the Teen Titans.



Our current mission is to win crime season.

As you can see, Kid Flash is right behind us, but we just need to stop one more crime to win.


And that's our chance to do it.

Titans, go! [LAUGHING]

All right, rookies, let's see what you got.

There's only one way to handle naughty children.

Please, tell me you can do better than that? [GRUNTS]





Titans, get your heads in the game! Hey, how's it going, buddy? I dig the new team! Those are bold choices.

Will you excuse me for a moment? [EXCLAIMS]

And that makes 51.


Oh, wait.

Did I just tie the score? [PARTY MUSIC PLAYING]

Yeah, you did! Ha! Couldn't do it without you guys.

- Glad we could help.

- Indeed.

The refill, please.

Guys, please come back.

I need you.

You know how important this streak is to me.

It would not be right to leave the Kid Flash at the end of the crime season.


That's what you did to me! - Yeah.

But you made us do work! - We don't like work.

Look in your hearts.

You're still Teen Titans, - and you always will - Hey! - Who wants pizza? I'm buying.

- What? You are the paying for the pizza? - He paid for the pizza.

- This is the greatest day of my life! [MUNCHING]

Enjoy your free food! I'm still going to get to 52 first! Ha! With that team of weirdos? [MUSIC]


Good luck.

How dare Kid Flash call my team weirdos? [HILLBILLY MUSIC PLAYING]



No, no, no.

Stop! Stop acting like weirdos.


- Howdy! - I can't take this! [YELLS]


Any second now the streak will be over.


Maybe I was too hard on Cyborg, Starfire and Raven.

You look like a man who just drank some spoiled milk.

I can't win crime season without my team.

My real team.

What is wrong with your garbage brain? Don't you see? You are the team.

As the leader, you're the only one who matters.



It's not true, Santa.

You couldn't do your job without your faithful reindeer.

Oh, sure, sure.

They're so important.

I bet you know all their names, right? [ROBIN READING]

SANTA: But what about Tyson or Graebel? - Who? - Oh, you never heard of them? Ah, of course, you didn't, because they were garbage.

So I sent them to the dog food factory.


Individuals don't matter, son.

It's what a leader can get his team to do together that's important.


You see, they say the best ingredients Make the perfect meal Well, call the Judge I'd like to file for an appeal You ever had a hot dog? Son, they're mighty delicious But what goes inside You'd never know Is rather suspicious Head meat, gut, feet, and butts, oh boy! That's right But it's really tasty So, go on and take a bite You see, it's the sum that matters, Not the garbage part So you're saying I'm what really counts? Yeah, now you got the smarts It's not the nose It's the face Not the Earth It's the space It's not the villains It's the cell Not the fart It's a smell You've heard it said a million times There is no "I" in That's true But, without a solid leader Well, the rest is poo Not saying they're all dummies They just haven't got a clue That the team is positively not a team without you It's not the nose It's the face It's not the Earth It's the space It's not the villains It's the cell It's not the fart It's a smell You've heard it said a million times - # There's no "I" in Team # - # That's true # But, without a solid leader Well, the rest is poo - Now do you understand? - I do.

But, it took years to figure out the team and everyone's place on it.

If you've done your job as leader, everyone should naturally fall into their roles.

I see.


Howdy! The team fits the mold I make.

That means, I can lead any group of losers, weirdos or vagrants to victory.


The crime alert.


k*ller Moth is back.

This is it.

Our 52nd crime.

We stop it, we win crime season.

Titans, go! [ROCK MUSIC]


We stop k*ller Moth here and the streak stays alive.



- Not so fast, Robin.

- Kid Flash.

Do you really need to try to stop the same crime? Of course.

I wanna see the look on your face when I win and you lose your precious streak.

So that's what this was all about.


You and me.

One winner, one loser.

And with that team of weirdos backing you up, I think we both know who the loser is.

You took my team, and you'll probably take my victory too.

- Can I just ask you one thing? - Sure.

How's your other knee? Ow! Ow! This time there was a popping.

Ow! Oh, little help, guys.

- Uh-uh.

- No, thank you.

Let's wrap this up.

- Titans, go! - Ow! [MUSIC]


[w*r CRY]


Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yes! [CRYING]


Them sour grapes You brought them sour grapes Sour grapes, sour grapes [CRYING]

You got them sour grapes Sour grapes A grip of sour grapes Oh, it hurts so much! [MUSIC]
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