01x07 - The Nox

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x07 - The Nox

Post by bunniefuu »

Read-outs on P8X-362, sir.
Looks good, especially the mineral scans.

I'll pass this on to SG-4. They'll be geared
up and ready for departure by 1100 hours.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Offworld activation.
Repeat, offworld activation.

- Is there anyone due back?
- No, sir.

Incoming traveller.
Repeat, incoming traveller.

All defence teams, stand by.

- Looks like SG-1, sir.
- Open the iris.

Get a medical team down there.

Medical team, report to Stargate room.
Medical team, report to Stargate room.

Stand down.

SG-1 couldn't have been deployed more
than three hours ago - what happened?

Colonel, look at me. Look at me.

They're in shock.
Get them to the infirmary.

Colonel... where's Dr. Jackson?

Daniel Jackson.

He didn't make it, sir.

Daniel's dead, sir.

I want a complete analysis
of these uniforms.

See if there's any form of contamination.


What have we got?

He's gone, isn't he?

Why can't I stop shaking?

You're still in shock, Captain.
It's all right. You're gonna be all right.

Can I get another
warm blanket here, please?

I just want you to take
some slow, deep breaths for me.

That's good.

You wanna tell me how it happened?

He screamed and then...

and there was fire and he...
he called out for help,

and then... he screamed and then
he... he was gone, he was just...

Shh. It's all right.

We're gonna give you
a sedative now so you can rest.



I do not wish this done.

They're just tryin' to take
your blood pressure.

It's all right, that can wait for now.

Teal'c, you can go
and change if you want to.

OK. Colonel - any pain, headache?


- Can I get you to look straight ahead?
- Wha...?!

- What is that?
- It's a penlight.

I'm sorry, you must be photosensitive.

You think?

It's all right, Colonel, we can do this
after debriefing or even tomorrow.

- Thank you.
- OK.

Thank you.

We went through the Stargate
at precisely 0700 this morning.

The world we found
appeared to be uninhabited.

There was no immediate sign of danger?

There were these holes, volcanic gas.

I took some soil samples
to test for minerals. Daniel...

Take your time.

He said...

He said "Colonel, help me".

- And then he was gone.
- Gone?


- In fire, sir.
- There was nothing you could've done.

I swear to God, sir,
I tried to get to him, but the heat was...

- It blasted toward us, and...
- And what did you do then?

There was a body of water somewhere
nearby. It was like a... a lake...

or... a sea, maybe.

We... all submerged ourselves.
That's what saved us.

- And by then?
- By then, Daniel was gone.

There was nothing... nothing left, sir.

I ordered the team to evacuate.

- We'll send a team to recover the body.
- No, sir!

It's... too volatile, sir.

The whole area was...

very unstable.

It's a hard thing to lose
a member of the team, Colonel.

I've gone through it myself.

- If there's anything I...
- Yes, sir.


General? I've a few more tests to run, but
I've got the results from my initial exams.

- And?
- Except for some minor contusions,

photosensitivity, which I can
blame on exposure to volcanic gases

in the atmosphere, they're fine.

Frankly, I'm more worried about
their post-traumatic symptoms.

When your lives depend on each other,
you form very deep bonds.

Of course, sir. I can't help but
be concerned. Call it intuition...

The best thing we can do
is get them on another mission.

I'll put them back into rotation when
I assign a replacement for Dr. Jackson.

I don't agree. I wanna keep them under
observation for several days at least.

In my experience, it's best for
the surviving members of the team...

Sir, with all due respect,

your experience doesn't include
gate travel to another planet.

Nor does anyone else's experience, for
that matter. Several days at least. I insist.

Very well, I'll put them on
stand-down for seven days.

Thank you, sir.


Daniel Jackson...

made this place... happen.

As a member of SG-1...

he was our voice...

our conscience.

He was a very courageous man.

He was a good man.

For those of us lucky enough to have
known him, he was also a friend.

We commend
Daniel Jackson's spirit

to the universe he opened
up for us...

and pledge to continue our journey
of discovery in his memory.

May he rest in peace.


Sam? Teal'c?


So we're sittin' around eating
some kind of gourmet Abydonian cuisine.

Daniel tells Sha're he's gonna show us
this cartouche thing, but before we leave,

she stands up, plants a kiss on him
that makes his face disappear for a day.

- I do not understand this ritual.
- It's called a wake.

On Chulak, when someone dies,
it is custom to not eat for three days.

Well, a wake is like a big party, supposed
to give the departed a jolly sendoff.

Sam, Teal'c. Glad you made it.
Somethin' to drink?

Yeah, sure. Beer.

- Teal'c?
- I must refrain.

There's food upstairs.

Help! Jack!

Help! Help!

Daniel. Daniel Jackson.


My friends, the... the others
who came here with me...

It's a very old Earth writing. It's cuneiform.

It's the first kind of writing
we've ever found on my world.


It's Akkadian, not Sumerian, so...

It's a tough one. Let me think.




"Om-or-oca. Reveal fate Omoroca."

"Reveal fate Omoroca"?

"Omoroca", what is that?

That's you?

No? Something else?

"Reveal... fate... Omoroca."

I'm sorry, I don't know
what you want me to do.

I don't know what you want me to do.

I don't understand.

Can we get this damn car outta here?!

What's on your mind, Colonel?

- Retirement, actually.
- You don't mean that.

I think I do.

Well, I can't let you do that at the moment.
I've got an assignment for SG-1.

Dr. Jackson's apartment needs to be
closed by Stargate personnel.

National security aside, you're probably
the closest thing he had to a family.

It's not an order, it's a request.

Yes, sir.

Why don't you come
join the others in the back?

Yes, sir.

- You know that's my car, don't you?
- You should get that window fixed.

"If a free man...

accuses another of m*rder
and fails to prove,

the accuser shall be put to death."

OK. That's interesting.
Now, what the hell does it mean?

Yeah, I know what it is. It is the legal code
of some ancient Babylonian king,

probably 2000 BC. The question is,
what does it have to do with me?

I wanna see my friends. I'm not
gonna translate another word until...

What speech?


What...? This one? Uh, it's Akkadian.

What speech?

Oh, uh... English.
It's much more modern...

What fate Omoroca?

I don't... I don't know.

Look, my friends and I,
we came here in peace. We're explorers.

- We'll share information if we have it.
- What fate Omoroca?!

I don't... I don't know!



Look, um...

I can't...

I can't tell you what I don't know.

You will.

Or you will die.

Oh, wow, look at these. Expedition
journals, one for each planet we visited.

Here's one for Abydos.

"Colonel O'Neill thinks I'm a geek.
I have no idea how to get us back."

"I'll never get paid."

Oh, wow. He must've written this
right after we got back.

"Sha're is gone. Jack says we'll find her.
If anyone can, he can."

Oh, come on, that's his diary!

I mean, what's he gonna think if...

I wonder what they're gonna do
with all this stuff.

Maybe give it to a museum.
Or start one.

This is a game from Ancient Egypt.
It is called "The Jackal and the Hound".

It belonged to a Pharaoh's daughter.

Daniel Jackson and I once played.

He said it made him feel as though
he were touching history.

Help! Help!

- Whoa!
- What? What is it? You all right?

I just had this image in my mind -
it's the second time.

- What was it?
- Water, under...

- Bubbles rising?
- That is correct.

I have experienced it as well.

- I'm tellin' you, somethin' is wrong.
- What's wrong is that Daniel is dead.

- Is he?
- You were there. We were all there.

Then why don't I believe it? I mean, I keep
expecting him to walk through the door.

I keep getting these...

Screw this packing.
Let's get back to the base.

Where are my friends? Are they alive?
Are they here somewhere?

- I demand to speak with them.
- They are gone.

No. They would not leave without me.

You are no more.

- They think that I'm...?
- This memory, I gave them,

so they would not return.


- Why are you doing this?
- You are oldest.

You know of Babylon.

What fate Omoroca?

OK. OK. If my life is on the line here,
I need to know more.

What is Omoroca?

Who is Omoroca?

My mate!

What? On Earth, in Babylon?


And you don't know
what's happened to her?

- That was 4,000 years ago.
- Knowledge, you have knowledge.

Of Babylon, yes. But only a small amount
of knowledge has survived all that time.

The knowledge is there, in your mind.

You're asking me to remember something
that happened thousands of years

before I was born, to tell you
something that I couldn't possibly know.

You deceive.

Why? God, why, why,
why would I do that?!

You serve the Goa'uld.

No! No.

I lost my wife - my mate -
because of the Goa'uld.

They took her from me
and I despise them.

Then tell me what fate.

I don't know!

I don't know!

Your brain chemistry was compromised.
All of you have low levels of serotonin.

- Which means?
- It's a neurotransmitter. It affects moods.

Low levels would account for depression,
but not these other effects.

I want you to take a look at this.

This dark spot appears
on all of your scans.

It's almost too small to worry about, but
for the fact it's in the part of the cortex...

Offworld activation.

Colonel? Wait!


Welcome home, SG-6.
Report for debriefing at 1600 hours.

What... what are you looking for?

I just... I thought...

- Daniel Jackson was returning.
- I thought the same thing. Why?

Is he gone or isn't he?

You saw it happen.

Somebody wanna tell me what's
goin' on? Cos I'm startin' to lose it.


There seems to be some question in their
minds as to whether Dr. Jackson is dead.

You were the only witnesses.
If you deny what you saw...

No, sir. I saw him die. We all did.

I know he's gone.

But I know he's still alive.

Sir, we've got to go ba...

You're not going
anywhere but the infirmary.

I wanna know what's going on.
One of our people could still be out there.

Yes, sir.

You cannot leave this place.

You will tell me all you know of Babylon.

Do you know how much has been lost?

Great libraries burned to the ground,
cities destroyed by wars.

Most of our history is buried in time.

You are afraid.

Yes. I'm afraid.

I'm afraid that you ask the impossible of
me, and will not allow me to return home.

Omoroca was afraid.

- On Earth?
- Yes.

Of what? Of who? I mean...

Give me somethin' to work
with here, a time frame.


A name. A name of
someone she spoke of.




Belus... something.


Yes. Um... Belus something.

Yes. Berosus, a contemporary
of Alexander the Great.

He studied some very old,
ancient Babylonian texts, pre-Flood.

- Tell me more.
- Omoroca feared Belus.

Yes. Yes, he was a conqueror.
Tell me more. I need more.

Come on.

You cannot expect me to remember every
text that I studied ten or twelve years ago!

Come back to Earth with me.
My books, my library, they're all there.

You serve the Goa'uld.

No! God, no! How many times
do I have to tell you? No!

It is the fate of humans.

That, Omoroca could not prevent.

Omoroca came to Earth to fight the
Goa'uld? That is why she came to Earth?


- Then my people owe her a great debt.
- She failed.

No. No, there was an uprising,
a rebellion, in Ancient Egypt.

- Maybe she helped plant the seed.
- Goa'uld are among you, within you.

Teal'c. You think because Teal'c
carries around a larval Goa'uld...

No. You see, he joined us
in the fight against the Goa'uld.

You see, in the years - in the thousands
of years since Omoroca was there -

we have become a civilisation
that rivals that of the Goa'uld.

That's how far we've come. We are free.

If you just come back with me,
I can show you.

Knowledge is here.

Catchy tune.

Wanna explain to me what
this "mood music" is all about?

Doctor McKenzie said it might help you
remember specifically what happened

if you listen.

We're simply using these sounds as a tool
to increase your level of concentration.

Well, it's very distracting.

Look, we're trying to play...


Kree tak!

Teal'c, snap out of it.

I saw the death of Daniel Jackson.

It's all right. The same thing
keeps happening to me.

All three of you have
conflicting feelings about Daniel.

I know he's dead. I know he's alive.

Both realities can't be true,
yet both seem to be.

It's a conflict that will have to be resolved

before I'll authorise your
return to active duty, Colonel.

My friends, the others who came here,
you made them think I was...

- Lost to them.
- Dead.

- Yes.
- How?

I gave them the memory of your death.

If you can influence memory like that...

why don't you search my mind?

You say the memory is there, that I must
have come across it and don't remember.


Then take it.

I mean, if you have the power,
if you have the technology, use it.

It would damage.

Well, given my options,
I am willing to take the risk.

I am not.


I don't have 4,000 years. Maybe you can
afford to search all that time, but I can't.

There will be much pain.

You may die.

I'd rather die than stay here,
knowing I will never see

my wife or my friends again.

The, uh... fire Daniel was caught in
lashed out toward us...

overwhelmed us when we went to help.

It was hot.

It was... very hot.

Uh, there was water...
a body of water nearby.

Sir, how many times are we
gonna have to go through this?

Try to bear with me, Colonel.

How long do you estimate you
were on the other side of the gate?

Uh, 20 minutes. 25 maybe.

Half-hour, tops.

- Teal'c?
- I concur.

You were gone almost four hours.

- I don't think that's possible, sir.
- I can show you the mission logs.

- What happened to the other 3½ hours?
- I've had much success with hypnosis.


I'm not a big fan of that "bark like
a chicken, cluck like a dog" stuff.

Colonel, please. Hypnosis is
a modern therapeutic practice.

On me, your procedure
will not be successful.

General, can't we go about
this the old-fashioned way?

Request permission to go back
and find out what happened.

- No!
- Sir, we can't do that.

I... I don't know why I just said that.

If that isn't a conditioned response,
I don't know what is.

So... someone's been
messin' with our heads.

There is... one way to find out.

Colonel, I've had some experience with
hypnosis in an undergrad psych course.

Let me take a shot at it.

I volunteer.

You're now completely relaxed.

I want you to go back to
the day you last saw Daniel.

He's with you now. Can you see him?


- He's burning.
- No. Go back further.

You've just arrived.

Now look around,
and tell me where you are.

- Water.
- You're standing next to water.

Salt water.

Looks like some kind of...


What's that thing out there?

- Did you see that?
- It's coming right towards us.

Uh... it's cuneiform.

I think he wants to know if we're
from the world that built Babylon.

I'm Daniel. This is... Jack.

- Help him!
- Move on... to what happened next.




We've gotta get to the water!

- Captain...
- Jack, get out!

- Carter!
- My God, Colonel. We left him behind.

- We left him behind.
- I know.

It's all right.

We're goin' back.

We're goin' back.

The memory of your history, your race,
is within you,

beneath the surface.

I hope so.

You may be damaged.

I understand.

You could die.

Well, we don't really
have a choice, do we?

Remember Omoroca.



And in that place there was Omoroca,

a woman who came forth
from the Heavenly Egg...

- I can't!
- More.

I can't.

...who walked among men by day,

but at night... she would retreat
to the Great Sea to sleep.

- One of the beings called Oannes.
- Yes.

- Omoroca.
- Yes.

- Omoroca.
- More.

The God Belus came down unto Babylon,
unto the place of Omoroca...

and cut the woman asunder. Oh, God!

Oh, God, he k*lled her.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
That's all I ever knew, I swear.


He was a Goa'uld.


He m*rder*d... my love!

I'm sorry.


- Maybe we're too late.
- I'm not leavin' without him this time.

Don't sh**t!

Nem, you have your answer.
Now let us go.

You may go.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you
the answer you wanted.

I am sorry also.

We could still become friends,
your people and mine.

That's why we were here.
We meant no harm.

Perhaps in time.

- Right.
- And in time, Daniel...

you will find what fate... Sha're.

Uh, this... this is a long story.

- Yeah, I'll bet.
- Tell us about it over sushi.

That's funny.

I will, after I go get some sleep.

Ah, home!

- Yeah, about that apartment.
- Oh, you didn't!

The, uh, day after
the memorial service.

- Memorial service?
- The colonel said some really nice things.

He... he did?

He did?
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