01x08 - Brief Candle

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x08 - Brief Candle

Post by bunniefuu »

Stargate in motion !

[ Man ]
chevron six, encoded.

Better hang on to something,
mr. Secretary.

This is how we open
the front door around here.

Chevron seven, launch.

My god, general, it's--
I thought
you might be impressed.

What exactly
am I looking at ?

We think you're looking
at the event horizon of an
artificially-created wormhole...

Through our space time
to a point tens, even hundreds
of light-years away.


[ Man ]
sg-5, the mission is go
for standard recon.

Do we know where they're going ?
Well, the planet's designation
is p3c-117.

Do you have any idea
what's out there ?

No, sir.
That would be why we're going.

I'm not sure, colonel.
Is it ?

Because to be perfectly frank,
this administration
is not satisfied...

With the current progress
of the stargate program.

Begging the secretary's pardon,
sir, but we've already visited
19 separate worlds.

I believe he is referring
specifically to the volume...

Of technology being retrieved
on our planetary missions.

The president and joint chiefs
were under the impression...

That the sg teams
would be bringing back
superior technologies.

I'm sorry.
I thought we were explorers.

Oh, you are, dr. Jackson.
But even marco polo, when he
came back from the far east,

Brought more than just a few...
Exotic spices.

Mr. Secretary,
it's been my observation...

That, whether it's here
on earth or... "Out there,"

with advanced technology tend
not to like to share it.

So, we're wasting our time.

- Would you interpret
what I just said as--
- colonel.

Sir, with respect, this program
is quite probably humanity's
most important endeavor.

They said the same thing
about the apollo program.
They brought back moon rocks.

You may have noticed
we haven't been to the moon
in 25 years.

What kind of comparison
is that ?

Colonel, if one of those
goa'uld ships was coming here
right now,

Have you brought back one thing
we could fight them off with ?

What technologies
do you seek ?

You tell me.
What's out there ?

There are still technologies
even the goa'uld seek.

There is a creature that lives
on an unpopulated world.

It possesses powers
of invisibility.

Invisibility ?
As in stealth ?

That is correct.
It can appear
or disappear at will.

I was once commanded
to retrieve the creature--

To learn its secrets.

Apophis took the lives
of two of my men as punishment
for failure to retrieve it.

If we manage
to capture one alive,

It could provide us with
a serious tactical advantage...

The next time
we came up against the goa'uld.

Sounds like a mission to me.


Daniel ! Teal'c !
[ g*n cocks ]

Here, sir.

What do we got ?

I thought I saw something
just as we came through, sir.

Teal'c, did we score already ?

I saw movement as well.
This way.

I hope these things
are as big as you say they are.

There's enough
tranquilizer in these darts
to knock out a rhino.

They are very large
but extremely maneuverable
in the air.

We will find them
most vulnerable when they hover.

Hover ?
Like a hummingbird ?

With teeth.

All right.
Well, there's nothing out here.

Let's get back to the gear and--

Where's the stargate ?

I don't like this.

Did anything like this
ever happen to you before ?

It has not.
If we became misdirected...

And needed to locate the
stargate, we had a homing device
to find it.

Do we have a homing device ?

Of course we do.
It's with the gear.

Which is... By the stargate.

Yep. Captain,
let's start a box search.

You and teal'c take off
in that direction.
Stay in radio contact.

Yes, sir.
Daniel, you're with me.

[ Sputtering noise ]
psst ! Psst !


I just hope it becomes visible
once we tranq it. Otherwise,
we'll never be able to find it.

Teal'c, what the hell
are you doing ?

It did not come from me.

[ Speaking in alien language ]

[ Alien language continues ]

You are certain
it was apophis ?

Oh, yeah.
What are we gonna do ?

We have to do something.
That's not our mission.

Just... Forget our mission.

Now he's the only one who knows
where sha're and skaara are.

We may not get another chance
like this.

What kind of entourage
is he gonna have with him ?

Two, perhaps three
jaffa personal guard.

Are we seriously
entertaining the idea
of going after apophis ?

Sir, we're not prepared
for an attack.

Half the ordnance we're
carrying is tranquilizer g*ns.

So we use one of them
to knock him out.

He will wake up in a holding
cell without his guards.

He will tell us everything
we wanna know about goa'uld
technology, where sha're is--

Can I remind you that we don't
know where the stargate is ?

He will have the goa'uld
homing device I spoke of.
There you are.

All right, you know what we're
up against better than anyone.

Can we do what daniel
is talkin' about ?
We have the element of surprise.

I have my staff w*apon.

If we eliminate
his personal guard quickly,
I believe so.

Teal'c, this character
used to be a god to you.

You're sure
you're okay with this ?

I am okay.

Okay. Carter ?

If we're gonna do this,
we better plan the attack
very carefully.

[ Alien language continues ]

[ Alien language ]

[ Grunts ]

[ g*nf*re continues ]

- Colonel !
- [ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Alien language ]

[ Alien language ]

I die free.

[ Gasps ]

Hey, what are you lookin' at ?

I felt that blast k*ll me.
I mean, I thought i--

I thought we were dead.
Weren't we dead ?


Well, I thought heaven
would be a little more upscale.

Oh, I don't think
this is heaven.

Jack ?

What ? God.

It's okay.
What the hell was that ?

It's okay.

Wasn't I just--

k*lled, as in... Dead.

Yeah, we know.
We saw it happen.
Same thing happened to us.

Well... This is a surprise then.

I don't know
what happened to teal'c.

my side arm's gone.

So's mine.

Uh, hello.

Hi, I'm daniel,
uh, jackson.

This is captain carter
and this is, uh--

Colonel jack o'neill, sg-1.


Sorry to drop in on you
like this,

But we were... Dead.

Do you know where our friend is,
another like us ?

Is this your village ?
Aresh ? Tao aki ?

We need to find
our friend teal'c.


[ Chuckles ]

Nothing like coming back
from the dead to build up
an appetite.

Uh, oh, thank you.
Thank you... Very much.

Did you do this ?

Did you heal us ?

I think they're a family.

Of what ?

I have no idea.

Well, we should ask them
to give us back our weapons.

Oh, hi. Um, listen.

Uh, those things
you found on us--

Those, um, things
you took from us--

The big things.
They're very dangerous and--


Teal'c. Thank god.

Please tell me you know
what's going on around here.

I cannot tell you that.

What about apophis ?
You got a line on him ?

I do not.

Any idea how far away
from the stargate we might be ?

I believe us to--


Nafrayu ? Carter.


You can't keep him.

Jaffa ! Janking ! Tika !

I think you should ask them
about the stargate.
I have.

They don't understand.
Actually, they don't really
say much at all.

At the moment, I'm trying
to figure out if they're human.

- Well, they're fairly human.
- I will take you
to your doorway.


You understand
what I'm saying ?

It took time
to learn your speech.

Not much time.

Your weapons... Are gone.

Gone where ?

You know about our enemy.

The bad guys--
they'll be following us.

You att*cked them.

- You saw ?
- We only meant to capture him.

Look, um, we're not
in the assassination business.

He's just... Bad.

He's very... Bad.

We just wanted to take him back
to our world and have
a little chat with him...

About all the nasty,
bad things he's been doing.

We just didn't know about
this little force field deal--

I have never seen such a device.
If I had--

That's all right. We're alive,
thanks to you folks.

We will take you
to your doorway. You will go.

As in stargate ?

Yes. You will go ?

Well, it's not quite
that simple.

By rescuing us, you have placed
yourselves in great danger.
Apophis will try to locate us.

Rest now.
You will leave soon.

Take your ways with you.
[ O'neill ]
no, wait, wait, wait.

Um, you helped us.

- You s-saved us.
- Yes.

- How ?
- Our ways.

We're from a race of people
that want to learn...

About your ways, your medicine.


Is there anyone else
we could talk to ?
Do you have a leader ?

- They have no wish to see you.
- So there are others ?

You will go.

Right. We'll go.

If you wish us to leave,
should we not depart now ?

Your brother won't revive
until later.

Excuse me ?

Whose brother ?

Brother ?

He resisted our attempts
to help him heal.

He may yet survive.
The goa'uld he carries
is healing him even now.

That is good.
How is that good ?

I mean, he's in the service
of the goa'uld.

-Heis like him.
- He's with us.

Perhaps you can convince
the injured one to join you
as well ?

Oh, I don't think so.

The goa'ulds
are a parasitic race.

They take life and
use it for their own purposes.

And their ways are not
like your ways, believe me.

Theydo not know the nox.

That's you ?

- The nox ?
- The ones you speak of
come to hunt the fenri.

That's probably
that disappearing,

Invisible, flying thing
we were after.

Yes. Fenri.

All right. Look, um--

Do you have any elders I could
speak with ? I don't think
you're understanding what I'm--

Ohper is one of the eldest
of the nox.

If shak'l does not die,

They will be in even greater
danger than they are now.

There will be no more death.

I have no intention
of k*lling him.

However, if shak'l survives
his injuries,

He will tell the goa'uld
where to find you.

Look, obviously,
your medicine is very--

Well, it's very effective.

But how
do you defend yourselves ?
We don't.

Then at least let us help you,
in exchange for what you did
for us.

You must go.


Well, for now,
we'll just go over here.

Excuse me.

All right.
Do you know this... Shak'l ?

He served in my command, when
I was first prime of apophis.

Well, we can't just walk away.

If we hadn't att*cked apophis,
he wouldn't even be here.

And we can't
k*ll him either.

I wasn't considering it.
I was just stating a fact.

we'll take shak'l back.

It's not quite as good
as having apophis,
but he can't stay here.

Apophis will not allow us
to leave this world alive.

You have challenged him,
and I have betrayed him.

Even if we were to locate
the stargate,

Leaving this world
will be difficult.

So we're back to square one.
We can't leave shak'l here,

And we'll never get him back
to the gate without running
into apophis.

Okay. We'll try and find out
as much as we can about the nox.

It's part of why we came here,
right ? In the meantime,

I think you better check
on your friend.

Whatever we end up doing,
I don't think he's gonna wake up
in a very good mood.

Know what I mean ?

[ Panting ]

Kree. Shal tak.

Teal'c was standing before me,
waiting to pay the price
of his betrayal.

I had him in my hand.
We have searched.

Where are the others ?

Where is shak'l ?

I saw them die !
They could not just disappear.

Unless they have learned
the power of the beast.

Must he be bound
so tightly ?

If not, he will escape
when he awakens.

He deceives you.
He's awake now.

Were you waiting for me
to turn my back, shak'l ?

As you taught me.

Have you come to k*ll me ?

I offer you
the chance to join me.

- The goa'uld are not gods--
- lies.

These people
are that of the first world.

The tauri--
you waste your breath.

I shall rest,

Strengthened by the thought
of the reward I shall get...

When I present your head...
To apophis.

The time of apophis
will soon end.

And on that day,
I will return to our world...

And offer freedom
to all jaffa.

It is a shame you will not
live to see it.

For when you fail to k*ll me,

It will beyourhead.

I really don't get
the point of this.

if we run into apophis again,
we'll be prepared.

But what good
are bows and arrows gonna be
against that kind of firepower ?

That's exactly
how I want him to think.

Any w*apon's
better than no w*apon
when it comes to survival.

You guys just don't
wanna give up, do you ?

That's what happens
when you spend half your life
in special forces.

Somehow, I don't think
we'd make very good nox.
I think you're right.

Is that a w*apon ?

And you can't have it.

If you blunted this tip,
this would be good for knocking
fruit from the highest branches.

Yeah, I'll bet it would.

-Why do you want to fight them ?
-I don'twantto.

Then don't.

It's not that simple.

[ Sighs ]

I believe in peace,
just like you. I do.

Then why do you fight ?

Because our enemy
gives us no option.

Sometimes turning the other
cheek just doesn't work.

I'll learn
to understand them better.

No ! I wouldn't do that
if I were--
[ sputtering noise ]

Go on. Run. Run !

[ Arrow clatters ]


Oh, no, thank you.

I'm, I'm trying to quit.

Is that where you get your
medicine-- from the forest ?

We getlifefrom the forest.

From everything.

But you must have medicine.

[ Stammers ]

Or you must have some knowledge
that we don't have.

I guess what I'm trying to say
is that we could learn a lot
from you.

I really wish that we could
be friends with the nox.

Friends... Share knowledge
with each other.

You have much to learn.

[ Thunderclap ]
why don't you teach me now ?

For example, you seem to have
an almost psychic ability.

Are you born with it ?

Knowledge takes time.

And, over the years,

We teach the young
to be wise.

how old am I ?

[ Chuckles ]
how do you mark time ?

Um, years, days.

Um, a day is one revolution
of our planet.

A year is one revolution
around our sun.

There are 365 days
in one year, so--

Then, I am 432 years old.

Well, uh... You look great.

Thank you.

You will not teach nafrayu
your ways.

How'd you do that ?

It is not the fenri
that have the ability to hide.

It is the nox.

So you hid the stargate ?

A fenri was nearby
when you came through,

Attracted by your arrival.

We conceal them
from the hunters who come.

We're not hunters.

You tried to k*ll the fenri
just a moment ago.

I was trying
to protect the boy.

- You protect his body
after poisoning his mind ?
- Will you listen to me ?

The reason the goa'uld hunt
those flying things...

Is because they want to know
how it's able to disappear.

- If they find out it's you--
- our ways have served us...

For as long as our people
have lived.

But they didn't know
you existed before.

Once they know,
they'll enslave you.
It's what they do.

We are slaves to no one.

How long have the goa'uld
been coming here to hunt ?

Oh, as long as I can remember.

W-why did you not bury
the stargate ?

Do you know that
that would stop them ?

And they would know
someone had buried it.

Right. Of course.

Ohper is 432 years old.

Well, guess what.
They're not human.

No. Uh, humanoid.

But definitely more advanced
than anything that has evolved
on earth.

That creature we came here for--
it has no power at all--
none, zip.

Well, then how
does it become invisible ?

They do it.
The nox hide it from us.

They make it invisible
to protect it ?

Well, this makes things
even worse.

If apophis finds out
that it's them that have
this power--

He will try to possess it.
If he finds he cannot,

He will bombard this planet's
surface from high above.

What he cannot possess,
he destroys.

So we have to get shak'l
out of here.

We will not allow that.
Geez !

- Will you stop doing that ?
- You cannot be trusted
with your enemy.

Look. If we don't
take him away from here,

He'll tell the goa'uld--
the bad guys-- all about you.

- We are not afraid.
- Well, get afraid.


Look. This is our fault
that this is happening.

We know that,
and we want to correct that.

Shak'l won't be hurt.
You have our word.

We will just take him away
with us, back to our planet.
Only then will you be safe.

Only if that is his wish.

Jaffa !

Pa kree !
I cannot find
the stargate.

Then find me teal'c.

Jaffa, I offer you
this last chance to join me.

Before you k*ll me ?

You're too much of a coward,
or you'd have done it already.

I have no wish to k*ll you.

You may wish you had.

[ Screaming ]

What have you done to him ?

[ Grunts ]

[ Teal'c ]
o'neill !

Teal'c !

The nox woman.

Where'd the nox go
with lya ?

Who knows
where they ever go ?

- I trained him well.
- Is he gonna be all right ?

Well, if it were you or me--
my wound will heal.

We must find shak'l.
We will.

You brought us back
the same way ?


You become visible
during the ceremony.

When we are performing
the ritual of life,

We are unable
to shield ourselves.

A weakness.

We are hidden again.

Shak'l has been this way.

How long ago was he here ?

[ Sighs ]
teal'c ?

He's very skilled
at evading capture.

Did you teach him that too ?

I am curious to see a goa'uld.
I have never seen one.

No. You should go someplace
where it's safe.

Go where the other nox are.
They're far away.

Nafrayu, please.
Go on. Scoot.

[ Rumble ]

[ Shak'l ]
niss trah ! Niss trah !

Yah !

Niss trah ! Niss trah !

Niss trah !

Niss trah !

[ Alien language ]

[ Teal'c ]
he's telling him of the nox--

About their powers.

Apophis will be pleased.

Nothing has changed for us.

Everything has changed.

We will take you
to the doorway.

Look, antaeus.
We can come back
through that gate.

We'll bring reinforcements.

Where is nafrayu ?


Nafrayu ?

I told him to go home.

I told you the same.

The very young do not always
do what they are told.

Feel like a trap
to you, captain ?
Yes, sir.

We must begin the ritual.

No, wait.
they can bring him back.

[ Teal'c ]
shak'l has told apophis
of your ritual--

That you cannot remain hidden
when you perform it.

- But we must.
- The minute you start
that ritual, they'll attack.

Give us our weapons.
We can defend you.

There will be no k*lling.

All right. Fine.

We'll find our own way
back to the stargate.

We're certainly not
gonna sit around here
and watch a slaughter.

Let's go.
That's an order !

Please. We're just--
we're trying to help.

Good-bye, daniel.

Think they bought it ?
I almost believed it myself.

We could take nafrayu
to the others.

It would take too long.

Where did that come from ?

Well, the wee folks
missed one.

So shak'l thinks we're unarmed.
Apophis thinks
he's invulnerable.

And they're right.

I think I've found
the flaw in your plan.

Their weapons aren't
as effective in close. We'll
be better off with hand-to-hand.

What of apophis ?
He is protected
by an energy field.

We both fired our weapons
directly at it.

Did you see what happened
when one of his guards
tossed him a staff w*apon ?

It passed right through.

So you're guessing
that the shield's
deflection capability...

Is directly proportional
to the amount of kinetic energy
being directed at it ?


So you're saying
that an arrow or dart,

Being much slower in velocity
than, say, a b*llet--

Just might make it through.
It's a big gamble, sir.

Yeah. You ready ?

They're coming.

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunting continues ]

[ Staff w*apon blasts ]

[ Grunting continues ]

[ Grunts ]

Fool, I will k*ll you.

Again ?

No !

They'll be back !

They won't spare you !

This is where
the stargate should be.

We sent your enemy
through the doorway.

He'll be back.

When you are gone,
we will bury it.

They'll come in ships
next time.

They'll bring an army.


He wanted to wish you farewell.

I'm glad you're okay.

And you. We sent your weapons
back through the doorway.

Yeah, speakin' of the stargate--
[ antaeus ]
you fear for us.

Yes ?


Why ?

It is our way
that the strong defend the weak.

We're afraid for you.

Before you go, o'neill,

There is something
we would have you see.

Oh, my god.

Fear not.

Maybe one day you will learn...

That your way
is not the only way.

Why didn't he tell us
about this before ?

I think, in their way,
they did.

It appears they possess
a form of technology far greater
than that of the goa'uld.

They looked so helpless.

And now they're going
to bury the stargate,
and we can never come back.

We should have listened.

The very young do not always do
as they're told.

Just a little somethin'
a nox told me one time.

Somethin' worth takin' home.
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