01x15 - Cor-ai

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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01x15 - Cor-ai

Post by bunniefuu »

So what exactly are we gonna see
after this eclipse begins ?

I mean, it is black,
and it is a hole.

Well, it might be
a black hole.

Okay, let me put that
a different way.

No, daniel, you're right.
You can't actually see it--
not the singularity itself.

It's so massive,
not even light can escape it.

But during the totality phase
of the eclipse,

We should be able to see matter
spiraling towards it.

Actually, it's called
the accretion disc.

Well, I guess it's easy
to understand why the local
population would be afraid--

What did you just say ?

It's just
an astronomical term.

You didn't think
the colonel had a telescope
on his roof...

Just to look
at the neighbors, did you ?

[ Sighs ]
not initially.

Someone from sg-7
should have been here
to greet us.

They should be preppin'
the telescope for the big show.

Oh, god.
All right, mopp four.

All right, daniel, you
and teal'c check the village.

See why
no one's missed this guy,
where everyone else is.

- We've got the observatory.
- All right, move out.

Where is everyone ?

- Found 'em.
- My god.

[ Daniel yelling ]
jack ! Jack !

They're all dead.

This complex has been
totally decontaminated.

How many dead ?
We estimate
about a thousand.

Why didn't they send
a message, some warning
this was happening ?

We don't know.
Looks like all this
happened very quickly.

There may still be survivors
out there. Shouldn't we
be looking for them ?

No, not until I examine you.
We'll use the barracks room.

Colonel, you said you
touched one of the victims ?

Yeah, but I washed
my hands right away.

No. You are first.

[ Sneezes ]

[ Sighs, sniffs ]

Allergies, right ?

Right ?

[ Chattering ]

We're supposed to tag
the bodies we find with these.

They knew
this would happen.
The indigenous people ?

They told me when we came here
three months ago...

That with the darkness
would come the apocalypse.

It was part of their mythology.
And what did we tell them ?

"It's just an eclipse,
and there's nothing
to worry about."

Hello ?

It's okay.
You can come out.

I know I must look
pretty scary in this mask,
but I'm not gonna hurt you.

It's okay.

Colonel, there's
someone in the bushes,
and they won't come out.

Show 'em your face.

Try to look friendly.

We will not hurt you.
Please come out.

Take my hand.

It is okay.

[ Machine beeping ]

It's okay. Don't worry.
Everything's gonna be fine.

Can you hear me ?

Very brave.

Can I take this mask off ?

I think it would be okay.
It looks like we're dealing
with a bacteria infection.

Just don't get too close.

That's better, huh ?

You feel like telling me
your name now ?

That's okay.
You remember my name ?

Samantha carter.
But you can call me sam.

Oh, no, no, no, honey.

You're not gonna die.

Why don't you just lay down
and rest for a while, okay ?


This can't be.

She's infected,
isn't she ?

No, she's not.
Well, what's wrong,
then ?

There are traces of the element
the stargate is made of
in her blood.

Naquadah ?

Now, it's possible
that's the reason she was able
to resist the infection.

Thank you.
Will you take a look ?

[ Chattering ]

Well, I have some bad news.

The samples
show the entire area
to be contaminated.

It's in the water
and the ground.

Now, the bacteria
doesn't seem to be airborne,

But it has a unique ability
to survive in a variety
of environments.

Listen, I hate to sound
self-centered here, but--

- Your tests are fine.
- What of the girl ?

No sign of infection, and I did
an ultrasound to make sure she
wasn't infested with a goa'uld.

So she goes back with us ?

Doctor, would it be safe
for someone to stay
a little while longer ?

I mean, we're safe
right now, aren't we ?

Captain ?

Sir, the eclipse happens
in less than one day.

This is our only opportunity
to use this window
of darkness...

To photograph the black hole
with this telescope.

It could change the course
of human history.

I don't want to belittle
what's happened here,

But if we pack up and leave,
sg-7 and all these people
will have died for nothing.

Well, you won't be staying.

I will remain.
I am not at risk.

Yeah, I'll stay too.

Hey, you okay ?

Don't be afraid.
I'll be holding your hand
the whole way, all right ?

I know it looks kind of scary,
but it's really a lot of fun.

On three.
One, two, three !

[ Man on speaker ]
level one decontamination

Proceed with level two.

Hey, it's okay. It's okay.
That wasn't so bad, was it ?

Well, here we are.

[ Door closes ]

This is where
you're gonna stay
for a little while, okay ?

I know it's nothing fancy,
but we'll fix it up.

[ Man on speaker, indistinct ]

Now, I have to go somewhere
for a little while,

But I promise you
I won't be gone long, okay ?

No-- I have to go.

But I'll be able to see you
the whole time through
that camera up there. See ?

All right. I'll stay
for a little while.

[ Hammond ]
she seems to have bonded
with captain carter.

I can't blame her
for being terrified. It
was not pretty over there.

What happened ?

We counted 1,432 dead.

I believe we may be
indirectly responsible.

How ?

It's possible someone
brought a normally harmless
bacteria to that planet.

It learned some new traits
from a local organism...

And mutated into the most
deadly, infectious strain
I've ever encountered.

Are you absolutely positive
you haven't brought any of this
disease back here with you ?

Yes, sir. In fact, I think
we may have brought the cure.

Doctor ?

Sir, somehow this little girl
survived against all odds...

On a completely
contaminated planet.

Now, I'm hoping she has
some sort of natural immunity...

That we might use in fighting
other serious infections
already here on earth.

Why didn't the telescope team
report that this outbreak
was going on ?

We don't know.

Hey, don't you want this ?

See, uh, we usually...

Put some stuff on it
like this.

See ?


That's me, okay ?
You're not alone anymore.

This is fun.

Only eight hours to go.


I still do not understand
this black hole.

Well, a black hole
is this really... Big thing.

It's, uh-- basically,
it's a...

Massive... Hole...

Out there.

I see.

Uh... What happens is,
everything gets sucked into it.

Even light.
That's why we can't see it.

Just gets... Sucked in.

Thank you.


[ Door opens ]

Hey, how're you feeling ?

Listen, I have to go somewhere
for a little while.

But you're not gonna be alone.
Daniel's gonna be here
the whole time.

Remember daniel ?

You're very brave,
remember ?

I'll be back
before you know it.

Please don't go.

You feel like
telling me your name ?


Hi, cassandra.

I hurt.

Where ?

Sounds good.
No fluid in her lungs.

She described it more
like a sharp stabbing pain.

I have no idea
what to say or do.

Her latest blood work
shows a marked potassium

I have no idea
what is causing it,

But one of the effects
can be arrhythmia.

Now, you're sure
she doesn't have the disease ?
Mm-hmm, positive.

These are not the symptoms
of a bacterial infection.

Okay. Thank you.

All right, let's go
back to our room.

Thank you.
You are welcome.

[ Groans ]
what ? What ?
What is it ?

Get her on the table.
Oh, my god.

What is it ?
She's got an irregular
heartbeat. She's in arrest.

[ Alarm blaring ]
code blue in lab !
Code blue !

What do I do ?

I got a cardiac arrest,
potassium deficiency.

Get me a number seven cuff
and a tracheal tube now.

[ Chattering ]

[ Monitor droning ]

[ Man ]
tube's ready. Tube's in !

Defib. Stop cpr.
Defib, 60 joules.

Come on. Come on.

Check the monitor.

[ Man ]

-[ Monitor beeping ]
- let me in, let me in.

[ Man ]
check the monitor.
Check the monitor.

I want you to notify the i.c.u.
I want her potassium levels
rechecked, stat.

[ Man ]
get on it !
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Oh, my god !
What is it ?

Get me a chest x-ray, stat.
I don't know. Listen.

[ Monitor continues beeping ]

[ Thumping in stethoscope ]

Oh, my god.

What is it ?

I don't know.
But it wasn't there
ten hours ago.

[ Monitor beeping ]

I'm inserting the scope.

Image up.

Pulse normal.

I'm advancing the scope.

[ Beeping accelerates ]
pulse is rising.

Adjusting view.

Parts of it
are definitely organic.

I'm gonna move in closer
and try to get a biopsy.

Pulse is now 140.

I'm scraping the harder
surfaces for samples.

[ Beeping accelerates ]
we have to stop.

Just a little more.

- [ Monitor droning ]
- removing scope.

Prepare the paddles.

Charging. Clear.

[ Beeping resumes ]
wait, wait !
Pulse is normal.

[ Sighs ]

Whatever this object is,
it has the ability to stop
her heart in an instant.

Can you remove it ?
Doesn't look like it,
not without k*lling her.

Dr. Warner managed
to get us some samples.

I'm hoping the results
of the analysis will tell us
more about what this object is.

Thank you, doctor.

- Mom ?
- Hey.

You okay ?
[ Panting ]

I was dreaming
about my mom.

You miss your mom
very much ?

I'm tired.

Well, then, you should
get some rest.

Don't worry. Everything's
gonna be just fine.

And when you get better,
I promise you I am going
to show you...

All kinds of really
wonderful things
about this planet.

- Promise ?
- You bet.

How is she ?
She's fine. Sleeping.

If you want,
I can sit with her
tomorrow for a few hours.

No, we're okay.

I just--
I want to do this.

Okay. But I guess
what I'm saying is that you
don't have to do this alone.


It's show time.

The systems are on line.

The eclipse has reached
its totality.

[ Carter ]
the layer of fatty tissue
between the sides is decaying.

Very slowly, mind you,
but still--

What's the significance ?
I'm about to do
an experiment to find out.

One side of the object
is made up of a combination
of iron and potassium.

The other side
is made up of the element
that makes up the stargate.

What ?
I'm assuming it's
the naquadah in her blood.

Somehow the object
is collecting it.

Potassium can be one of the most
volatile alkali metals on earth.

Combined with even a small
concentration of naquadah and--

That doesn't sound
very good.

The room you're looking at
is in the subbasement floor
of this complex.

It's lead sealed.

Let's see what happens when
we put the two objects together.

- Where are the samples ?
- I'm only using a microscopic
particle of each.

[ Computer beeping ]

The reading's off the scale.
Gamma and particle radiation.

Are we safe ?
[ Carter ]

But we have a big problem.

Well, if two microscopic
particles could cause that--

Then the object inside cassandra
could cause a nuclear reaction
a million times bigger.

What is that ?

- A star, perhaps.
- Hit the zoom.

[ Tapping keyboard ]

Nah, it's way too close
to be a star. Pull back.

[ Tapping keyboard ]

What the hell is that ?

It is a goa'uld
attack vessel.

[ Daniel ]
it's a setup. It has to be.

The goa'ulds wiped out every
last living person on that
planet except cassandra,

And then they made us think
that it was our fault...

Because they knew
we wouldn't leave her there.

They knew we would
bring her back here,

And they used their technology
to put that thing inside of her.

It's like they designed
a way for us to help them
create the device...

After she came through
the stargate so we wouldn't
detect it until it was too late.

[ Dr. Frasier ]
we gave her iron supplements.

We may have turned the device on
with a jolt of electricity
when we resuscitated her.

You're saying it's meant
to destroy us ?

Or at least this complex,
the threat to the goa'ulds,
the stargate.

They used that little girl
like a trojan horse.

- How long do we have ?
- One hour and 52 minutes.

You can predict it
that accurately ?

The cellular decay of the tissue
dr. Warner sampled...

Appears to be happening
like clockwork.

[ Coughing ]

[ Door opens ]

[ Coughing continues ]

How could they do this ?

Well, to a goa'uld,
she's not as we see her.

She's a tool.

Her death is a very cheap way
to get rid of us.

I know I am supposed
to be detached--

Who said that ?

Sometimes I forget
you're not military.

[ Teal'c ]
it is the ship
of the goa'uld nirrti.

An enemy of apophis.

And what the hell is that ?
We must go.

Look, sir, I know this decision
isn't easy for you.

In fact, the decision
is quite easy.

The consequences
are what's difficult.

There has to be another way.

I've been assured
there is absolutely no way...

To remove the object from
the girl without k*lling her.

we have no choice.

According to dr. Frasier's
measurements of the device's
atomic decay,

We have one hour
and 20 minutes left.

The girl should be prepared
to go back through the stargate.

I'll take her, sir.
Along with sg-4.

I want o'neill and teal'c
to return with you.

We must get to the stargate.

No argument from me.

This goa'uld, nirrti,
he once sent an emissary
of peace...

To negotiate
a treaty concerning a stargate
apophis had taken control of.

The negotiation was a ploy.

The stargate was destroyed.

How ?

As soon as he entered
the stargate, there was
a massive expl*si*n.

The girl.

Chevron three encoded.

Chevron four encoded.
Cassandra ?

Take your time.
No hurry.

Chevron five encoded.
What is it ?

She's slipped into a coma.
What ?

Chevron six--
what the hell ?

- Close the iris.
- No need, sir.

We're getting an sg-1
remote signal.

Get the girl
away from the gate !
[ Panting ]

So the goa'ulds kept sg-7
from coming back to warn us.

All part of the plan.

So what are we
going to do now ?

Teal'c, dr. Frasier says
this device inside the girl
is on some sort of timer.

You're sure it will go off
if we send the girl
through the stargate ?

We should not attempt it.
The earth gate is what
the goa'uld want to destroy.

Cassandra's condition
deteriorated when she got
near the stargate.

Well, I can't risk the security
of this mountain.

We'll have to take her
somewhere else.

What about the abandoned
nuclear facility at--

It's just 20 minutes away.

This is major general hammond.
Get me the secretary of defense

Tell him it's a matter
of life and death.

- I can take her
from here now, captain.
- No, sir. It's okay.

This elevator goes down
30 floors through solid rock.

It takes about three minutes
to get to the bottom.

That gives you four minutes
to start back up.

[ Buzzer sounds ]

Where are we going ?

[ Shuddering ]

Please, go back to sleep.

I'm not tired anymore.

Are you crying ?

[ Sniffs ]
sit down here to rest
for a while, okay ?

I have to go.

You promised you'd never
leave me alone.

I'll come back, okay ?
I'll be back.

You're very brave,
remember ?

I'm very brave.

I have to close the door.

[ Door creaking ]
sam ?

Sam ?

[ Sobbing ]

[ Sobbing continues ]

Jack, she's going
back down.

The hell she is.

Captain carter.

Captain carter.

Sam, do you read me ?

Colonel, I'm staying.

she's awake.

Oh, god.

[ O'neill ]
captain carter...

I am ordering you
to get back up here right now.

Right now !

Are we going to die ?

No, we are not gonna die.
[ Sniffs ]

All right,
why don't you guys clear out.


We're both very brave.

I love you.
I love you too.

All right, here we go.

[ Watch beeping ]

I don't feel anything.

We could've been wrong
about the time.

We could've been wrong
about what would happen.

Captain carter...
Can you hear me ?

Sam... Can you hear me ?

We're okay.
Nothing happened.

Cassandra's fine.
I'm fine.

It didn't happen.

I just--
I couldn't leave her, sir.

How did you know, captain ?

It occurred to me that she first
slipped into the coma...

When we brought her
close to the stargate.

As soon as we got her
far enough away, she woke up.

And I knew.

You knew ?

You're gettin'
a little heavy for this.
[ Laughs ]

- Cassandra.
- Hey, there he is.

What's that ?

We have a rule here on earth.

Every kid
has got to have a dog.

This is a dog...

And he's yours.

So, how sure
were you, really ?

I can't explain it, daniel.
I just knew.

A mother's instinct,

Subtle, but no.

Dr. Frasier's gonna take her
until we can find
qualified parents.

By qualified,
you mean ones with the right
security clearance ?

Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised
if dr. Frasier wants to keep her
for herself.

As long as cassandra's happy.

[ Teal'c ]
she appears to be.

I wasn't completely at ease
until I knew that the object
was shrinking...

And being reabsorbed
into her system.

- Hey, samantha.

- See my new dog ?
- Wow. Yournew dog ?

It's an earth rule.
Every kid has to have one.

But I don't mind.

Why don't I take the dog
for a little walk.

Come here.

Teal'c, you know
anything about dogs ?


When you find me a new home,
will you come and visit me ?

You betcha.
All the time.

That is,
when you're on earth.

Now, about that, cassandra--

I know.
The stargate is a secret,

And I was born in a place
called... Toronto ?


What are those ?

Ah, those are swings.

We never had any of those...
In toronto.

[ Laughs ]
they look like fun.

They are. Come on.
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