04x06 - The Raven

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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04x06 - The Raven

Post by bunniefuu »

It's not as difficult
as it looks.

The first rule is:

Don't be afraid of the clay.

I fear nothing.

I mean you can't
concern yourself

with making a mistake,

or whether the image
you had in your mind

is what's taking form
in front of you.

You just have
to let your hands--

and the clay-- do the work.


Go ahead.

I think the nose could be
a little stronger.

Well, that's a start.

Keep going.

This activity
is truly unproductive.

The end result has no use.

No necessary task has been

Time has been expended,
nothing more.

That depends on how you
look at it, doesn't it?

I find sculpting
helps me unwind, relax.

The concept of relaxation

is difficult for me
to understand.

As a Borg, my time was spent
working at a specific task.

When it was completed,
I was assigned another.

It was efficient.

Well, so is this.

It helps my own efficiency

to forget about Voyager
for awhile.

I'd be embarrassed
to show Maestro Leonardo

something like this, but...

I get a great deal of pleasure
in working the clay...

in creating something.

But why here, in this simulation
among these archaic objects

and this disorganized

Frankly, it's refreshing
to take myself

out of the 24th century
every now and then.

And a little disorganization

can be very encouraging
to the imagination.

You might want to try it

Are you suggesting that I create
one of these holodeck programs?

You might find it interesting.

It's a way of exploring
aspects of yourself

that probably didn't fit
into your life as a Borg--




I am uncertain why these things
are necessary.

Well, they aren't necessary,

but they're an important part
of one's life

because imagination
frees the mind,

it inspires ideas and solutions

and it can provide
a great deal of pleasure.

Human progress...

the human mind itself

couldn't exist without them.

When I was a child,
I studied these drawings.

I even built
some of these models.

Da Vinci was always
a great inspiration to me.

He was a very busy man.

Oh, yes, a prolific artist

and a scientist as well.

Far, far ahead of his time.

That design, for example.

He conceived of an airplane

centuries before one
was actually built.


You will be assimilated.

Resistance is futile.

Your distinctiveness
will be added to our own.


You will be assimilated.

You will be

Seven, what is it?

I don't know.

It's happened three times now

in different locations,
at different times of the day.

I experience a series
of disjointed images in my mind.

Can you be more specific?

Were these hallucinations?

I don't know.
I've never hallucinated.

It's as if I were aboard
a Borg vessel, but...

but I was frightened.
I felt fear.

Each experience is similar--

I'm pursued by the Borg.

They want to assimilate me.

I'm...I'm running from them,
and then...

and then, each time,
I see...a bird.

A bird?

Yes, a large, black bird,
flying toward me,


attacking me.


Your hippocampus is
in a state of agitation.

What does that mean?

As your human physiology
continues to reassert itself,

psychological symptoms
are bound to manifest

in a variety of ways--

through dreams, hallucinations,

hypnagogic regression...

Hypnagogic regression?


You could be experiencing
some sort of post-traumatic

stress disorder.

That makes sense.

You were assimilated
by the Borg.

You've gone through
an intense, prolonged trauma.

I was not traumatized.

I was raised by the Borg.

I don't see them
as threatening.

Why would I experience fear?

I don't know.

Will I keep having
these flashbacks?

I'll need to study
your neural scans further.

In the meantime,

your digestive system
is fully functional.

Now is as good a time as any

for you to begin taking
solid and liquid nutrients.

Oral consumption is inefficient.

And unnecessary, if you're lucky
enough to be a hologram.

But your human physiology
requires it.

I'll draw up a list
of nutritional requirements.

Take it to Mr. Neelix
in the Mess Hall.

I hesitate to inflict
his cooking on you,

but it'll have to do.

I do not enjoy this sensation.

Something is happening to me
and I don't know what it is.

It's as though
I'm being driven somehow.

Chakotay to the Captain.

Go ahead.

Our guests have arrived.

They're being escorted
to the briefing room.

On my way.

Representatives of the B'omar.

I've been trying to negotiate
passage through their space,

but so far, they've been
difficult to deal with.

I hope they've had
a change of heart.

I'll stay here and wait for
the Doctor's instructions.

We'll help you through this,

You'll be all right.

Have you had a chance
to consider our request?

Congratulations, Captain.

Against our better judgment,
the B'omar Sovereignty

has agreed to grant
your vessel passage

through our territory.

On behalf of my crew,
thank you.

That will cut three months
off our journey.

However, there are a few

stipulations-- guidelines
that you must adhere to.

You'll have
our complete cooperation.

We expect nothing less.

While in our space, your vessel
will not exceed warp 3

and your w*apon systems
will remain off-line.

You will avoid unnecessary scans

and you will not conduct
surveys of any kind.

You will make no attempt
to explore our space,

and you will avoid
all communications

with nonmilitary craft.

We've also plotted the course
your vessel is to follow.

It'll take us weeks
to follow that course.

If not months.

We've designed this course
so that your ship would avoid

our populated systems
and industrial areas.

Deviation is not recommended.

There are a total
of 17 checkpoints

where you will submit
your vessel for inspection.

Chancellor Gauman,
if I may interrupt.

I appreciate your efforts
in plotting this flight plan,

but, if we could, I'd like
to negotiate a course

that's a little more...


what an unexpected pleasure.

Welcome to the Mess Hall.

Would you like me
to show you around?

My physiology
has reasserted the need

to process solid nutrients.

The Doctor has prepared a list
of dietary requirements.

You will provide them for me.

Let's see what we have here.

250 grams glycoproteins

consisting of 53 percent

and 26 percent
fibrous glycogen...


Doesn't sound very appetizing.

However, a plate
of my chadre kab

should satisfy
most of these essentials,

while providing a pleasurable
culinary experience

at the same time.

Pleasure is irrelevant.

Well, I beg to differ.

A good meal involves much
more than simply providing

the proper nutrients.

Why is that?

Uh, well, it's a...

There's a certain satisfaction
that comes from eating food

that's been carefully prepared.

I'm sure once you try it,
you'll understand.

Now, how would you
like your chadre kab?

Boiled? Baked?

Preparation is irrelevant.

Is irrelevant-- maybe.

Maybe not.

This is the first time
ingesting food for you

for quite awhile.

We'll go a little easy
on your stomach--



This, uh...this recipe
has been in my family

for generations.

It's considered a delicacy
among my people.

You are Talaxian.

Guilty as charged.

Species 218.

Well, I suppose so.

Your biological
and technological

was added to our own.

I hadn't realized that.

A small freighter,
containing a crew of 39,

taken in the Dalmine Sector.

They were easily assimilated.

Their dense musculature
made them excellent drones.

Well...lucky for you, I guess.

Your nutrients.

Follow me.


Please what?

It's customary to sit
while eating.

Uh, is something wrong?

I am unaccustomed to this.

Borg do not sit.

Well, this is a day of firsts,
then, isn't it?


take a bite.

Uh...try that one.

Just kind of, uh...

scoop some up.

That's the way.

Right into your mouth,

just like a little scout ship
flying into a shuttle bay.

Take it out.

Keep your mouth closed.

That's right.

Now, you chew--

chew, chew, chew, chew, chew.

And swallow.

Uh, swallow. Uh...

Curious sensation.

You'll get used to it.

Have some more.

May I bring you something else?

A soothing cup of tea,

You will be assimilated.

Resistance is futile.

Did you see that?

What about this course?

It's a marginal adjustment.

The nearest populated system

is more than three
light-years away.

Definitely not.

You'd pass directly through
the Agrat-Mot Nebula,

a key resource
in our trade negotiations

with the Nassordin.

I could chart the nebula

- try to avoid...
- No, no.

Are your translators

Captain Janeway to the Bridge.

If you'll excuse me.


I've received
an alert from Security.

Seven of Nine att*cked
Neelix in the Mess Hall

and three other crewmen
on Deck 2.

Janeway to Seven of Nine.

Seven, if you can hear me,

What's her location?

Deck 6, Section 28-Alpha.

Take a security team.


what is happening here?

I wish I knew, Chancellor.

Chakotay, seal off Deck 6.

Seven of Nine.

Security to Captain Janeway.

We've just seen Seven of Nine.

Her Borg shields
are fully operational

and they've adapted
to our phasers.


Bridge to all
security personnel.

Configure your weapons
to a rotating modulation,

but keep them on"stun."


You have Borg on your ship?

It's not what you think.

She is a member of my crew.

We liberated her
from the collective.

She's no longer a Borg.

Then why is she equipped
with Borg shields?

I don't know.

She's able to cross
through the security fields.

She's entering
the armory on Deck 6.

Deck 10.

She's in a turbolift.

Cut power to the turboshafts.

She's blocking my commands
with a Borg encryption code.

Janeway to Tuvok.

Seven's apparently
headed for Deck 10.

Can you get there
before she does?

I'm moving into position
now, Captain.

We'll take position here.

Lower your w*apon
and stand down.


Tuvok to Bridge.

We were unsuccessful.

I have wounded.

She's moving toward
Junction 32-Alpha.

The Shuttle Bay.

I'm erecting a force field.

Harry, reroute all
available power to Deck 10.


She's accessing
transporter control.

She used
a site-to-site transport.

She's in a shuttlecraft...

powering engines.

Seal the launch doors.

Tractor beam!

No effect.

She's remodulated
the shuttle's shield harmonics.


Seven's headed directly
into B'omar space.

She's gone to warp.

She's masked
the shuttle's ion trail.

I've lost her signal.

She's gone.

We'll do everything in our power
to find her,

but we will need permission
to enter B'omar space

to track her shuttle

Let's tally the events,
shall we?

First, you arrive
uninvited and unwelcome,

requesting a shortcut
through our space.

Then you proceed to unleash
some sort of rogue Borg

and now you want us to help you
get it back.

I apologize
for what's happened here,

but we certainly didn't
"unleash" anyone.

We can resolve this situation
quickly, gentlemen,

if we work together.

Captain Janeway,
after what I've seen here,

I question your competence.

May I remind you
that you're still on my ship.

And you are only one vessel
among many of ours.

Your Borg will be dealt with
quickly and efficiently.

It's being tracked as we speak.


Every vessel, every object,

every particle of dust
that crosses our borders

is immediately identified
and traced

by our perimeter grid.

The Borg will be found...
and destroyed.


There will be no sharing
of information.

From this point on,

your vessel
will maintain a distance

of at least five light-years
from our borders.

Any deviation

will be considered
an act of aggression.


escort our guests
to the transporter room.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

I've assembled a team

to analyze every square meter
of the cargo bay.

This has essentially been
her quarters

for the past two months.

I'm determined
to find something here

that might shed some light
on Seven of Nine's actions.

You're taking this kind
of hard, aren't you?

What's that supposed to mean?

We had a working relationship.

Well, what's that
supposed to mean?

It's not what you're thinking.

What am I thinking, Harry?

Never mind.

Take a look at this.


It's a Borg data-link.

It contains a succession
of log entries

written in Borg
alphanumeric code.

I'm getting pretty good
with the Borg language.

I think I can translate them.

Get on it.

It seems we've made quite
an impression on the B'omar.

In the last hour, they've
doubled the number of ships

patrolling their borders,

and they've increased
the sensitivity

of the perimeter
grid by 36 percent.

So much for diplomacy.

The Doctor analyzed the data

from Seven of Nine's
last transport.

He's found something
he wants us to see.

Maybe this was inevitable.

Even if Seven did want
to stay on Voyager,

her Borg nature
may have won out.

We can remove implant
after implant,

but maybe at her core,

she'll always be part
of the collective.

No. I won't accept that.

Deck 5.

She was responding to us--

interacting with people
outside of the collective

for the first time.

She was adapting
to this environment

and to this crew.

But where is she going?

We've scanned space

for a distance
of 40 light-years.

We've found no evidence
of Borg ships,

so she can't be trying
to rejoin the collective.

She may plan to take the
shuttle back to Borg space.

10,000 light-years from here?

I don't think so.

Something else is going on.

We're missing a piece
of the puzzle.

In the meantime,
the B'omar intend

to find her, and if they do,
she'll probably resist them.

One more reason
for us to find her first.

What have you found, Doctor?

Something most peculiar.

This graphic represents
the matter conversion data

from Seven of Nine's
last transport.

If you'll notice,

there's a high concentration
of Borg organelles

in the bone marrow
and lymphatic tissue.

The dormant nanoprobes
in Seven of Nine's cells

have reasserted themselves.

Taken over blood cell

and they're growing
new Borg implants.

13 percent
of the Borg technology

I removed three weeks ago

has regenerated
in a matter of hours.

You said the nanoprobes in
her bloodstream were dormant.

What reactivated them?

I don't know.

But I've developed a way
to stop the process.

This hypospray contains
a genetic resequencing vector.

It should neutralize
the nanoprobes.

That means someone needs
to get close enough to do it.


We've analyzed
the B'omar perimeter grid.

It's sophisticated,

but not without
its vulnerabilities.

It might be possible
to penetrate the grid

by recalibrating our shields
to match its frequency.

The trick is going to be
our energy signature.

Voyager's too big to hide,

but a shuttlecraft with
the proper shield modulation

and its engines powered down

could drift right through
without so much as a peep.

Nice work, gentlemen.

The Doctor's genetic resequencer
should keep her sedated

until you get back
to the ship.

Once you've penetrated
the perimeter,

there will be no further
communication with Voyager.

You'll be on your own.

Captain, it is possible

that Seven will adapt
to the resequencer.

I know.

If it fails and you're unable
to reason with her...

you have my authorization
to stop her...

with any force necessary.


Seven of Nine, grid nine-two
of subjunction 12.

You will be assimilated.

Borg drone, you have committed

an infraction
against the B'omar Sovereignty.

Cut power to your engines
and lower your shields.

Prepare to be boarded.

You will proceed no further.

We will not...

I'm detecting
w*apon signatures...

Federation and B'omar.

Five B'omar vessels
are adrift...heavily damaged.

Life signs are stable.

I've located Seven's shuttle.

It's 2.5 million
kilometers from here.

Adjust course to intercept.

The implants in Seven's body

are disrupting
the transporter signal.

I can't get a lock.

See if you can remodulate
our transporters

to match her shields.

You want to beam in there?


I don't think
that's such a good idea, Tuvok.

Close quarters...
Borg against Vulcan.

No offense, but you
don't stand a chance

if she decides
to put up a fight.

It's my hope
that the element of surprise

will work in my favor.

Do you have a better idea?

Come to think of it, no.

She's charging weapons.

Set my coordinates
for the aft compartment.



Come on, Tuvok.
Give me a sign.

Warning. Propulsion systems
are off-line.


That's a level-5 force field,

I suggest you be more careful.

Why have you left Voyager?

I am Borg.

You were Borg...
but you're human now.

You are part of our crew.

For a brief time, I was human.

But I have come to realize
that I am Borg.

I will always be Borg.

What prompted this realization?

Every Borg ship is coded to emit
a distinct resonance frequency

to guide drones who have become
separated from the collective.

A homing beacon.


I am following a signal.

A Borg vessel is waiting for me.

We've scanned this entire region
for Borg.

There are none.

You're wrong.

They are here.


Species 3259.

Your enlarged neocortex

produces superior
analytical abilities.

Your distinctiveness
will be added to our...



I will not assimilate you.

Once I have returned
to the collective,

you will go back to Voyager

and tell Captain Janeway
what's happened to me.

Thank her for her patience...
for her kindness.


Your behavior demonstrates
affection and sentiment.

Traits of humanity...
hardly Borg.

You have been experiencing
hallucinations, flashbacks?


Does that usually occur

when a resonance signal
is activated?


Seven of Nine, grid nine-two
of subjunction 12.

But I can hear them...
calling me.

I'm frightened.

That's understandable.

Lower the force field.

We can return to Voyager

and find out
what's happening to you.

I am your shipmate.

We can return to Voyager

I must rejoin the collective.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

I've been trying to retrace
Seven of Nine's footsteps...

her actions
during the last few days,

but I'm still no closer

to understanding
what's happened.


Am I disturbing you?

Not at all, Harry.

I've managed to decipher
Seven's log entries.


There's nothing that indicates

she was planning
to leave the ship.

The entries are
pretty unremarkable.

She describes
her daily routines

the number of hours
spent regenerating,

that sort of thing.

There were
some personal log entries,

mostly observations
about the crew's behavior.

I'm mentioned
in quite a few of them.

Apparently, she finds
my behavior easy to predict,

whatever that means.

Don't take it personally.

Coming from Seven,
that's probably a compliment.

Uh, the most recent entries
are kind of strange.

Descriptions of bizarre images,

almost like a record
of her dreams.

The hallucinations?

Maybe so.

Sometimes she's in a Borg vessel

running...or hiding
behind a bulkhead,

falling down a shaft.

Borg everywhere, chasing her.

Nightmarish stuff.

What about this...bird?

She mentions it several times.

It flies at her, shrieking.

I don't know what it means.

"The feathers are black.

"Wingspan approximately
one half meter.

"The eyes are yellow

"and it has a powerful
triangular beak.

When it looks at me..."

"I am paralyzed.

"I cannot move.

"It seems to know me,

"but I don't understand
how that's possible.

"It's merely a bird,
an inferior form of life,

but the sight of it
fills me with fear."

It sounds like she's describing
a member of the...

Corvidae family, like a crow

Or a raven.

She's describing a raven.

Why is that important?

Because now I know
what to look for.

Chakotay, calibrate
our long-range sensors

to scan for
any Federation signature

other than our two shuttlecraft.

- Captain?
- Do it.

Bring the ship about, Ensign,

and lay in a course
for B'omar space.

Aye, Captain.

The resonance signal is coming
from the lunar surface.

The Borg are waiting
for me there.

I don't know why I'm frightened.

They are my people.

If you are afraid,
then leave this place.

Once I have been reintegrated
into the collective,

my fears will disappear.

Deactivate the force field.

I will accompany you
to the surface.

You don't need to go alone.

You would be assimilated.

I don't believe so.

I think the situation
is not what it appears.

What do you mean?
What else could it be?

I am uncertain,
but I am willing

to go with you to the surface
to find out.

Voyager to Paris.

Paris here, Captain.

Glad to hear your voice.

Tuvok is with Seven of Nine.

I haven't been able to establish
communication with him

since he transported
to her shuttle.

I've tracked them
to an M-Class moon

orbiting the fifth planet
of a yellow dwarf star.

I'm picking up
an unusual resonance signal

from the surface.

It's erratic.

I haven't been able
to identify it.


We've detected
several B'omar ships

closing in on your position.

What's your condition?

Warp engines are off-line.

Shields are at 50 percent.

Try to locate them, Tom.

We're on our way.

The signal's getting stronger.

They're here.
I'm sure of it.

This way.

If you wish, we can return
to the shuttle.

No. I have to find out.

What is it?

It's a Federation vessel

partially assimilated
by the Borg.

There are no life signs.

Tritanium decay

suggests it has been here
for nearly 20 years.

This vessel is familiar.

This is the signal
that's drawn me here.


Run, Annika!

Run! Hide!


Help me.

No! No!

Seven, I'm here.

Listen to me.


It happened here.

This is where it began.

This is where I was assimilated.

This was our ship.

We lived here.

We lived here for a long time.

My father did experiments.

They were very important

and we had to travel
a long way.

I had my birthday here.

My cake had
six candles on it and...

and one more to grow on.

And then the men came.

Papa tried to fight them,
but they were too strong.

I tried to hide.

Maybe they wouldn't find me
because I was little.

But they did.

And then Papa said
we were going to crash

and...the big man
picked me up...

and then suddenly,
we weren't on this ship anymore.

We were somewhere else.

And then I became Borg.


This resonance signal
must have been active

since the ship was assimilated
and Voyager passed within range.

The ship is under attack.

The B'omar.

The ship will collapse.

We must get out of here.

The B'omar still aren't
responding to our hails.

Standing by to fire.

Target their w*apon systems.

Tom, what's your status?

I've located Tuvok and Seven,

but there's a lot
of interference.

I'm attempting
to lock onto them now, Captain.

This way.

Are you all right?

I am undamaged.

This was the only way
to the hatch.

Perhaps there is
another way out.

There's a hull rupture
in the forward compartment.

It may provide
a means of escape.

Start digging.


We've disabled
two of their ships.

The third is still
firing at the surface.

We're being hailed,
audio only.

You're committing
an act of w*r, Captain.

You've left me no choice,

Reinforcements are arriving.

You will be destroyed...

I don't have time for this.

Target their weapons array.

Seven, I need your help.

I've got them, Captain.

We're on our way back
to Voyager.


Good work.

I'm detecting a fleet
of B'omar vessels approaching.

68 ships.

Ensign, as soon as
Mr. Paris's shuttle has docked,

take us out of B'omar space.
Warp 8.

Aye, sir.

Looks like there won't be
any shortcuts this time.

There you are.

I wanted to tell you

that the Doctor said he could
adjust one of your implants

so that you won't receive
any more homing signals.

Thank you.

I hope you don't mind
that I activated this program.

Not at all.

I've been thinking
about what you said...

that this was a place
to encourage your imagination.

Is that appealing to you?

I'm not certain.

I find myself...
constructing scenarios,

considering alternative

What if my parents and I
had not encountered the Borg?

What would our lives have been?

I would have been raised
by them, learned from them.

They would have influenced
what I became--

who and what I am.

And you...would have done
the same for them.

If you'd like to know
more about your parents,

there's information
in the Federation database.


It seems they were
fairly well-known.

For being unconventional

and for some rather unique
scientific theories.

You might like to read
what's there.

It might...
encourage your imagination.

Perhaps I will.


Good night, Captain.
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