04x19 - The k*lling Game: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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04x19 - The k*lling Game: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time on "Voyager".

- You are resilient prey.
- I'm no one's prey!

- She'll survive.
- What about her neural interface?

Stable. Shall I return her
to the Klingon simulation?

No. Bring her to holodeck one.
I've found another program I want to try.

Here in your arms this way...

I'm Katrine. The Coeur de Lion is mine.

The Commandant would have us
continue this simulation until we rot.

We should begin the hunt.

We've been able to expand both
holodeck grids by 5,000 square metres.


The colonel is in a strange mood today.

I have a found a way to disable
the interface -

one of your implants
could emit a jamming signal.

You circumvented our control. How?

You're sending a message to the Nazis.
Step away or I'll k*ll you.

Need a hand, buddy?
Captain Miller, Fifth Armoured Infantry.

This building is being targeted.

You wanted a w*r?
Looks like you've got one.

And now the conclusion.

Move out.

This entire section has been equipped
with holo-emitters.

Let's get to astrometrics.

There are 85 Hirogen on board,
on decks 2 through 9.

What about the bridge?

- Four Hirogen and Ensign Kim.
- At least he's alive.

The neural interfaces. You said
they're controlled through sickbay.

There's only one Hirogen in sickbay,
but the corridors are guarded.

We must disable the interfaces
but we'll need help.

We had allies in the simulation.
The French Resistance.

It's time we mount a resistance
of our own.

The battle was concentrated
in holodeck 1,

but it's spilled out onto decks 5 and 6.

A group of holographic Americans
is invading deck 7.

- Show me the breach in the holo-grid.
- I've lost the visual link.

It was the last active circuit
between the bridge and holodecks.

I need to go to engineering

and initiate a power surge
across the holo-emitter network.

That would destroy both holodecks.

Simulation or not, if this battle
keeps going, we could all be k*lled.

I want that technology preserved.



I was able to reach deck 5,

but forces are massing.

I'll need help.

Take other hunters.

When I find Captain Janeway,
should I k*ll her?

No, bring her to me.

This is no longer a game.

This hunt is real.

We should k*ll the prey.

The crew must be able to make repairs

or we could lose everything.

This vessel, its technology.

You said that you understood

the importance of what we're doing here.

I'll get the hunters.

It's a secret compound the Nazis built.

I don't know how they camouflaged it.

We've scrutinised troop movements

and knew nothing of this.

Our recon planes missed it, too.
Any idea what they're hiding in there?

We saw scientific equipment,
instruments we can't identify.

I've relayed the findings
to military intelligence.

This could be a munitions lab
designed to build a super-w*apon.

We've got to put it out of business.

The Nazis are putting up
one hell of a fight.

This restaurant will serve
as our command post.

Set up the transmitter and post guards
around the perimeter.

We'll take it from here.

Tell your people to lie low
and that the Americans said thanks.

We have no intention of lying low.

The time for sneaking messages
back and forth is over.

This is w*r and you aren't soldiers.

He's right. We have weapons
hidden throughout the city.

- Brigette will tell you where they are.
- Lieutenant, take care of it.

- I can see you haven't changed.
- Bring me one of those street maps.

Most of the g*ns, we stole.

The expl*sives,
we bought from the black market.

We could use both.

Our biggest stockpile is here,

beneath the last row of seats
of the Cinéma Mystère.

You remember it, don't you?

"I'm No Angel", with Mae West.

There's heavy fighting in that area.
What's the best way in?

We dug a tunnel that leads directly
to the stockpile. I'll show you.

we saw "Death Takes a Holiday".

It was the Mae West movie,
I'm sure of it.

She was singing "Sister h*nky Tonk"

and I put my arm around you.

And during the courtroom scene,
I kissed you.

I think you're right.

I guess the experience
wasn't burned into your memory.

Not the movie,
but I do remember the kiss.

- So, did you get my last letter?
- The one asking me to leave France?

Germany was about to invade.

I thought you'd be safer
back in the States with me.

But I guess you found someone else
to take care of you.

- There's never been anybody else.
- Then who...?

He's second in command
of the Sainte Claire occupation.

He said I was pretty.
I took advantage of his interest.

He doesn't know I'm in the Resistance.
The child is his.

I'm sorry.

So am I.

- Hold your fire.
- Katrine.

- You survived.
- Are you surprised?

Very. n*zi headquarters was destroyed.
We assumed you were k*lled.

- Is that an escape tunnel?
- That's precisely what it is.

- You're the leader of the Resistance.
- That's right.

Captain Miller, Fifth Armoured Infantry.

- You've seen the German bunker?
- I just came from there.

We suspect it's a munitions lab.
Can you confirm that?

Yes, a munitions lab.

We're calling in an air strike.
Contact the RAF.

There's an easier way to do this
with a minimum of casualties.

Let's hear it.

I've located the generator
that powers the complex.

With your help, I can get close enough
to set off expl*sives.

My orders are
to blow entire the compound.

I saw technology in there
you can't begin to imagine.

Warheads powerful enough
to destroy this entire valley.

Call for an air strike,
it may be the last call you make.

- How can you get close enough?
- This tunnel.

I've got a man inside the compound.

- The place is crawling with krauts.
- That's why I need your help.

If you can clear these corridors,
it'll give us access to this entryway.

Get me there
and I can take care of the rest.

What's C company's status?

They're holding position
200 yards from here.

Get them on the horn.
You'll lead us into the compound.

- I work better alone.
- This is an order.

I go alone.

I thought you needed our help.
I'll be right behind you.

Even if I manage to disrupt
the neural interfaces,

we'll need something more effective
than these old firearms.

I can enhance these weapons,
but I'll have to access cargo bay 2.

If something goes wrong
and I don't succeed,

you'll be the only one left
who knows what's really going on.

- Have our suspicions been confirmed?
- Suspicions?

- Is she a collaborator?
- I think we can trust her.

Three hours ago you were prepared
to put a b*llet in her head.

She's on our side.

I may be forced to make
that determination for myself.

I've already made it.
You're not to harm her.

German forces are advancing
on our position.

Let's give them a warm welcome.

Mademoiselle, after you.

Punctured lung, arterial rupture,
fractured vertebra.

He needs surgery.

First and second-degree burns.
Treat him.

- His injuries are minor.
- I said treat him.

If I don't operate now,
this man will die.

Treat the burns
or I'll deactivate your program.

The first rule of triage states
that critical injuries take priority.

Your rules, not mine.

From now on, leave the wounded prey
where they fall.

Tend only to our own.

I'm as dry as the crater at Tarpahk...

...in the middle of the dry season.

When it's dry!

I'm not done!

Share with your brothers.
It's the eve of battle.

I may be drunk, but I can still send
your soul to the next world

and leave your body here to rot!

Though from the stench of it,
I'd say it's begun to already.

- Tom!
- Wrong guy.

- You speak English?
- Yeah, I speak English.


You saved my life.

Why are you out of uniform?
What company are you with?

I'm a civilian.

In the middle of a battle zone in France?
The hell you are.

Go on. I'm right behind you.

I don't have time for "20 Questions".
You say you're an American?

If Betty Grable came around
that corner,

what part of her would you be staring at?

Sorry. Time's up.

Her legs!
I'd be staring at her legs.


Lucky for you.

- You're a gung-ho kind of girl.
- Does that bother you?

Just not used to it. The girls back home
are a little different.

When it comes to my people's safety,

this girl tends to get a little... gung-ho.

I'm the same way with my men.

Not a day goes by when I don't think
I've got to get them back safely,

even if I die trying.

I know the feeling.

We're about to enter some caves.
We're going to meet our contact there.

There are eccentric people
who live in the caves,

but don't be alarmed.

Good evening, gentlemen.

Who are you? How did you get
past our battle lines?

- We're friends, allies.
- Sent by what house?

The house of...

- ...of K'toh-maag.
- K'toh-maag.

- I've never heard of it.
- It's a long way from here.

- This battle doesn't concern you.
- Maybe not.

But we'd be honoured to fight alongside
such great warriors.

If you prefer,
we'll take our weapons elsewhere.

Wait! I'll consider your request.

But first, prove your fortitude.


I guess my French is a little rusty.

Don't drink it. It's twice as strong
as whisky. I'll be right back.

Prove your fortitude, warrior.

Captain, is it you?

Yes. We must disable
the rest of those interfaces.

It will take time to disable
all of the controls.

We don't have time.

I'll access the Jefferies tube,
set charges and blow out the console.

The Hirogen have seized the armouries.

No problem. I've got all the a*mo
I need right here.

Holographic expl*sives?

With the safety protocols off-line,
they're as good as the real thing.

- Another of your warriors?
- Yes.

He's a frail-looking thing.

I'll contact you
when I've disabled the interfaces.

- In the meantime, stay here.
- With the Klingons?

It's peaceful compared to Sainte Claire.

Please don't do that.

They've got us outnumbered.

And they're setting up
a machine g*n emplacement.

- Where have you been?
- Obtaining supplies.

- What is this?
- German technology.

I can use them to enhance our weapons.

I've cornered several Voyager crewmen
in a guarded building.

I need three nucleonic charges.

Nucleonic charges
could damage the holodeck further.

- Use your hand weapons.
- Then I'll need more hunters.

They're on their way.

There's a force field around the console.
We'll have to shut it down.

Force field?

Set the detonator for five minutes.

Five hunters have been k*lled
in the last hour.

You must engage the safety protocols.

- Those protocols aren't functioning.
- Then I'll need assistance...

Stand by.

- You.
- Get him out of here.

There are ten pounds of dynamite
under the floor. Move.

Bridge to sickbay.

Sickbay, respond.

Bridge to deck 5.
Converge on the sickbay.

We're on the holodeck under attack.
You must...

Bridge, this is holodeck one.
I have seized the building.

And I have found another access
to this holodeck.

- How many captives?
- Four.

Their neural interfaces have been
disabled. I will make the k*ll.

No. They're hostages.
I'll need them.

As you wish.
You, help me seal this hatch.

What do you think?
A boy or a girl?

- It's a holographic projection.
- A very good one.

I feel 20 kilos heavier.
It even kicks.

- I don't recognise this program.
- I do.

He's wearing a n*zi uniform.

- We're on Earth during World w*r II.
- n*zi?

Fanatics bent on world conquest.
The Borg of their day.

- No offence.
- None taken.

- What are you staring at?
- Get up.

I should have seen
through your flirtations.

If you say so.

The thought of you carrying my child
disgusts me.

You're not the only one.

Look, I don't know what went
on between you, but it's over now.

I see you're acquainted.

Do you find her as attractive
as I once did?

- I'll miss our nights together.
- Pig!

Put the w*apon away.


He doesn't seem like your type.

Trouble. The Klingons are starting
to wake up from their nap.

Hold on. I've established an interface
with holodeck 1.

I want to monitor what's going on.

What should we do?

Not having a cure for Klingon hangovers,
I couldn't tell you.

The battle has begun.

Our plan is to penetrate
the enemy's position.

And a very good plan it is.
Best of luck with it.

You will lead us into battle,
great warrior.

Maybe I'll just watch from here,

try to offer up some pointers
as things develop.

Lead the attack or die here by my hand!

Don't argue with the man.
I'll reattach any severed limbs.

- Just don't misplace them.
- You! Cover our flank.




- Leave her.
- You've done some redecorating.

Your attempt to retake this vessel
was inventive.

From the day I seized Voyager,
you put up a dauntless fight.

But your fight is over now.

You're going to help me shut down
these simulations.

No. We'll destroy this ship
before we surrender it.

Don't thr*aten me, Captain. I've faced
far more intimidating prey than you.

If this fight continues, I promise you,

I will hunt down and k*ll
every member of your crew.

The ship will be damaged beyond repair.
There won't be much of a trophy left.

Perhaps I should k*ll you
and find someone who will co-operate.

- You'll get the same response.
- You don't realise what's at stake.

- Your sick little game.
- This is not a game!

Then what is it?

I'm trying to create a future
for my people.

I don't expect you to understand.
You are prey.

You underestimate us.

Yes, perhaps I do.

I'm listening.

My people are hunting themselves
into extinction.

Your holodeck technology might offer us
an alternative, a new way of life.

Instead of scattering ourselves
across the quadrant in pursuit of prey,

we could simulate the hunt

and give ourselves a chance
to rebuild our civilisation.

And confine your k*lling to holograms?

With the safety protocols off-line,
the pursuit is just as challenging.

I understand what you're trying to do,
but then why t*rture us?

Why throw my crew into
one brutal simulation after another?

I've been studying your behaviour,
as I do with all my prey.

But your holodecks allowed me
to go further -

to explore your culture, your history.

- I must admit I've learnt a great deal.
- How so?

Your people have faced extinction
many times,

but you've always managed to avoid it.

You seem to recognise
the need for change.

You've got one of those moments
right now on the holodeck.

- We called it Word w*r II.
- One of your most difficult eras.

- And yet you survived.
- It wasn't easy.

You are a resilient species.

I admire your cunning.

Let's end this.

I'll call a ceasefire
and we can try to contain the damage.

I want my ship back,
but I will give you what you need

to create the holodeck technology.

It would be cunning for you to agree.

Synthetic and undrinkable.

- I'm tired of this simulation.
- A word with you.

These holograms
are becoming annoying as well.

What are we waiting for?
Why don't we execute these prisoners?

Orders from the commandant.

If I may speak freely?

The commandant has been acting
strangely the past few days.

He's been questioning
German superiority.

Perhaps we shouldn't follow his orders
so... blindly.

You will do as he says,
as long as I tell you to.

I don't know how much longer
I can stand being here.

Perhaps you would enjoy
some entertainment?

- Sing.
- I will not.

Sing... or you will die.

Then I'll die.

Seven, you're a valued member
of this crew.

The logical response
would be to grant his request.

Logic is irrelevant.

One day the Borg will assimilate
your species despite your arrogance.

When that moment arrives,
remember me.

- Bridge to holodeck one.
- Yes.

I've come to an agreement
with Captain Janeway.

- Call a ceasefire.
- What?!

It's true, Tuvok. Call off the troops.
I want you to find Chakotay

and have him convince his soldiers
to pull out of the city.

Aye, Captain.

Order our hunters to end the fighting.

This is madness.

Our civilisation
depends on this agreement.

Acknowledged. You heard him.
Release the captives.

I'll tell the others.

Order all units to withdraw
to these positions.

- I have always thought highly of you.
- Have you?

But the commandant is a fool.
He doesn't understand.

He's never embraced the Führer
or his vision.

One does not co-operate
with decadent forms of life.

One hunts them down
and eliminates them.

The commandant speaks of civilisation.

The ancient Romans were civilised.
The Jews are civilised.

But in all its moral decay, Rome fell
to the spears of our ancestors,

as the Jews are falling now.

Look at our destiny.

The field of red.

The purity of German blood.

The blazing white circle of the sun
that sanctified that blood.

No one can deny us,
no power on Earth or beyond.

Not the Christian saviour,
not the God of the Jews.

We are driven by the very force
that gives life to the universe itself.

Countermand the commandant's orders.
Stay and fight.

We must be faithful to who we are.

You two, follow me.

We're calling a ceasefire.
Repeat. Ceasefire. The word is out.

We're calling a ceasefire.
Repeat. Ceasefire. The word is out.

Whether it will be acted upon
is another question.

I'm their commanding officer,

Keep it moving!
Get the lead out of your pants!

- Mid 20th-Century American slang.
- You got a problem with that, sister?

You're enjoying this simulation.
I find that peculiar.

Loosen up. The w*r's almost over.

- So much for the ceasefire.
- Fire! Fire!

The fighting's getting worse.

- The crew is taking heavy casualties.
- How can we help?

I'll transfer my program to holodeck 1.
Meet me there.

- There's only the two of us.
- We have to try and...

Klingons are among the best warriors
in the galaxy.

They're already in the middle of a w*r
with the house of... whatever it is.

You'll have to convince them
that there's a more important battle.

You are their great warrior.
Lead them.

Pardon me, gentlemen. I wonder
if I might have a word with you?

They're Klingons, not kittens.

You will listen!

You've placed holo-emitters
on decks 5 through 12.

You've turned Voyager
into one big holodeck.

- Can you shut it down?
- I'll have to initiate an overload.

We've got to put an end
to those simulations.

Harry, I'm going to need your help
overloading the holo-emitter network.

I'm transferring optical processor
control to you.

We'll use the secondary power relays
to trigger the overload.

- This is going to take some time.
- Move away from the controls.

Why haven't you ordered the ceasefire?

- Move away from the controls.
- Listen to me.


- What are you waiting for?
- I am a hunter.

You are my prey.


Acknowledged. Out.

The German troops
are surrounding the city.

I don't know how much longer
we can hold them off.

- These weapons are not much help.
- Maybe we should fall back.

Any chance we can get
through that holo-grid breach?

Unlikely. 20 more Hirogen have
taken up position near the opening.

- How's it going?
- I'm modifying this expl*sive device.

It should disrupt all holographic activity
within 20 metres.

We'll try to buy you some time.

I'll be in sickbay.

Schnell! Schnell!

They're closing in.



Bring that one to me.

I will spare your life, but only because
you are carrying a German child.

Please don't do this.

I can be of use to you.
I can help you repair the ship.

Don't k*ll me.

Against the wall.

Your deaths will serve the glory
of the Reich.

Prepare to fire.

- Fight on, warriors. This way!
- Qapla'.

This hunt is over.
Tell your hunters to stand down.

I'll use this if you force me to.

It's over. Let's go.

Captain's log, stardate 51715.2.

The damage to Voyager is extreme.
Both sides have taken heavy casualties.

No one is going to win this conflict.

The fighting has reached a standstill

and the remaining Hirogen
have agreed to negotiate a truce.

- What is this?
- An optronic datacore.

You can use it to create holodeck
technology on your own vessels.

I made a promise with your leader

that I would give this knowledge
to the Hirogen. Take it.

His ideas were unconventional.
I do not share them.

Was he any more unconventional
than you are?

Calling a ceasefire with your prey?
Only a few days ago,

the thought of speaking with us on equal
terms would have been inconceivable.

Accept this...


You can use it to create a new future
for your people.

At the very least, you can hang it
on your bulkhead.
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