01x01 - Arriving in Paradise

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Death in Paradise". Aired: 25 October 2011 –; present.*
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A British detective joins the police force on the Caribbean island of Saint Marie to solve murders.
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01x01 - Arriving in Paradise

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, man.

I'm sorry sir, time's up.

If she was your goat,
she would have gone to you.

This goat remains unclaimed.


Yes, sir.

Goats aren't obedient.

They don't come when called.
You do know that, don't you?

Got him chief.

Ah, Dwayne, well done!

Oh, you can't put me in here!

Why, you want to go in there?

Maybe you should stop
stealing yachts.

Lily, I'm going to knock off early
if that's OK?

Sure thing, sir.
Have a nice evening.

Night, Chief.

Honore Police Station.

OK and what time was this?

"I Shot The Sheriff"

OK. We'll send someone
over right away. Hello?

Erm... Dwayne?

You know Lord Salcombe's place?

Well, his panic room's
gone into lock down.

Apparently, we've got the codes
to open it in our safe.

Shall I go and...
'That's a very good shot.

'Beautiful cover drive...'

Oh, for heaven's sake.
I'll do it! Uh?

We've got a problem.

We were having a party. Then from
nowhere the alarm started blaring.

Someone is locked in the panic room.

Where are Lord and Lady Salcombe?
No-one's seen them
since the alarm went off.

I think you should know.
Just before the alarm, there
was a g*nsh*t. Everybody heard it.

Everybody out
and don't touch anything.

Sortez la! Allez!

What's going on?

There was a g*nsh*t and
the panic room has been locked down.

Who's in there?


Is it James?

Is my husband in there?

What on earth would
I be doing in there?

Lawrence, call an ambulance.

Allez la!
Pas de probleme.

It's Charlie Hulme.

I've just been informed the airline
have lost my luggage.

I'm sorry to hear that, Sir.

If you could just point me in the
direction of the lost luggage desk?

Ah. Thank you.

We don't need outside help.

Charlie Hulme was a British cop.

They want a British cop
to lead the case.

What time do you open in the

0600 hours, Sir.

Then I'll call you at 06.01.

Thank you very much... Daphne.

Oh, Christ.

Hey, my monitor's playing up.

The crime scene's been cleared
and all the evidence bagged
and sent to the lab.

So when will we get
an autopsy report?

OK, thanks.
Report's on its way.

This guy they're sending from

He'll be good, won't he?

Who knows?
They won't just send any old...

I better feed the goat.

The chief's monitor
still works though, doesn't it?

Sure, why?

Saint-Marie was colonised
by the French,

who lost it to the British,
who lost it to the Dutch.

The Dutch lost it
back to the French.

The French then handed it back
to the British in the mid-'70s.

So, about 30 per cent of
the population is still French.

French. Great.

Just when I thought it
couldn't get any worse.

Welcome to Honore Station!

I got to go, the Commissioner's here.


So, team, Dwayne, Fidel,

this is Detective Inspector Richard
Poole from the Met in London.

Thank you, I'll take over from here.

Right then,
I want everything you've got

on DI Hulme's death
on my desk immediately.

And if you could get on to IT

to sort out the log in
details for my PC.

It's imperative
I get on the network ASAP.


This is not going to go well.

Sorry my monitor won't turn on.

Ah, this heat!
Then take your jacket off.

DI Hulme's been dead 48 hours,
is this all you've got?

Where's the Forensics Report.
Ballistics? DNA?

We'll have them soon.
Who's this?

Everybody in that photograph was
on the guest list for the party,
apart from that woman.

And neither Lord or Lady Salcombe

or any of their guests knew who
she was or what she was doing there.

In the file.

Is it always this hot?


Sometimes it's a lot hotter.

Look, I'll be honest with you.

This, whole Caribbean thing, I mean
I'm sure it's very nice, but erm...

Well it's not really
my idea of, er...

So, as soon as I've solved this case
and I've got my luggage,
I'm on the next plane home.

I can't think why they sent me.

Sorry, where is here? I thought you
might like to see where you're
staying before we go up to the house.

This is where we put the foreign
officers. Like you and Charlie Hulme.

This is Charlie's old house?

You can freshen up
and I'll pick you up in an hour.


No, no, it's terrible,
the airline have lost my luggage,

it's about 400 degrees
in the shade, and they've put me
up in some kind of shack.

Oh, right, yes, of course, er...

I think I've got three case files
in my in tray that should be
in my pending tray

and, erm, there's a case file in
my pending tray I should have swept
to my out tray, or my in tray?

It's no longer pending,
is the point, sir. Thank you.

Sorry it's in such a mess, you know.

It seemed like quite a rush
to get me out here.

Yep, yep, that's everything.

Oh, although I did leave a tangerine
in the top left-hand drawer
of my desk, if you, er...

That's very kind, yeah,
top left-hand... Thank you.

COh, er, yeah, here's my car.

Yeah, no, er, I think they're
very pleased to have me here,
if I'm honest.

The welcome's been very, er...

Yeah, you know,
and the accommodation is very... Ah!

A bloody splinter!

Oh, God! Yeah, no, no,
it's fine, it's fine.

Yeah, it does, it does
a little bit. Yeah, yeah.
Well, thank you for sending me, sir.

Yeah OK, yeah, er, sorry, gotta go.
Yeah, bye.

All right! I'm coming.

So how did a British policeman get
mixed up with an aristocrat?

I don't know.
Then what was he like?

Who, Charlie? Fun.
Not your typical Englishman.

Charismatic, you know? What do you
mean by a typical Englishman?

Detective Inspector Richard Poole,
Metropolitan Police.
Oh, yes, come in.

Thank you. Well, I was out here
serving drinks to the guests.

It had just gone eight o'clock.

Then there was a g*nsh*t
from the study.

And the alarms went off.
So what did you do then?

Well, I waited
for the police to arrive.

Did you see this woman that night?


Come on, Darleen,
you've got to have something on him.

Because you've read his file!

There's got to be some dirt.

I'll take you to the Bay Cove.

So that's it?! OK, bye.

His department threw a party for him
when he left. Oh, so he's popular.

No, they threw the party
after he'd gone.

What's that?
It's a laser tape measure.

Accurate to a millimetre,
over 150 metres.

We do have tape measures
on Saint-Marie, you know.

Not like this you don't,
Sergeant Thomson.

Now, when DI Hulme's body was found,
he was holding a book.

A travel guide to Europe. Why?

And this is the vase, then,
that was found smashed on the night?

When the room was locked down,
could anyone else have got in? No.

Not until I entered the code, and it
can only be opened from the outside.

Death was instantaneous? He was
k*lled by a .22 b*llet.

Shot up through the throat
and straight into his skull.

It could almost be su1c1de,
couldn't it, but for two things.

One, g*nsh*t and then alarm. How did
Charlie sh**t himself and then shut
down a heavy steel door?

And secondly, if it was su1c1de,
why didn't we find a p*stol?

Then, if it was m*rder...

How did the m*rder*r k*ll DI Hulme
and then escape
from a locked steel room?

James Lavender. How do you do?

Can you tell me exactly where you
were standing when the g*n went off?

Fortunately for me,
when the g*n went off, I was
down here on my beach. Oh, I see.

Your beach? Little proprietorial,
aren't we?

Well, I do own it.

Right, and what were
you doing down here?

I was down here for a touch
of privacy with a special friend.

A special friend
who wasn't necessarily your wife?
Which was rather the problem.


My wife Sarah spotted us.

The argument was quick, wordless.
Ended with a large glass of wine
all over her dress.

That means you were at the party
when the g*n went off?

No, I came back down here.
But my friend had gone.

And how well do you know
the deceased?

Not at all. Maybe Sarah invited her.

Sorry do we have to, er...

And do you own a .22 p*stol?
No, I don't know the first thing
about g*ns.

Wouldn't know one end from another.

But you've really dressed
for the Caribbean, haven't you?

Yeah. Having heard the g*nsh*t,
what did you do next?

Well, then the alarms went off.
I didn't know what was going on,
so I hid.

Until I saw the police arrive.

I see the safe was open.
How many people know
the combination to open it?

Well, I do, of course. And my wife.

That's it? Just the two of you?

Well, did you open it that night?

Or give DI Hulme the combination?

Then your wife must have opened it.

You'll have to ask her yourself,
won't you?

My, my dress was ruined.
I was humiliated.

I came back to the house.

So this is where I was
when the alarm went off.

And what did you do next?
I came in here to get dressed.

Did you invite DI Hulme to
the party? No. Didn't my husband?

He says he didn't.

On the day of the party,
did you open the safe? No.

Or give DI Hulme the combination
so he could open it? No.

She's lying, isn't she?

One of them must have
opened the safe, but why?

We've got a British policeman
m*rder*d in a rich man's panic room

with an old book clutched
in his hands.

A safe that's open
and a vase that's smashed.

As for suspects, there are only
two people without an alibi.

James, because he was down on his
beach alone, and Sarah,
because she was taking a shower.

Not that any of this matters.

It doesn't get us any closer
to understanding the how.

How did the m*rder*r k*ll Hulme
and escape from a locked room?
It's impossible.

Right, I need to see the pieces
from the vase

and the book Charlie was holding,
but first I need to see the body.
That won't be possible.

What won't? Seeing the body?
No, none of it.

The book, the body, the vase -
none of it is here.

What are you saying?
It's in Basse-Terre. Fine,
we'll get sandwiches on the way.

Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe. Fine.

Which is a completely
different island.

What? We don't have forensic labs
and DNA analysis and ballistics here.

We are just a small island,
so I bag the evidence from the m*rder

and it all gets flown to Guadeloupe.
Then how are we supposed to
solve this case?

We'll get their reports. When?

Arrange for the vase and the book
to be sent here by tomorrow.

Can you manage that? Of course, sir.

How do you get anything
done on this island? Beats me.

It's a wonder how we get
out of bed in the morning.

How are we supposed to find
this mystery woman,

when all we've got is a photograph
of the back of her head?

I remember when Charlie Hulme
first got here,

trying to reorganise
the whole filing system.

Yes, I remember that. He had that
whole alphabetical thing going on,

would have taken us months
if I hadn't talked him out of it.

I'll try in there. OK.

Lily, how are you getting
on with the...

But why does he want us to do...

But that's just a waste of our time.

I'll get Fidel on it. OK?

No luck.

He wants the smashed vase and the
book brought back from Guadeloupe.

But why?
They'll have only just got there.

Maybe he wants to colour-code them!


Who are you?

I'm Detective Inspector Richard Pool
of the Metropolitan Police.

Who are you?

I, erm... I am Mr Hulme's cleaner.

You're his cleaner?

Well, I won't get in your way.
You've got your work cut out.

Thank you, sir.

So, are you a friend of Charlie's?
Something like that.

You're from England, right?

Ah, you can tell, can you? Yeah.

Erm, what are you doing here?
Is it a holiday, sir?

You haven't heard, have you?

Heard what?

And he was such a nice man.

So full of life, not your typical...
Yes, I've heard, yeah.

But who would k*ll him?

We're pursuing
a number of lines of inquiries.

Are you, are you staying here, sir?
Er, yes, apparently so.

And will you be here long?
I hope not.

Oh, do you need a cleaner?

Or laundry? I could always
send any of your suits...

No, it's fine, really, don't worry.

I'll just, erm, borrow the odd item
from Mr Hulme.

They're not all clean. Oh, please!

You know I never thought
I'd get fed up going from bar to bar
talking to women.

Know what I'm wondering? What?

Maybe he'll stay. Who?

The new chief. Hey, hey.

Our new boss, he's many things.
And I could probably draw up a long
list, but he's no chief, OK?

No! You lost my suitcase,
so you can find my suitcase.

What do you mean you've got no
record of it? I filled in the form
and gave it to Daphne.

Daphne! She was standing by the lost
luggage counter when I lost my...

I'll ring you back.


Where can I get a .22 calibre g*n
and some blank rounds?

Best if I don't ask?
It's always best if you don't ask.

So the book and vase have
arrived from Guadeloupe.

Hey, Smithy!
Well, done, Lily. Good work.

So this is it? The book Charlie was
holding when he was shot. Mm-hmm.

What's so special about it?

Ah! And now the pieces
from the smashed vase.

Yeah, yes, this is all good.
I should be able to...
There are still two more bags, sir.

Even so, a bit of glue and, er...
OK, the g*n is sorted.

Well, when you get it, bring it
straight to James Lavender's house.

Lily and I are going there now.
We are? Why?

Because it turns out
Lady Salcombe's been lying to us.

Good morning, Lady Salcombe.

Please, call me Sarah.

Then tell me,
Sarah, why did you lie to me?

I'm sorry? You knew Charlie Hulme.

No, I didn't! You'd been to
his house before, hadn't you?

I smelled a perfume on one of his
towels, a perfume I'd only smelled
once before in your dressing room.

You shot Charlie Hulme.

What? No! In the Panic Room
that night... No I didn't.
Then you went for a shower,

washing off evidence.
I didn't k*ll Charlie!
You did, Sarah, in cold blood!

You put a g*n to his throat
and pulled the trigger.
No, I didn't k*ll him, I loved him!

I'd always worried that James would
find out about Charlie and me,

but when I saw him shot dead...

You think James k*lled him?

Charlie was investigating
my husband. Why?

He said he didn't dare tell me,
my life would be in danger.
It was you.

You gave Charlie the combination
to the safe, didn't you?

Charlie said,
there was a book in the safe

and that if he could
just get a hold of it,

he would be able
to put my husband in prison.

We've seen it,
it's just a guidebook.
What's so special about it?

Apologies for interrupting.
Your colleagues say they're ready.

Dwayne. Psst! Dwayne. So,
who is your prime suspect? Sorry?

Well, we're having a little
sweepstake, so, you know,
a nod in the right direction?

It's a bit of a mystery so far.

We're thinking of fitting up
one of the staff.

Listen, when I'm dressed like this,
don't mess with me, OK?

OK, Dwayne and Fidel,
are you in position. Yep.

Are you sure these are blanks? Yes.

Did either of you hear that?
You fired that g*n yet?

The Detective Inspector's
going to fire again.

You hear that? No, nothing.

This is a .22 p*stol.
The same calibre as the g*n
that k*lled Charlie Hulme,

so if Dwayne and Fidel can't hear me
firing on a day like today,

what did the guests hear on
the night of the party? The g*nsh*t
that k*lled Charlie Hulme. No.

Any g*nsh*t they heard must have
come from a larger calibre g*n.
A louder g*n.

Ah! Well, if it's a louder g*n
you're looking for?

You said you didn't own a g*n. No,
I said I didn't own a .22 p*stol.

But if it's a large g*n
you're after... Darling?

What large g*n?

It was my father's, his service
revolver. It's been here for years.

It's gone.

There's a box of b*ll*ts,
but the g*n's disappeared.

.38 calibre, Smith Wesson rounds.

Yup, it's a loud g*n.
And now it's missing.

Who knew it was kept there?
Me, of course. And... and James.

Anyone else? No.

So once again,
it's either James or Sarah,

and I don't peg Sarah as a m*rder*r.

Are you saying women
don't k*ll people?

Sir, she doesn't have an
alibi for the time of the m*rder.

She was having an affair
with the deceased.

She owns a g*n she didn't tell us
about, which now has gone missing.

Oh, and she turns up at the scene
of the m*rder having showered
and washed her hair?!

Well, that at least
is understandable. What?

The shower, this unremitting heat.
I mean, how many showers
do you have a day?

What's in this book worth dying for?

If we could just prove the service
revolver was fired that night...

All right, sir?

Yeah. It'd mean that Charlie
could have been k*lled

before 8pm with a quiet .22 p*stol,

and the service revolver was
only fired at 8pm to establish
an apparent time of death.

You need a break.

Let's go for a walk.


So, tell me, what's London like?

Oh, er...

Noisy, a mess.

Like being in a bar fight mostly,
but, er...

You love it.

The only place I'd live.

What's a typical London experience?

Hmm? Something that fills
you with joy.

Tell me...

Er, so...

Walking into my local,
the White Hart.

It's snowing, bitterly cold outside,

but there's a fire roaring
in the grate,

the windows misty with condensation.

And I've got a beer in my hand,
sitting in the snug,

in the chair that I sit in...

And that first sip.


Yes, but that feeling.

You know of, er... belonging,
knowing who you are.

Whatever this is, it's not that.

OK, so I'll see you tomorrow,
shall I?

Yes, yes. Good idea. Yeah.

And, thanks again.

Good night.

Yeah, good work.

Er, you've been fantastic.

Oh, right! Yes, of course. Er...

It's the bins.

Have the bin men been yet?

I wondered if you could go next door

and just push my bins
back onto the driveway,

you know, where they normally live.

Oh! Oh, well, if you're at work
then, yeah...

No, no, no, no,
I quite understand.

Although if your wife's at home,
maybe she could...

No, no. Yeah, of course.
Yeah, that would be...

No, no, the bins can just
stay there, on the street,
until you get home.

Well, that's very kind of you,
Jeremy. Thank you.

Give my regards to Eileen... Elaine!

Yeah. Er...

And, um, the girls.

Yeah, and don't worry
about my bins next week.

Yeah, fingers crossed,
I'll be home by then. Thank you.

Oh, come on!

So, that's a date.

See you in the pool
at my friend's mansion in the hills.

OK, then.



Who was that?

A friend.

I've never seen her before.

She's a tourist.

I've been showing her
around the island.

Is the inspector in yet?

No, he found a key.

Looks like
it's for a safety deposit box.

Him and Lily have gone
to the bank to check it out.

Just knock on the door
when you want to be let out.

So, Charlie's a policeman abroad.

It's not necessarily suspicious
for him to have a safety deposit box.

On the other hand...


Cash, forged passports.

Human trafficking - it's got to be.

Up through the Caribbean,
and into the States.

It's a multi-million dollar trade

and it absolutely relies
on corrupt officials.

But how does all this tie in
with James Lavender?

Oh, well. That, sir, is easy.

How come?

Because that
is James Lavender's boat.

We found these in Charlie Hulme's
safety deposit box.

I want them logged
and fingerprinted ASAP.

Yes. The airport - they've found
your luggage. Not now.

Dwayne - Lily's getting a warrant
to search James's house and yacht.

I need you to give me a lift
to the harbour, if you would.

You do have another car, don't you?

It's not just...

It's just the one car, isn't it?

What do you do in emergencies?

I thought you'd never ask.

There she is, over there.

How are we going to get to it?

No, no. Um...

We haven't got a search warrant.

We have now.


Hey, look what I've found!

You all right there, sir?

People smuggling. Told you.

Hang on! You're Charlie's cleaner!
He didn't have a cleaner.

She was in my house!

Dressed like that?
No, dressed as a cleaner!

Now what?!

There you are!

Remind me to tell you the story of
the tortoise and the hare sometime.

What were you doing
on James Lavender's boat?

OK. What's your relationship
with James Lavender?

What were you doing at Charlie's
pretending to be a cleaner?

Hang on!

This is you.

You were at the party that night.

Is this a formal interview?

No, of course not.
Then why are you talking to me?

No. Of course.

I'll arrange for a duty solicitor
to visit you immediately.

What's so funny?

Oh, no... It's just...

It's 100 degrees in here and you're
standing there in a suit and tie

talking about duty solicitors!

I'm a British policeman.

No?! You're kidding me!

You're there because I found you
on a boat that's been used
for people smuggling.

Give me my phone call.

our friend wants her one phone call.

Yes, sir!

Right, Lily, I think it's time to
put the squeeze on James Lavender.
Yes, sir!

I'm not leaving
until we've got it all.

How the people smuggling works,
who that woman is in the cells...

Oh, and what Charlie was doing in
the Panic Room when he was k*lled.

Why he was k*lled,
why he was holding the book,

and how, finally,
how Charlie was m*rder*d.

Oh, no!

Dead. He must have shot himself.

It's a .22 p*stol, isn't it?

Just like the one
that k*lled Charlie Hulme.

This isn't a su1c1de, sir.

This is a confession.

James k*lled Charlie.

But someone warned him, didn't they?

Her one phone call.

OK, so who did you phone?

You are in so much trouble.

Sir, there's been a breakout.

I'm ringing the coastguard
and Interpol.

We need to alert the airport.

How did she escape from a cell?!

Detective Inspector.

Can I introduce you to
Detective Sergeant Camille Bordey?

Born in Sainte-Marie,
trained in Paris,

but for the last two years has been
working undercover on Guadeloupe.

Making the case
against James Lavender.

And she's back on the island.

I'm days away from an arrest,
so I'd appreciate if you'd...

There's an undercover officer
working on the same case,
and you didn't tell me?

We couldn't. Camille thinks a
corrupt officer is helping Lavender.
We couldn't take the risk.

It won't be me, will it?! I've been
in Croydon for the last 13 years!

And if you're looking
for your corrupt copper,

it was Charlie Hulme.

How do you know that?

I've got evidence linking him
to trafficking and James's yacht.

Charlie was clearly
James's right-hand man.

We need to arrest James Lavender
right now. Small problem.

Don't tell me, there is some form we
have to fill in first in triplicate?

James Lavender's dead.

Looks like su1c1de. Either way, as
far as this case goes,

Charlie Hulme's a dead end,
and now so too is James Lavender.

This place!

Sir, look, if James k*lled Charlie
and then k*lled himself,

I can take over from here
and finish the paperwork.

You could be on the next plane
out of here.

Don't, I'm imagining it now.

Walking out at Heathrow,
being cold...

Finally being cold again!

I never thought I'd miss it. Miss

Drizzle. That feeling on your face.
Like a wet flannel.

Oh, England.

Problem is,
we may know what happened,

but we still don't really know
how it happened.

How was Charlie k*lled
from inside a locked panic room?

I need you to stay here
and conclude the interviews.

Fidel, you're with me.

Yes, sir!

I don't believe it!

How long?

You do not ever want to know
how long!

OK, that seems about right.

This wasn't knocked over.
Look, here and here.

It was shot from slightly above
and angling downwards.

Now, if you go over
towards the desk...

Let's say you're James.

You think James shot Charlie?

At this stage, all I know
is that somebody shot this vase.

But, with a .22 b*llet
or a .38? That's the question.

The whole case rather depends
on us finding the answer.

So, if you just hold that
absolutely still,

let's find out
where the b*llet went.

You need to watch out for snakes,
sir. They can be in the trees
sometimes too.

Oh, God!

I thought you were a...
Where have you been?

I figured the tortoise would get
there a whole lot quicker
with a metal detector.

Finally, proof!

The b*llet that shot the vase on the
night of the m*rder was a .38,

fired by a bloody loud
service revolver.

Oh, no, not again!

Yes, what? Sorry?

No, no, no, start again.

My luggage.

What do you mean
it's still in Heathrow?

You lost it in Sainte-Marie!

Eh? Oh!

Oh, I see.

No, sorry. Just keep it in Heathrow,
please, and I'll be back... soon.

In fact, I'll be on
the next plane out of here!

Are you OK, sir?

They never put my luggage
on the plane!


Yes, of course!


It's the heat.
It's finally got the better of him.

You fire the g*n...

Should I call for an ambulance?
Yes, you do!

Of course! Thank you, Fidel!

Yes, OK, so the phone call
and then...

Into the sea with you.

Brilliant, brilliant.

Leaving the m*rder*r free to...

commit m*rder.

Er, just loosen your tie
a moment there, sir.

It's very, very simple.

Call the ambulance.

No, call the Commissioner.
He needs to be here for the arrest.

You said it. Get the Commissioner
here as soon as possible.

But why k*ll him in the first place,
that's the question?

But then, if the b*llet's
not the b*llet...

What if...?


How many fingers am I holding up?
James Lavender had a mobile phone
on him when he died. Get it!

I'm also going to need
the .22 p*stol he was holding
when we found his body.

While you're getting them, you and
me are going to have a little chat.

You know, I should have realised
the lessons of my luggage sooner.

Your luggage?

My case was never loaded onto
the plane at Heathrow.

So, when the hold was opened
in Sainte-Marie,

it appeared to have disappeared,

whereas in reality, it was never
in there in the first place.

How does that help?
When the panic room was opened,

we thought the k*ller had
disappeared, but in reality,
the m*rder*r was never in there.

Please just tell me
who k*lled Charlie.

When Charlie investigated
your husband, he set in motion
a chain of events

that led to his m*rder
and your husband's.

On the night of the party, James
found Charlie in the panic room,
and realised he had to k*ll him.

The only problem being, James
doesn't know his way round a g*n,

as he told us, so he only managed
to sh**t the vase.

At which point, Charlie
does the only logical thing,

and locks himself
safely inside the panic room.

Now, James has just tried to k*ll
a policeman, so what does he do?

He goes back to his beach,

where he disposed
of the service revolver

before making a call.

In fact,
he must have made a phone call.

He didn't k*ll Charlie Hulme,
so who did he get to do it?

You can't be sure it wasn't James.

I can!

James only managed to sh**t a vase
using your service revolver.

The only g*nsh*t that was heard
on the night.

Don't you see what this means?

We have no way of knowing
when Charlie was k*lled,

because nobody heard
the .22 g*nsh*t that k*lled him.

He could have been k*lled at any
time on the night of the m*rder.

So, are you saying he was k*lled
before the panic room was shut down?
Haven't you worked it out yet? No.

I know who the m*rder*r is.

And so do you, Sergeant Thompson,
because it's you.

You m*rder*d Charlie Hulme.

Are you insane? No. Dwayne?

You quickly realised k*lling Charlie
only bought you time,

isn't that right?

'How did the m*rder*r
k*ll Charlie and escape
from a locked steel room?'

What you needed next
was a sacrificial lamb,

so you put a safety deposit key
in my room,

knowing that I'd find it
the next time I showered.

I mean, how many showers
do you have a day?

Because once I had the key,

you could lead me
to the safety deposit box,

with all the evidence
you'd planted to create links

between Charlie Hulme, human
trafficking and James Lavender,

who you k*lled before picking up the
warrant for us to search his yacht.

Sir! This is all lies!

Can you prove any of this?

Charlie was found shot dead
inside a locked panic room,

on his own, no g*n nearby.

If you think about it,
as he's the only person inside,

he must have been alive
when the room was locked down.

Who else could have shut the door
apart from him?

He was the only person
found in there.

And if he was alive
when he locked the room down...

'So, everybody out
and don't touch anything.'

he must also have been alive
when Sergeant Thompson opened it up.

Even if he was dead within seconds
of her arriving on the scene.

You see,
this wasn't an impossible m*rder.

It merely happened
after the police arrived.

Isn't that so, Sergeant?

Now, I wonder who James rang
that night,

having just attempted
to m*rder a British policeman?

Ah, well now, here we are.

Because if he rang you, Sergeant,

that's going to be pretty
incriminating, don't you think?


Why did he ring you, if not to say

that Charlie was going to take you
both down, unless you took him out?

Why would I k*ll Charlie Hulme?

Are you saying women
don't k*ll people?

Because of the book he held,
which he'd got from the safe,

and which was about to put you
and James in prison.

The book he was holding
was a travel guide.

But was it, sir? Yes, it was.

And yet, with this case,
nothing has been as it seems.

The g*n heard on the night
wasn't the g*n that k*lled Charlie.

The b*llet that was fired wasn't
the b*llet that k*lled Charlie.

So this is what I thought.

What if the book Charlie was holding
wasn't the book Charlie was holding?

It's Charlie Hulme.

Imagine the book WAS incriminating,
and you're Lily.

What do you do? Well, you clear
the crime scene, standard procedure,

but then what?

Call an ambulance. Now!

Everyone's seen the book in his
hand. You can't remove it,
so you swap it,

for any book on these shelves
that looks the same.

The innocent book
going into Charlie's hands,

and the incriminating book
going back on the shelves,

concealed amongst all these others.

Hidden in plain view, as it were.

And what's more,
I reckon I can do this in one.

Oh. Charlie Hulme's blood on this.

You see?

Everything you'd need
to prove James's involvement
in human trafficking.

Money, dates, cargoes...

How did you just do that?

This is the only one
with no writing down the spine.

I imagine you were planning to come
back some time and retrieve it.

Oh, your name's in here.

All the way through, in fact.

And, er, here's a fingerprint
in Charlie Hulme's blood.

I mean, logically,
if you think about it,

that's going to be quite hard to
explain if it turns out to be yours.

You know,
I have to take my hat off to you.

You had me pointing
this way and that.

And there were times, I must
confess, when you were...


You k*lled two people?


Do you know how many times
I've been passed over?

Someone sent from London
to do a job I should be doing!

Charlie Hulme, and now him!

So, if I'm not good enough,

why not take the money instead,
and a lot of it?

Enough to get away from this.
Away from you!

There's a whole world out there,
you know, Fidel.

I don't think you'll ever leave
this island again.

Dwayne, Fidel...

If you would.

Sure thing, Chief.

Ay, yai yai!

What if I'd trodden on you?

There's no point looking at me
like that, I'm off.

It isn't a stitch up.

Really?! So my super in London
arranges for me to be posted here,

you agree to it,
and it's not a stitch up?

Of course not. It's just a sensible
re-allocation of resources.

Look, I'm sure the Caribbean's great
beach holidays and snorkelling,

but I can't work here,
let alone live here!

Has anyone noticed, there's a tree
growing in my front room!

I've got no luggage.



You know how your luggage
was left at Heathrow?

Your suitcase, Chief.

Anything else?

Any other bombshells
I should know about?

Of course not, no!

Well, maybe one.


Tell me about it.

You're undercover!

You blew that when you arrested me,

No-one knows you're a copper!

I do! What?

If a crook like Marlon knows,
then everyone in the underworld
will know by breakfast.

- I'm not a crook!
- Yes, you are!

Can't you go back to Guadeloupe?
Can't you go back to London?

I'm trying. Try harder!

I can't work with her!
I can't work with him!

The paperwork is done,
you're both staying!

So, as Commissioner,
I'm very pleased to say,

on behalf of the
Royal Sainte-Marie Police Force,

welcome to paradise.

Don't worry, we'll look after her.

In the event of Lisa's death,
do you inherit her fortune?

Who'd k*ll a bride? One of this lot!

Surely you're not saying
that any of us are under suspicion?

I'm a police officer,
and I want a cup of tea.

You like them? Very much.

I've got a date.

You're coming with us.
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