02x09 - Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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02x09 - Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

That was just a few minutes ago.

Obviously, Kasuf's unburied the Stargate and is waiting

- for me.

One Abydos year to the day.

- They kept their word.

- And I have to keep mine.

Daniel, you said you'd go back there in a year, with Sha're.

I know.

But at least I can tell her father that I haven't given up.

That I won't give up.

- That she's a Goa'uld?

- Yes.

Does he really need to know that? Kasuf is family.

I owe it to him.

I have nothing against your returning to Abydos, Dr Jackson.

But Colonel O'Neill and Captain Carter are due in Washington.

I can hardly ask the US President to change his schedule.

If I don't go back now, they will bury the gate for good.

I told them to if I never came back.

General, I lived among these people for over a year.

And I couldn't possibly be safer than with Teal'c.

- Thank you, Daniel Jackson.

- You're welcome.

Daniel Jackson assures me they are a peaceful people.

They're a great people! Are you kiddin'? In fact, why don't we blow off this medal ceremony thing and go with the boys? You may leave when ready.

(Stargate alarm) So we'll come pick you up in a couple of days, huh? And say hi to the President for me.

Will do.

Don't be afraid, good father.

This is Teal'c.

Tal mal tiak, mal we


I am honoured.

Bai ah kawk ma tee.

Good father, I ask your forgiveness.

I have returned without your daughter.

So it is.

I fear that my search will continue for many seasons.


Sha're! No! Take my life in exchange.

Nobody's k*lling anybody.

Sha're is no longer your daughter.

Kasuf, we're in danger.

- How long has she been here?

- More than a season.

- What?

- Why are we in danger? Husband.

I am Sha're's husband.

Who are you?

- My Daniel, please!

- Come no further.

Good son! Do your eyes not see? Sha're has been taken by a Goa'uld.

A demon now lives within her.

One of great power and evil.

He speaks the truth, Father.

- But you said you returned to me!

- And I have.

Stop it! Just stop it! You can't fool me! I know what you are! I've seen what you are! Please, believe me! No.

The demon sleeps because I am with child.

Hear me, husband! The Goa'uld that has stolen my soul is called Amaunet.

She sleeps for the sake of the child.

Why? If she awakens, the child will come forth stillborn.

I have never known a Goa'uld to father a human child.

Apophis is the father? (sobs)

- Yes.

- Then Apophis is here also.


He has hidden me away.

He does not want to reveal the true purpose of this child to his enemies.

What true purpose? Sha're! What does Apophis want with a human child? He wishes the child to one day become his new host.

Is that true? (Sha're cries softly) Sha're! Is that true? Yes.

(Sha're continues to cry softly) (O'Neill) You know, I can navigate my way across a galaxy.

But I get lost every time I come to Washington.

Don't worry, sir.

These are my old stomping grounds.

Sorry to hear that.

Two years at the Pentagon trying to make the Stargate a reality.

- I'd say it was time well spent.

- You think?

- General Hammond's doing the rounds.

- Oh, yeah.

He's a player.

He knows how to work a room.

- Punch?

- Yes, sir.



Daniel no longer loves me.

You are incorrect.

Daniel Jackson cares for you greatly.

He does not behave as a husband.

I have seen your face before.

As first prime of Apophis, .


I was present when the Goa'uld invaded your body.

For my part, I can only ask your forgiveness.


It is more.

You are the traitor.


That is correct.

How can you know this? My mind is full of images.

Apophis railing and cursing your name.

His place among the System Lords is no more.

Then these are the memories of the Goa'uld within you.


This is most difficult.

Daniel Jackson, .


we must return with Sha're through the Stargate immediately.

Why? As long as the Goa'uld within her sleeps, Sha're shares its memories.

So? So what? It would be of great strategic benefit .


to have access to the Goa'uld genetic memory, even for a few days.

What?! Access? Do you know who it is we're talking about? I do.

And soon she will give birth.

Well, hasn't she gone through enough? What are you talking about here, Teal'c? Handing her over to Maybourne for study? The knowledge she possesses could one day save your world.

I don't care! I will not put her through that, too! I'm sorry! More sorry for yourself, it appears, than for Sha're.

Within a matter of days, Sha're will give birth.

The Goa'uld within her will be awakened.

Apophis will take this child and leave Abydos for ever.

That is the fate you choose for Sha're by allowing her to stay.

Then I'd like a moment with my wife.


I invited Jake myself, Captain.

I thought you might enjoy the surprise.

Really, sir, that's sweet.

George and I served together when the Air Force really was

- .


our first line of defence.

- It still is.

Of course it is.

I was talking about when the Cold w*r was still on.

Anyway, when George told me you were up for the air medal for your work in What the hell was that again? Analysis of deep

-space radar telemetry.


- Sam

- Thank you, sir.

Colonel Jack O'Neill

- Jacob Carter.

Carter? As in? As in my father, sir, yes.

Get outta town! Sam's dad?

- I've heard nothing about you, sir.

- What's there to say .


about an old general waiting to retire?

- Dad, I talk about you all the time.

- I retired myself one time.

Couldn't stay away.

From your analysis of deep

-space radar telemetry, you mean.

Well, it's just so damn fascinating.

I'm sure it is.

Otherwise, you wouldn't be receiving the air medal.

We have our moments.

Uh Will you excuse me? We don't get out of Cheyenne Mountain enough.

I'm gonna grab some air, outside.

General Captain General Waiter? I guess I'll go make the rounds.

Just between us, .


your cover stories could use a little polish.

Sorry, Dad? I don't know what you mean.

Of course not.

I'm out of line.

But whatever it is you really analyse in that mountain, deep space or not, .


it can't be as exciting as the real thing.

I'm talking about getting you into NASA, Sam.

I'm talking about you actually going to space some day.

You hate me.


No, I love you.

Will you forgive me? Oh, God.

There's nothing to forgive.

I am so ashamed.

I hate what's been done to you.

I hate what Apophis plans for the child growing inside of you.

Look at me.

I love you.

Everything else

- I love you.

- Oh! Will you stay? I can't.

Because I want you to come home with me.

I made a call to Bollinger himself.

- Head of NASA.

- I know.

I told him you'd always wanted to be an astronaut but gave up

- I didn't give up!

- Let me finish.

You gave up waiting for the programme to resume after the Challenger disaster.

- It was bad timing.

- Yes, well, I called in a few markers.

I filled him in on your qualifications.

You apply again, as an Air Force nominee, young lady, .


and I think you'll find NASA supportive.

- There's a waiting list a mile long.

- Not for you.

- Dad, you can't do that.

- I did.

Without talking to me first.

You're telling me you don't want this? They know what you can offer the space programme.

They want you.

That's not the point.

The work I am doing now is very important to me.

It's not your dream.

Let's just leave it at that.

Please? At least talk to the man.

Do that much for me.

I knew sooner or later you'd make this about you.

- All right.

- It's not that I don't appreciate it.

I said all right! I'll catch up with you after the ceremony.

Colonel Jack O'Neill, right? I'm not sure.

You are one hard man to find, let me tell you.

- Who are you?

- Armin Selig.

I'm a journalist.

I'll have a beer.

Why don't you have mine? I haven't touched it.

- Heading back to the Stargate so soon?

- The what? Big, round, greyish thing.

Can't miss it.

I don't know what that is.

Before you go, Colonel, maybe you should hear this.

I knew you were coming here, so I planned ahead, and .


I got a little lucky.

(O'Neill) You know, I can navigate my way across a galaxy.

But I get lost every time I come to Washington.

(Carter) Don't worry, sir.

These are my old stomping grounds.

My condolences.

Two years at the Pentagon trying to make Stargate a reality.

- I'd say it was time well spent.

- You think? This isn't all I've got to go on, mind you.

I have a source who told me about a device .


that can send people halfway across the galaxy and back again.

Just looking for a little confirmation.

Parabolic microphone, across the square, maybe? Something like that.

Technology, huh? Listen, I don't know who your source is, .


but I'm a colonel in the US Air Force.


-5 Galaxy is a transport aircraft, one of the largest in the world.

That's what I was referring to.

And the Stargate? You got me on that one.

After the child is born, the demon within me will awaken again.

She will punish the child for my disobedience.

We will not allow it.

The Goa'uld will have become our prisoner.

We'll have time together until the child is born.

You will be asked what you remember of the Goa'uld.

But I will be there the whole time.

I won't let them hurt you.

We can study what keeps the Goa'uld dormant.

There may even be a way we can remain together.

Apophis will return.

If she is gone, he will destroy the whole village.

Tell them an enemy of Apophis came and stole Sha're and the child away.

And it will be the truth, yes? Go with them.

You can't just tell her like that.

I'm her father.

Sha're I won't force you.

Once the demon returns, will I be with you then? No.

Until we could find a way to remove the Goa'uld from within you, .


they would lock you up in a cell.

That's something like a cage.

So the Goa'uld within you will not harm others.

(Daniel) Look, I won't pretend this is going to be easy.

But this way Apophis will not be allowed to hurt you or your child ever again.

(sighs) Then I will come with you, my Daniel.

Apophis may return at any moment.

We must leave now.

He's got a great hand speed, and he can really snap the jet.

So he got in three good ones, then feigned it with his right, .


came in with a left hook and a right cross General? A moment, please? Excuse me.

We've got a problem, sir.

We've sprung a leak.

Apparently, someone with knowledge of the programme talked to a reporter.

- This reporter approached you?

- Yes, sir.

- And you said?

- I denied everything.

- He didn't buy it.

- How much does he know? Well, if he knows me and knew how to find me here, a lot.

Then you're right.

We've got a problem.

(rumbling) Daniel, can you hear it? Hear what? What's wrong? (distant shouts and screams) Ben ma wa (Teal'c) The Goa'uld ship approaches.

Sha're, what's wrong? (distorted) My lord comes for me.

No! Sha're, fight this thing.

You have to hold on a little longer

- please! Daniel? It's OK.

It's gone now.

Daniel! Daniel!! Teal'c! I think she just went into labour! The Goa'uld's return may have induced it! (Sha're) Daniel! Daniel Jackson! We must leave now! My lord, someone attempted to flee through the Stargate.

They did not have time to escape.

(distorted) Find Apophis's queen.

Say he runs his story.

How bad could it get? Bad.

Half the government would want to bury it, the rest would want a piece of it.

Add to that the international fallout .


once Russia and China hear we kept it from them.

Proof of aliens, worlds populated by ancient human cultures.

I don't see the problem.

I can't help but wonder who the source could be.

- Any one of hundreds of people.

- It's hard to believe it's one of ours.

Every member of the SGC knows how important our work is.

I agree with Captain Carter.

It's much more likely political.

- Senator Kinsey?

- If he knows, so do a dozen sycophants.

Civilians sign non

-disclosure statements.

Technically they're liable to prosecution.

So what do we do

- sue 'em? There's still some time before the ceremony, Colonel.

I'd like to know how much he knows.

Do you know how to find him? I'll let him find me, sir.

(Sha're gasps) When the pain comes, you have to breathe.

- It comes too soon.

- The baby will be fine.

Just worry about yourself.

When the child comes forth, the demon will return!

- I know.

- Apophis comes for me! It was not the ship of Apophis.

Then who? It was that of Heru


He is a great enemy of Apophis.

He will take my child.

- Ah, Daniel!

- It's OK.

Breathe! Breathe.

This is where we hid from Ra, remember?

- Remember?

- I remember.

We're safe here.

You are incorrect, Daniel Jackson.

If it is Sha're that Heru

-ur seeks, he will find us.

We cannot remain.

Well, I am not leaving her.

The moment the child is born, the Goa'uld within Sha're will re


I said I am not leaving her, Teal'c! Then I will do what I can to keep the Horus Guard away from you.

You do love me.

Yes, I do.

Looking for me? Find out what the reporter knows while your people check on his credentials? Ah, that's a cliche, Armin.

I'm very good at this, Colonel.

I've been doing it a while.

This'll be the biggest story I've ever broken, but then .


it's the biggest story anyone's broken, isn't it? Tell me.

I've got all I need.

I don't need you.

But I wanted to meet you anyway.

When this breaks, you're gonna be a hero.


- What are you gonna say about me?

- Subtle! OK, I'll do you a favour.

You're the team leader of a unit called SG

-1 .

Between nine and 12 such units operate out of Cheyenne Mountain under NORAD.

You use a device called a Stargate to travel light years from here.

Wow! That's pretty amazing.

The programme costs over seven billion.

But the Defense Department hopes new technologies will offset expenditure.

Armin, let me do you a favour.

You don't know anything.

Don't embarrass yourself.

I know those two brilliant flashes in the night sky a few months ago .


were really alien ships on their way to attack Earth.

- You blew them up.

- I did? All right.

(sighs) If you're gonna go ahead with it, .


I wanna make sure you get one thing right.

It's O'Neill, with two Ls.

There's another Colonel O'Neil with one L.

He has no sense of humour at all.

- The story's gonna run, Colonel.

- It'll read like science fiction, Armin.

- This country has no official secrets act.

- I know that.

- You can't stop me.

- I know that, too.

- You don't think anyone'll believe it?

- I'm sure someone will.

But it's not me.

We'll see.

That's two Ls, right? (car tyres screech) (car engine roars) (tyres screech) You! 911

- ambulance! Now! Don't move! Don't try to move! (Armin whispers) You did this.

No! No, we didn't do this.

Son of a bitch.

(groans) My lord! I have questioned many in the city.

Apophis's queen is here, as you suspected.

Apophis will return through the Stargate to claim his child.

- We shall be here, my lord.

- His queen and child will be taken alive.

Where is your daughter? I cannot tell you what I do not know.

What? Would you have me lie?

- Jaffa!

- (growl) Dad? I've been looking all over for you.

You must be disappointed.

Any idea why the President cancelled? Colonel O'Neill witnessed an accident.

The President couldn't adjust his schedule.

Bad timing all around.

General Hammond will give us the medals at a private ceremony back at the base.

Well, it's the honour that matters.

Whether I can be there or not.

- Dad

- I have cancer, Sam.

- What?

- Lymphoma.

- That's bad.

- Well, it's not good.

But it's not the worst.

Don't you worry.

I'm gonna be around for a while.

Oh, God Dad! I was hoping to live to see you become an astronaut.

Sweetheart, I don't care what it is you do in that mountain.

Nothing in the world can live up to the chance of going to space.

Not for you.

It's something you've wanted your whole life.

And, I admit it, I want to see you fulfil your life's dreams before I die.

But it's my dream.

Isn't it up to me? Fathers have dreams, too.

I'm sorry, I can't.

All right.

Like I said, this thing's gonna go on for months.

So you don't have to check up on me tomorrow.

Dad, please don't go like this.

Congratulations on the medal.

I'm sure you deserve it.

Dad Daniel!

- It's all right, Sha're.


- No! The demon will come back! You have to push!

- But I will lose you, Daniel! Please!

- Look at me.

- Agh! Please!

- Look at me! I love you.

I will always love you.

You understand? The Goa'uld can never take that away from us.


- Agh, Daniel! The pain comes again!

- I'm here.

Aaagh! Daniel! I'm here! And now the baby's here! Now you have to push! (whispers) Forgive me.

(baby cries) It's a boy! (baby cries) It's a boy.

(distorted) Give me the child! (baby still crying) Bring me the child of Apophis.

(baby still crying) (w*apon is charged) (distorted) Apophis, my pharaoh, will destroy you both for this.

Tell him Heru

-ur has taken his son as his own.

We have little time.

(baby still crying) We must go.

It's your grandson.

(baby gurgles) He is beautiful.

Yes? Yes, he is.

You cannot remain here, good father.

You must go into hiding.

You are telling me the demon has returned to reclaim my daughter? Yes.

I will need a nursing woman.

You must find one whom you can trust, one who is not afraid of hardship.

So it may be that I will never see my daughter again.

Sha're is strong, good father.

She will not give up.

And neither will I.

(baby gurgles) Colonel Jack O'Neill, Captain Samantha Carter.

You have distinguished yourselves by heroism involving voluntary risk of life.

Against impossible odds, .


with only the help of your team members Teal'c and Dr Daniel Jackson, .


you destroyed both Goa'uld spacecraft that were poised to attack this world.

Your exemplary courage and heroism reflect great credit .


upon yourself and the United States Air Force.

Thank you, sir.

I'm only sorry the accident made it impossible .


for the President himself to do this.

I beg to differ, sir.

It's an honour to receive it from you.

Congratulations, Captain.

I know Dr Jackson is expecting you on Abydos.

You may ship out when ready.

I'll be ready to go in ten minutes, Colonel.


It was an accident.

Yes, sir.

(Teal'c) My lord.

Kel shak, Jaffa? Kel shak, Heru


(Teal'c) Serpent guards of Apophis have taken the child.

Who is this human? He claims his people are the Tauri, enemies of Apophis.

You? Among the warriors who defeated Apophis? As a matter of fact, I was.

The Tauri are stronger than you think.

An alliance would prove extremely useful to both of us, against our common enemy.

Alliance? You are nothing.

Your world is nothing.

Once I have conquered Apophis, I will make slaves of your people.

You will serve me.

No, I don't think so.

Kneel before your god! My lord, the Stargate! Apophis comes! Stand ready! Tauri! Kree! What the hell? Cover me! You dare challenge me? I was thinkin' about it.

You'll pay for this insolence!

- (Carter) Teal'c?

- Somebody explain what just happened.

- It is a lengthy tale, O'Neill.

- "Long story", Teal'c.

Good thing you remembered their shield's deflection .


is directly proportional to the kinetic energy directed at it.

Right! We should get out of here.

- Apophis.

- What?! We must cover ourselves.

(chevrons locking) (distorted) Jaffa.

Kel Amaunet.

I am here, my Pharaoh.

The child? Stolen, by your enemy Heru


Forgive me, my Pharaoh, for failing you.

Jaffa! Shal tek! (chevrons lock) (Stargate is activated) Come home with me, my queen.

(Stargate gurgles) Sir, there's still a Goa'uld ship on top of us.

Dial us home, Captain, please.

(chevrons lock) Are you all right? No.

No, I'm not.

But I will be.

She looked directly at us, Daniel Jackson.

But she did not reveal our position.

Let's go home.

(Stargate gurgles)
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