02x12 - The Tok'ra (Part Two)

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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02x12 - The Tok'ra (Part Two)

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Stargate SG-1 We have to activate the Chaapa-ai.

Quickly, Jolinar! Portions of Jolinar of Malk-shur may remain in Captain Carter's mind.

My vision is our only lead.

Shouldn't we at least check it out before they move on? (man) We mean you no harm.

But if you make any aggressive moves, we will fire upon you.

- Martouf.

- How do you know me? I don't.

But I knew someone who did.

His name was Jolinar of Malk-shur.

That's why we're here.

To seek out the Tok'ra.

I was under the impression that the cancer hadn't gone this far.

So was I.

Take me to your leader.

Legend says that when the Tok'ra arrive on a planet, they go deep underground.

It is said they possess the technology to grow tunnels.

(distorted) Let me introduce Grand Council Garshaw of Belote.

(Teal'c) She's the most hunted Goa'uld of all time.

Allow me to introduce Selmak.

(Martouf) She is unfortunately very ill ..

and will soon die.

Unless one of you wishes to volunteer to serve as a host.

He's in V-tach! We'll shock him! Clear! (Hammond) How long does he have? If there's any family to contact, I'd get them here a.s.a.p.

(distorted) The Chaapa-ai just brought forth these! - (Carter) SG-3.

- Colonel Makepeace? It's your father, Captain.

He's in the hospital in a serious condition.

Captain Carter's father is dying.

At least let her go.

(distorted) She is the highest risk of all.

She contains the memory of Jolinar of Malk-shur.

And now the conclusion.

(Garshaw) You wish to see me? Daniel? Garshaw, could you tell us why you have turned down our request for an alliance? We've decided that your limited resources do not offer us enough of a reward ..

to risk the high security breach that your knowledge of us will cause.

That's it? At least allow us some time to try to find some technology, ..

some skill that you don't have.

I'm sorry.

I don't believe it exists.

So we are prisoners.

You're looking like Goa'uld to me.

(Garshaw) We're doing this for your protection as well as ours.

Knowledge of our whereabouts makes you and your world a priority target ..

for the Goa'uld System Lords.

- We're already a priority target! - They previously dispatched ..

two mother ships to destroy us.

(Carter) There's another reason, isn't there? - Something else bothers you about us.

- (Garshaw) That is correct.

None of you have volunteered to be host to one of us who is dying.

If you're so disgusted by the very thought of blending, how can we be associated ..

with one another? It is obvious that you have distaste for our very being.

No, it is simply a lack of understanding.

We have no hatred for you at all.

Then be a host to Selmak! - I wish I could say that was OK, but - The very thought sickens you.

There is nothing more to be said.

There will be no alliance! You will remain here until we say otherwise.

Colonel Makepeace? Did anyone tell you how far along my father is? No.

I was only told to get you back as soon as possible.

He doesn't even know why I'm not there for him.

He thinks I'm off working on some damn satellite dish! We'll get you back there, Carter.

The good news is there's eight of us now.

That's good news? Yes.

More manpower.

Is this another one of your strange jokes, O'Neill? Uh, no.

(Teal'c) It would be impossible.

There is only one way out via the rings.

We would then have to elude hundreds of Tok'ra.

I, for one, don't want to hurt any of them.

Look, I'm not too thrilled about hurting anyone either.

But keep in mind these people wanna make you a host! You said the Jolinar-in-the-head deal was one of the worst things to happen to you.

That's before I understood it better.

If I wasn't fighting her ..

and I knew what it meant for Jolinar to be a Tok'ra, it might've been ..

I don't know enlightening.

I need to see Garshaw! What? What is the one thing that they need the most? Well, hosts, which we can't give them.

(distorted) What is it? You said the symbiote can cure most problems in a human.


Does that include cancer? What is cancer? It's a disease in humans where the cells grow out of control.

You get tumours Oh, yes.

It's a common ailment amongst your species.

We cure it all the time.

Colonel, I think we should at least try to offer it to my dad.

We might have a host for you.

- You have a host for Selmak? - Yes.

My father.

He's got cancer and if Selmak can save his life, I think he'd be willing to try it.

But you have to let us go back.

I will let two of you go.

But the rest will remain to ensure that you will return.

(Stargate alarm) Colonel, where's SG-3? They were meant to extract only Captain Carter.

General, we need to talk.

Captain Carter I am truly sorry about your father, ..

but I have to question the wisdom of what you're suggesting here.

From what I've seen, ..

this won't exactly be saving his life.

It'll be more like giving his body to a Goa'uld.

No, sir, more like letting one share it.

Jacob knows a lot about Earth, about the US military.

We would be handing over that information to the Goa'uld.

- To the Tok'ra.

- You sure there's a difference? Oh, yes, sir, there is.

I won't even pretend to understand what it is, but there is one.

One minute you're talking to a Goa'uld, the next, a regular guy person.

- Host.

- Host.

How do you know it isn't a trick? The Goa'uld have spoken as humans before.

Well, if these were your everyday, run-of-the-mill, greasy-assed Goa'uld, ..

we would be their host already.

They were holding you prisoner.

Still are holding SG-3 and the rest of your team! Only temporarily, sir.

They thought it was to protect us as much as them.

Yeah, I didn't buy that one myself, sir.

General Hammond, please.

I know my father would want to do this.

He would have the chance to liaise ..

between ourselves and possibly the most important ally we will ever have.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my admiration for your cause.

- It is both honourable and brave.

- Thank you, Jaffa.

I must say I feel the same about you.

To break from Apophis ..

and then turn to fight him shows great conviction of character.

(footsteps) Master Garshaw, we just received word from our scout in the Shoran'ka quadrant.

The Goa'uld System Lords ..

have been told where we are.

They've sent two mother ships.

- When will they arrive? - Within the day.

Perhaps hours.

Start the evacuation! (Hammond) Clear the room, people.

(sighs) I told you not to recall her.

I'm happy to see you, too, Dad.

You wanted to know what Captain Carter does.

I thought she could tell you herself.

Yeah? What happened to the classification? It's still classified, but you just got clearance.

(sighs) Why? Well, believe it or not, we need your help, Dad.

(laughs) (coughs) The Pentagon wants me to deliver a message to God when I get up there? - Not exactly.

- Well, I don't plan to see the other guy.

Dad, have you ever heard of the Stargate programme? No.

Is that one of your satellites? No, Dad.

That was just a cover.

No kidding.

I never would have guessed.

What is it that's so great ..

you don't want me to get you into the astronaut programme? Well, this is gonna be a lot for you to take in at once.

Stop beating around the bush.

What do you do? I travel to other planets.

Much farther away than any astronaut goes.

So you're not gonna tell me the truth here.

She is telling you the truth, Jacob.

She goes to other planets? What like in simulations? No, in reality.

We discovered a piece of alien technology.

It can send us to thousands of planets all over the galaxy.

You're not kidding, are you? No.

Holy Hannah! So ..

what do you want me to do? Well, we'd like you to travel to one of these planets with us.

- Why? So I can die there? - No.

Actually, I'm hoping what we want you to do will cure your cancer.

They have a cure there? What's the catch? It's a doozie, Jacob.

I won't lie to you on that.

(Stargate alarm) (technician) Chevron six locked.

- So this is the alien thing you found? - Yep.

And it sends you to other planets? Chevron seven locked.

- (O'Neill) How about them apples, huh? - Incredible.

Let's go, Dad.

Does it What's it feel like? You've handled worse, Dad.

It's a piece of cake, sir.

- You do that a lot? - Yeah, once or twice a week.

It beats a shuttle on the back of a rocket! Goes a lot further, too.

You know, I was expecting a little greeting party or something.

You sure this is another planet? It looks like Earth.

We figured the Stargate system was built specifically to transport humans ..

or something close to humans in physiology.

So it seems to go mostly to places where the environment supports human life.

- Makepeace - Carry on...

what the heck's going on? - We're free! - Then why are you still here? We want to be allies, right? So we're helping with the evacuation.

What evacuation? Come on, I'll explain as we go.

Dad, this is Teal'c.

Teal'c, this is my father.

It is an honour.

This is where they've been stacking our stuff.

Chel nok'n.

Direct translation - "very cool".

- Wanna tell me what's going on? - They're evacuating so we're free to go.

Why? The System Lords are ready to attack.

The Goa'uld mother ships are on the way.


(O'Neill) Where's Garshaw? - We last saw her in the Council chamber.

- All right, boys, let's go.

- Call if you need me.

- Thanks.

(distorted) You have returned.


This is my father - Jacob Carter.


(undistorted) I am Martouf.

You have a very special daughter.

Why does he talk like that? He's a Tok'ra, Dad.

I told you about them.


So these are the aliens you were telling me about? Well, I don't know if I'd call them aliens.

Sort of half alien, I guess.

The outside is human ..

and the inside is shared between a human and a symbiote.

Martouf is two different souls, I guess, sharing the same body.

And that's what you want me to become? You gotta be kidding me.

So fill me in.

How'd the System Lords find 'em? - That is unknown.

- You talking about a spy here, or what? If that's the case, moving to another planet's not gonna do them much good.

Teal'c, you know those tele-ball things? - The long-range communications device.

- How small can they be? Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand.

I'm not sure I can do this, Sam.

(distorted) No one wants to pressure you.

The decision is yours.

But, before deciding, might I suggest you take time to get to know the symbiote ..

that wishes to blend with you? This is her? Actually, you only see the host.

The symbiote's inside her.

Inside her? Talk to her, Dad.

Get to know her.

(distorted) If you agree to the blending, we could be together for ..

a very long time.

(coughs) You don't look so good.

You are no vision of beauty yourself, sir.

(both cough) It's all right.

It's all right.

(undistorted) I'm the one to whom you should be talking.

You are the one I'm talking to.

Why did your voice change like that? That's the host talking now.

I am Saroosh.

I'm in the position to help you most.

How's that? I will die.

Selmak will live on.

You will take my place as host.

I don't understand.

Selmak is a wonderful Tok'ra.

She is selfless and caring.

She's good company.

She has a wonderful sense of humour.

Well, that's good, Dad.

You can sit around for hours cracking yourself up.

That's funny.

She's not far wrong.

I've had almost 200 years of laughter thanks to Selmak.

I'm biased, of course, ..

but I believe Selmak is among the best educated of the Tok'ra.

You will probably be overwhelmed ..

with the knowledge and wisdom you will gain upon blending.

So I get all of this thing, this, uh - What did you call it in her head? - Symbiote.

- Yeah.

I get all its memories and stuff? - Yeah, Dad, something like that.

But I won't deceive you, sir.

We have some pretty awful things buried in our memory.

Such as? Oh, memories of ..

countless Goa'uld atrocities.

The loss of the host before me.

And you will feel the mourning for my loss.

Will you excuse me, ma'am? (vomits, coughs) Oh, man I'm sorry.

I didn't want my future - I guess you could call her "soul mate" - to see me like this.

Dad, you don't have to do this.

Yes, I do.

My only other choice is death.

And that's not acceptable.

Look, ..

don't worry.

It's not just hearing all that stuff that made me sick.

It's the chemo.

And the trip through that damn Stargate thing.

It's OK.

This is a lot of weird information for anyone to take in.

Trust me, I know.


- (O'Neill) Garshaw? - What can I do for you? I think you might have a spy in your ranks.


The Tok'ra are loyal for life.

How then were you located by the System Lords? - How did you find us? - Well, we did have a spy in our ranks.

Jolinar of Malk-shur - through Captain Carter.

I suppose you know the name of this spy? Got a pretty good idea.

Who? I don't want to point fingers, but I'd keep my eye on Cordesh.

Cordesh? Why do you say that? You folks make a habit of walking around with those little tele-ball What are they? - Long-range communications devices.

- We don't have those.

We have no use for them.

The system is not secure.

Well, your buddy Cordesh has one.

Tok'ra kree! (all) Kree! Tajak Cordesh kree! - (all) Tullah kree! - You guys stay here.

We'll stay here.

Cordesh! You must come with me and face questioning.

(undistorted) I am not what I appear to be.

Cordesh is no longer.

I couldn't stop him.

I'm as guilty as he was! You must leave the tunnel and explain yourself, Cordesh.

I don't deserve to remain among the Tok'ra.

Agh! Ouch! OK.

What do I have to do? First, Selmak would like to interview you.

Huh? (distorted) If I am to spend the next hundred or more years ..

with you as my host, ..

do you not think I have the right to decide if I even like you? What's not to like? Just ask my daughter, I'm a teddy bear.

Oh, yeah.

Real teddy bear.

How do you feel about the Goa'uld? Well, you're the first one I've met.

I am not a Goa'uld! - Ah.

Trick question? - Remember, Dad I tried to explain the difference.


I apologise.

I guess I've never met a Goa'uld before.

From what Sam and her people tell me, I don't think I'd like them much.

Tell me, sir, are you a good man? - You're kidding, right? - No.

We'll be spending the rest of our lives together.

Look Forgive me for being blunt, ..

but you're dying, right? My host is, yes.

And you'll die with her unless you and I What did you call it? Blend, right? - Yes.

- And I'll die, too, unless we do this.

So good man, bad man - what difference does it make? We don't have a choice.

I don't mind telling you the whole idea ..

scares the hell out of me.

So, can we just get it over with? I have decided I like you.


But I must be sure that you understand.

There will be no turning back.

I cannot blend with you, cure your disease, and leave.

To do so would probably k*ll us both.

I understand.

But let me ask you something.

After we do this, will I be able to talk to my daughter? The way Saroosh talked to you, yes.

But you and your daughter must understand ..

the blending may not work at all.

I am very weak ..

and the damage to your body ..

may be too extensive.

In other words, we might die anyway.


Then can you give me five with my kid? Of course.

We must hurry.

We don't have a lot of time.

Listen, Sam I was never good at this stuff.

- Dad, you don't have to say anything.

- You gotta know one thing How proud I am of you.

I'm not good at saying that enough.

I think you just said it pretty well.

Even when I thought you were this whiz satellite geek, ..

I was proud.

That's all I want to say.

Thanks, Dad.

Hey! I know I'm a pain in the ass! Maybe this Tok'ra lady will sand off some of the rough edges.

- It might be a good thing, right? - Could be.

But the longer we wait, the less the chances.

OK, what do I do? Cordesh must be guilty or he would not have allowed himself to die.

- He had a choice? - I must thank you.

You may have saved the Tok'ra a great many losses.

You're welcome.

- But you still have nothing to offer us.

- What?! - Well, actually, I think we do.

- Do we? The one thing you need most we could provide - hosts.

Daniel? Well, if it works for Sam's father, there must be other people in similar situations.

It's worth exploring.

It is.

(Martouf) We do not enter our host through the back of the neck.

This leaves a scar that many of us find very unsettling.

- Why don't the Goa'uld do this? - So they don't remember the horror ..

on their host's face whenever they look in a mirror.

You must step away, Captain Carter.

Goodbye, kid.

See you soon, Dad.


Now what? (distorted) Kiss me.

You're kidding, right? No, I'm not.

Agh! (distorted) Goodbye, dear friend.

He's alive.

Is he OK? He's very sick and Selmak is weak.

She may not have the strength to heal him.

Is there anything we can do to help? Nothing.

Only time will tell.

(distorted) The Goa'uld ships are dropping from hyperspace.

They will start attacking within hours.

Garshaw orders that we must destroy the complex.

We need time! - Can we move him? - If we do so, it will k*ll them.

Excuse me.

What are you doing? I'll apologise if I'm wrong.

Cordesh had one of these.

So there are two spies.

Or not.

Cordesh said he wasn't who he appeared to be.

Goa'uld can jump host to hide, much as Jolinar of Malk-shur.

Cordesh? (distorted) The plague that is the Tok'ra will soon be wiped out! To think I once called you my friend, Cordesh! But I want you to know the System Lords will fall, ..

but you won't be alive to see it.

Attempt to remove Cordesh from the host without harming her.

And put this traitor in one of the vanishing tunnels! I believe I shall be proud to call you friend.


(undistorted) Martouf, all tunnels but this one and the escape tunnel have vanished.

All the other Tok'ra have gone to the new home world.

We must go.

- What about my father? - When and if he awakens ..

Selmak knows where we'll be.

He can follow.

- But the Goa'uld will capture him.

- If he's captured, ..

he will die before he will reveal our whereabouts.

- Then take him with you.

- Or we'll take him.

To transport him now, he will die.

He needs to remain stationary ..

until Selmak has completed her repairs.

- We can't just leave him here! - I will remain with him.

If I can get him out, I will.

If not, ..

I will allow the vanishing tunnels to consume us before the Goa'uld get here.

You cannot die in this way.

We must leave now! - I'll stay.

- You are even more vulnerable ..

since you contain the memories of Jolinar.

I cannot allow you to stay.

We must go now.

- She's right, Captain.

We have to go.

- With respect, ..

no, sir.

I am not leaving him here.

We will both remain.

I will assure that we will not be taken by the Goa'uld.

(Carter) Please, Colonel.

I need to be here.




Let's go.

We may not have much time before the Goa'uld come through and block our gate.

(Daniel) We can take you to Earth and send you on from there.

Daniel, start dialling home.

- What about Carter? - (Teal'c) O'Neill! Dial! (boom) I hope I've done the right thing bringing him here.

From what I understand, the alternative was no better.


(alarm) - Can your man defend them in an attack? - (distorted) Only minimally.

Garshaw, what will Martouf do if the Goa'uld get too close? At the risk of capture, Martouf will destroy the underground compound ..

with himself and all your people with it.

Dad? (distorted) Martouf? I am here.

(boom) Shall we not make our escape? - Yes, we should.

- Is my dad in there somewhere? (Jacob) I'm here, Sam.

Oh, man! Talk about your hangover! - How are you, Dad? - Awful.

Headache the size of Kuwait.

There's too much stuff in here.

- Whoa! - What? (laughs) No more arthritis! Holy Hannah! No more arthritis! (boom) We should leave as soon as possible.

This way.

(alarm) Still no SG-1 signal, sir.

Goa'uld are attempting to come through the gate.

Not if I dial out first.

We'll go to Earth.

You two can go wherever you need to from there.

Did we open the gate or did they? (distorted) We have no choice.


There's the signal.

Open the iris.

(distorted) I must give you thanks.

You have saved my life and that of my new host.

- We thank you.

- (distorted) This is wonderful news.


Can we talk to your host? Ahem.

So when the little fella inside me's talking, do I sound like she does? - That is correct.

- (Jacob) That's strange.

I can feel myself talking, but it's not me saying the words.

- You know? - Don't know.

Take your word for it.

How do you feel? Well, ..

considering I got one of those things inside me, pretty damn good! Listen, George Because of this blending thing ..

I already know everything there is to know about the Tok'ra.

You made the right call.

I hope so.

I would be proud to serve as liaison between the Earth and these people.


On that note, perhaps you can ask them to come with me to do a little debriefing.

I'm afraid we cannot.

We must go.

You are safe here.

Because of the spy, the Goa'uld may be at the site the Tok'ra have moved to.

You can't stay? No, we must stop the tunnels before they are grown.

We must move the Tok'ra to yet another new home.

Do you have a dialling device? Yeah, we slapped a little one together.


You made it yourself.


Will you show it to me? I would like to put in the coordinates myself.

This way.

I give you my word, I will watch over your father as if he were my own.

Thank you.

- I look forward to seeing you again.

- So do I.

It's ironic, ain't it? What? I was trying to find you a better assignment.

Now you've found me the best one an old soldier could dream up.

Thanks, kid.

You're welcome.

- Do you have to go so soon? - Yeah, I have to go.

Apparently, ..

I'm the oldest and wisest among us.

Oh, jeez! One day, the Tok'ra and the Tauri people will destroy the Goa'uld System Lords.

This will be a good day.

This box has a signature in it we can recognise.

Send it through the gate and we'll know you want to contact us.

Thank you.

Come, Selmak.

I love you.

I love you, too, Dad.

Oh, Selmak says Let me see if I can translate this.

Don't call us, ..

we'll call you.

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