03x01 - Into The Fire

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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03x01 - Into The Fire

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG


: First of all, I regret to inform you that everyone on your team ..

are all deceased.

The year is now 2077.

It's OK, Dr Carter.

You're in the SGC.

You're gonna be fine.

It's OK, Dr Jackson.

You're in the SGC.

You're gonna be fine.

- Where are the rest of SG


- We were hoping you could tell us.

I'll return to search for the answers.

I can't let you do that, Teal'c.

If they're prisoners, they're long gone from that planet.

They could be moved to any Goa'uld stronghold.

Do you have any recollection of what happened on your last mission? We have a new technology that might help you remember.

- God! What is that?

- It's OK, Colonel.

It's in.

It's kind of like a hi

-tech version of hypnosis.

Is this really necessary? It's important that we know who would have the technology to do this.

Why? (man) Tel mak, kree.

Meg tal, ah.

Rok, kree nol.

Meg tal! I hereby respectfully inform you ..

that I must take my leave of the SGC.

Therefore I am no longer under your command.

Who spent enough time in the base to be able to reproduce it in this kind of detail? (distorted) Silence! We are building our forces before the System Lords know that we are alive.

But doing so is difficult when we have to operate ..

with limited knowledge of the state of the Empire.

Let me take a guess.

It's just a wild guess.

But that's where we come in? Our friend here is ready for a host.

Tell us Which one of you shall it be? And now, the conclusion.

Welcome back, Colonel Makepeace.

Debriefing is scheduled at 1430 hours.

(alarm) Make a hole!

- I need to find General Hammond!

- He's in his office.

Colonel! We need support for three new teams.

- It's a big galaxy out there, Major.

- Sir! Colonel Makepeace, I'm sure you remember Major Davis.

Yes, sir.

I apologise.

When scouting 2


-4, we came across several members of the Tok'ra.

They told us the location of SG

-1 .

- Where are they?

- They've been taken prisoner, sir.

By Hathor.

(Hammond) Why do I feel I'm looking at blueprints of my own base? In a way, you are, sir.

The entire section of the facility is a mock

-up of the SGC.

It's damn peculiar.

Unlike Cheyenne Mountain, the Tok'ra say the base's exterior is unguarded.

We shouldn't face any resistance until we're inside.

- Even then, it'll be light.

- Can we trust them? The Tok'ra? Their operative took a big risk just to get us this information.

I think so.

If they have someone on the inside, why can't they do something? They did do something, Major.

- You have the coordinates?

- Yes, sir.

We're ready to go.

And you will, but not alone.

Sergeant, I'd like you to get me the President on the phone.

I want every available SG team ready in the gate room within two hours.

Do you intend to commit the resources of this entire command? I only wish we could.

Half of our teams are off

-world now on other missions.

General, that's not my point.


-1 is a valuable asset, but they're still just one team.

Major, you've got a lot to learn about how we do things around here.

- I have the President for you, sir.

- Let's get the job done.

(PA) We have MALP telemetry.

Tactical is go.

Environmental is go.

You've all been briefed on the mission ..

by Colonel Makepeace.

You know the enemy.

You know the risks.

What I'm trying to say is I would rather not order you to do this, ..

so I would like all of those willing to attempt the rescue of SG

-1 ..

to take one step Very well.

SG Units Three, Five, Six and Eleven, ..

bring them home.

- Good luck, Colonel.

- Yes, sir! All right, let's go! Move out! We ask you once more.

Which one of you ..

shall be host ..

to our new friend?

- It has her eyes.

- Silence! Shall it be ..

our beloved? We could spend an eternity together.

Do you not remember the joys that we once shared in one another's arms? I really try not to.

Shall it be the female, then? She who would challenge us.

You have since been possessed by a Goa'uld, we sense.

Perhaps once more?

- I'm not afraid.

- You should be, my dear.

For the pain that a symbiote can inflict in its host ..

is unimaginable.

It seems that our friend has chosen.

What, the grey doesn't bother you? All right, fine.

Let's do it.

Just please I beg of you not in the back of the neck.

I've got some problems Fool!

- He would've hurt the symbiote.

- Which you have done in his place! Return it to the safety of the Jaffa! Take him somewhere where he can be properly restrained!

- All right, hold the fort!

- Yes, sir!

- What have you got?

- Picking up EM one click away, sir.

Probably power generation.

No sign of SG

-1's IFF or radio chatter.

Roger that.

Bra'tac? Teal'c.

You grant a dying old man's wish.

Do not speak of such things.

(cries out in pain) Who has done this? The last of Apophis' personal guard.

They left me for dead.

- For what reason?

- When I heard the news of Apophis, ..

my heart soared, Teal'c.

I hoped there would be celebration among our people.

Instead they fear that, with the death of Apophis, ..

Klorel will return to claim his inheritance.

They are cowards.

In too great a number for an old man of 1 35.

What of your human friends? Prisoners of the Goa'uld.

I have come to raise an army with which to free them.

That will not be so easy, Teal'c.


But I must try.

Until then, you are in need of food and rest ..

and I am in need of armour.

We are not pleased.

Neither are we.

Agh! Once host to a Goa'uld, ..

you will take the lives of your friends.

- We don't think so.

- You will have no say in the matter.

You will witness their deaths through your own eyes.


It may take some time for the Goa'uld to take control, ..

but we will greatly enjoy experiencing your eventual defeat.

Oh, God! No! And when you awaken from the joining, you will kneel ..

and pledge your loyalty ..

to us.

(crunching sound) (explosions and g*nf*re) Jaffa! Kree mel! (g*nf*re)

- Look out! Over there! Over there!

- Secure the forward area! Jaffa.

Lok shak, tal makka kree! (distorted) O'Neill, you must fight it.

I am Tok'ra.

The cryogenic process will prevent the melding.

The Goa'uld within will die, but until then you must fight it! (distant marching) Three o'clock! Three o'clock! Jama! Chel'ets! Yeah, there's no place like home! The area's secure! Let's move out! Surrender your prisoners and drop your w*apon! Now!

- Colonel Makepeace.

- Where's Colonel O'Neill? He's been taken as a host.

What? Jaffa! Kree! Kel nok shree Jaffa! I am of the Tok'ra.

If the Tauri do not destroy you, know this: we will.

- All secure.

Whenever you're ready.

- Stand by.

We're pulling out.

ETA is five minutes.

Sir, something's happening here! Razor! Come in, Razor! SG

-3, we have lost radio contact.

Please respond.

- What's the situation?

- My team was covering the Stargate.

We're moving out!

- What about Jack?

- He's a casualty.

If we can get him back If my team has lost control of the Stargate, we're not going anywhere.

Now, let's go, people! We're pulling out! Let's go! I know you! Shol'va! You dare return to Chulak? The people of this world are my brothers and sisters.

- I have betrayed no one.

- Except your god.

- False god.

Dead false god.

- So you say.

But his son lives.

With you or without, he will be defeated as was his father.

Our people will taste freedom.

Bra'tac paid a heavy price for those words.

Tell your kinsmen that Teal'c has returned to Chulak! You will go to every home of every warrior in this city.

You will tell them that I will speak at the house of Bra'tac at dawn! Summon them! No sign of my men.

Or the enemy.

Cover your flank! Open fire!

- What the hell is it?

- An impenetrable energy barrier.

Jaffa, ha'tak! Fall back! Fall back! Into the tree line! Daniel! Daniel, let's go! This way! This way to me! Secure that flank! Secure that flank!

- Is anybody behind you?

- No! Tok'ra tunnels!

- They have an operative on the inside.

- Who? Don't know.

Don't expect to find out any time soon.

- How's the leg? Can you walk?

- It's just a deep gash, but it'll be fine.

Sierra Golf six.

Sierra Golf six.

This is three


Come in.

- They could've made the tree line.

- Yeah, maybe.

If we can't penetrate their barrier, maybe we can go under it.

It's worth a try.

They have fled into tunnels of Tok'ra construction.

- There must be a spy amongst us.

- The spy has been taken care of.

Take as many of the humans as you can alive.

They will make an excellent addition to our new army of Jaffa.

I guess we can't go under it either.

This is unlike any Goa'uld shield we've come across.

It's like a solid wall.

The power output for something like this must be enormous.

That's fascinating, Captain, but now what do we do? How long are they overdue? Five hours, sir.

The plan called for SG

-3 to check in by now if they lost contact.

We'll send a message through the gate.

MALP's relay antenna might be able to get a signal to our teams.

Stand by to engage! (gate whirs) Kree! Chaapa

-ai! Wormhole established.

- SG

-3, this is General Hammond.

- Hold up! This is Hammond.


The energy barrier must be amplifying the signal.

General, this is three


We hear you, sir.

- What's your status?

- Two surviving SG

-1 team members.

We're cut off from the Stargate.

We found cover in tunnels made by the Tok'ra.

We cannot reach the Stargate without reinforcements.

See if you can direct MALP's camera to get a picture of the Stargate.

That'll take some time, Colonel.

We'll try to send reinforcements through the Stargate .

exactly six hours from now.

- Coordinate your offensive accordingly.

- Roger that, sir.

Colonel Makepeace, come in! Colonel Makepeace! Damn.

One armoured platoon could take the Stargate.

General, sir I'm sorry.

It's not up to me.

Even if it was, I don't agree with you.

I don't really give a damn if you agree with me, Major.

With all due respect, you took a shot .

based on intelligence you thought trustworthy, but I promised reinforcements.

The President and Joint Chiefs will not risk further loss of life, sir.

Those are their orders.

I'm sorry.

I'm afraid if your people are gonna make it back, .

they're gonna have to do it on their own.

I see.

- Thank you, Major.

- Thank you, sir.

Sir, I've been thinking.

The barrier extends for miles around the facility.

It must be powered from the inside

- a field generator.

The Tok'ra use these tunnels to access the facility.

- They must lead to it somehow.

- Right.

Let me go back and try to shut it down.

- I'll go with you.

- No, Daniel, you're hurt.

I'll send an SG team as backup.

If I knock out the generator, you'll need everyone to take on those towers.

All right.

If you can, blow the generator just before reinforcements come through.

We'll try to take on the towers at the same time.

That might give us the advantage we need.

(distant explosions)

- I'll try to hold the door open.

- Good luck.

All right, people, let's go! Move out! (distant expl*si*n) Teal'c has returned ..

from the Tauri.

If you care for this world ..

and for our people, ..

you will listen to what he has to say.

The Goa'uld are not gods.

Shol'va! It is a lie we live each day! Only when he takes a host does a Goa'uld become strong.

Even then, only as strong as the Jaffa who serve them.

Without us, ..

the Goa'uld are nothing!

- Lies!

- We are their strength! We are their power ..

until we choose to serve them no more! I was witness to the final breath of Apophis.

I watched him tremble with fear of what lay beyond! I believed that day would be honoured for all time on Chulak.

But instead, ..

I see Jaffa taking up arms against one another.

I see cowardice ..

and I am ashamed.

This is our time.

It will not come again.

But first we must grow stronger ..

as the people of the Tauri have done.

I call for warriors to join me through the Chaapa

-ai! To gather weapons, to forge alliances with other Jaffa who seek freedom.

To show the Goa'uld we will do battle with them wherever they may be.

Who will join me? General! Not what I'd call an army, but it's a start.

Hammond ..

of Texas.

Master Bra'tac.

Gentlemen, I need your help.

Forgive me.

There was no other way.

You're the Tok'ra.

Those controls are set.

Activate them.

The Goa'uld within has gone.

The cryogenic process destroyed it ..

before it had a chance to meld with the host.

He will revive automatically.

(cryogenic chamber unlocks) Colonel? I don't feel its presence.

You're gonna be all right.

We had hopes for you.

We will destroy you for this! We would just like you to go away! (liquid bubbling) Carter! Sir What happened? Oh, God! Hathor's ..

uh gone.

- What about you?

- Cold.

I'm a little chilly.

But ..

l'm me.

I'm me.

Colonel Makepeace came through with half a dozen SG teams to rescue us.

But Trofsky's cut us off from the Stargate using an energy barrier.

It originates from somewhere in this facility.

The plan is to blow it before General Hammond sends reinforcements.

And how do we plan to do that? What you seek is hidden within the mock

-up of your Stargate facility.

What about you? My symbiote may yet heal me.

You must hurry.


What exactly are we looking for? We don't have much time.

As you said, the gate is carefully guarded.

The Stargate is most defensible.

To be assured of victory, we will require an advantage.

One hidden away and forgotten when I was still First Prime of Apophis.

- Why?

- Few pilots could master it.

And how long ago was it? Some hundred years.

The forest has changed much in that time.

There is an old Jaffa saying: They do not build them as they once did.


- Do you intend to fly this thing?

- Not l.

Threading the needle is a skill for the young.

The barrier extends around the facility for miles.

The generators must be massive.

We're getting close.

I'm getting energy readings off the scale.

She was right, sir.

The generator's somewhere in here.

- What do you think?

- Try it.

Found 'em.

Set to detonate by remote? Yeah.

This part of your plan, Captain? No, sir.

(Trofsky) I know that you are still up there, Captain Carter! I grow tired of this! Surrender now or your friends will be k*lled one by one!

- Don't listen to him, Sam!

- Silence! I will give you one minute! The reinforcements should come soon.

We could detonate the C4.

No, Trofsky is gonna start sh**ting any minute.

We gotta buy some time.

- He thinks I'm a Goa'uld, right?

- Right.


Blow that C4 the minute the cavalry comes through that gate.

- What if they don't?

- What if they don't? They will They will.

Jaffa kree! Kel mak, Goa'uld! Kree tak!

- You heard me! I said kree!

- Jack? Hey, guys.

Makepeace! Nice rescue! Good job!

- Silence!

- All right, listen up! Something you should know before you start sh**t' and killin' .

and ruinin' what could be the start of a beautiful friendship! Our beloved Hathor .

is dead.

What you say is impossible.

Hathor is a queen.

More than that, she is a goddess! Yeah, OK.


-goddess, maybe.

I k*lled her myself.

You should trust me on this.

She's gone.

She is no more.

She's Let's face it, she's a former queen.

- So why don't we put an end to it?

- We will end it with your surrender! (Stargate whirs) Jaffa kree! Chaapa

-ai! Firing the w*apon will be your responsibility.



What did he mean by threading the needle? Observe.

Get down! Colonel! Fire! Yeehaaaaaaa! Jaffa! Tal bet! Tal bet!

- Bra'tac.

- Human.
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