01x03 - Return to Nantucket: Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wings". Aired: April 19, 1990, to May 21, 1997.*
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Two brothers, Joe and Brian Hackett, run a one-plane commuter service from a small Nantucket airport.
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01x03 - Return to Nantucket: Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

[Seagulls cawing]

How we doing here, lowell?

Did you find
the trouble yet?

Was it the magneto?


Is the fuel injector clogged?


Do you have any idea
what the problem is?


W-what is it?

You're standing
on my hand.

Sorry, why didn't you
say something?

Well, it felt kind of good
at first.

Took my mind
off of this mess.

Joe, I don't know
how much longer I can
stall the passengers.

They just finished
all my butter cookies,

And they're starting to get
a crazed look in their eyes.

Well, it looks like
we might have to cancel
this flight too.

Just ask them
to be patient.

Well, ok, but when we run out
of cheez doodles,
it's every man for himself.

Well, that's a relief.

Oh, did you
find the problem?

No, but it looks as if
I can save this fingernail.

May I please
have your attention?

Uh, we regret to inform you

That sandpiper air flight 14
to boston has been

Further delayed
due to mechanical

[All groaning]
oh, not again.

[Telephone ringing]
but on the bright side,

Freedom and democracy
have broken out
in eastern europe.

Aeromass flight 126 to boston
will begin boarding shortly,

And thank you
for choosing aeromass,

The airline that believes in
actually transporting people

From one place to another.

How about a cup of coffee,
pretty lady?

Coming right up.

Say, what happened
to that fat old geezer
that used to run this place?

What was his name?



Ah, still know how
to turn off the ladies,
huh, mccoy?


You old prop-wash, you.
How are you?
You guy.

Ah, you know me,
still flying, still lying.

helen chapel,
danny mccoy.

Hi, helen, I'm guessing
you're a sagittarius.

I'm guessing you're not
a high-school graduate.

Hey, you better
bail out, danny.
About to crash and burn.

So, what's going on
with you, guy?

Well, I'm flying
for an air express company
now. How about you?

Uh, I'm flying
a hot little cessna 402.

Got a little
commuter operation here...

...that my brother
actually owns

And was kind enough
to give me a job on.

Danny mccoy,
this is my brother, joe.

Hi, joe.
Hey, danny.
How you doin'?


Boy, seeing you
is really weird.

A couple of weeks ago,
I was in st. Croix
and I ran into your ex-wife.

I hope you were
in your car at the time.

Saw carol, huh?

Yeah, she looked great.
Here's a newsflash for you:

Remember that guy
carol left you for?

Uh, vaguely.

She dumped him, too.

Really? Hoo-hoo.

I can't believe
you're so calm.
That jerk stole your wife.

Hey, man,
it's no big deal.

I mean,
I stole carol from joe

And we both laugh about it.
Right, joe?

[Feigning laughter]

it's all ancient history.

It's a mere footnote
in the book
of brian hackett's life,

A vastly entertaining volume,
by the way.

"I just couldn't put it down,"
says judith krantz.

"I couldn't keep it down,"
says joe hackett.

Speaking of the dry-heaves,
how is carol?

Am I sensing
a certain history here?

[Whining reticently]

That woman lived
to humiliate me.

She did a pretty good job
on these guys, too.

Well, I'll say
one thing for her.

She taught me
one of the great lessons
in life:

Chasing women
sure beats catching them.

Yeah, you're better off
without carol.

Let her move to london.
Carol's movin' to london?

First the blitz, now this.
Haven't those people
suffered enough?

Said she got a job
over there.

She's packing up
and leaving the 24th,
I think.

The 24th? That's--
that's today, huh?

Well, I better shove off,
looks like
the fog's rolling in.

Hey, take it easy,

Hackett, I'll call you.
We'll raise some hell.
You betcha.

Listen, babe,
sorry about that crack
about your father.

Yeah, for a moment there,
I thought we were gonna
grow old together.

But you grew old
real quick.

[Airplane approaching]


Well, what do you know?

Another guy ground to dust
by the carol-machine.

Man, are we lucky to be
rid of that woman.

Yeah, all right,
let her go off to england
and wreak havoc

On the men
of the british empire.

Boy, is she gonna
be disappointed

When she finds out
big ben is a clock.


Sure you're ok?

Ok? I'm great.

Why wouldn't I be?
The woman means
nothing to me.

I--i--i can't even remember
what her face looks like.

I'm going to sit here quietly,
forget the rest of her.

[People chattering]


what are you doing?

Tryin' to get
a little information
on a passenger

Who's flying to london.
No, uh,
that's against regulations.

No, no, no, no, fay!
This is love.

Well, I love you, too,
but rules are rules.

you don't understand, fay.

I've got to get in touch
with carol.

This might be
my last chance
to win her back.

Ah! Here she is.

You're a naughty boy.

[Feigning sobbing]

There. You happy?

Oh, look at that, fay.
Carol hackett, st. Croix
to miami, miami to...

Oh, my god.
Oh, my god,

She's got
a 4-hour layover
in boston.

Do you know what that means?
Yes, her travel agent
should be flogged.

No, no,
this is a sign.

A signal that she wants me
to try to contact her

So I'm going to leave
a message at the gate
in boston for her.

Yes, I want to leave a message

For a--a passenger
arriving from miami.

Yes, that's right.
Her name is carol hackett.

Yes, the message is:

"Meet me at the top
of the prudential building...

"Tonight, 8:00.

"I'll be there.


Yes, top of the pru.


oh! Man.

What's going on?

Hey, great news, joe.
Great news.

Carol is stopping in boston
on her way to london.


Yeah, starting to
all fit together, huh?

Subconsciously, she's hoping
she'll bump into me.

Are you out of your mind?
5 Minutes ago,
we agreed she was poison.

but that was the old carol,
she's changed since then.

Brian, this is
a really stupid idea.

It is not stupid.

You know the guy that sits
in the park and lets pigeons
eat popcorn out of his mouth?

Well, even he'd think
it's a stupid idea.

Yeah, assuming that
I buy any of this
for a second,

Which I don't,
why are you going
to the prudential building?

Why don't you just meet her
at the airport?

She's gotta make
an effort, too. I don't
wanna seem desperate.

No chance of that.

Yes, yes, yes,
I see what's happening here.

I see.

You're feeling
a little jealous

That carol and I are
gettin' back together,

Are you kidding?
I am over her.

I never wanna see her again
as long as I live
and then some.

Hey, suit yourself, buddy.

But if I don't get out of here
in 45 minutes,
I'll never make it.

We've gotta get
a flight in the air.

Wait, brian,
aren't you forgetting?
The plane is broken.

Oh, no, no!


Well, lowell will
take care of it.

Lowell's a great mechanic.
Lowell can fix anything.

Somebody give me a hand?
My shirt's caught
in my zipper.

I mean, lowell
sure does move slow

For someone who doesn't
belong to a union.

If I'm not out of here
in 10 minutes,
I'm gonna miss carol.

Hackett, you got
what's coming to you.

She wouldn't have
walked out on you
in the first place

If you'd performed
your husbandly duties

With any degree
of competence.

This from a man
who rents his relationships
from a video store.

[Airplane zooming]

Oh, man,
I gotta get out of here.
I gotta get out of here.

I'm still not
gonna make it. I gotta go,
I gotta go. I gotta go.

now, brian. Brian,
don't be so impatient.

You've got to relax,

Learn to live
in the here and now.

Now, listen to me.
I remember once
when I was a stewardess,

We were snowbound
in butte, montana

Without any money
or change of clothes.

But I didn't cry
into my beer.
No, I made the best of it.

I met 3 new friends,

I wove a basket
out of an old lawn chair,

And i--i became
an honorary sioux indian.

Haven't you ever
had a bad day?

Uh, no, not yet,

But I bet
you'll be there
when I do.

Oh, tell me
you got good news.

Ok, I finally
got lowell's shirt
out of his zipper.

No, no, the plane.

Sorry, chief,
gonna have to cancel
our last flight.

No, no, no.
How am I gonna see carol?

if you ask me,
it's all for the best.

Joe, joe, y-you always say,
it's all for the best.

How can everything
always be for the best?

When the patriots lost
the super bowl, you said,
"uh, it's all for the best."

When aunt fern broke her hip,
you said, "well,
it's all for the best."

Is everything for the best?
Is the hole in the ozone
for the best?

Well, it has made us
more aware
of the environment.

announcing final boarding

For aeromass flight 160
to boston.

Hey, roy, how about
getting me on the next flight
to boston?

I thought you said you'd die

Before you took
one of my flights.

No, I said I'd die
on one of your flights.

But that's an old story,
just get me a ticket.

Well, let me check and see
if you have a reservation.

Wisenheimer, wisenheimer.

I don't
seem to have you here,
mr. L. Mouth wisenheimer.

Here, take my wallet,
take all the cash in it,
take the credit cards,

Take it all,
just get me a ticket.

Sorry, I'm booked solid.

It's all that
overflow business
from sandpiper.


Oh, I love irony.

That's it.

It's over.

I'm doomed.

Everything bad in the world
always happens to me.

Plane's fixed.

That's it. See,
all you have to do
is keep a positive attitude.

All right, we can get in
our last flight to boston.

It's a miracle.
It's divine intervention.

It's a sign from god
that he wants carol and me
to be together.

I just heard
from the man upstairs.

You just talked
to the man upstairs?

Yeah, frank.

God's name is frank?

No, you see...

Yes, that's right, lowell.

Yeah, what? What?
What did he say?

We're fogged in.
The airport's shut down.

Oh, god.

Oh, god! Oh, god!

Don't be so formal.
Call him frank.

Come on, brian.

Sit down right here
and relax.

You gave it
your best shot.

You thought of everything
short of swimming.

You've got to
forget about her.

You don't understand, joe.

Do you know how it feels
to lose a woman like that?

No, I know how it feels
to lose that exact woman.

Oh, yeah, right.

Well, then you of all people
should know
what I'm talking about.

I don't wanna blow it
this time.

Brian, look,
you gotta trust me.

She's no good for you.

Well, that...
See, that's the crazy part.

I know
what kind of woman she is.

I still want her.

Kind of pathetic, huh?

What's even more pathetic

Is that you've dreamed up
this whole crazy romantic
scenario in your head.

Did you really think
she was gonna meet you

On the top of a building
like in some corny movie?


You really don't think
she's gonna show up,
do you?

Let it go, brian.


maybe you're right.

Oh, boy.

Hey, joe, uh, I think
I need to be alone
for a few minutes, ok?

Ok, I understand.

And brian--

Please don't say
it's all for the best.


[Door opening]

Sir, you see, taking off
is out of the question.

Look, I've got
an important meeting
to get to in new york.

It's a matter
of safety, sir.

ok. Ok, I hear
what you're saying.

How much will it take
to make this fog go away?


Sir, there's really
nothing that--

Sir, you see,
there's nothing that i--

that's "roy biggins."

2 G's.

I'll-- I'll do
what I can.

Uh, joe,
as long as we're delayed,

I'd be happy to organize
those flight manifests
for you.

Oh, really, fay?
Those are so boring.

Oh, I don't mind.
All I'm doing now
is talking to you.

I'll get them.

[Knocking on door]

I know you want to be alone,

But could you hand me
that clipboard, there?

It's the second one
from the left.

Look, brian,
I know you're upset, but...


What are you doing here?

Brian paid me $20
to sit in this chair
and not say a word.


Where's brian?

[Airplane engine whirring]

Oh, no!

I don't believe it.
Somebody's trying
to take off in this soup.

It's my idiot brother.

oh, brian!

Isn't that romantic?

Winging his way
through the fog,

Hastening to the bosom
of the woman of his dreams.

Oh, that reminds me.

I've got to stop by
the video store
on the way home.

[People chattering]
phew, I don't ever remember
a fog like this one.

This is pretty thick
all right, roy,

But it's not
what I'd call a great fog.

I've been
in some great ones.

November '82,
great fog.

April '84,
great fog.

July '87--

Let me guess.

Great fog.

No, but the next month,
great fog.

Logan tower says
brian just landed in boston.

this is the stupidest thing
brian has ever done,

And he once painted me blue.

As I recall, you did some
pretty foolish things

When you were
chasing after carol.

How about walking your dog
around her block for 6 hours

Just so you could
casually run into her
as she left her home.

Oh, yeah.
The last couple of hours,

I had to carry ranger
on my shoulders.

Good news, folks,
the fog is lifting

And aeromass flight 160,

Comfort service to boston,

Will be boarding momentarily.

Well, I gotta go.
Where you goin'?

To fulfill
my mission in life.

Every time carol lays waste
to one of you hackett boys,

I have to
pick up the pieces.

You're going
to the prudential building?

Joe, carol is not
gonna show up.

Brian's gonna be left there,

Well, I don't think
it'll be that bad.

Oh, no?
Remember how you felt
when she broke up with you?

You cried on my shoulder
for 2 weeks.

My skin is still
a little pruney.

You want some company?

Joe, that's very
sweet of you.

Hey, brian would do
the same for me.

Well, I'll go anyway.

Hey, roy, we need
a couple of seats
on your next flight to boston.

Gee, guys,
I'm all sold out.

Why don't you fly
your own plane?

Oh, that's right,
someone stole it.

Where's my head?

Come on.
We gotta get on that flight.
What are we gonna do?

Just follow my lead.

[Speaking in southern accent]
hi, I'm luann

And this is my husband, herb.

Whoo! Look at that.
We're gonna be sitting

Right behind them
on the plane.

Isn't that great?

I hope y'all like to talk.
We just love to talk.

You know,
herb's in insurance

And I just found
the lord.

And, you know,
the lord wants you
to buy more insurance.

You know, edward,
I wouldn't mind spending
one more night on the island.

I'll go exchange
the tickets.

[Elevator bell dings]

Hey, kid. What, are you
still waiting?

Afraid so. Afraid so.

Listen, now, don't worry.

She'll be here.

I know about
these things.

Yes, sir,
I've seen it all up here.

This place is a never-ending
panorama of humanity.

Um, the heartache,
uh, the joy,
the drama, the tears.

I've even-- even had to use
this baby a couple of times.


How long you been
workin' here?

Oh, I don't work here.

[Elevator bell dings]

Oh, boy. Ok, look, joe,

I know you're upset
that I took the plane,
I know that,

But I just could not
let this opportunity

To see carol slip by
without even trying.

And you'll be happy to know
that she never showed.

So if you guys came here
to gloat, then you could
gloat all you want to.

Brian, we didn't
come here to gloat,

But what the heck?
As long as we're here...

Don't listen to him, brian.

We're here
because we care about you.

That's right.
We were really
concerned about you.

Well, joe,
everything happened
the way you called it.

I just feel lousy.

I just wanna go back.

To nantucket?
No, to the womb.


Carol should be
taking off for london
about now.

Boy, silly me.

You know, i--i thought
I was irresistible.


Oh, sorry. Reflex.

You know, one thing
I wanted to know,

Why did you
have to meet her here?

What's so special
about this place?

This was where
we had our first date.

Well, in that case,

The prudential
has a special meaning
for me, too.

Oh, yeah, why's that?

Well, your first date
with carol

Was the same night
she dumped me.

Maybe later,
we could all swing by
the movie theater

Where I waited all night
for carol to show up.

Well, this is turning into
a loser's tour of boston.

We could stop by
one of my old haunts,

The south bay
fudge factory.

And I was
their best customer.

For christmas, they made
a life-sized statue of me
made out of taffy.

Ate it in half an hour.

Well, let's go.

[Elevator bell dings]


Brian hackett?

Uh, yeah?

These are for you.

Wow, what's going on?

Some lady named carol
gave them to me.

Wow, carol? Really?

She was running late
at the airport,

So she gave me $30
to hightail these over here.

she had a message
for you, too.

Do you want to hear it?

Yeah, yeah.

She said, "our time together
was beautiful.

I treasure every moment
we shared."

She say anything else?

"You'll always be
special to me."

Wow, really?

"You always
could make me laugh.

"Every time I think of you,
I smile."

You're just saying that.

No, I mean it.

Do you?

Would I ever lie to you?

Excuse me.

This is kind of personal.
Do you mind?

Sorry. I-i'm sorry.

It's just that
I used to go out
with you, too.

I-i-it's ok, it's ok, really.
They--they can stay.

She also mentioned
something about
wanting to kiss you.

Wow, really?

You have to shell out
big bucks for a kiss.
No, no, no.

It's ok,
I'll take your word for it.

Is that it?

As much as it hurts,
I have to move on.


She said that, huh?
No, I said that.

I got to
get back to my cab.

Oh, huh.

I-is there more?

What? No tip?

A buck?

I think I know
why carol left you.

Well, w-wait.

You never even
told me your name.

[Elevator bell dings]


Luther talbot.

Remember me fondly.

Well, brian,

At least she was
thinking of you.
You have that.


Hey, guys,
the sky's clearing up.

Yeah, you can
see the stars.

Yeah, looks so peaceful.

Yeah, it's like a...

Like a large cloud
has been lifted
from all our lives.

Of course, it is.

Carol's finally gone.

It's ok, joe,
you can say it.
Maybe it's for the best.

[Elevator bell dings]

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