01x20 - Oasis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x20 - Oasis

Post by bunniefuu »

I thought Cajun food was hot.


what did you call

that... spice?


The warlords on Preenos use it
to test their courage.

You sure you won't have some?

My courage doesn't need testing.

I have other items to trade.

I can get you some
Triaxian silk for, say...

another protein resequencer?

I bet you'd look good
in Triaxian silk.

What we really need are
engineering supplies.

Raw duratanium, dilithium ore.

I'm sorry.

I prefer to deal in more...
exotic goods.

But about two days from here
there's a small system.

You might find
what you're looking for there.

We haven't detected
any inhabited planets

on long-range scans.

It's not inhabited...

not exactly.

What do you mean?


This is excellent.

What is it again?


I can have my chef

wrap up a few kilograms
for you...

if you wouldn't mind telling us

where we can find
those supplies.

Captain, please, this isn't
a matter of negotiation.

I'm thinking of your safety.

Ten kilos?

It's pure luck
that I even found it.

Found what?

A ship.

Crashed on one
of the inner planets.

There were no life-signs aboard,
so I landed to...

claim my rights of salvage.

What'd you find?

A transport vessel,
largely intact.

I could have stripped it bare
and made a fortune.

Why didn't you?

The, um... crew objected.

You said there weren't
any life-signs aboard.

There weren't.

There wasn't anything alive.

What are you saying,
the ship was haunted?

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

The atmosphere is thin,
but breathable.

Any bio-signs?

As the trader said, none.

I've located the ship, sir.

Let's see it.

No power signatures.

It appears to be deserted.

But are your sensors
calibrated for ghosts?

So far, D'Marr's
batting a thousand.

I'm reading
duratanium, beryllium

and... dilithium.

I wonder what caused the crash.

There's no way to tell
without a closer look.

Let's get down there.

Are we sure that's a good idea?

You're not afraid

it's really haunted, are you?

We don't know
what happened to the crew.

That ship could be a tomb.

You really think we should be
picking through it

for spare parts, sir?

D'Marr didn't say
anything about bodies.

Captain, we've taken
more damage out here

than we ever expected to.

There's enough
duratanium down there

to patch a lot
of hull fractures.

Let's pay her a visit.

If we feel the spirits don't
want us there, we'll leave.

Malcolm, you have the Bridge.

Aye, sir.

Travis, you're driving.



According to D'Marr,
Engineering should be that way.

You and T'Pol check it out.

Com us if you find
anything we can use.

Or if you...

see any signs of the crew.

Aye, Captain.

Everything okay, Travis?

Yes, sir.

I was just wondering,

if that trader left
in such a hurry,

why'd he bother to close
the hatch behind him?

What is it?

I heard something.

Rats, maybe?


Well, then you
probably imagined it.

Vulcans don't imagine things.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

A spooky ship, a missing crew,

things going bump in the night.

It'd give anybody the creeps.

"The creeps"?

Yeah. Willies.

What, don't you get frightened

every once in a while?


Not by anything?


Too bad.

Nothing like a good scare.

What do you think

that trader really saw
down here, sir?

I don't know.

someone else

wanted to salvage this wreck

and they were trying
to scare him off.

That makes sense.

Except scavengers

would've stripped
this ship to the keel.

This isn't turning

into one of your famous
ghost stories, is it?

It would make a good one, sir.

What do you think?

Computer terminal?

Yes, sir.

There's no power,

but the data modules
look intact.

Let's get them back to the ship,

see if we can find out
what happened here.

It's dilithium, all right.


Something wrong?

No. The crystals are
in perfect shape.

Wouldn't be that hard

to get this ship flying again.

What is it?

There's someone here.

You said there weren't
any bio-signs.

There aren't.

If you're trying to scare me,

I appreciate the effort, but...

Tucker to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

We're not alone down here.

We're on our way.

There's a space
behind this bulkhead.

Why didn't any of this
show up on sensors?

There appears to be
a dampening field

in this section of the ship.

What's generating it?

I'm reading a power source,

but I can't pinpoint
its location.

Then let's do some pinpointing.



It's okay.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Hey! T'Pol!

We were on our way back from
our colony on Kotara Barath.

We came under attack
as we passed this system.

Who att*cked you?

They didn't introduce

they just opened fire.

We're a supply ship.

We don't carry large weapons.

We tried to defend ourselves.

The Captain was able to make
a crash landing.

It's a miracle we all survived.

Didn't you send out
a distress call?

If we had, it would have let
the raiders know where we were.

So you set up this
dampening field to hide.

We were afraid

they'd come down
and finish what they started.

How long have you been here?

Nearly three years.

Three years.

You've made quite a home
for yourselves here.

Well, we didn't have
much choice.

Well, you do now.

Our ship is big enough
for all of you.

We can take you home.

You're very generous, Captain.

But our world
is over a year away.

Well, we can't just
leave you here.

As you say, we've made
a home for ourselves.

What about their engines?

Their dilithium matrix
is stable.

They've got plenty
of antimatter reserves.

I think we can get
this ship flying.

We've tried, believe me.

We have resources
you may not have.

It's worth a shot.

Thank you, Captain.


You startled me.

That's twice in one day.

You ever say anything?

Unless you're unable
to say anything...

in which case I apologize.

Don't touch that!

The power's been routed to our
living area through that relay.

It's very dangerous.

Well, I'm glad you finally
decided to speak up.


You're welcome.

You, uh...

know a lot about your ship's

My father's the Engineer.

He taught me how things work.

Well, stick around then.

You can warn me
about whatever else

I need to keep my hands off of.

He's busy.

Don't bother him, Liana.

It's okay.

I could use the company.

My daughter has
other responsibilities.

These relays
are cross-circuited.

Liana and her father
rerouted power

where they needed it.

See here?

They shunted helm control
to airponics.


But I'll need to reconnect
the Bridge systems.

I'll ask Liana
to give you a hand.

That's not necessary.

It'll go faster.

I can take care of it.

She knows the ship's systems
inside and out.

She kept me from getting fried

on a live plasma feed.

Perhaps she can help you then.

What's that supposed to mean?

By the way you keep
talking about her,

you obviously appreciate
her "technical" expertise.

She's very competent.

So was the female engineer
on the Xyrillian ship.

You're never going
to let that go, are you?

I'm simply noting

that the last time you found
someone this "competent,"

you wound up carrying her child.

Am I interrupting?

Not at all.

Commander Tucker and I
were just discussing

his previous...
repair experience.

I thought you might like
something to eat.

No, thank you.

I'm going to remove those
power shunts on the Bridge.

Are you hungry?



It's delicious.

What is it?

It's called lorella.

We grow it in the airponics bay.

Nothing will take root outside.

I'm not surprised.

It's amazing you were able
to survive out here.

Why do I feel like
it's feeding time at the zoo?

Oh. I didn't mean

to be rude.

Hmm. Please.

I wish more women would pay
that much attention to me.

Do you know a lot of women?


nearly a third
of the crew is female.

What about on...

What did you call your planet?


I've got lady friends
back there, but...

nobody special,
if that's what you mean.

Not anymore.

What about your world?


What about it?

Well, as soon
as we get your engines fixed,

you'll be going back,

seeing your friends.

I bet you're looking
forward to that.


I hear you've been
making progress.

Uh, we're getting there.

There is something else

you might be able
to help us with.

Your computer core?

It controls all the ship's

vital functions.

Environmental systems.

Main power.

You might say it keeps us alive.

These are optronic relays.

Yes, and the system's
beginning to degrade.

It could fail at any time.

I've worked
on something like this.

On a Xyrillian ship.

Then you can fix it?

I can try.

I'll need some diagnostic gear
from Enterprise.

Why don't you come along?

I could buy you lunch.

Thank you, Commander,

but we still have
a lot to do here.

Oh, you've been marooned
for three years.

A change of scenery for an hour
or two couldn't hurt.

Another time.


I'll be back before you know it.

Why can't I go?

You know why.

What's wrong
with seeing their ship,

meeting some of their crew?

I think you've met enough
of their crew already.

These are good people.

They want to help us.

I promise not to say anything.


This is where they say
their engines were hit.

There's a lot of damage.

Impact damage, sir.

No scorch marks.

No melting.

No indications
of any weapons fire.

Maybe they were hit

by some kind of w*apon
we're not familiar with.

It's possible.

They also say they haven't
sent out a distress call

because it'd give
away their position.

You're not buying that, either.

They crashed three
years ago, sir.

Whoever att*cked them
has to be gone by now.

Why are they still hiding?

Just because they're
a little skittish

doesn't mean they're
up to something.

There's also their
airponics bay.

What about it?

It's not big enough

to feed all the people
on that ship, sir.

Not by a long shot.

How are they surviving
down there?

It doesn't make any sense.

Do we still have
their data module?

It's in Shuttlepod 1.

Have Hoshi download it.

Let me know as soon
as she has anything.

Aye, sir.

How many people
are on Enterprise?


All humans?


You met T'Pol.

She's Vulcan.

And Dr. Phlox is
from a planet called Denobula.

Can I meet him?

Are you kidding?

I'd never hear the end of it
if I didn't introduce you.

And there's Porthos,
Captain Archer's dog.


Oh, I guess
you don't have a word for that.

He's a mammal.

Four legs, big ears,
kind of cute.

What does he do?

Not much.

He's the Captain's pet.

Of course... his pet.

I've never seen a dog before.

Can we see it?

Well, I hope you'll have
some time left for me.

I don't know.

It sounds like

I'm going to be very busy.

So... tell me
about Kantare.

It's boring.

I want to hear about
the places you've been.

Our mission's really
just getting started.

We haven't been to
many planets yet.

Where are you going next?

No idea.

That's the fun part.

Which planet was your favorite?

If I had to choose right now...

I'd say this one.

Archer to Commander Tucker.

Go ahead.

Could you come to my ready room?

On my way. Billy...

could you continue
this lady's tour?

I still owe you lunch.

I'll meet you in the Mess Hall.

I hear you've been spending
a lot of time with Liana.

Did T'Pol say something?

Sir... I swear
I've been nothing

but a perfect gentleman.

I'm sure you have, Trip.

This doesn't have
anything to do with that.


We were wondering

if you'd noticed any strange
behavior from her

or any of the others.

Strange behavior?

What's going on?

Hoshi translated the data module
we found on their ship.

We were able
to reconstruct what happened

right before they crashed.

They already told us
what happened.

According to this...

they weren't att*cked.

There was an accident on board.

What kind of an accident?

There are some gaps

in the data,
but it looks like some kind

of catastrophic malfunction.

There was a massive

when the ship went down.

Maybe that data module was
damaged during the crash.

It's not just the data module.

When their story
didn't check out,

the Captain asked me to run some
detailed scans of the ship.

According to the oxidation rate
in the hull plating...

that ship's been
sitting down there

a lot longer than three years.

It went down
nearly 22 years ago, Trip.

That doesn't make any sense.

Check the scans yourself.

Why wouldn't Liana have told me?

The data also shows

that they launched
a number of escape pods

just before the crash.

Malcolm found one.

It was still in orbit.

We're bringing it on board.

This is obviously someone's
final resting place.

What do you expect

to accomplish by opening it?

I'm not quite sure.

I don't believe
you'll be needing my services.

It's Shilat, Captain.

I saw him on their ship

an hour ago.


Vanilla, huh?

There are different kinds?

Oh, hundreds.

I like Rocky Road.

That sounds terrible.

Why do they call it that?

I never really thought about it.

I guess because
it's got nuts in it.

It's also got marshmallows,

but I don't think
that's got anything to do

with the name.


They're little, um...

Uh, they're made of sugar,

You know, I'm not sure
what they are.

Anyway, did you enjoy the tour?

Oh, very much.

I think Sick Bay
was my favorite.

Dr. Phlox let
me feed his bat.


He also asked me to lunch.

Had I known you were going
to be gone so long...

I'm sorry, um...

Something important came up.

What's wrong?

Liana, how long
have you been on this planet?

Captain Kuulan told you.

I want you to tell me.


Because our scans show
your ship crashed 22 years ago.

Well, your scans must be wrong.

That's what I told

Captain Archer.

I said there wasn't any reason
for you to lie to us.

Is there?

We found
one of your escape pods.

I think I should go now.


Take me back.

There was a body in it.

Been dead for a long time.

It was Shilat.

Can you explain that to me?

I can't.

Tell me what's going on.

I'm sorry, but I can't.

Please take me home.

Do you need some help?

Not at all.

I thought you were repairing
the optronic relays.

I've done as much
as I can do for now.

I need to return to Enterprise
to analyze the data.

If you'll excuse me.

Do you need some help?

I need to contact my ship.

Because of what you found?

I don't understand.

You were looking
where you shouldn't have.

Find T'Pol.

I'm going to go
talk to the Captain.

I think it would be better
if we stayed together, sir.

You don't have to do this.

You're not in any danger here.

That would be easier to believe

if you weren't hiding
things from us.

Can't you just fix
our systems and go?

Is that what you really want?

How old were you when your
ship crashed... five, six?

Do you even remember what
your home looks like?

This is my home.


I didn't tell them anything.

No, she didn't.

But if you want any
more help from us,

we're going to
need some answers.

We don't owe you answers.

Take their weapons.

Please, just let them leave.

That's what you wanted
in the first place.

When the repairs are completed.

Make him stop.

He'll listen to you.

Go back to your ship.

Not without my officers.

This isn't a negotiation.


Get to work.

Where's T'Pol?

Don't worry about her.

I'm going to need her help.

You can do it on your own.

I'm not doing a thing
until I see her.

Do as I say, or
you'll never see her.

What's so important
about this thing?

You'd really k*ll us
to keep it running?

You wouldn't understand.

I don't care
what your big secret is.

It doesn't matter if you've
been here three years or 30.

But you got to think
about Liana.

We can help you take her home.

Just fix those relays.

You got a lot to learn
about making friends.

I've made
all the friends I need.

I'm sick of hearing

that he's doing this for me.

I don't believe it anymore.

I wouldn't be alive
if it wasn't for your father.

He still should
have told them the truth.

You know he can't do that.

He can do whatever he wants.

He's not like you.

You shouldn't have
gone to their ship.

You think this is my fault?

I saw the way you looked
at their Engineer.

Are you sure you
didn't say anything?

No, I didn't.

They'll be gone soon

and everything
will be fine again.

We'll set the shuttle down

in the foothills
south of their ship.

Won't they pick us up
on sensors?

Their dampening field

should leave them
as blind as we are.

Unfortunately, that rules out

using the transporter as well.

We'll go in through
their escape pod ports.

That should put us
near Engineering

and their computer room.

And with a bit of luck,
near T'Pol and Commander Tucker.

That's a pretty neat trick.

Here you are watching me
with a g*n in your hand,

while at the same time,

your corpse is up on Enterprise.

What do you do for an encore?

Would you wait outside?

I'm not supposed to leave him.

It's all right.

They do what I ask them to.

Then why don't you ask them
to let me go?

I wish I could.

Maybe you can tell me

how I'm being guarded
by a dead man.

Do you think it's possible
to tell a lie so many times

that you begin to
believe it's the truth?

You can.

I never really understood
that until you came.

Remember when you said

you thought we were ghosts?

In a way... you were right.

Work your way
down the port side.

Com us if you find T'Pol.

And be careful.

Aye, sir.

That's why your father
needs to keep this running.


You can stop this.

You all right?

Yeah. Where
did he come from?

Good question.

You have to get
them off the ship.

Liana, please.

If you don't,
my friends could die.


What happened to your crew?

They're gone, Captain.
Isn't it obvious?

Your real crew.

Ah. They didn't seem
real to you?

I created them.

Wasn't easy.

Took time.

You could touch them.

They could make you laugh.

Surprise you.

They were holograms.

They were our friends,
our family

for over 20 years.

They're the only people
I've ever known

besides my father,
until you came.

But the ones you based them on...

The crew of this ship...
Where are they?

I buried them
out in the hills...

the ones I could find

after the crash.

I k*lled them,

so I buried them.

That isn't true.

You don't remember.
You were a child.

We were on our way home,

just like Kuulan told you.

But we weren't att*cked.

It was an ion storm.

It overloaded our
plasma conduits.

I was the Chief Engineer.

It was my responsibility
to start repairs.

But it was worse than I thought.

Leaking plasma burned
through the hull.

We were losing atmosphere,

so Captain Kuulan set a
course for this planet.

Sounds like you did everything
you could to save the ship.

They're all dead.

Apparently, I didn't do enough.

They died

because of me.


It was my decision.

She was in our quarters
on the lowest deck.

I knew she'd never survive
a crash landing down there,

so I went to get her.

Any father would have
done the same thing.

I left my station.

The plasma leak grew;
there was an expl*si*n.

Half the crew died instantly...

including my wife.

A few made it

to the escape pods, but...

I... can't imagine

what making that decision
must have been like,

but it was a long time ago.

You need to consider
your daughter now.

Why do you think I did this?

To retreat into some fantasy?

Pretend it never happened?

For two years, I tried
to repair our ship,

and I watched my daughter
grow up alone.

So, I decided to
bring them back...

her mother first,

then Captain Kuulan
and the others.

I did everything I could
to make it like it was for her.

She deserves more.

I've given her
everything she needs.

And when you're gone?

Trip, please.

Are you going to let her

bury you out in the hills?

And live the rest
of her life with these...

people you created?

What if the relays
burn out again?

Then she'll really be alone.

She's my daughter.
It's not your concern.

What if she gets hurt?

What do you do then?

Program a...
holographic doctor?

We've survived here

Maybe you have.
Ask Liana how she feels.

Ask her if just
surviving is enough.

You all right?

We'll finish working on
your holographic systems,

if that's what you want.

But you should be sure

that's all the help
you need from us.

It may be a long time

before anyone
comes by here again.

Come in.

Welcome aboard.

Thank you, Captain.

You have a beautiful ship.

We're pretty proud of her.

May I sit?

Of course.

I haven't been in space
for a long time.

It feels strange.

Good, just a bit strange.

Can I get you something?
Some tea...?

I'm fine.

No, I'm not.

Your Engineer
is a very plain-spoken man.

That's one way of putting it.

I've never kept secrets
from my daughter.

She knows there's more to see
beyond our little oasis.

But she's never talked
about leaving... not once.

Now your Engineer thinks

we should just pack up and go.

22 years, Captain...

I've lived here for 22 years.

Now, that ship down there

may seem like nothing more
than spare parts to you,

but to me, it's home.

I don't want to leave.

I am happy here.


But Mr. Tucker
wants me to believe

that I'm being selfish.

He says now that I have

the opportunity to leave,
I should...

That Liana deserves more.

Maybe it's time I stopped
being so afraid of change.

Will you help me
take my daughter home?

We'll stay as long as it takes
to get your ship flying.

Thank you, Captain, but all
we need are these components.

I've got my own crew
to do the work,

some of them are
pretty fair engineers.

I saw to that.

How's it going?

Good. We're about
to start realigning

the antimatter injectors.

That was fast.

What's that?

It's a protein resequencer.

I figured you must be tired

of eating the same
food all the time.

I, uh, programmed it
for making ice cream...

Only five flavors,
but they're good ones.

Rocky Road?

You didn't think
I'd send you off without

Rocky Road?

Thank you.

Are you sure you don't want us

to stay for a while,
lend a hand?

You've got a lot more
places to go.

So do you.

Maybe I'll see you out there.

I'd like that.
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