06x15 - Paradise Lost

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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06x15 - Paradise Lost

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

Colonel Maybourne, sir, NID.

General Hammond, request permission
to beat the crap out of him.

I'm not gonna hit you, Maybourne.
I'm gonna sh**t you.

Why didn't you try to escape
when you were with me?

Come on, Jack.

You trusted me.

You rat bastard!

- Hey, take it easy.
- I'm so gonna kick your ass!

Gonna turn me in?

Actually, that overwhelming desire
to sh**t you has come back.

I helped myself.
I hope you don't mind.

You're eating my dog.

You want it back?

Would you like a beer to wash it down?

Already got one.

What are you doing here?

I can't drop by a friend's house
for a barbecue?

Well, there's that little treason thing.

Have me arrested.
That's why I'm here.

This is gonna be good, isn't it?

The administration is coming
to the end of its second term.

I was hoping the president might consider
one of those special pardons

they do when one doesn't care
about re- election any more.

Really good.

- I heard what happened with Prometheus.
- What are you talking about?

- Nice delivery.
- Yeah, I gotta work on that a little.

Simmons used the Goa'uld
in Adrian Conrad to hijack the X- 303.

He intended to fly to a planet
with a cache of alien weaponry.

I was really broken up
when I heard Simmons died.

Yeah, we all shed a tear.

What you don't know...

is the planet Simmons was intending
to fly to has a Stargate.

- Simmons knew?
- Sure.

It proved easier to grab the X- 303 than
take and hold the SGC just to use the gate.

Oh, the NID's known about
this planet for a while.

I don't have to explain
why they didn't tell you.

Instead, they're hoarding a secret
that could save the planet.

Oh, I'm sure they would have come clean
if push came to shove.

But... the address can be yours right now,
for what's behind door number one.

A presidential pardon.

This is the full- price package, Jack.

I wanna go with you on this one.

You must have had a few.

Look, I know you've questioned
my methods in the past,

but we were fighting for the same thing.

I just wanna help make the world safe
from the Goa'uld.

- Nice delivery.
- Well... thanks for the beer.

- Nothing I like more than a good wiener.
- Yes, you are what you eat.

Guess I won't be needing this any more.

What is it?

The address to the planet
with the Ancient weapons.

For God's sake!

- Won't do you much good without me.
- Why not?

Simmons also didn't know that
there's an impenetrable doorway

protecting the weapons storage facility.

And I have the key.

Did he say how
he came across this key?


It's doubtful the Pentagon would authorise
Maybourne's presence on a mission.

Should we not explore the planet
to which he provided the address?

He did risk his butt
just to make the proposition.

Maybe we can get through without him.

If Maybourne thinks it's worth a pardon,
what's on the other side must be good.

Do it.

There's nobody home.

Are you able to translate any of this?

It's not Ancient, but it's a language
of one of the races of the Ancient Alliance.

- Nox? Asgard?
- Furlings.

Oh, no! Not those guys.

- Why?
- Oh, I don't know.

I just can't imagine cute little furry things
making big powerful weapons, that's all.

I don't even know what they look like.

"Furling" - sounds cute and fuzzy to me.

This section says something like
"Only the righteous may pass. "

This looks like where
Maybourne's key would go.

I'm getting energy readings.
There's a power source in this arch.


Sir. This is definitely something.

- What?
- I don't recognise the technology.

But can you make it work?

General Maybourne's story
checks out so far.

There's a doorway there that
Carter thinks might be a transporter.

But she can't get it to work
without Maybourne's key.

What do you recommend?

- Jack.
- Harry.

I'm trusting you.

You turned yourself in. What happens
from here on out is up to you.

You can remove the cuffs, Airman.

General. Nice to see you again.

Despite your prior transgressions, you've
been willing to help us out recently.

That is why the president is willing
to proceed in this matter.

You're welcome.

Let's see what you've brought.

- When do we leave?
- I leave right now.

- We'll let you know how it turns out.
- Jack!

I thought I was pretty clear.
I go with you, or no deal.

Harry, you're under arrest. I've got
the stone and I'm walkin' out that door.

You're not in a strong bargaining position.

The mission will only
be successful if I'm on it.

That stone is useless
without the combination.

How's that?

It was originally found over 80 years ago
in a pharaoh's tomb in Egypt.

It was wrapped in a scroll with writing
on it that no linguist could decipher.

I was recently able
to get it translated, though.

By whom?

It contained instructions for how to use
the stone to access the power of the gods.

That information exists in one place.
Right here.

A deal's a deal.

You wanna go through the door,
I'm gonna be the one who opens it.

There's gotta be more going on here
than he admits to.

Of that I have no doubt, sir. But if he's not
willing to tell us, we can't force him.

As much as I'd like to try.

Now this is more like it.

Shall we?


You know the real reason I wanna do this?

I've never actually been through
this thing before.


I ran the offworld operation from Earth,
using a Goa'uld communicator.

- Nervous?
- Me? No.

I'm just taking a moment.

- Done?
- Yeah.


- Carter.
- Colonels.

- Major.
- Jonas?

He finished cataloguing the writing
and went to do a sweep with Teal'c.

- He translated everything?
- He needs some reference from the SGC.

- He says it'll take a while.
- Harry.


- What?
- I'm sure I got it right.


It should have worked.

Let me take a look.



- You rotten no- good- for- nothin'...
- Jack!

- You son of...
- Jack!

Major Carter!

What happened?

- Where the hell are we?
- Dammit, why'd you have to do that?

- Where's the zat?
- I don't know. I don't have it.

- Where is it?
- It's not here!

- I guess it didn't come through with us.
- Why not?

How should I know?
Maybe the doorway filters out weapons.

- Goa'uld weapons.
- You listen to me.

I want a straight answer from you.

Since you're here...
I might as well just show ya.

- Hey.
- Come on!

I'm getting nowhere here.

Jonas, head back to the SGC.

Ask General Hammond to send up a UAV.

If O'Neill has activated his tracking device,
we should be able to pinpoint his location.

- You couldn't just let me go.
- You shot me.


- I'm not goin' back, you know.
- Where?

Anywhere. To the Stargate or Earth.

- What are you talkin' about?
- Maybe they got a way to send you back.

No one's supposed to leave.
That's part of the deal.

- Who are you talkin' about?
- The people at the place we're going.

Have you lost your mind? If you're
suffering, I'll put you out of your misery.

It's an alien Utopia. According to
the scroll, it's supposed to be paradise.


A long time ago some people
from an advanced alien society...

they chucked it all and they formed
this isolated Utopian community.

They met and evaluated
people from all over the galaxy

and offered them a chance to join'em.

The scroll and the stone
were the invitation.

And this is nothing to do with
the w*apon Simmons was after?

I figured it was my only way
of getting through the gate.

You know, Harry, it's not that
I can't believe you lied to me again,

it's that you lied to me again!

Come on. No one would have
let me through the gate for this.

- Would you have even believed me?
- You're sure this is all worth it?

Couldn't be much worse than
where I've been hiding lately.

They're closing in on me.

Besides, I got nothin' left
on Earth any more.

The money I was to get from selling
the Russian symbiote to Adrian Conrad

was my last shot at making a life on Earth.

Do something good.
It turned into a disaster.

Of massive proportion.

I'm tired of runnin'. Why should I when I
can have a chance of retiring in paradise?

I see trees, Harry.
You get that in Colorado.

Ready for launch, sir.

Thank you, Sergeant.

Still nothing from Colonel O'Neill
and Colonel Maybourne, sir.

They've been gone over two hours now.

We're ready to go.

- Sir, I'd like to apologise.
- What for?

I allowed Colonel Maybourne
to take my w*apon.

Major, let's just focus
on finding them right now.

Yes, sir.

- You are so lost.
- No. I'm sure this is the right way.

- How's that?
- It's in this valley.

What's strange is
there's no greeting party.

That's all that's strange about this

They're supposed to know when someone
uses the gate. I was expecting a welcome.

- Mai tais, leis.
- Well, something.

Cabana boys.

I tell ya, Maybourne,
I don't hear any steel dru... ms.

How old was that invitation?

There's no one here!

I noticed that.


This in the brochure?

This technology's unlike
anything we've come across.

- I know.
- We've no reference, no way to interface.

I'm working on it, Doctor.

As you should be.


I guess I can see why
you'd wanna retire here.

Given your choices.

Find anything that
might be a doorway back?


Are you gonna k*ll me?

I'll sleep on it.

I don't think we're walkin' outta here.

No way of knowin' how far
we were transported.

We could be on
the other side of the planet.

Which is why we survive here
until we're rescued.

Until we're rescued! Jack!
This place is supposed to be a secret.

The doorway was designed
to keep it that way.

Of course, we have
the only key known to man.

The least you could have done
is eat that before you got here.

We're gonna need food
and drinkable water.

- I've been drinkin' the lake straight up.
- That's smart.

- I'm not dead yet.
- It's early.

Jack... they're never gonna find us.

I covered as much territory
as the UAV's range allows.

Have you received word from the Tok'ra?

Yeah. They didn't know when one of
their operatives would be able to help us.

- What are they doing?
- They have completed their analyses.

Excuse me! Where's Colonel O'Neill?

I don't see him, do you?
Did you guys find him while I was gone?

We've been here for a week. We could all
spend the rest of our natural lives

trying to figure out how this thing works.

But you know what? Even if I could
snap my fingers and turn it on,

I doubt whether it would determine
where it sent Colonel O'Neill.

I'd bet anything that the targeting data

is in the artefact that Colonel Maybourne
used to open that doorway.

I say when we're done here!

With all due respect, Major,

I will submit my report
to General Hammond.

If he's prepared to commit to a long- term
analysis project, I'm happy to come back.

But until then, if you'll excuse me...


A couple of nibbles.

They're down there, though.

- Sleep OK?
- No. You?

When we first came here
I thought it was quiet.

Now it's like I can't keep the noise out.
Insects, animals... I keep hearing things.

- They're called birds.
- No, no, no, these are weird sounds.

We're on an alien planet.


Jack, I can't live on this stuff.
Tastes like arugula.

- I hate arugula!
- Don't eat it.

We have to eat.

If you keep standing there, yakkin' away,
I'm not gonna catch anything.

What was that?

That is just wrong on so many levels.

Don't ever do that again.

You're sayin' you don't hear things?


Last night I swear I heard
someone runnin' around out here.

I spent an hour wanderin' around,
tryin' to spot'em.

- Animals.
- No tracks.

You're losin' your mind.

You don't find things spooky around here?

Made so only by your presence.

Yeah, well...

I'm beginning to wonder if some of
the Utopians might still be alive.

- There's no evidence of that.
- Maybe they're here in another way.

All right, now you are gettin' spooky.

Come on, Jack,
you've seen stranger things.

Other dimensions, planes of existence.

You said it yourself, this is an alien planet.

- So what do you want me to do?
- Give me your nine mil.

- No.
- Come on!

You got the P- 90.
You sleep with it beside you!

- I just wanna be able to protect myself.
- Forget it.

Jack... I want that g*n.

Forget it! You don't like it here,
deal with it! It's your own damn fault.

- You wouldn't care if I died, would ya?
- What?

Some alien creature comes in
and att*cks me in the night,

hauls me out while you're sleeping...

You and I are the only ones here.

Trust me, the only thing you have to be
afraid of around here is me.


A satellite capable of pinpointing O'Neill's
tracking device can cover a greater range.

The Tok'ra could retrieve it later,
so the actual cost would be minimal.

- Compared to what?
- To not getting the satellite back.

What about the delivery system,

and the manpower required to get it
through the gate and then reassemble it?

Sir, I don't think you can place a value
on Colonel O'Neill's life.

- No, but...
- Unscheduled offworld activation.

We'll continue this later.

We're receiving a transmission.
Audio only.

This is Jalrow of the Tok'ra.
To whom am I speaking?

General Hammond. Major Carter, Teal'c
and Jonas Quinn are also here.

Major, I received your message
regarding Colonel O'Neill.

Do you have a ship
that can scan a planet?

Yes. I've already taken the opportunity
to fly over the planet in question.

There were no detectable
human life signs.

- Are you sure?
- Quite sure. I'm very sorry.

Thank you. Hammond out.

Jalrow out.


Major Carter.

This is the women's locker room.

It appears there is no one else here
but you, and you are fully clothed.


Are you all right, Major Carter?

I'm fine, yeah.

Have you given up hope of finding O'Neill?

Hope? No.

But I'm starting to think Dr Lee is right.

I don't think the doorway is the answer.

It's been almost a month, Teal'c.
If there were a way back...

It just...

It feels like we just lost Daniel,

and I don't know if I can...

Argh! Argh!



You shot me!

I didn't know you were there.

Stay back!

Put that down.

- You wanted to k*ll me from the start.
- Screw you, Maybourne!

I was joking.

- Look what you did to my leg!
- I set the trap for the pig.

With a grenade?

Where are you goin'?


I found somethin'.

Stop eatin' that plant.

It's messin' with your head, Harry.

Screw you.


General Hammond says he's considering
new SG-1 leaders. You included, Major.

We know. Do you have anything?

Yeah. Yeah, I was finally able
to come up with some photos

of that artefact
that Maybourne got his hands on.

It's quite old, making the scroll
a bit difficult to read.

I'm pretty sure that the markings
on the stone are just decoration, but...

Teal'c, wind back that tape.

- Stop. There.
- That was the first day we were there.

It was invisible after that.
I forgot it was even there.

- What?
- The moon.

The doorway device doesn't use
wormhole technology.

It wasn't designed
to send you across the galaxy.

We thought they'd been sent
somewhere on the planet,

but they've been sent to that moon.

How do you know that?

The big circle is the planet.
The little circle is the moon.

The line between them
is the path of transportation.


Hey! It was a Goa'uld!

He couldn't bring a w*apon through
that door, so he brought a plant.

It's some kind of drug or something.

Maybe it was an experiment.

Maybe it was supposed to get the people
to serve him. I don't know, but it backfired.

These people... they all k*lled each other
because of that plant.

You're paranoid.

It's messin' with your head.
I'm not tryin' to k*ll you.

Drop it.

Drop it now...

or I will sh**t you.

I'm not tryin' to k*ll ya, Harry.

You're losing a lot of blood.

If I don't do something right now,
you're gonna die.

Some retirement this turned out to be.

How're ya doin'?

My head's a little clearer.

How long have I been out?

I don't know. A day or so.

I really screwed up, didn't I?

It's not your fault.

None of the people here
could stop themselves.

Right from the beginning.

Sorry, Jack. I never should
have dragged you into this.

Yes, Harry, you've been a very bad boy.

Hey, don't you die on me now.

What difference will it make?

Because we're about to be rescued.

- Oh, that's nice.
- Isn't it?

I can't go back.

I'd rather die here than spend
the rest of my life in jail.

Yeah, um...
I've been givin' that some thought.

I think you suffered enough.

- Hell, I even got to sh**t ya.
- Twice.

I think the Tok'ra should be able
to find a nice planet for you.

Thanks, Jack.

Sure, Harry.

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