02x22 - Duet for Cello and Plane

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Wings". Aired: April 19, 1990, to May 21, 1997.*
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Two brothers, Joe and Brian Hackett, run a one-plane commuter service from a small Nantucket airport.
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02x22 - Duet for Cello and Plane

Post by bunniefuu »

[Latin music playing]
cha, cha, cha.
A 1, 2, cha, cha, cha.

A 1, 2, cha, cha, cha.

Uh, lowell,
what are you doing?

Teaching myself
how to cha-cha, joe.

Any particular reason why?

There's a party
coming up at the rotary club.

I don't dance,
but bunny loves to.

So I thought
it would be fun
to surprise her.

Joe, I know
this is a lot to ask,

But, uh, would you mind
helping me out?

It's kind of hard
to cha-cha without a partner.

No, lowell, I'm--i'm...

Please. Joe.

It would mean a lot to bunny.

A 1, 2,
cha, cha, cha.

A 1, 2,
cha, cha, cha.

Lowell, I feel
like an idiot.

Oh, nonsense, joe.
You're very light
on your feet.

Cha, cha, cha. A 1, 2,

Cha, cha, cha.

And a side,
2, cha, cha, cha.

And a side,
2, cha, cha, cha.

A 1, 2...

[Seagulls cawing]

[Cello playing]

Helen, I was wondering--
just a second, joe.
I'm not through.


That was nice.
I'm glad I waited.

Ok, what do you want?
What do you want?

Well, listen, we haven't
been out in a while,

So I wondered if you want to
catch a movie tonight?

Forget it.
I gotta practice.

Hey. Fine.

Oh, wait, wait, wait.
I'm sorry, joe.

I'm sorry, honey.

It's just
that this audition is
so important.

This piece is so difficult.

I promise I will stop
being a bitch

Just as soon as
this audition is over. Ok?

Come on, you haven't
been that bad.

Oh, what the hell
do you know?

Look, I am sure
you will do fine.

Just--just don't get
your hopes up too high.

I don't think
the gipper himself

Could've been
more inspirational, joe.

It's just that
I have seen you
get all excited

About an audition before,
and then when
you don't get it,

You come crashing down.

Well, this is different.
This is the maine
state symphony.

And when you think
of all the musical capitals
of the world,

isn't one of them.

Don't sell yourself short.
You are a great cellist.

You're really terrific.

Thank you.

Just don't get
your hopes up too high.


Do you remember
seeing that woman
over there?

oh, yeah.

Wasn't she
the 2nd peasant
from the right

In that crowd storming
frankenstein's castle?

poor thing keeps
searching the terminal

As if she's expecting
someone to show up.

Well, remember, fay,

If it's a big guy
with a bolt in his neck,

He's afraid of fire.

Oh, my god!
Here he is now.

Back! Back!

Is that weirdo
still here?

She's been scaring away
my passengers all day.

I mean,
what does she think this is,
a waiting room?

Well, roy,
it sort of is.

Um, maybe I better
go talk to her.

Um, are you waiting
for someone?

[People chattering]

Do you speak english?

[Speaking foreign language]

What do you suppose
that meant?

If she's at all self-aware,
she's apologizing
for smelling like cheese.

Is someone coming
to get you?

Fay, fay, she obviously
doesn't understand.

Let me say what you said
in a way she'll understand,

Shoo! Shoo! Get!
Oh, roy!

Roy, I don't think
she has any place to go.

Well, she's not staying here.

I'm gonna call the police.
No, uh, uh,
roy, please, no.

Um, you'll stay
at my house tonight.

Come with me, dear.


Yeah. The same to you.

Miss chapel?


Becky wilder?


What are you doing here?
Oh, well,
i--i just auditioned.

Oh, I'm auditioning, too.

Oh, isn't this weird?
I mean, you and me
up for the same job.


You know, you were
my favorite teacher.

Well, you were
my very best student.

Just wish
I'd had you longer.

I'm afraid you learned
all I could teach you
rather quickly.

Yeah, I was hoping
you'd last for
the whole summer.

Well, becky,
you sure have changed.

You've grown into
a beautiful young woman.

Thank you.

You look just the same,
miss chapel. It's amazing.

You've kept yourself up
very well.

Thank you.

Mr. Fletcher?

So what have you
been up to?

Oh, you know.
The usual stuff.

I got a scholarship
for julliard,

So I've been going there
for a couple of years

Studying cello, music theory,
and composition.

Last summer, I got
a tanglewood fellowship.

I've taken
some master classes with
rostropovich and starker.

Let's see. What else?

Oh, yeah,
I won the berlin
string competition.

What about you?

Roughly the same.

[Clears throat]
I couldn't get away
for that berlin thing.

[Cello playing]

Listen to that guy
in there.
I know.

If that's his idea
of poco grazioso,

I'd hate to think
how molto affettuoso
would come out.



Oh, guess what?

I have a boyfriend.
He's really cute.

I have one, too.

Yeah. Aren't boys great?

Yes, they really are.

Well, I better go.
Mother's waiting for me.

We're going
to nantucket today
to visit my grandma.

Maybe later we can
talk about our auditions
and compare notes.

Get it?
Compare notes.

[Both giggling]

Ok. Goodbye, becky.

Compare notes.

oh, god.

It isn't that funny.

Helen, how was
your audition?

Fay, I played
like I've never played
before in my life.

Oh, I'm sorry, dear.

No, fay, I played great,

But I'm afraid
I didn't play good enough.

I competed against
a former student of mine,
becky wilder.

becky wilder?

The winner of the berlin
string competition?

You know becky?

Well, her grandmother's
in my quilting club,

So every tuesday night,
it's "becky this"
and "becky that."

The woman never shuts up.

You know that quilt
I'm making now?

When it's finished,
I'm going to smother her
with it.

oh, helen.

Uh, the maine state
symphony called
just before you landed.

Oh, no.

Ok, give me
the bad news.

Ok. You got the job.

[People chattering]

You got the job!


Oh, I got it!
You got it!

I got it!
Sweetheart, I am
so proud of you.

Thank you, joe.

Hey, everybody!
I got the job!

[Helen laughing]

Uh, beers
over at my counter.

[All cheering]
on the house!

Lowell, set up the bar.

What'll it be, tiny?

miss chapel.

I'm very happy for you.

Oh, thank you, becky.

Well, you're being
a brave little loser,
aren't you?

Uh, listen, uh,

Joe, this is becky wilder,
my former student.

Hi, becky.

Becky, this is joe hackett,
my boyfriend.

Wow, he's cute.

I know.
And he can drive.

Listen, um, becky,
I don't want you to worry

About not getting this job.

You are an incredibly
talented young lady,

And there is no reason
for you to be depressed.

Oh, I'm not depressed.

I wanted to lose.

I played lousy on purpose.

W-what do you mean?

I tanked the audition.

I threw it.
I took a dive.

I crapped out.

Pretty impressive vocabulary
for a 12-year-old.

Oh, miss chapel,
I hope that doesn't
make you feel bad.

it's not the greatest news
I've ever heard.

But, hell,
after a couple of beers,
I won't give a fig.

Wait, becky,
i--i don't get it.

Why would you
throw the audition?

I didn't want to leave
my boyfriend, jimmy.

Don't tell my mother.

Wow. You must
really like him.

Well, long distance
isn't good for
a relationship, you know.

It's just too easy
to be unfaithful
on the road.


Yeah, it's so tempting
to go out and have a soda
with another boy.

So, becky,
would you say that

Soda sharing is prevalent
in orchestras out of town?

There are a lot of
cute guys out there.

It's easy to slip.

Gotta go.

It was nice meeting you,
mr. Hackett.

You, too. Bye.

Oh, miss chapel,
have fun in maine.

Are you kidding?
I'm gonna have
the time of my life.

What's she cookin'?
I don't know.

She's been boiling
something in that pot
for hours.

And it doesn't
smell too good.

[Roy clearing throat]

There's clothes in there.

She's doing her laundry.

[Airplane zooming]
hi, guys.

Hey, uh, lowell,
would you like to try
some soup?

No way.

This morning, I caught her
soaking her socks
in the coffeepot.




[Both exclaiming]


foreign language]



Skolash to you, too.


foreign language]


She called me
her kerblatten.

All she ever called me
was patatata.

I'd like to know
what the hell that means.


[Both laughing]

She thinks I'm a stallion.

Uh, brian, I need
to talk to you.

What are you doing?

Uh, just messing
with lowell's mind.

What can I do for you?

I've been tossing this around
for about 3 days,

And I'm thinking
about asking helen

If she'll
turn down that job
and stay here with me.

Now, what do you think
of that idea?

What makes you think
that she would give up
this job for you?

Becky turned down the job
for her boyfriend.

Taking your cues
from a 12-year-old now?

So you don't think
I should ask her?

No, no, no way.

No way,
because if she gives up
her dream for you,

Then you'll pay for it
the rest of your life.

And, brother, you're gonna be
at the end of her leash,

And the collar's not gonna be
around your neck.


Now, trust me.

Yeah, you're right.

I can't ask her to stay.

That's using your bean,
because if you did,

Then every time you wanted
to have your own way,

You'd hear that little voice
behind you goin',

[Mimicking helen]




Hi. What's up?

Well, I've been thinking
about this job

And how it's gonna
affect us.

And I know
all that stuff about
long-distance relationships,

And, well, when you get
right down to it,

This orchestra
is not that great.

So what are you saying?

That I might be willing
to give up this job

If you'd just
ask me to stay.

Don't you think
you have to make
that decision for yourself?

Well, I could, but

I wouldn't want
to give up this job
for our future

And then find out
we didn't have one.

Well, i--i can't ask you
to give up your dream
for me.

You--you'd resent me
for the rest of your life.

Oh, gosh, are you crazy?
I would never do that.

Oh, no, you may--
you say that now,
but down the road,

When you're old,
and bitter, and fat,

Standing behind that counter
making your 8 billionth
tuna sandwich,

Thinking about the way
things could've been,

Who do you think
you're going to blame, huh?

What makes you think
I'm gonna be fat?

Just a guess.
You know how you eat
when you're depressed.

You know what I think?

I think this smells
like a commitment to you,

And you're afraid
to make one.

Oh, no, now,
don't be ridiculous.
I am committed to us.

I--i want us to be together.

Well, come to maine
with me then.

"come to maine with me,"
she says.


I can't do that.

Why not?

well, I've got
a business to run.

It has taken me years
to get to this point.

Oh, it's ok for me
to give up my job for you,

But for you to give up
something for me,
that's funny.

No, no, i--i didn't--

Why is it that the man,

His career
is always more important
than the woman's?

Now, look, it's just that
i--i never thought that--

You never thought
that I might get a job?

All that practicing,
it never occurred to you

That I might get a job
and leave?

Frankly, no.

It always seemed
a remote possibility at best.

Well, that's
what you know.

Because my career
is goin' places.

Unlike your little dinky,
one-plane operation
you got goin' here.

I'm not giving up my shot
at the big time for you!

oh, maine is the big time
all of a sudden?

You'll be lucky
if you're playing
to 3 paying customers

And a moose.

At least
I'll be playing music.

Your life is machines
and--and fuel tanks

And airplane engines.

This is what you love.
Scraps of metal!

You just mixed
nuts and bolts!

Oh, joe! I'm so terribly,
terribly sorry.

How can I rectify
this horrible wrong?


Are you crazy?
Pick those up.

Oh! I can't believe
what's happening here.

A--a doomed romance
you can shrug off,

But messin' up
your hardware bin,

Boy, that's really
ripping your guts out!

Yeah, ok, ok, missy.

Two can play at this game.

Hi, joe.
Hi, lowell.

oh, uh, joe, I have some
checks here for you to sign.

Later, fay.

Forgot this one.

how about those bo sox?

Amazing, huh?

How do you like that?

Doesn't bother me.

Oh. Hey!
Well, try this on for size.

Oh, thanks, that's 3 less
I have to wash today.

Hey, I could
do this all day.

Plenty more
where that came from.

Go ahead, joe. Go ahead
ok, all right.

But, joe...

Are you sure
you want to leave me
alone in here?

What are you gonna do?

Gee, I don't know.

Helen, get away
from the plane.


I'm gonna
get my oily fingers
all over your plane.

Look, fingerprints.

Cut that out.
Hey, hey, hey!
I just cleaned those.

Oh, lookie here, grease!
How about that?

Much better!


See, this is
our problem, joe.

You care more
about this stupid plane
than you do about me!

Me? You're the one
with the cello
between her legs

8 Hours a day.

Well, at least
that gives me
some satisfaction.

Yeah, well, at least
when I'm in the plane,

I get some sense
of movement.

Helen, what are you...
What are you gonna...

Oh, no.

No, no, you wouldn't.

Oh, no?

Ok, all right.

You wanna play hardball?

You s*ab the plane,
the cello here gets it.

Let the cello go, joe,
and nobody gets hurt.

You put that ice pick down

Or this cello
is gonna be playing
in the violin section.

You don't think I'll do it,
do you?

Guess again.



[Helen screaming]



You're messy, joe.
You're messy, messy, messy.

I cannot believe
you did this to me.

I--i can't believe you--

Believe, joe, believe.

You lousy, snot-faced...


Truce! Truce!

Look at us!

We're acting like children!

This is ridiculous.

Put the fire extinguisher

You put the grease g*n
down first.

Oh, honey.


I'm glad you're leaving
this island!

Not as glad as I am,
you little uptight prig.
Oh, yeah?

well, you're a--
you're a lousy celloist!

You couldn't even beat
a 12-year-old girl!

I can't believe I spent
3 months of my life
with a loser like you!

I'm gonna forget you
in 5 minutes!

Yeah, I forgot you already!

I hate you!

I hate you, too!

uh, excuse me, helen,
I'm sorry to interrupt,

But there's a call for you.


It's the conductor
of the maine state symphony.

Excuse me.

[Clearing throat]




I understand.

I see.

Thank you.

They lost their funding.

There's no orchestra.

There's no job.

Oh, helen,
I'm so sorry.

But there is
a bright side.

You and joe
still have each other.

You're here awful early.


[Clearing throat]
uh, helen,

About yesterday...

Yes, joe?

Some things were said,

And I realize you might've
taken some of them
the wrong way.

What I mean is i...

I really didn't mean them.

I said some things
I didn't mean, too.

So, hey,
what do you think?

Can we get back
to where we were?

Where were we, joe?

I don't know,
but it's better than
where we are now.

Announcing final boarding
of aeromass flight 19,

Our early bird service
to la guardia.

Oh, that's my plane.

Where are you going?
I'm leaving nantucket.


I'm leaving, joe.

I was all set to move
to maine, anyway.

I'd already sublet my house
and I found someone
to take over the counter.

W-wait. You--you...

what're you gonna do?

I'm gonna do
what I should've done
a long time ago.

Take a chance.

I'm gonna do
my music full-time.
I'm going to new york.

Bye, roy.
Bye, helen,

And thanks
for flying aeromass.

Hey! Wait a minute.

You were just gonna leave
without even telling me?

Well, I knew
that you would try
to stop me.

Look, uh, helen,
this is an awfully big step.

Do you, um...

You got a job?

Do you have
a place to stay?

In new york?

Now, helen, you have
not even thought
this thing through.

No, I haven't
and that's what
feels so good, joe.

Every musician worth
his salt has to take
a shot at new york.

If I can make it there,
I can make it any...

Well, you know.

Helen, just wait. Wait.

[Airplane engine whirring]

I couldn't
ask you this yesterday,
but I am asking you now.

Please, stay.

I can't,

But thank you for asking.


I love you.

I love you, too.
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