03x17 - Visionary

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Aired: January 3, 1993 – June 2, 1999.*
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A spin-off of `Star Trek: The Next Generation', `Deep Space Nine' is set on a space station orbiting the planet Bajor.
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03x17 - Visionary

Post by bunniefuu »

It's all right, Chief.

You're going to be just fine.

What happened?

You were rerouting
a phase inducer

when one of the plasma conduits
blew out.


Easy there, Chief.

You've got a mild case
of radiation poisoning.

I'll give you some hyronalin

which should
counteract the effects

but I do think
he should be restricted

to light duty
for the next few days.


the transport's arrived

and they're requesting
permission to dock.

Route them to Docking Bay 12.

Inform the Romulan Delegation
we'll meet them there.

And Chief, "light duty"
means light.

I don't want to see you
crawling around

the Jefferies tube tonight
looking for power surges.

You won't get any arguments
today, Commander.

Ready, Major?


Du'cha KovaH!

EstaH! EstaH!

Constable, I wasn't aware

there were any Klingons
on the station.

They just arrived
a few hours ago.

It seems the main computer
on their freighter was damaged

and they need
a complete overhaul

before they can continue
back to the Klingon Empire.

How long is this overhaul
going to take?

Two days, at least.

The Romulan delegation
has just arrived

and they're going to be here
at least two days

while they study
our intelligence reports

on the Dominion.

I want you to keep a close eye
on the Klingons.

We don't need
any trouble right now.


Let's go.

Come on.

Welcome to Deep Space 9.

I'm Commander Sisko, and this is
my First Officer, Major Kira.

I am Ruwon.
This is Karina.

We are ready for your report
on the Dominion.

We have arranged
quarters for you.

I know it's been a long trip,
so perhaps you'd like to...

We are not interested

in your accommodations,

We are here for
your intelligence briefing--

nothing else.

Very well.

If you'll come this way.

This will be the foul line.

We need to put a marker
here on the floor.

I still don't see

how this is going to help
my business, Chief.

No, that's not right.

The number 20 needs
to be at the top.

Trust me, Quark.

Darts and bars go together
like bacon and eggs.

At least people order
bacon and eggs.

In all the years
I've been here,

no one has ever come
and asked to see the dart board.

Trust me, they will.

I just don't see
the appeal of this game.

No lasers, no holograms.

Just steel tips and feathers.

It's a game of skill, Quark.

And it's not easy.

Go ahead.

Try and get one
in the bull's-eye.


Now what if one of those darts
had gotten into his eye?

Do you realize
I'd be liable for that?

Do you know how much
money an eye costs?

You're not supposed
to throw them like that.

You throw them gently.

One at a time.

Like this.

Chief O'Brien.

What is it, Quark?

The Klingons

just destroyed
two of my holosuites.

I need a maintenance crew

Quark, this happens

every time the Klingons
come aboard the station.

Why don't you just keep
them out of the holosuites?

Did you ever say no
to a Klingon?

Besides, they pay me double.



Well, the pain you experienced
appears to be a muscle spasm

caused by a sudden decrease
in your serum calcium levels.

It's a common side effect
of radiation poisoning.

I'm giving you some
asinolyathin for the pain.

What about the vision I had?

Well, mild hallucinations

are also a fairly
common side effect

of radiation poisoning.

It was anything but mild.

I really felt
I was standing on the Promenade

watching myself
talking to Quark.

What was the conversation about?

He was complaining
about some Klingons.

He said they'd damaged
two of his holosuites.

Well, you do have one problem.

If all you can hallucinate about
is Quark's maintenance problems

you have a sadly
deficient fantasy life.

Well, thank you
for your professional opinion.

Oh, any time.

My doors are always open to you,

The Dominion represents
the greatest threat

to the Alpha Quadrant
in the last century.

We need more information
on its military capabilities.

How many ships do they have?

Where are they deployed?

What are their plans
for the future?

Are they planning an attack?

We don't know any of that yet.

You have one of Founders

of the Dominion
on this very station.

He should be able to tell us
everything we need to know

about their intentions.

Odo is not one of the Founders.

Your own reports indicate

that a group of changelings
are the real

source of power
behind the Dominion.


And Odo is a changeling.

But he's not
one of the Founders.

I fail to see the distinction.

Odo made a conscious choice
to stay here with us.

He has no loyalties
to the Dominion

and he has no information
about their plans.

We find that hard to believe.

It's the truth, whether you
choose to believe it or not.

Commander, we allowed you

to place one of our cloaking
devices on the Defiant

in exchange for information
regarding the Dominion.

Now you have the cloaking device
and we have very little.

We shouldn't have to remind you
of the importance

both our governments place

on continuing to carry out
this agreement.

It's the first treaty

between Romulus and
the Federation in many years.

I'm aware of that

and I'm willing to cooperate
with you in any way I can.

Very well, then.

We want to see
every piece of information

Starfleet has on the Dominion,
no matter how insignificant.

That includes
any classified reports

you may have made
to Starfleet Command.

I'll have to clear that
with Starfleet.

Then do it.

Chief O'Brien.

What is it, Quark?

The Klingons just destroyed
two of my holosuites.

I need a maintenance crew

Quark, we go through this

every time Klingons
come aboard the station.

Why don't you ju...?

I think my holosuites
can wait.

It looks like you have
bigger problems.

I went over
the internal sensor logs

and I did find evidence

of a minor temporal
disturbance in Quark's

and another one later,
on the Promenade.

Both disturbances happened
at about the same time

as the Chief's experiences.

So, it would seem

that you did travel
into the future

and then returned
to the same moment

that you left.

Have you any idea what might
have caused this time shift?

Not yet.

I want to go over
the medical scans

Julian took of you earlier.

That dose of ionizing
radiation you received

might have something
to do with it.


I'm not sure,
but it's a good place to start.

I have heard
a couple of theories

that ambient low-level radiation
could have a temporal...

Look out!

on radioactive isotopes.


Mr. O'Brien.

I ran a micro-cellular scan

and detected minute damage

to his cerebrospinal
nerve cells

which might have been caused
by the time-shifting.

Can you repair it?

Yes, but the effect
is cumulative.

If you keep time-shifting,
there may come a point

where the damage
becomes irreparable.

Eventually, it might
even k*ll you.

Don't worry, Chief--
Dax is using

every scanner on the station

to hunt for any temporal

Well, if anyone
can find the cause

of the time shifts, it's Dax.

Chief, do you have any idea
of how far into the future

you traveled?

No, sir.

There was nothing to indicate
that it was today

tomorrow, next week.

Well, this conference
with the Romulans

is not supposed to last
longer than three days.

In the meantime, I'll have Odo
tighten security around Quark's.

How are you feeling, Chief?



Commander, may I speak with you
for a minute?

Of course.

The Romulans want
to debrief everyone

who was on the Defiant

when it was captured
by the Founders.

They're also still not happy

with the sensor information
collected by the Defiant

so they want unrestricted
access to the Defiant

and they also want

complete access
to all our personal logs.

Personal logs are
out of the question

but they can have limited
access to the Defiant.

I'll let them
debrief us, as well.

I know they're pushing us, Major

but consider their position.

There have never been
any Romulan ships

in the Gamma Quadrant

in the Gamma Quadrant

so they've never
encountered the Dominion.

So they're completely dependent
on us for information.

Well, then maybe they should
send their own ships

through the Wormhole
and find out for themselves.

The Romulans generally
prefer to sit back

and pull the strings from
a distance, if they can.

This is one puppet who doesn't
like her strings pulled.

I know, but like Ruwon said

they've lived up
to their part of the bargain.

We have to do everything we can
to live up to ours.

All right, I'll draw up
a schedule of interviews

and I'll tell everyone
to cooperate.

And, Major, when you're
with the Romulans

try to be diplomatic.

I'm always diplomatic.

That is the most ridiculous
thing I ever heard

and I resent the implication.

You seem very agitated

for someone who's
proclaiming her innocence.

Indeed, your emotional state
would seem to indicate

that our theory is correct

and you did abandon
the Defiant prematurely

when it was att*cked
by the Jem'Hadar.

When the Defiant was att*cked

Odo and I were
trapped below decks.

There was a hand-to-hand
fight in the corridor.

I was wounded,
and I lost consciousness.

When I came to,
Odo had already put me

aboard the shuttle,
and we'd escaped.

I did not abandon
the ship prematurely.

Why didn't Odo try to help
the rest of the Defiant's crew?

Well, I'm sure he wanted to

but there was no way
to get to the Bridge, and...

Why were you in Odo's quarters
when the ship was att*cked?

We were talking.

About what?

It's personal.

Do you often have

personal talks
with the changeling?

What business is that of yours?

We're trying to determine the
nature of your relationship.

You are the only member

of the Defiant's crew
who was not taken prisoner.


Did the Founders believe
Odo would react badly

if you were harmed?

Did they think you held
some kind of attraction to him?

Has Odo ever shown any kind
of physical interest

in you, Major?

That's it.

You can rip the cloaking device

out of the Defiant right now!

I am not answering
any more questions.

And I suggest you avoid
asking Odo those questions

or you may just find yourself

on the other side
of that bulkhead, floating home.

That's the game.

Had enough?

One more.

Chief, that's the tenth game
we've played in a row.

Nothing's happening here

and I don't think anything
is going to happen.

By telling us about the fight,
you have changed the future.

Security's here, and Quark says

he won't let the Klingons
back in the bar.

There is not going
to be a fight.

I know, I know, but...

I've seen it, and I
can't shake the feeling

that it's going to happen

despite our precautions.

Something about
the way things look

the number of people.

There's something
a little too familiar

about everything.

All right, if it makes
you feel any better

I'll beat you
at another ten games.

But I can't help
getting the feeling...

Ach'cho korvak bataH!

Karagh, abeH.

You said you weren't
going to let

the Klingons back in the bar!

I didn't.

They were in the holosuites.

Besides, now they're
paying me triple.

Who let these filthy pahtk
in here?

Maybe we should
show them the way out.

And then...

What's his name?


Ruwon started to insinuate

you were...

That I was what?

Interested in me.

He said that?

Have you ever heard
anything more...



Quark to Security.

I've got a fight on my hands.

They're tearing my place apart.

Watch the Romulan!

All right, that's enough!

Get back!

Come on!

Move it.
Move it.

Let's go.
Come on now.



It's all right.

You collapsed outside Quark's
about an hour ago.

You're going to be fine.

No, I'm not.

In a few hours,
I'm going to be dead.

This is the panel
I saw myself open.

It looked like a phaser
or high-energy laser

came out of the bulkhead.

Nothing on the tricorder.

Just the standard conduits
and power juncture ports.

If there is something
dangerous in there

it could be cloaked

or have some dampening field
around it.

If you gentlemen will
step down the corridor

I'll open the panel
and take a look.

Don't worry.
I'll be careful.

It's all right.


You're sure
this is the right panel?


Believe me,
I've a pretty vivid memory

of the whole thing.

Well... since it appears
that your first two time jumps

each moved you to about
five hours into the future

we could also assume

that the incident
you saw in this corridor

moved you to about five hours
into the future.

That means someone
will place a device

in this panel
in the next few hours.

In this panel
in the next few hours.

All these quarters
are vacant at the moment.

There are no vital power
conduits in this area.

No crucial defense systems.

Why would someone
want to booby-trap

a wall panel here?

I suggest we place
a surveillance device

in this corridor.

If anyone attempts
to tamper with the panel

we'll be able to detect it.

Dax to Sisko.

Sisko here.
Go ahead, Lieutenant.

can you come to Ops?

I think I've found a clue
to Chief O'Brien's time-shifting.

We're on our way.

Keep me informed.

I've been scanning the area
around the station

out to a radius
of two kilometers.

I didn't find anything at first.

Then I started to scan some of
the lower subspace bandwidths.

I found traces of low-level
tetryon emissions.

I've never seen
an emission pattern

like that
outside of a neutron star.

Or a quantum singularity.

And singularities are
known to send out waves

of temporal displacement.

But if there is
a singularity nearby

why can't we find it?

It should also be affecting the
gravimetric field signatures.

I don't know.

Maybe it's buried so far down

in the subspace layers
that we can't detect it.

Assuming for the moment

that a singularity
is responsible

how do we combat
its effects on the Chief?

Temporal displacement
caused by a quantum singularity

most commonly affects
delta-series radioisotopes

which is exactly
what the Chief absorbed

during the conduit breach.

So you're saying that it

could be pulling O'Brien's body
like a magnet?


I think I may know a way
to neutralize the remaining

radioisotopes in your body.

Without the radiation

the temporal displacement
might stop.

It's going to take time.

You may experience
one or two more time shifts

before I can
complete the process.

When can we start?

Right away.

Keep trying to pinpoint
the singularity.

If it is out there,
we need to locate it

and find a way to get rid of it.


I wanted to let you know

I moved the Romulans
to different quarters.


It's the replicators again.

I assigned a maintenance crew.

But in the meantime, I moved
the entire Romulan delegation

to section 47, level 2
in the Habitat Ring.

Section 47?

ls something wrong?

The wall panel where O'Brien
saw himself being k*lled

is right outside those quarters.

Which means either the Romulans

are going to put a device
in the bulkhead themselves

or someone else will

possibly to be used
against the Romulans.

Should I move them
to other quarters?

No. That'll warn
whoever is responsible.

But inform Odo
of the change in quarters.

He already has that corridor
under surveillance.

Let's see
how this thing plays out

before we make
any further moves.

You have something, Constable?

Someone has planted
a class-3 surveillance device

behind the wall panel
we've been monitoring.

Were you able to see who it was?

No, we've been monitoring
the corridor constantly

for the past three hours.

No one's come anywhere
near the panel.

However, sensors did detect

a low-energy transporter beam
a short time ago.

They beamed the device
directly into the wall.

That's a delicate piece
of transporter work.

Yes, it is.

We haven't been able
to trace the beam

to its point of origin

but since there aren't
any ships nearby

I believe it originated
on the station.

Any Suspects?

Well, since it appears
to be a device

intended to conduct
covert surveillance

of the Romulans

my leading suspects
would be the Klingons.

Do you have any evidence

besides the fact that Klingons
hate Romulans?

Well, not yet, but don't worry.

I plan to investigate
the Klingons

the Bajorans, Quark,
the visiting Terrellians...

You think Quark
had something to do with this?

I always investigate Quark.

Looks like you're going
to cheat death, after all.

Round about this time,
you saw yourself being k*lled.

I feel like someone
just walked over my grave.

I mean, I've had a few brushes
with death in my career

but there was something

about watching
myself being k*lled--

of feeling my own neck
for a pulse that wasn't there.

Well, could have been worse.

Could have been me.

Here you are, gentlemen.

And how is DS9's
most famous fortune teller?

Don't call me that.

I haven't told anyone's fortune.

Oh, just a figure of speech.

On the other hand

if you should find yourself
in the future again

and you find yourself
passing by the dabo table

would it really hurt
to take a look

at the numbers
coming up on the wheel?

I could make it
worth your while.

Let's get out of here.

Just a thought.

Can you believe that?

I'm being pulled into the future
and all he can think about is...


Oh, am I glad to see you.

What the hell
happened to me, Julian?

It was the, the radiation.

I didn't realize it had
damaged the basilar arteries

in your brain stem
until it was too late.

Well, why not?

It didn't show up
on any of the diagnostics.

I couldn't tell
what had happened

until I was doing the autopsy.


Yeah, I just finished
doing it a few moments ago.

Do you want me
to show you the results?

No, no, no!

That's, that's all right.

Now, look, when you go
back to the past

ask me to perform
a basilar arterial scan

and since you're going
five hours back into the past

I should have enough time

to find the damage
and repair it before...

this happens.


How could you just let me die?

I didn't just let you die.

I did everything I could

to keep you alive
for over an hour

but your body just gave up.

Gave up?

I'm sorry, Chief.

But there comes a point

when the human body
just gives up.

Yeah, well, maybe
my Doctor wasn't...

Bashir to Infirmary.

I need a nurse and an emergency
med-kit here immediately.

We finally were able
to localize the transporter beam

and trace it back
to this location.

These quarters have
been vacant for weeks.

Somehow they overrode

the security lock
on the door to gain access.

So, what did they do?

Bring in a portable transporter

and beam
the surveillance equipment

into the bulkhead?

That was my first thought

but then I realized
that a portable transporter

is a rather large
and bulky piece of equipment

is a rather large
and bulky piece of equipment

to be carrying around the halls.

That's true.

So, then I began thinking

the replicator.

Ah... they realigned
the matter-energy

conversion matrix.

Turning it
into a small transporter--

a very sophisticated,
very professional job.

So now we know
how they did it.

The next question is who.

I think I have the answer
to that as well.

Now, this device is manufactured
on Davlos III

a planet on the Klingon border.

In fact, Davlos does
over 90 percent

of its trade
with the Klingon Empire.

Oh, that's still very little
evidence to make an arrest.

Yes, it is

but then I contacted a friend
at Starfleet Intelligence

who used to be assigned
to the Federation Embassy

on the Klingon Homeworld.

He put me in contact
with a former Klingon operative

who is out of favor
with the current administration.

This former operative
sent me a series of reports...


cut to the chase.

The three Klingons
now on the station

are part
of a covert strike force

that reports directly
to the Klingon High Council.

Why didn't you just say so?

Well, sometimes I have
to remind you

just how good I am.

Mm. So, Gowron sent
our three friends here

and they're conducting

on the Romulan delegation.


Are they here to k*ll them?


It's also possible
that this is just

a routine intelligence-
gathering operation.

The high-energy laser
that k*lled O'Brien

is simply a booby trap

to prevent someone from
tampering with the device.

It's not meant
for assassination.

Well, in either case,
I think we have enough evidence

to at least hold the Klingons
for questioning, don't you?


And I think I can question them

until the Romulan delegation
leaves the station.

Just be careful.

there is no careful way

to question a Klingon.

I have...
I haven't given up.

I won't give up.

It's all right, Chief.

You're okay.

No, I'm not.

You need to run
a basilar arterial scan.


Because if you don't

I'm going to die
in less than five hours.

Who told you that?

You did.

In the future.


Well, who am I
to argue with me?

Let me go!

This is an outrage.

We have done nothing.

We will have our vengeance
on all of you for this.

You are treating us
with dishonor.

We have done nothing wrong.

We take a very dim view of spies
and saboteurs on this station.

Now you slander us.

When my family finds out
what you have done

they will come here
and k*ll you.

I doubt that very much.

The only people
who will be coming here

are your friends
in Klingon Intelligence.

And from what I understand

they don't like being
embarrassed by operatives

who fail in their missions.

However, should you suddenly
feel like cooperating

I may be persuaded
to let you go

without contacting your friends
in Intelligence.

May be.

So how are you feeling, Chief?

Better, sir.

I've eliminated

almost all the radioisotopes
from his body.

Have to wait a couple more hours

before I give him
the last treatment.

But after that, there should be
no more time-shifting.

What about
the quantum singularity?

We've been able to track it

by using its tetryon emissions
as a guide.

It seems to be orbiting
Deep Space 9

in a roughly elliptical fashion.

At certain points in its orbit,
the singularity radiates

temporal energy
at a specific wavelength.

That seems to be
what triggers my time shifts.

Is there any way
to break it out of its orbit

and send it on its way?

Well, we were hoping
to station...

Come on, come on.

Hurry up.
We don't have much time!

Prepare to seal the hatch

and release the docking clamps.

Move quickly.
Let's go.

All the way back.
Move quickly.

Come on.

Initiating emergency
escape protocol.

Hang on,
I'm going to full impulse.

Now what?

You're here!

Look, I don't know
what happened.

I was asleep in bed when
the whole station was rocked

by an expl*si*n.

Before I could get to Ops,
the evacuation alarm sounded.

And the com systems were down.

I got as many people
as I could in here.

I don't know what happened
to the others.

When you go back, you have
to find out what happened

and stop it.

My God!

Chief, what's wrong?

We've got a new problem, sir.

Did you see anything
from the runabout

that would indicate
how the station was destroyed?

There were a series
of explosions

that rippled across
the Habitat Ring.

But it all happened so fast

I couldn't get a clear sense
of exactly what was going on.

Could you tell if you were
looking at internal explosions

which might indicate some kind
of sabotage or accident

or external explosions,
which might indicate

we were under attack?

No. No, I'm not sure.

Do you remember seeing
any other ships nearby?

No, but I had a very limited
view of the area.

Well, it looks
like, at this point

we can't rule anything out.


Make preparations
to evacuate the station.

Do it quietly.

Do it quietly.

If the destruction
of the station

is the result
of an attack or sabotage

we don't want
to alarm our enemy

and make him trigger events
we're trying to avoid.

Begin a complete systems check
of everything on the station

that could potentially
cause this kind of expl*si*n.



there might be another way
to find out what's going on.

If I could travel
into the future again--

this time just before
the destruction of DS9--

I might be able to find out
what's going to happen

then return to the present

in time for us to prevent it
from happening.

If you could flood my body
with high concentrations

of delta-series radioisotopes,
it might trigger

a time shift into the future.

but those isotopes are toxic.

It could cause permanent damage
to your nervous system.

It might even k*ll you.

Well, if the future happens
the way I saw it happen

a lot of people are
going to get k*lled

when the station explodes.

It's a risk I'm willing to take.

Even if you're able
to initiate a time jump

each time you traveled
into the future

you've always gone five hours.

How do you propose to shorten
the length of a jump?

Well, there might be a link
between the temporal frequency

of the singularity

and the length
of the time shift.

We might be able to calibrate

the decay constant
of the isotope

that we inject you with

to match the frequency
of the singularity.

And with a few minor adjustments

we can control
how far you jump

into the future.


All right.

But if you can't do it
within two hours

I'm going to begin
to evacuate the station.


Now, when you activate
this device

it'll inject you with a two-rad
dose of delta isotopes.

Now, if our calculations
are right

that should put you about
three hours into the future.

What's the margin of error?

Plus or minus half an hour,
I'd say.

But that's the best we could do.

Now, it's already set
for the return trip.

So all you have to do
is activate it again

to return to the present.


And remember,
don't wait too long.

Your body will be experiencing

of severe radiation poisoning.

If you don't get treatment,
it will k*ll you.

I won't forget.


Julian, there's a...

a message in my quarters
for Keiko if...

I understand, Miles.


That's three and a half hours
into the future.

Miles, Miles!

Wake up!


Computer, lights.

Oh, no, not you again.

What is it now?

Listen to me.

I've jumped ahead
and seen your future.

Don't ask me how,
it'll take too long to explain.

There's going to be a disaster.

DS9 will be destroyed.

Destroyed? How?

I don't know.

That's why I'm here.

I have to find out
what's going to happen

and then travel back
into the past and prevent it.

You look pretty bad.

It's the radiation.

Well, if you feel bad
and you're my past self

shouldn't I feel bad, too?

I hate temporal mechanics.

Let's get down to Ops
and see what's going on.

Help me up.

Run a sensor sweep
of the entire station.

Look for anything
that might indicate a...


A Romulan w*r-bird just
de-cloaked off of Lower Pylon 2.

They've taken out
our shield generators.

On screen.

Lock phasers and return fire.

They've hit the fusion reactor.

Main power's down.

Defense systems off-line.

Try to reroute phasers through
the emergency power couplings.

Miles, you've got your answer.

The quantum singularity

that's been orbiting
the station--

it's the Romulans.

Are you listening?

The Romulans use

a confined singularity
to power their warp core.

That's what we've
been detecting.

That's what's causing
the time shifts.

You must go back and tell them

to put up the shields
and stand by for an attack.

I can't.

I can't get through
another shift.

It's the radiation poisoning,

You go.

Just activate it.

It's set for the return trip.


I don't belong there.

I'm you... you're me...

It does... doesn't matter.

Just go.



What happened?

It worked.

O'Brien to Sisko.

Go ahead, Chief.

I've been to the future,

The quantum singularity
off the station

is actually in the warp core
of a cloaked Romulan w*r-bird.

They're going to de-cloak and
fire on us in a matter of hours.

Understood, Chief.

Raise shields.

Stand by weapons systems.

I don't understand it.

Your body should be flooded
with delta-series radiation

but there's only a tiny
amount in your tissues.

Your metabolic readings
are different.

What happened?

There's been a... a change.

There's been a... a change.

Uh... I really have
nothing else to say.

I think you're lying, Quark.

About what part?

All of it.

Well, at least I'm consistent.

Quark, you can leave.

Thank you.

I know you have a cloaked
w*r-bird orbiting the station.

And I know that you're
planning an attack.

At first, I couldn't
understand why

and then I remembered

what you said
about the Dominion--

how they were the greatest
threat to the Alpha Quadrant

in the last century.

If you really believed that

then the only way you
could ever be truly safe

from the Dominion would be
to collapse the wormhole.

But you knew we wouldn't
just sit by

and watch while you did it.

So you had to destroy
the station, too.

That way,
there'd be no witnesses.

Everyone would assume
that Deep Space 9 was destroyed

by what appeared to be
the accidental collapse

of the Wormhole.

An interesting...

theory, Commander.

But that's all it is,
a theory.

That's right.

But I'll tell you
what's not a theory.

We tracked the tetryon emissions
back to your w*r-bird

and I have about 50 photon
torpedoes locked onto it

right now.

I think it's time we left.

I couldn't agree more.

Constable, will you please
escort our... guests

to the nearest transporter room?

If you'll come with me.

So you're telling me
that you remember

playing this game
with me in the future?


All right, what am I
going to hit?

20, outer ring.

Why, that's remarkable.

It's also a little disturbing.

I have this nagging feeling
that I don't really belong here.

This isn't really my life.

You know, maybe this life

to that other Miles O'Brien.

Listen, Chief, whether you
are living in the past

or the present,
you are Miles O'Brien.

The only difference is
you have a few memories

the other one didn't have.

Well, I think I'll go to bed.

I'm still kind of tired.

Now, that sounds
like a good idea.





Wait, Chief, wait!
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