02x08 - The Devil

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x08 - The Devil

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, you!

Yeah, you with the flat top!

Yeah, you! You threw this trash,
didn't you?

That's a five-hundred
Singapore dollar fine!

What? Five hundred?

Here in Singapore,

the law prohibits littering and
fines all violators for doing so!

Five hundred Singapore dollars...

That's about forty thousand yen.


Got it?


What are you talking about, sir?

All I see on the ground here
is my own luggage.

Would you be so kind as to tell me

what trash you're referring to, officer?

You sure you see some trash?

You mean, that bag's your luggage?

Yeah, you got it.

I'm terribly sorry.

Well, I'll be going, then...

Shoo, shoo.

What's up with this kid?
She's back with us again?

Hey, weren't you going
to go see your father?

Stop hanging around and get going. Shoo!

I'm meeting him in five days.

And I can go wherever the hell I want!

I'm not taking orders from you, jerks.

It's not safe for a little girl
to accompany us.

Well maybe she lacks the cash
for a place to stay.

Then that's it...

We'll have to get her a room.

Hey, Polnareff,

get her to come with us,
and try not to bruise her ego.

You got it.


You're stinkin' poor, aren't you?

Consider this your lucky day, freeloader.

Well, let's check in...


I'm terribly sorry, sir,

but we tend to be booked
this time of year.

The rooms we have available
are located on different floors.

Is that all right, sir?

Well, I guess we're stuck.

Then for the rooms...

Avdol and I will share a room...

It'd make sense for
Jotaro and I to share a room,

since we're both students.

Then that leaves the last room
to Polnareff and...

You're kidding!
Like I'd room with that guy!


Well, she may be a child,

but let's give the young lady
her own room...

We'll take four rooms please.

Yes, of course!

Fine, I can relax more
in my own room anyway!

I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight!

Let's go.

We've been through all kinds of hell

ever since we left Hong Kong.

We should hurry up and take a shower

in a place where it's actually safe.

See ya!

I should've guessed.

Couldn't you guys at least
give us a chance to rest?

Come out.


That's some insanely intense
bloodlust you've got there.

How about telling me your name,
before I, Polnareff, take you out.

My name is Soul Sacrifice,

and my Stand is the card of the Devil.

It represents insanity of the cursed,

and a precipitous and malevolent
fall into ruin.

But tell me, how did you know
I was hiding in the fridge?

You... Dumbass bastard!

You took everything out of the fridge

and didn't bother putting any of it away!

Ebony Devil!

Silver Chariot!

Wow, you're really pathetic, aren't you?

That ape on the boat

was a far more powerful and
terrifying Stand user than you.

Now look at what you've done, Polnareff!

How dare you do this to me?

It hurts!

It really hurts!

What the hell?

The pain!

Curse you...

How dare you? How dare you do this to me?

Now I can hold one hell of
a grudge against you!

Such t*rture...
Such agony must be avenged!

I let you find me and
attack me on purpose!


He's gone?

What the hell is going on?

This is unreal! When did he cut me?

I don't think I...
No, I know I didn't feel a thing.

Mr. Joestar! A Stand user
was hiding in my room!

Wait, is that you, Avdol?

Anyway, listen up!
I can't figure this guy out.

I couldn't tell
if he was weak or strong...

He's really creepy!

And he got away... Damn it, what the hell?

You'd better watch out!

Somehow he was able to slice open my leg.

The Devil card? Soul Sacrifice...

Are you absolutely certain
that's what he said?

Yeah. I'm racking my brain,
I just don't see how it's possible.

I did catch a glimpse of his Stand.

And yet, he was in no position
to attack me

when my leg was gouged.


I should be there in five.

You're in room twelve-twelve, aren't you?

On the twelfth floor?

Get Kakyoin and Jotaro, too,
will ya? Later!

Front desk.

Hello? Room service?

I hurt my leg a bit...

Could you send up
some medicine and bandages?

This is Polnareff, from room nine-twelve.

We'll bring it up immediately, sir.

Aw, geez...

No matter how you cut it,

dirty underwear makes for
a really shitty band-aid.

Damn it...

So, I was wondering, do you know
about this guy who att*cked, Avdol?


He is Soul Sacrifice.

A Native American shaman
who works as an assassin for hire.

He's a terrifying Stand user.

Mafias, militaries, politicians...

lowlifes the world over hire him.

I've seen his face only once.

And it was covered in scars!

Scars he receives by cunningly
provoking his enemy to attack.

That's how he gains
the "power of vengeance"

he uses to control his Stand.

That's why, to ordinary people,

it appears that a curse
k*lled the victims.

So Polnareff has fallen into his trap?

I am very worried.

What kind of Stand is it?

No one knows for certain.

Those who've seen it are dead.

It's too dangerous for
Polnareff to be alone.

Or any of us.

You're telling me this guy and his curse

have the power to k*ll us, one by one...

He'll be here in five minutes.

Let's all meet up in this room.

Got it. We'll see you in
room twelve-twelve soon, old man.

What was that all about, Jojo?

Let's go. Apparently we're in danger.

Now that's odd. I can't find my room key.

I could have sworn I set it here...

Damn it! Where is it?

Now how in the hell
am I going to get back in here?

Could I tell the front desk
and ask for a new one?

There's probably a fine for that.

There it is.

Must've fallen during all the commotion.




What the hell, shampoo? Damn it! My eyes!

Who's there?

Crap, this isn't good!

I'm a sitting duck under here!

Mr. Polnareff, this is room service.

I've brought you a first aid kit.

Get out of here! You'll be k*lled!

Huh? What in the world is going on here?

Get out of here!

I told you, you'll get yourself k*lled!

How dare you?

How dare you s*ab one of my eyes out,


A doll? What kind of...

Silver Chariot!

Are you stupid?

Your Stand can't fight what you can't see!


Oh, Jojo.

Did you need something?

So you are here.

Listen up.
You need to stay put for a while.


I'll come for you later.

Don't open the door for any strangers.


Damn it!

How heavy is this bed, anyway?

It's gotta be at least
a hundred twenty kilograms...

I've got to use Silver Chariot's sword

to cut through this cord...

You little bastard!

As soon as I stop attacking, this happens.

You better believe I'm gonna
keep blindly stabbing

every centimeter of this room!

You suck!

Looks like the big, scary knight

can't even pin the tail on
the donkey when he's blindfolded!

Those senses of yours...

are as dull as a butterknife!


I've just about had it with you...

You little runt!

It's just you two?

Why isn't the girl with you?

Well, we went to check on her...

She's not a Stand user;

Bringing her here would only
place her in more danger.

Suppose you're right.
So that leaves Polnareff.

But man, he's so late...

It's been way over five minutes.

Let me out of here!


Time to snap your spear in half.

All right. Damn it...

At least I'm finally free
of those cords...

I've got to get Chariot under the bed

and get the hell out of here.

Now what's he doing?


Hey, Polnareff!

How'd you like it if I took
a bite out of your balls?

What an obscene little jerk.


Whoa, there.

Now to hide where he can't see me!

You numbskull!

Give that floor you're stuck to
a good feel!

This is...

You're soaked in beer, juice, and alcohol!

I just put that well-stocked bar
to good use!

And if I had piss in me,

I would've soaked you with that too!

And now... what do you think I'm gonna do

with this hair dryer
and your soggy self, Polnareff?

I'm not gonna dry you off!


Time to put an end to this curse...


You're not the only one
who can break stuff!

How did you know precisely where I was?

I was on top of the bed!

I broke the mirror!

So I could see you hanging over the bed

clear as day from down here.

At last, we meet.

Whoa, there.

Hey, Soul Sacrifice.

I have a question.

I seek a man with two right hands.

How about you tell me
who that guy's Stand is?

You idiot!

No assassin worth a damn would
ever reveal his Stand's identity!

It only happens in the face
of certain death,

for him or his opponent!

To know a man's Stand,
is to know his weakness!

Only you guys are dumb enough to do that!

If it wasn't for that mirror,
I would've taken you out!

All right. Come at me then!

What's the matter?

Didn't you say you were going to
bite off my balls or something?

Just try it, you vulgar little shit!

I'm gonna...

slice up everything except your balls!

Um, sir...

It seems you've been in
the bathroom for quite some time.

Are you all right?



Polnareff, you're finally here.

You're not terribly punctual.

Okay, everyone, let's get right to it.

Let's come up with a plan
in case Soul Sacrifice att*cks.

I'm beat...


Answer me!

Why was there a dead boy's body
in your room?

And what about the dead body
in the bathroom...

The two are connected, aren't they?

Answer me!

I have the right to remain silent.

So you finally decided to show up!
I've been waiting.

I had the Speedwagon Foundation
strike a deal.

Polnareff should be released soon enough.

But that was cutting it close.

To think that the enemy's pursuit
would come so early on...

As long as Dio is using
Jonathan Joestar's body as his own,

he'll be able to track Jotaro and me.

He won't leave us any time to rest.

But we can read his thoughts
just as he reads ours.

Shall I go buy a camera?

That won't be necessary.

I can use my powers

even without a camera.


Michael's still not here? Where's Michael?

This week's number three jumps up
five points from last week...

Gold prices have...

You look delicious, meow.


The channels are changing
as if the tv has a mind of its own!

It's looking for the right words
among the channels

to create a message...

for the ear, not the eye.




There! It said, "There is a"!





What? What did it just...

I could be wrong, but I think it said,

"There is a traitor among us..."







Kakyoin? What?

Impossible. Kakyoin is Dio's servant?

This is...

Joseph Joestar,
you're watching me, aren't you?


He found us! Look out!

But that can't be true, can it?

You know as well as I do.

Hermit Purple says
Kakyoin is working with Dio

and betraying us.

It can't be!

I still trust Kakyoin.

There must be a reason behind this.

But if he is indeed connected to Dio,

he could exterminate us
in our sleep, at any moment.

He'd be Dio's very own Trojan Horse!

So then where is Kakyoin?

He's with Jotaro.

Hey, Jotaro.

Are you going to eat that cherry?

Hey, what are you doing, Kakyoin?
They'll die!

Could he really be a traitor?

A back-breaker? Such a drastic move!

This is unforgivable, isn't it?
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