02x20 - Death 13, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x20 - Death 13, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »


So this is Saudi Arabia...

about , kilometers
from Japan.

It's been about four weeks
since we began our journey.

If we don't hurry,
we'll be in serious trouble.


Hey, Jotaro.

What do you think is up
with Kakyoin?

First he nearly kills us
in his sleep on the plane, now this.

He even went after the baby.

Something's just not right.

If you ask me,
he's at his wit's end.

Do you think he'll be able
to keep going from here?

For a second there,
I thought he actually figured me out.

But now Kakyoin's
half-doubting himself.

To top things off,
we're in the middle of the desert.

All I have to do is wait
until they fall asleep.

If there's no one to wake them up...

Something smells good.
What kind of food is that?

Baby food.

It's a concoction of milk,
egg yolks, bananas,

and bread all stewed together.

So, you wanna taste?


This is flat-out amazing!
Give me more!

Easy now!
There won't be any left for the baby!

Incompetent bastard!

How dare you eat my food?

I'm wasting away over here!

Hurry up and feed me, dammit!


A scorpion!

Blast it!

That was a close one.

Crap baskets!

Kakyoin was watching.

He k*lled the scorpion.

That baby really is...


That's it!

Mister Joestar, Polnareff,
did you see that?

-That baby's not normal!

He just k*lled a scorpion!

He stabbed it!

The boy skewered it
with his own safety pin!

Kakyoin, hold on.

The hell are you talking about?

I'm saying that baby's not a baby!

He's not even a year old,
yet he knew what a scorpion is.

And he k*lled it
with those tiny hands of his!

A scorpion?

Where is it?

It's in here!

There should be
an impaled scorpion in here!

It's gone?

I swear it's true!
He hid it somewhere!

Check his clothes!

We got it, Kakyoin!
Knock it off! That's enough!

Mister Joestar!

Like I said,
you're clearly exhausted.

Get some rest,
and we'll talk about it in the morning.

Okay, open wide! It's delicious!

Uh oh?
What's the matter?

You were hungry a minute ago.
Did you lose that big appetite?

Say "ah."

Stop it!

I can't eat right now, you idiot!

Mister Joestar!
I'm not imagining things!

I don't know where
he hid the scorpion,

but I'm sure he's the Stand user!

And there's something I have
that will prove it to you!

Look at these cuts!
Read what it says!

It's a warning!

It must've happened to me
when I was sleeping!

Oh, my God!

Kakyoin, you didn't do that
to yourself, did you?


Kakyoin, it's finally happened...

Oh, my God!

You colossal buffoon!

Didn't you realize if you showed them
the cuts on your arm,

they'd think you were crazy?

Did I just make things worse?

It looks like
I have no other choice!

It's time for a little force!

Hierophant Green!

It's no use.

The guy has completely lost his mind.

This can't be happening.
I'm certain of what I saw, Jotaro...

His Stand was the one we fought
in our dreams, Polnareff.

We can't fall asleep, Mister Joestar.

Believe me.

If we fall asleep, we'll be k*lled.

Please, you guys.
You have to believe me.

Yes! My secret is still safe!

You guys lose!

Your petty mistrust
just cost you your lives!

Victory is mine, fools!

I can't believe it...

Does this mean Kakyoin can't fight
or travel with us anymore?

We'll discuss it in the morning.

Time to sleep.

Polnareff, give me a hand
moving Kakyoin.

Sure thing.

-Jotaro, you bring the sleeping bags.

You say something?

No. He's just really heavy.

-I'm gonna slice every one of you up...
-I see.

...and scatter your remains
all over the desert!

Why are we sitting around
in the middle of an amusement park,

like a bunch of idiots?

That's right!

This is...

Jotaro! Mister Joestar!
Be on your guard!

My memory's coming back.

We're in a dream world.

A horrible one.

We've entered a world of nightmares!

Oh, so it's just a dream.
You had me worried there.

Don't make the same mistake I did!

Kakyoin was telling us the truth!

Baby. Stand.

We're in enemy territory.

I didn't believe it either,
but that baby is a Stand user!

There's no one left to wake you
from your slumber now.

Which means,
they can't escape Death !

I'll finally finish you all!

I knocked Kakyoin out!

He should already be here!

We've gotta find him!

Where are you, Kakyoin?

I've got to make this up to you!

Polnareff, good lord!
What is going on with your hair?

Did you mess up brushing it?




My prosthetic hand is...

Holy shit!

How are we supposed to fight him?


Anything can happen
in this world!

There are no rules.
Nothing makes sense!

He has total control
over everything!

I remember there being one rule.

If he wants to slice us to pieces,

he'll have to use his Stand,

and nothing but his Stand!




-Jotaro, it's no use!

It's impossible to bring
our Stands into the dream world!


That's weird...
His Stand manifested.

Lali-ho! I'm a fake!

The overwhelming power!
The absolute terror!

It's so much fun!

A Stand is a manifestation
of the mind.

And what are dreams
if not the mind laid bare?

My Death has trapped you
in your subconscious,

which is why you can't
summon your Stands!


had you summoned your Stands

before you fell asleep,

you could have
brought them with you,

like the clothes you're wearing,

sleeping bags,
and your prosthetic hand.

Death will never be forced
to face another Stand!

And only a Stand
can defeat a Stand,

so I'll always come out on top!


How about you give me a scream?

One that captures
the joy and elation

I'm about to feel
at my easy victory!

Lali... ho?


Oh, it's just one
of the fakes I made.


I don't understand!

This one doesn't seem to be a fake!

This is the real Hierophant!

It's normal!

Look, it's Kakyoin!

Kakyoin's right there!

Did you forget I'd summoned
my Hierophant

by the time I was
knocked unconscious?

I had it burrow underground
to conceal itself.

Before I fell asleep, of course.

You can't do this!

Now, it's time
for your punishment, baby.

Damn that bastard!

Let go!

Give up, Death !

I had Hierophant place himself
in your blind spot.

If you keep up
this futile struggling...

I don't care that you're a baby.
I'll snap your neck!


We owe you an enormous apology.

I thought you had lost your mind!

I couldn't take you at your word.

You were fighting
this battle alone.

And for that I'm sorry.

No, Polnareff.
It couldn't have been helped.

I only realized how to bring
a Stand into the dream

after you struck me with your fist.

So in a way,
this is all thanks to you.


Now I feel conflicted
about the whole thing!

That's embarrassing...

He's going easy on me
because I'm a baby.

Kakyoin, that compassion of yours
is a fatal flaw!

You're all still trapped
in my nightmare world!

Uh oh, what's up with these clouds?

Those clouds...

They're changing shape
and closing in!

I'm warning you,
don't try anything,

Death !


You have to get Hierophant
away from his back!

How did?

I'll chop you in half!


How could he do that?

He chopped himself in half.



Haven't you figured it out?

Death 's body is hollow!

It has only a head,
arms, and a scythe!

You gigantic ignoramuses!

Let's see.

Kakyoin's body
should also be split in two

inside the sleeping bag.

Nah, just kidding!


You sure you're all right?

Please take a closer look.

He wouldn't just cling
to its back forever.

Surely you know my Hierophant's
not that careless.

He's not chopped in half!

He's turning into a string.

And he's slithering into my ear!

My arm is moving on its own.

He's invading my skull.

I told you before!

My Stand was in your blind spot,
and your scythe couldn't cut him.

Now then, unless you'd like
to be destroyed from the inside out,

How about you heal
the cuts on my arm?

Anything is possible
in a dream, right?

Healing a cut should be easy.


All right, everyone.
Rise and shine!

Polnareff, up and at 'em!

There's a nice breakfast for you!

I feel like I had a terrible dream.

You and me both.

I'm drawing a blank,
but I have the feeling it was terrifying.


-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.


You were acting like
a deranged lunatic last night!

You even carved letters
into your arm.


The cuts are gone?

All right, I think I'll change
the baby's diaper now.


It's morning, sleepy head.

He seems to be getting along
with the baby.

Maybe I just dreamed
the whole thing...

Well then,
did you have a good rest?

Oh, never mind!

Everyone's forgotten.

A Stand whose very existence
is completely forgotten...

What a strange creature.

But I haven't forgotten anything.

I suppose I am the only one
who brought his Stand into the dream.

Because you're just a baby,

I won't eliminate you.
I won't even injure you.

We'll take you to a nearby town.

You need to be returned
to your mother.

But don't ever come
anywhere near us again.

If you do,
you'll have to be punished.

In a manner such as this...

Is that my poop?

Oh, Kakyoin.

I see you've made some
baby food for the little lad!


Good! I'm sure he must be
starving by now.

Hey... No, you wouldn't...

Eat up!
These yum-yums are delicious!

Say ah!

Again? It's as if he doesn't
like the stuff...

At this rate,
I'll have to force-feed him.


Hey, Mister Joestar.

If you force-feed him,
he'll hate it even more.

In special cases like this...


I told you it's delicious!



Joestar and the others have now
crossed the Arabian Peninsula,

and are currently making
their way across

the Red Sea as they prepare
to enter Egypt.


Hey, old man. Something's off.

We're going the wrong direction.

I thought we were traveling west,
straight to Egypt?

Looks like we're heading
for that island.

Yeah, you're right.

I've had my reasons
for keeping this to myself,

but before we arrive in Egypt,
we need to make a slight detour.

Someone is waiting
for us on the island.

He's someone important
to our journey.

"Someone important"?

I'm the one who let Avdol die.

There's no way
I can make up for that.

To thank you for freeing me
from the lamp...

It's an actual treasure!

...I'll grant you three wishes!

Can you bring someone back to life?
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