02x24 - High Priestess, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x24 - High Priestess, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Anyone else getting nervous?

Try to stay calm.

Times like these require us
to keep our heads on straight

and be prepared.

Putting this stuff on with one hand
is a lot harder than it looks.

So has anyone ever
scuba dived before?

Not me.

-I haven't.

The High Priestess will
break through any moment!

You have to teach us
how to dive now!

Try and calm yourself, Avdol.

You must never panic,
no matter what.

This is the most important rule
when scuba diving.

When you're underwater,

for every ten meters
you go below the surface,

the corresponding pressure
increases along with you.

The surface pressure
starts at one atmosphere.

We're meters below
the surface right now,

so we'll endure
five atmospheres of pressure.

If we surface too quickly,

the pressure'll cause our lungs
and blood vessels to burst.

We have to rise slowly
so our bodies can adjust.

We're nearing the Egyptian coast.

It's best to ascend
along the sea floor.


I'm letting the water in.

You're looking at a regulator.

The valve inside allows air in from
the t*nk only when you inhale.

The air you breathe out exists
through the piece on the left.

What about spit?

What happens if I need to drool
or hock a loogie or something?

That stuff comes out
the opening here.

And, this should go without saying,
but we can't talk underwater.

Instead, we'll use hand signals.

Let's keep things simple
and use two.

When things are going smoothly,
we'll use this to say "OK."

When they aren't, use this.

Mr. Joestar, couldn't we just
use our Stands to communicate?

Oh yeah, I didn't think about that.

Aww, man! And I was about to say
I know a really good hand signal.

He says,
"Your underwear is showing."


We could be att*cked
and k*lled at any moment!

Stop fooling around and let's go!

This room is about to be
filled to the brim with water.

Put your masks and regulators on.



When did...

The Stand had already integrated
with the regulator!

That bastard...

It's gonna rip him apart
from the inside!


Drain the room!

It's too late!

It must have been lying in wait
for just this moment!


It managed to burrow
inside Polnareff!

It'll tear out his guts!

What should we do?

Hierophant Green!

Hermit Purple!


I grabbed it before it went
too far down his throat!

Me, too!

Let's pull it out
before it transforms!


All right, keep it just like that!


It's transforming
into something else!

You've got to be kidding me!
It turned into a spear g*n!

Emerald Splash!

Silver Chariot!

Let's get moving!

It's already reloading!

It doesn't quit!


Move it, old man!

Yeah, I'm coming!

That was too close...

It's too soon for us to relax.

The bastard knows exactly
how to hit us where it hurts most.

Polnareff, you all right?

Yeah, I'll be fine...

You guys saved me back there.

Merci beaucoup.

Just look at how beautiful
it is down here.

This would've made a spectacular
place to visit on vacation.

Plan your next getaway
another time!

We have to surface before
we run out of oxygen.

Think we're safe?

I believe so.

The High Priestess can transform
into metals and glass,

but it can't take the form
of bubbles or fish.

Just keep your eyes peeled.

If it pursues us,

it'll probably transform into
a screw on our gear.

Be careful of moving pebbles
and stones, too.

Look! I think it's the sea tunnel!

We're at seven meters.

We've finally reached
the Egyptian shore!

We can swim along these rocks
to the surface!


Is that the...

It's the Stand!
It merged with the sea floor!

And it's gargantuan...

It's pulling us into its mouth!

This is impossible!

How is it so gigantic?

The hell?

It's colossal! This power!

It was so small before!

You boys are so slow on the uptake!

Didn't it cross your minds
that if the rocks are mineral,

it would mean the sea bed
is mostly mineral, too?

If the Stand is this powerful,
the Stand user must be close!

And I'd wager,
she's closer than we think!

You guessed it!

I'm seven meters above you,
on the shore!

But since you're about to be ground
to bits by my High Priestess,

you'll never have a chance
to see my face!

I can't tell what part
of the Stand we're in.

Seems like we're
still inside its mouth.

Luckily, we weren't
sucked down its gullet.

Hey, Jotaro!

You're just my type,

so this is going to be as painful
for me as for you.

It's too bad I have to make
the High Priestess digest you.

If only things were different.

How sad!

But if I k*ll you,
Lord Dio will shower me with praise.

So don't hate me!

Good grief, do I have to?

Just say it!

Come on, hurry, get on with it!

Say what?

I see...


I wish I could've seen your face,
if only once.

You might've been my type, too.

I just might've fallen for you.

I bet she's a beauty!

I can tell from that voice of hers.

Yes. She comes across
as an elegant woman.

My fortune teller's instinct
senses it.

If you ask me, she sounds
just like Audrey Hepburn.

Man, if I were only
years younger.

You bastards! You don't mean
a single word of that!

I'll k*ll you all!

Holy shit!

Everyone, look!

What's that?

It's a tongue!

It's the Stand's tongue!
Here it comes!



Jotaro's going to land in...

He landed right on the molars!

Jotaro! Get outta there!

You'll be crushed!

You want to pit your strength
against mine, do you?

Damn, such crazy power...

Jotaro! These teeth are
as hard as diamonds!

You'll never be able to break them!

I'll crush you to death!

We have to save Jotaro!

Get outta my way!

That damn tongue again!

Magician's Red!

We're outta time!

Pull him out of there!



Those giant teeth
pulverized Jotaro!


We didn't make it in time!

Hold on a sec.
I think I hear something.

It sounds as if
it's coming from far away...

I think it's getting closer.

That voice belongs to...

The teeth!
It's coming from inside the teeth!

Everyone, brace yourselves!


They were hard as diamonds,
and he still punched his way out!

Oh, my God!

And look!

He's busting the rest of them!

That show off...

His Stand's immense power
never ceases to amaze me.

C'mon, I'm getting us
out of this hell hole!

Good grief.

Well, you were right about
those teeth being sturdy,

but they weren't sturdy enough.

Guess your so-called diamonds
were a little low on calcium.

You couldn't pay me
to do that again...

Hey, there's a woman
passed out over there.

I assume it's Rose,
the user of the High Priestess.

Should we leave her?
She looks harmless.

I think I'll go see
if she's hot or not!

Looks like she's got
a pretty nice body.

Let's see...

Well? Polnareff?

No comment...

Stop! Don't look!

Her teeth are all busted!
Don't even bother!

Well, we've finally made it to Egypt.


What would've taken
a mere hours by plane,

ended up taking
a whopping days.

It's been quite the adventure.

We've gone inside a brain,
and even inside our dreams.

Our dreams?

What do you mean, Kakyoin?

What's all this about dreams?
It's morning, wake up already!

Oh, right. You guys
don't remember that.

Whatever. Let's go.

The Stand.

An otherworldly essence,
powered by the mystical,

symbolized by the Tarot.

Around the World in Days.

So was Joseph Joestar's description
of their globe-trotting journey.

From Tokyo to Hong Kong,
they faced Tower of Gray.

On the seas to Singapore,

they tackled Dark Blue Moon
and Strength.

In Singapore, they encountered
Ebony Devil and Yellow Temperance.

In Calcutta, India, it was
Hanged Man and Emperor.

In Varanasi, India, the Empress.

And near the Pakistani border,
they fought Wheel of Fortune.

In the mountains of Pakistan,
they battled Justice.

In Karachi, Pakistan, the Lovers.

In the desert of
the United Arab Emirates, the Sun.

And in Saudi Arabia, Death .

On a small island in
the Red Sea, Judgement.

And now, on the Red Sea floor,
they've defeated High Priestess.

With several of
Dio's assassins vanquished,

they have finally arrived in Egypt.

Only a few Tarot Cards remain.

But little do Jojo and crew know,

new threats lie ahead,
ready to take our heroes on.


One, two, three... nine.

There are nine in all.
Both genders...


What... is that?

Have the meddlesome flies
swarming about been swatted?

The Speedwagon Foundation...

For pity's sake. I can't let
my guard down for a minute.

I've gotten quite
used to this body.

Tell me, Jonathan, can you feel it?

Your descendants
are inching ever closer.

It can be so cruel and unforgiving...

This wretched little world of ours.

So that's what's been going on!

Why didn't you just tell me Jotaro
was helping you with work?

That's fantastic!

The boy still has a long way to go,
compared with me.

So, this work is important enough
for you to ask for help?

That's right.

It's my most important mission yet.

It's imperative that
we don't mess up.

But as long as we work together,
we should get the job done.

Say, Joseph.
Could I speak to Jotaro?

Sure, but what about?

Nothing much.

Is it wrong that I want to hear
my darling grandson's voice?

Well, no.


It's me.

Grandpa told me everything, Jotaro!

Work hard. And take care of
your grandfather for me.

Will do.

I know in my heart
if you work together,

you Joestar men can overcome
just about any hardship.

I truly believe that.

Grandma Suzie, you...

Hm? What's the matter?

You sound so serious
all of a sudden.

It's nothing.

All right, I'm hanging up.
I look forward to good news. Ciao!


It's already been years

since I've worked
for the Joestar family.

But I can honestly say

we've never faced something
of this magnitude.

Oh, come now, you're overreacting.

Didn't he say
it's just a business trip?

Well I...

It's so troublesome
when men refuse to tell us anything.

But I'm used to it all by now.

The Joestar family has been
like this for an entire century.

I'm sure if she were here,

she'd say the same
and laugh it all off.

What's the matter, Jotaro?

It's nothing.

All right, it's time to head out!

After a century,

it's time for us Joestars to bring
an end to Dio's grip on our family!

But we don't have to do it alone.

Hey, Mr. Joestar!

We got the car!

Let's hurry and hit the road!

We should probably
get to where we're going

before it gets too dark.

Old man.

-Guess we are
-If you don't hurry up,

-pretty lucky.
-we're gonna leave you behind.

Yeah, yeah, we're coming.

This is the land of Egypt:
a nation % desert.

But, thanks to
the blessings of the Nile,

beautiful, fertile green
spreads across

the entirety of its river banks.

In addition to the culture
of the ancient Egyptians,

Egypt is home to Persian, Greek, Roman,

Muslim, and Arabian cultures.

All have left
their indelible marks.

In this eternal land,

what bizarre adventures
and challenges await Jotaro and crew?

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