02x25 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x25 - Iggy the Fool and Geb's N'Doul, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

It's about time.


What's that?

They're here.

It's a helicopter!

No need to tell us.

They're here from
the Speedwagon Foundation.

They're looking for
somewhere to land.

Speedwagon Foundation?

The group looking after Mom
back in Japan?

Your old friends?

You got it.

Don't tell me
we're taking a copter now.

No. As much as I'd like to,
they're not Stand users.

We can't put them in harm's way.

So why are they here?

They've brought us an ally.

What? An ally?

He's a bit of a handful;

that's why it took
so long to fetch him.

Mr. Joestar!

You aren't seriously considering
taking him with us!

He'd only hold us back.

So you know him, Avdol?

Yes, all too well.

Hold on.
You mean he's a Stand user?

That's right.
And his card is the Fool.

The Fool?

The Fool?

Sounds like a dumb card to me.

Just be glad he's not your enemy.

You can't beat him.

What'd you say, you assh*le?

You'd better watch your mouth.

It's the truth.

Now move your hand.
You're hurting me.

-Who made you boss...

The helicopter's here.

Good to see you, Mr. Joestar!

Thanks for bringing him
all the way here.


Which one of you is it?
Who's the Stand user?

I said, which one of you
is the Stand user?


It's not us.

He's in the back.

The back ...

I don't see him.

No, he's there.

Hey, hey, hey!

Come on! Quit joking around.

Is he really short or something?

Come out, come out
wherever you are!

Watch out!


What's this sticky stuff?

Please, be careful, sir!

The helicopter ride was rough,
so he's in a really foul mood.

Get away from him!

I told you he's trouble!

Polnareff, remember,
you can't beat him.

I'm just asking where he is...



...a dog!

Don't tell me this dog is....

Yes, this dog possesses
the Stand of the Fool.

His name is Iggy.

He's crazy about ripping chunks
of hair out of people's heads.

I don't know where he's from.

But Avdol found him in New York.

None of the dog catchers
could catch him.

Avdol was the only one who could.

Oh, I should mention.

When he rips people's hair out,
he sorta likes to...

...pass wind in their faces.
He's kinda dirty.

You little mutt!
You're gonna pay for that!

Damn you...



So that's The Fool.

We fought an orangutan Stand user
back in Singapore, but...

Who does this stupid mutt
think he is?

Don't make me turn you
into dog meat!

What the--
It turned into sand!

I can't cut him!

And now he's solidified
and caught my rapier!


It's a Stand made of sand.

I see... So the simpler their makeup,
the stronger they become.

I'm not sure I could land a punch.

Hey! Help! Get this dog off me!

Sorry, Polnareff,

but I think
I'll hold on to my hair.

You monster!

Did you bring his favorite snack?

Of course. He wouldn't have
come with us otherwise.

Stop! Help me!

He has a keen sense of smell.

What is that?

Iggy loves coffee-flavored gum.

He'll do just about
anything for it.

Mr. Avdol,
hide the packet before you--

Blast it!
He grabbed the whole thing!

He loves his coffee-flavored gum.

People on the other hand...

At least take the wrapping off.

Now how is he going to help us?

-Good grief.
-Damn it...

He's ruined my beautiful hair...

This bastard!

He's distracted, as long as
he's chewing his gum.

Let's get the supplies out now.

Here's water and food for the trip.

Oh, thank you.

There are medical supplies
and a change of clothes, too.

Also, a new camera to use
with your Stand.

A lot easier than
using a TV, right?

Oh, I know.

Hey, men!

Ah, the perfect memento.

Avdol! Hurry up with the gum!

But you're already such good friends,

All right, Mr. Joestar,
we're heading back.

Before you leave,
I have something to ask you.

It's about my daughter...

How is Holly holding up?

And don't hold back.

Yes, sir...

Well, I'm afraid
she's not doing well.

She's losing strength rapidly.
Nothing they do seems to help.

Our doctors at
the Speedwagon Foundation

say she has two weeks.

There's no time.

Damn it...

I have some other information
as well.

Our investigators say that,
two days ago...

nine unidentified
men and women gathered

in a building believed
to be Dio's hideout.

Apparently they left
and disappeared.

Dio and nine others?

We have no information
on their identities.

The spy who reported this
was then promptly k*lled,

and the mansion had already
been vacated.

We were unable to locate
the nine men and women.

Our spies aren't Stand users,
so we couldn't tail them.

What, they're Stand users?

Hold on.

They can't be.
Except for the Emperor,

the only tarot card
that remains is The World.

I suspect that is Dio's card, but...


I don't know.

I'm astounded.
Nine more Stand users?

It seems, Dio's head has yet to adjust
to his new body.

He would never run from us.
He's far too conceited.

He's going to do everything
he can to keep us out of Cairo.

Good grief. Nine Stand users
in two weeks, eh?

That's one hell of a whirlwind tour.

We'll be off, then.

Godspeed, sir.

Thank you. Look after my Holly.

That mutt...

So it sniffed out
the Great N'doul, eh?

So close.

I almost caught it this time.

Just a bit more practice and...

The Tsetse Fly...

It's because of these flies
that Joestar and his friends

uncovered Master Dio's location
in Egypt...


Mr. Joestar,
do something about him!

Why does this piece of shit
get to sit in the seat

while we're stuck in the trunk?

It's so cramped, my back hurts.

You'll just have to wait until
that coffee flavor runs out.

When it has,

throw some more gum into the trunk
to lure him back there

and switch seats.

All right, all right.
Calm down! Damn it...

What the hell?

Look! Over there!


The helicopter!

The Speedwagon Foundation
helicopter went down!

I see no sign of expl*si*n
or g*nf*re.

It looks like it just
fell out of the sky.

Could it be?

Be careful!

You can bet it was att*cked
by an enemy Stand!

Look! It's the pilot!

He's dead...

And whatever happened to him,
it wasn't pretty...

The poor fellow.

Approach carefully.

Something could be hiding there.

It's water.

All this water...
and from one person's mouth...

No, the water must be
from his lungs.

Where'd the fish come from?

He drowned in
the middle of the desert!

What on earth?


The other guy's over here.

He's alive!

Talk to us! Hang on!

Tell us what happened!



What? You want water?

Polnareff, hand me that canteen.

Huh? Right.

Here, just hang in there.
Here's some water.

Drink it slowly.

No! The water att*cked us!


It's a Stand!

The enemy Stand
is inside the canteen!

Damn it!

They were just innocent bystanders.

Why did it k*ll them!

Avdol, did you see
what kind of Stand it was?

All I saw was a hand.

But I think it's still
inside the canteen!

I haven't seen it leave.

Who could it be?

So Dio met with
nine men and women...

Could one of them be the assassin?

Jotaro, find the Stand user.

I'm already on it.


I don't see
the Stand user anywhere.

When we battled
that idiotic Sun stand,

he was hiding behind
a mirror, but...

it seems this time
the enemy's far away.

Polnareff, slice up the canteen.

Huh? Me?

The pilot's head was sucked
into that tiny little container.

If I poke a hole in that thing...

No way!

Kakyoin! You're closer!

Just use your Emerald Splash!

I don't want to.

Don't make me do something
just because you don't want to do it!

What's going on with you?

No means no.

Well, I already told you,
I'm not gonna do it, either!

That's the...


It's the water!

It had already left the canteen.
It hid itself in the blood!

The Stand wasn't
hiding in the water...

It is the water!

It got Kakyoin!

It got Kakyoin's eyes!

Polnareff! Don't panic!

Summon Chariot
and protect yourself!

It's going to get Polnareff, too.

What's going on?
It att*cked the pilot's corpse!

No, not the corpse. The watch.

It att*cked the watch
because of the alarm.

Sound! It hunts
its victims by sound!


Shit! Polnareff!

It's coming for you this time!

Get to the car!

It's so fast!

Hurry, Polnareff!

It got me!

Hermit Purple!

It disappeared into the ground...

It detects sound through
vibrations in the ground.

And it moves through the earth
where we can't see it.

It can attack us from behind

or from below at any moment.

What's worse,
the Stand user could be far away.

So they've sought refuge
atop that car.

Seems they've realized
that I, N'doul,

am hunting them with sound.

No matter.
It's all futile anyway...

How's Kakyoin?

It's not good.

He may have been blinded.

Let's drive.

We have to get him
to a doctor immediately.

But if we move, it'll attack.

We can't afford to be careless.


Hm? That sound...

It's the dog.

It left the car before I att*cked.

It anticipated my Stand's attack.

Seems this dog is going to be
quite the nuisance.

The tires are in the water! Shit!

It's no use. It's pulling us in!

I can't hold on much longer!

Everyone, move to the back!

Hey, flea bag!

You're supposed to help us,
damn it! Help, already! Hey!

That accursed dog...

It knows I'm four kilometers
to the west of them.

Oh, what to do...

Perhaps I should do away
with the dog first!

Go ahead, get comfortable
while we fight for our lives!

You stupid dog!

No, forget the dog.

Joestar and the others
can't control that mangy mongrel.

It's harmless.
All it cares about is taking a nap.

Now, for the k*ll...

It's so sharp! That water just
slashed our front tires!

Get back now!

So that's what it's trying to do...

Shit! Everyone hang on!

I can hear it!

Don't make a sound.

He can smell where the enemy's
going to attack next.

The water started chasing Jotaro!

If we can just find their body,

there's a good chance we can defeat
that fearsome Stand!

It's Iggy.
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