02x32 - Set's Alessi, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x32 - Set's Alessi, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

First, let's rewind a bit.

While Joseph and Avdol
were fighting Mariah,

Jotaro and Polnareff were...

Here you go, ma'am.

Your whiskey and soda.


Oh, it looks so good.

Gulp, gulp, gulp.

My, aren't we thirsty
this early in the morning.

It's fine.

My husband's away on business
and won't be home for another week.

Now, have some cake.

Oh, don't trouble yourself.
I'm fine, thank you.

Kids are great, aren't they?
They're so innocent.

It's almost : a.m.

The old man and Avdol
are taking too long.

They might have been att*cked.

Think we should go look for them?

I guess. Good grief.

Come on, Iggy.

I know, you're hungry, right?

So am I.

Hey, where are you going?

Geez! Stupid mutt.

Let's go.


I wanna play, too!

No way! You're mean!

No you guys are--


You didn't cry.

Attaboy. Are you okay?

How old are you, kid?

Four years old, eh?

Attaboy. Where's your daddy?


Oh, Daddy's at work! Attaboy!

And where's Mommy?

At home doing laundry.


So you're all by yourself?

Uh huh...

Good! Then I get to bash
your face in for ruining my pants!

You gonna pay to
get this freaking mud off?

Or get a job to give me the cash?

You think I have years
to wait for some little punk?

You stupid, pain-in-the-ass brat!


Joestar and Avdol
are fighting Mariah.

I, Alessi, shall k*ll
Jotaro and Polnareff.

Tenacious buggers!

I'll do whatever it takes.

Attaboy, Alessi.

Name: Alessi

Stand: Set, god of storms and chaos

Favorite phrase: "Attaboy!"

Polnareff, keep your guard up.

Forget who you're talking to?

Mr. Joestar and Avdol
seem to have gone.

And it doesn't seem like
there was a struggle.

Old man. Avdol. Anyone home?


I have a bad feeling about this.


That looks so good.

Come on, let me have a bite.

All right, here.

-My sandwich!

Hey! Get back here!

You little devil!

Nowhere to run?

You don't get it, do you?

You didn't realize
I lured you here.

You thought you were hunting me?

You're going to fry!

Magician's Red!

Hermit Purple!

Avdol can defend himself
with his flames.

It's over for you, Joestar.

My Stand, the Goddess Bast,

is far stronger than
your Hermit Purple!

Um... Uh...
I dropped my change...

Where'd it go...

Hey... What do you
think you're doing?

I can tell you're following us.

I can see the evil in your eyes.


Were you talking to me?

I'm not sure what
you're talking about.

Evil? My loving parents
gave me these baby blues...

I found my change.

Oh? Then prove it!

Prove that you're not a Stand user...


That was close...

So you are a Stand user!

He's running?

Hey, Jotaro! It's the enemy!

I found him!


Where'd you go?

Jotaro, over here!

Come back here, you!


What the hell? He's fast!
How can he be so fast?

He's already so far ahead...

Huh? My voice... Whoa!


What's with my shoes...
They're huge!

Hey, watch it.

Run around in the street
and you'll get hurt.

You're lucky I wasn't some car.

Shut up, idiot!

Lecture someone else
with that big mouth!

Now outta my way!
I'm chasing someone!

What do you think
you're doing? Hey!

What? It's really high up here!

He's lifting me up with one arm?

How tall is this guy?

His face and hands are huge!

Hey, you little brat!

I'll teach you not to talk
to adults that way.

You think you can be a grown-up
just by wearing grown-up clothes?

Annoying, good-for-nothing brat...

You bastard...

What? What the hell?

Move it, kid! Get outta the way!

What's going on?

Everyone looks like giants!


What the?

I'm a kid?

Is this really me?

I've turned into a kid!


Could this really be...

Is this kid really...

Me? I'm a kid!

I turned into a kid!

Impossible! No way!

It must be his Stand!

That creep must have
put a curse on me

when his shadow Stand touched me.

This can't be happening!

Shit, this is bad.
This is really bad!


Jo... No, Jay, Jackie, J...

What was his name?
I can't remember!

But I know this guy...
He can help me!

Why can't I remember?

Hey, kid. Have you seen
a French guy around here?

He's about yea tall, and he's got
the same haircut as you.

That's me! It's me!

Good grief... That was a mistake.


You're a kid now, my boy.

Both in mind and body,
you could say.

Soon, you'll lose all the memories
you built up during adulthood.

I'm going to forget everything
I knew as an adult?

It's true...
It's all becoming a blur...

Guess it's about time, huh?

I love picking on the weak!

Attaboy, Alessi!

Hold it right there!
I won't let you get away, brat.

I can't really say this too loud,

but picking on the weak really
does it for me. Maybe too much...

I may be a little
sick up here, but...

You know what they say...

If you think you're crazy,
then you're probably not.

That must mean I'm all right.

And it feels oh so good to know
I'll never lose to some kid.

Mister! Whatever your name is hel--

So you see...

my mission is to dispose of you.


I don't have time to savor the fun.

That's Silver Chariot, huh?

I suppose I should've
expected as much;

seems you were able to summon
your Stand when you were a kid.


Chariot... Even Chariot is a kid!


And he's weak!
His sword's bent from those b*ll*ts!

My Stand, Set,
reverted you to childhood.

Your mental abilities reverted too.

Meaning, your Stand
is also a child's Stand,

back before you two were
fully attuned to each other.

Now do you get it?

Seems you do. Attaboy!

Still, as weak as it is, your Stand
is still at your disposal.

I shall use my Stand
for your execution.

Die, Polnareff!

You're mine!

Oh, no!

It snapped!


Take that! I meant to do that!

Ow! It hurts!

Are you all right, little boy?

He's gone!

That guy runs as soon as
there's another adult around.

I'm safe for now, but what a freak!

Wait, little boy.

You're hurt! What happened?

Huh? Uh... Um, uh...

What are you mumbling?


Those wounds need treatment.
I'll fix you up at my house.

Come on.

Should I go?

I have to defeat him or else

I won't be able to transform back
into an adult!

But he won't attack me
with her around.

I can think of a plan
in the meantime!

Come on, now.


Oh, right.

You're hurt. Here, grab on.

She smells good...

It hurts!

Damn it!

I'm not just going to sit back and
take this from that snot-nosed kid!

He's gonna pay...
I swear I'll butcher that kid!

Doesn't look like
he's coming after me.

All right, little boy.

We're going to take a bath.
Let's take those clothes off.

-You're covered in grime.

I'll clean those wounds right up
and put some medicine on you.

What are you staring at?

Oh, all right.

I'll take them off for you.
Here, raise your leg.

This isn't...

What's wrong?


No, it is something!

It is definitely something!

I don't know why,

but I feel like
I should be really embarrassed...


It's so tiny!

I don't know why,
but I'm really sad. Boo-hoo!

Here, hold on.

We need to get all that dirt off.

-Here, lift your leg.

I'm so happy!

Is it really okay if I do this?

Is it okay? Of course it is.

If we don't clean those wounds
they'll get infected.

Oh, you've got dirt
on your wee-wee too.

I just don't know why I'm so happy!

I guess it's all part of
being a "kid"!

All right, be a good boy, okay?


Look at him... he's delirious...

I'll chop his delighted
little face in two!

What are you grinning about?

All right. Time to wash your hair.

Huh? No!

I hate shampoo!

-It gets into my eyes! I hate it!
-Rock, paper...



-Monkey do...
-Monkey do...

I lost!

Now, sit down.

Does it sting?

It stings a lot.

Then can you wash
your hair all by yourself?

Uh-huh, I can.

Oh! Attaboy.

Yes, that's it.


That's impossible!

You fell out of the window,
covered in blood...

The iron bars feel too close!

This is what it means
to be utterly helpless!

I touched the shadow again!

-Lick, lick...
-The lady's gone... The lady...

What do you think happened to her?
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