02x34 - D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x34 - D'Arby the Gambler, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

What is that which goes on
four legs in the morning,

two at midday,
and three in the evening?

So goes the riddle of the Sphinx,

the legendary guardian
of the pyramids.

The answer: Man.

Those travelers
who answered incorrectly,

the tale continues, were devoured
by the ravenous Sphinx.

Now , kilometers
from Japan,

Jotaro and crew have
finally reached Cairo.

Cairo is a vast country.

We must search
the city systematically,

working our way in toward the center.

At last, we made it.

Jotaro and the others
have reached Cairo.

But before they can reach Dio,

the team must navigate the many
"Sphinxes" that stand before them.

Greetings, strangers.
What can I get you?

There's something
we want to ask you.

We're looking for this building.

Any idea where it is?

Joseph and the others
were exhausted.

They had been searching
for the building in the picture

since their arrival.

Taken with Joseph's
psychic photography,

the picture reveals
the current whereabouts of Dio.

Dio was now in a new hideout,

and the Speedwagon Foundation
could not locate him.

Where is Dio?

Failure to locate him soon,

will spell certain doom for Holly.

Honored stranger, this is a café.

It is customary to order drinks
before asking questions.

We'll have four iced teas.

Never seen it.

Cairo is a city of six million.

There must be at least
two or three million buildings.

How are we going to find him?

We know he's here...

There has to be someone
who knows.

This building, huh?

How am I supposed to tell
from a little picture?

Sorry, doesn't look familiar.

I see. Sorry to bother.


Let's go. We'll inquire elsewhere.

I know where that building is.


I'm rather familiar with it,


Was that you?
Did you just say something?

I thought I heard you say
you know where this building is.


I do know where that building is.

What? Really?

What news!

Yes! I can't believe we just
stumbled upon someone

who knows where it is!

Where is it?
Tell us! Where?

Are you expecting something
for nothing?

You've got a point.
Sorry about that.

Here's ten pounds.

So, where is it?

I am a gambling man.

A sucker for cheap thrills.

You could even say I'm an addict.

It's how I make my living,
you know.

Tell me... do you like to gamble?

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Gambling. If you don't fancy it,
just say so.

I told you I'm not sure
what you mean.

What I'm saying is, would you like
to play a little game?

If you win, I'll tell you
the location of your building.

You mean a bet?
Look, I'm a lucky guy,

but we don't have time
for poker right now.

I'll give you another
pounds, so tell us.

A bet can be anything.

It won't take long.

For example,
take a look over there.

See that cat?

So, two pieces of dried fish...

Which will the cat eat first?

The right one or the left one?

How about it?
It's simple but oddly thrilling.

Enough games!

Just take the pounds,
and tell us, bastard!

Polnareff, that's not the way
you ask someone for a favor.

OK, fine! I'll take the bet.

I pick the one on the right!

Good! Now it's getting fun.

Then I'll bet on the left.

Hey, now...

Hey, Jotaro. Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Yeah... He might be a Stand user.

He could also be
a compulsive gambler.

If he tries anything,

att*ck with Star Platinum.

Got it.

And if I lose, what do I owe you?

A pounds?

I don't need money.

How about your soul?
Yes, your soul, will do just fine.


What kind of joke is that?
Cocky bastard.

I wish we could
get the hell out of here

and away from this freak.


Yeah, whatever.

Ah, the cat has taken notice
of the fish.

He's heading right.

He's going for the one
on the right.

If I were a cat,
I'd pick the bigger piece.

The one on the right looks bigger!

You all saw it.

He took the left, then the right,
then ran.

I win.

Hey, smooth move, Polnareff.
Just perfect...

Now how are we supposed to
get the information out of him?

Now, then. As per our agreement,
time to pay up.

Huh? Pay what?

Your soul.

That is indeed
what you just wagered.

Your soul!

I am a Stand user who steals souls!

It's much easier to take people's
souls when they lose a bet.

That's when my Stand swoops in
to take its prey!

My God! What the...


Hold it! I wouldn't k*ll me
if I were you. It's too late!

If I die, Polnareff will die, too!



He has no pulse.

He's dead! Polnareff is dead!


This is Polnareff's soul.

Now Lord Dio has one less enemy
to get in his way.

Such a fool...

I almost forgot.
Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is D'Arby.

There's an apostrophe after the D.

Gambler, stealer of defeated souls,

and user of the Osiris Stand.

And by the way, this is my cat.

You bastard!

How dare you! You call that a bet?
You cheating, son of a...


Is that so? It's his own fault
for lacking the insight

to consider all possibilities.

You see, gambling is an analogy

for man's relationship
with his fellow man.

It is a dance of deception.

The one who cries loses.

Are you going to k*ll me?

Go right ahead.

If you don't mind losing
your friend's soul, that is.

You listen to me!

Don't think you're walking
out of here alive!

Do you remember
what you were doing on

September nd,
at : p.m.?

What are you talking about?

I remember quite clearly.

I was in California

gambling against an American
named Stephen Moor.

He said the same thing
you just said.

This is him.

The chip below him is his father,

and the one next to him
is his wife.

If you want Polnareff's soul back,

you have no choice
but to continue

our little game.

This man is evil incarnate...

He's planning to take each of us,
one by one.

So what'll it be?

You're welcome to go
if you're scared...

I'll just keep Polnareff here
for safe keeping.

Here... have a drink
and think about it.

Care for a piece of chocolate?

Mr. Joestar, what are you doing?

Do you know what
surface tension is, Barbie?

It's D'Arby.
My name is D'Arby.

You mean, how the liquor appears
to almost overflow

but remains delicately
on the brink?

What do you have in mind?

The rules are simple.

We take turns dropping coins
into the glass.

Whoever makes
the liquor spill loses.

Hey, old man...

You can't mean... Mr. Joestar!

I'll bet my soul!


I'll bet my soul!



This is insane! Don't!
You know he cheats!

He can't cheat!

I decided the rules!

Jotaro, keep a close eye on him
so he doesn't try anything funny.

OK! Fine, I accept.

But first...

Mind if I inspect
the glass and coins?

Of course.

You have the right to
make sure I'm playing fair.

A question.
What guarantee do I have

that you will return
Polnareff's soul if you lose?

Gambler's honor.

If I lose, I assure you I will pay.
But I will not lose.

Fine. You first.
Go ahead and drop in a coin.

Mr. Joestar!

Leave this to me.

The old "coin and glass" trick
is my specialty.

Surface tension
is surprisingly strong.

There's room for at least
eight or nine coins...

I just have to stay calm and
make sure my fingers don't shake.

May I drop in more than one coin?

Sure, as long as
you drop them in all at once.

Well, then...

Five coins?

Hey, that'll create a wave
on the surface!

Quiet please!

Hands off the table.

It's your turn.

You've got nerves of steel,
putting in five coins at once.

I'll go with one.

It's too close to call.


He's squeezing a cotton ball
between his finger and the coin,

and dripping liquid into the glass.

He's adding more liquid
to the glass!

And he told me to watch
for cheating?

Clever bastard...

Not bad.

The glass has reached its limit!

One more coin and
the booze will spill! I win!

Just like he said,

it's not cheating
if you don't get caught!

That was a close one.
I thought it was going to spill...

Your turn, Obi.

It's D'Arby.
Don't make me say it again!

My name is D'Arby!

Not Obi, not Barbie!


He's screwing up his name
on purpose to piss him off.

The old man...

is a natural gambler.

Let's keep playing.

It's your turn
to drop in a coin, D'Arby.

The shadow makes it difficult
to see from here.

I'll drop in the coin from
the right side of the table.

Drop it in from wherever you want.

The glass is already at its limit,
thanks to my little trick.

There's no way the liquid
can take another coin.

It'll spill over with just
the slightest touch.

You're thinking the glass
has reached its limit.

That it's impossible, right?

Well, you're wrong...

Impossible! No!

Why didn't it spill!

What do you mean,
why didn't it spill?

You saw for yourself,
I dropped one in.

He made no suspicious moves.

I was watching
with Star Platinum.

He dropped the coin
in fair and square.

There's no doubt about it.

I was sure of it!

I was certain
I added enough liquid

to make it spill
with one more coin!

I don't get it. There's no way
it couldn't have spilled!

How could this be?

Hurry up.

Or are you trying to wait
until it evaporates?

I can't believe it.

Mr. Joestar!

In his heart of hearts,
Joestar realized he had lost!

That's why his soul emerged.

I, D'Arby, have won this bet!

Polnareff, forgive me.

Holly, I've let you down.

Mr. Joestar!

Old man!

Two down!

Now, then.
Let's continue our game.

Unless you've decided
to abandon these two

and crawl off with
your tails between your legs.

You bastard!

You don't get it, do you?

If you k*ll me,
your two friends die too.

Damn it!

Avdol, stop!

Hey! If you're going to
cause trouble,

I'll have to ask you to leave!

Shut up and stay out of this!

Yes, sir!

You're too late, Jotaro.

Is something wrong with
the glass?

This is why the coin didn't make
the booze spill over.

There's a tiny bit of chocolate
on the bottom of the glass.

He must have stuck it on
when he inspected

the glass and coins at
the beginning of the game.

You know the rules.

It's not cheating
if you're never caught.

What do you mean?

How could a piece of chocolate
allow him to drop in an extra coin?

It's melted now,

but it was a solid chunk at
the bottom of the glass.

Just enough to
slightly tilt the glass,

but not enough for us to notice.

Once it melted,
the glass became level,

making room for another coin.



How could he have known
the chocolate

would melt at that exact moment?

He used the sun.

It slipped my notice.

When he moved to
the right side of the table,

he allowed the sun to shine
directly onto the chocolate,

thereby melting it.

All right,


get your cards.

We're playing poker.


Very interesting!

Poker is my absolute favorite!

Poker? This is a man
who just outsmarted Mr. Joestar!

It's too dangerous!

I know, he's tough.

He may not use strength,

but he's the most dangerous Stand
we've ever faced.


There's no turning back.


-Draw three.
-I'll draw two.

He's not doing anything suspicious,
and yet...

Cheating is all about finding
a mental blind spot.

There's only one joker.

Well, then, Jotaro...

Very well. I'll wager my soul.
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