02x45 - DIO's World, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x45 - DIO's World, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

At last you show yourself,


Bravo, Polnareff.
You managed to avenge your sister

while traveling all the way
from the Far East.

To celebrate I shall gladly
take your life.

I'll give you one chance.

Descend two steps and live.

I'll let you be my servant again.

If you choose death,
rise forth to me.

At our first encounter,
fear overcame me like a curse.

I let myself submit to your evil.

It was the beginning
of a futile existence.

An existence more horrifying
than death itself.

a life consumed by the sole desire
to do your bidding.

But that fear is gone.

The only thing that consumes me now
is a burning will to fight.

In the days since I first met
Mr. Joestar and the others,

I've traveled the globe and watched
my friends die at my feet.

I'll never be scared of you again.

Are you sure about that?

Then climb these stairs.

Interesting, Polnareff.

You've descended the stairs.

So you do want to serve me,
after all.


But I went up the stairs.
I'm positive...

What's wrong?
You appear shaken, Polnareff.

Could it be that you're scared?

In your mind
you thought you stepped up,

but perhaps your descent is a case
of fear overriding consciousness...

That's impossible!
I know I just climbed the stairs!

What did he do?
Is it his Stand?

Could it be...

Dio's Stand...

The World?

What is...

Polnareff, ever wonder
what the human soul desires most?

It is human nature to want
to overcome anxiety and fear,

to live free from worry.

People seek fame,

they control others,
they acquire wealth.

All for a sense of security.

Marriage and friendship is merely
a means of securing peace of mind.

Humans say they wish
to help others,

for the sake of love and justice.

But this is only to settle
their own minds.

The foremost desire
of the human psyche

is to achieve a sense
of secure serenity.

Why then would you
possibly hesitate in serving me?

If you do my bidding,
all I speak of will be yours.

Are you not afraid to challenge me?

You know that your death
will be certain.

It can't be!
Am I unconsciously submitting to him?

You are a talented Stand user.

It would be a shame to k*ll you.

Betray Joestar and become
my everlasting assistant.

I promise you unending peace.

I must resist.

Avdol, Iggy,
I need your courage!

Cut the crap, Dio!

I've already died once.

If I die trying to figure out

your Stand's abilities,
then so be it!

Then you leave me no choice.

Prepare to die, Polnareff!

Is that The World? Bring it!


Mister Joestar!

Don't worry, Polnareff.


Was that Dio?

Come on,
before he gets away!

I have something
I have to tell you first.

I saw him use his Stand,
but only for a moment.

Or, well, I didn't so much
see it as feel it...

I can't explain exactly.

Look, here's what happened.

I was climbing
the stairs toward him,

when all of a sudden,
I was below where I started!

I know it doesn't make any sense.

I don't get it either.
I don't know what he did.

I feel like I'm going crazy.

And it wasn't some hypnosis trick
or feat of supersonic speed.

It was a sense of something
wholly and completely terrifying.

Where are Avdol and Iggy?

They didn't make it.

They died trying to save me.

I see.

Mister Joestar, the sun is setting.

We need to hurry.

You're right.

Hey, loser. What's upstairs?

The towers.

There's also a room at the top.

It's Lord Dio's dwelling
during the day.

Is there another staircase
to the tower?

No. These stairs are it.

Fine, lead the way.

So that's him.

We've never met, but I've known
about him my entire life.

Yes. I've known him all along.

Since the day I was born.

The same goes for Jotaro.

We'd hoped this day
would never come.

But we always knew
we had to destroy him.

As Joestars we knew,

one day, we would have
to come face-to-face with him.

I have no regrets.

About the journey I've made,
or what's about to unfold.

I accept it all.
To me, it's never been clearer.

This feeling. I feel embraced
by lightness, by good.

Dio is the absence of light.
The void.

Joseph and Jotaro are my light.

My body is battered,
but I have no fear.

I have goodness, the light,
by my side!

We attack when he steps
out of the coffin.

Be ready.

Who knows what's in there.

Loser, open the coffin.

Lord Dio, I swear,
I haven't betrayed you.

I led them here because I know
you will dispose of them.

I'm certain of it!

As certain as a man wets himself
when pissing in the wind.

Please understand!

Shut up and open the coffin!

Please, oh please,
k*ll these bastards,

Lord Dio!

Get ready, this is it!



Why am I inside?

-But I was opening the coffin!


I never took my eyes off him!

Did any one of you see
the loser get in

or get placed in the coffin?

No. I was watching
the whole time,

and then, suddenly,
he was inside!

Polnareff's right!

This isn't a mind trick.
And it's not super speed!


This isn't some game!

Run for it!

Damn it!

What are you doing, Polnareff?

Damn it!

What was that?

I couldn't see it, but I could
sense it is far more powerful

than any Stand we've ever
come across before.

It was like knowing
a bulldozer is behind you

just from the sound of its engine.

I sensed it, too.
That insane lust to k*ll us!

It felt like someone shoved
an icicle straight up my ass!

If we hadn't escaped,
we would've all been k*lled!

This is bad... This is really bad.

The sun's almost below
the horizon!

Darkness is Dio's domain.
He has the advantage now.

Don't tell me you're planning
to retreat until dawn.

Listen, Mister Joestar!

I'm not running away now
with my tail between my legs!

I'm with you, Polnareff.

Listen, I agree with both you.
But the tables have turned on us.

We may've encountered
his Stand, The World,

but we have no clue
as to what it can do.

It's like climbing a mountain

without knowing the route
or knowing where the summit is.

Fighting him now would be
a guaranteed disaster!

It's as inevitable as burping
after drinking cola!

We know Dio will come after us!

He'll try to finish us off
before sunrise!

In the meantime,

we can figure out the true extent
of his Stand's powers.

We need to wait
for that opportunity.

No! I can't run!

Avdol and Iggy died
because of me!

I'll fight dirty.

I'll go to Hell and back.
I'll do whatever it takes to destroy Dio.

But I won't run away!

Wait, Polnareff!

Forget it, old man.
It's no use when he's like this.

Jotaro, what do you think
we should do?

Polnareff is going after Dio
to fight him.

We're retreating,
but we'll also be fighting him.

Which means,

we'll attack from both sides.

Hey, you.

We want to buy your truck.
Sell it to us.

What'd you say?
This baby's my bread and butter!

What're you...

I'm flooring it, Kakyoin!

So, Dio, you finally show yourself!

Run away until dawn?
Like hell I will!

I'll settle this on my own!

I don't know how Dio's Stand works,
but it doesn't matter.

I'll find a way to defeat him!

I'll assassinate him!

Not so fast, Polnareff!

I told them we need to let you go

'cause it's no use trying
to convince stubborn guys like you.

But the old man and Kakyoin
insisted I stick with you,

so here I am.


Good grief.


Ah, the automobile...

Such impressive power and speed.

In my youth, all we had were
horse-drawn carriages.

Hold it right there!
What do you think you're doing?

This car belongs
to U.S. Senator Mr. Phillips!

Wanna puke out your eyes?

My, my... Young people these days.
So full of piss and vinegar.


Hold your tongue and proceed
to the front seat. It's time to drive.

Who the hell are you?

Do you think you can
get away with this?

That's right, this is unforgivable!

No one gets away with doing
something like this to me.

I was valedictorian
in high school and college!

I was captain
of my college wrestling team!

Even after graduation,
people respected me.

That's how I became a politician!

I'm owner of a villa
on a thousand-acre plot of land in Hawaii!

My wife is a gorgeous model
twenty-five years my junior!

I pay fifty times more taxes
than anyone in this town!

I destroyed every enemy
who's every stood in my way!

And someday,
I'll become president.

I'm Senator Phillips, dammit!

You listen to me, punk!

I'll make sure you rot in prison!

You hear me? You'll live the rest
of your life behind bars--

I'll say it one more time.


What is this guy?
He's going to k*ll me!

If I don't get out of here,
he'll k*ll me!

Someone help--



I thought I jumped out of the car,
so why...

Why am I back in the car?

Why am I back inside?

Catch up to that truck.

Fail and I'll k*ll you.

Yes, sir.

Why am I still inside? Why?

Ah, of course!
It's because I'm a senator!

There's nothing
a senator can't do!

I can still sense Dio's sinister,
foreboding bloodlust.

He's after us.

I know he's following us!

Does Dio know
your precise location?

No. He stole the body
of my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar.

I can sense his body somehow,

but I can only tell
that he's close by.

I can't pinpoint
his exact location.

The same way
I could tell he was in Cairo,

but I couldn't narrow down
the precise location of his lair.

All he knows is
that Jotaro and I are nearby.

But he can't tell the difference
between us.

Most likely he hasn't realized
that we've split up.

That's strange.

Cars always start up
when they do this in the movies.

It's a traffic jam.

The evening commute
is always like this.

Keep going.

But there's nowhere to go.

There's plenty of room
on the sidewalk. Go.

The sidewalk?

It's covered with people
heading home from work!

I don't care. Go.

Yes, sir!

-Step on it.
-Yes, sir!

Okay, it's running.
Get on, Polnareff.


See what I do for you!

You'll spare me...

You'll spare this senator's life
now, won't you?


That's it! This is a dream!

I'm a senator.
There's no way I could die.

It's a dream! A dream! Hooray!

There they are.
Catch up. Get closer.

I can't use The World
unless I'm close to them.

He's getting closer.
It's that car! Dio's in there!



Take this, Dio! Emerald Splash!


He deflected my attack
with one finger.

And all while sitting
perfectly still!

Then what about this?

I concentrated the Splash,
but he still dodged it.


When did he bring out his Stand?

How could I've missed that?

He's too far away.

He flew out of The World's range.

What's happening?

And what would I get
by telling you?

Pay attention to the road
and drive.

Careful, Kakyoin!
You're too close!

Forgive me. I didn't...

I remember a few months ago
when he said to me,

"Are you really going
to vomit out of fear?"

"Relax, Kakyoin, relax..."

Bastard! Never again!
I won't lose again!

Kakyoin, are you all right?

Did you catch a glimpse
of The World?

Yes. I att*cked him
from around ten meters away.

If I had gotten any closer,
I would have been done for.

It's clear his Stand holds
a power more horrific

than we could ever imagine.

We may not know its secret,
but we do know two things:

First, his Stand can't reach
as far as my Hierophant Green

or your Hermit Purple.

It's a close-range power Stand,
like Star Platinum,

and has a range
of about ten meters.

it att*cked me with its fist,

so it doesn't use
projectile weapons like b*ll*ts.

If we can sneak up on him
and get within ten meters,

we might have a chance.

We have to figure out his secret,
but we also need to proceed carefully.

We can't be
too careful with Dio.

Something's up.
His car stopped.

Watch out!
Something's hurtling this way!

Mister Joestar!

What are you doing, Kakyoin?

I've got it.

I know how to find the secret
of his Stand.

I wonder why I get goosebumps
when I think about Avdol and Iggy.

Perhaps because
they were the first friends

I shared a common goal with.

This journey to defeat Dio.

Show me your Stand, Dio!
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