02x48 - Long Journey Farewell, My Friends

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x48 - Long Journey Farewell, My Friends

Post by bunniefuu »

As I expected...

Joseph's blood suits me well.

It feels absolutely perfect
in this body,

so much richer and rejuvenating
than that which came before!

It feels so good...

So incredibly good!

One hundred years ago, this body
belonged to Jonathan Joestar.

And now, with these very hands,

I have feasted on the blood
of his grandson, Joseph!

And you are the one who has
so thoughtfully led me here, Jotaro.

The Joestar family has always been
an unsightly nuisance to me,

like the roadside excrement left
by some mangy mutt.

In the end,

it appears that the Joestars
are fated to serve me.

Old man...

Old man.

From here on...

No matter what Dio tries
to do to my body,

never lose your cool.
Never succumb to rage, Jotaro.

Don't worry about me.

It was meant to be.

Could that be
the old man's soul?

Kakyoin solved the secret
behind Dio's Stand.

And I passed it on to you.

If we had all fought Dio together
in one single moment,

none of us would be alive.

You've learned to move
while time is frozen.

You have two or three seconds now.

Use that time wisely.

No matter what Dio does,
don't lose your head.

It'll only backfire if you lose
self-control and att*ck.


What a journey it's been.

My boy, we had quite
the adventure.

These last fifty days.

We managed to have our fun,
didn't we?

Call me crazy,
but I've never had more fun in my life.

Was I seeing things?


What are you looking at, Jotaro?

You damn bastard.

I've sucked him dry!

Old man, I know you told me
to keep my cool.

But he just crossed the line.

There's not a man on earth
who could stay calm after seeing that!

This is the final round!

The World!



The World! Stop time!


One second! Two seconds.

Three seconds! Four...

Five seconds.

Six seconds.

Seven seconds!

I can feel it!
I have power to spare!

I can still stop time!

But you, Jotaro,

I know you can't move any longer.

So you gambled
on getting me two seconds

before time resumed, huh?

You've miscalculated.

I feel invigorated!

I could sing!

Eight seconds!

I've been immortal
for an entire century,

but I've never felt so good!

The blood of the Joestars surges
through my vines!

This is the greatest high known
to man!

Old man,
guess you were right.

My temper just got me
in a whole mess of trouble.

But you know what?

He still hasn't felt
the full brunt of my rage!

Nine seconds!

I was able to stop time
for nine seconds!

Perhaps this is my limit.

You bastard!

Now to unleash
all of my Stand's power!

Jotaro! You mumbled something
about being angry.

Is this all you've got?


And now, without further ado,
the k*lling blow!

This is the ultimate,
my final dance with time!

In the next nine seconds,
while time is suspended,

you shall die!

The World!

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Jotaro had no idea.
He didn't understand why Dio

had disappeared amidst
the standstill of time.

Four seconds.

Jotaro gave up pondering.

No matter what Dio's plans,

no matter what att*ck
he attempts to unleash,

Jotaro had only two seconds
to respond.

Only two seconds to drive
Star Platinum's fists into Dio,

once and for all!

Five seconds.

All I know is that the next time
I see that god damned face,

I'm gonna freakin lose it!

Six seconds.

Bring it, Dio!

Seven seconds.

Take this steam roller!

It's too late!
It's impossible escape!



Eight seconds!

I'll obliterate you!

Nine seconds.

I did it.

It's over.

The World has defeated
Star Platinum!

I am immortal!
I am everlasting!

Stand power!

This proves that no one is
stronger than me, Dio!

Pathetic humans!
I shall rule over all of you forever!

Bow before my wisdom and power!

Ten seconds!

And with that,
I can stop time for ten seconds!

Now, then...

I suppose I should inspect Jotaro's
lifeless body and drink his blood.

If there's any blood left to savor!


My body's slowing down.

No... I'm not slowing down.

I can't move. No!

My body won't move at all!


It's been eleven seconds.

Guess that's your limit.


I stopped time at nine seconds.

And got out
from beneath that roller.

Good grief.


It won't take even a second
to finish you off!



This can't be happening!
You stopped time?

You waited for me to use up
my nine seconds.

How does it feel, Dio?

Having your archenemy tower behind you
while you stand frozen and helpless?

I guess it's kinda like underwater diving
while holding your breath.

Your air runs out, you swim
to the surface, desperate for air...

And when you finally make it
to the water's edge,

ready to take a gulp
of that glorious, fresh air,

you feel a tug,
and are yanked back down into the deep.

Sound about right?

But I don't feel sorry
for you at all.

Time is moving again.

Compassion is something
you'll never get from me.

I have zero sympathy
for your sorry ass.

Then again,
k*lling you while you're helpless

would leave a bad taste
in my mouth.

How long will it take
for you to heal?

Three seconds? Four seconds?

The second your legs
are ready for action,

Star Platinum will smash your head
all over the pavement.

Bring it!

If this were the Wild West,
this is when the hero would say...

"Draw! You've got one sh*t."

How dare...

he mock me?

Oh... But Jotaro,

at this eleventh hour,

you can't help but utter
such a human declaration.

You think like a true mortal,
cursed with a fleeting life.

A bad taste in your mouth?

Are you afraid you'd regret it?

Your reasoning is as pathetic as

a rat dropping in the corner
of a bathroom stall.

Your foolish honor
will be your demise!

I, on the other hand,
think differently.

All I have on my mind
is one simple goal.

Just one!

To dominate! Nothing more.

That is my fulfillment!

How I do it...

doesn't matter!

How'd you like a little blood
in your eyes?

I win! Die!



Impossible! I'm Dio!

I'm Dio!

When the sun rises,
you'll return to dust.

You made one mistake, Dio.

Just one mistake.

You pissed me off.


This is Speed Wagon
Foundation Car Two.

We're traveling northbound on
the Al-Nil Expressway.

And we've retrieved Dio's remains.

I repeat.
We've retrieved Dio's remains.

Dio's body is showing
cellular activity.

He must be exposed to sunlight
as soon as possible.

Proceed with extreme caution!

Take every precaution necessary.


Noriaki Kakyoin is dead.

We are transporting his body
via helicopter.

Jean Pierre Polnareff
is unconscious.

The medical staff of Car One
has taken him into their care.


Car Two, I have a question...

Why have you placed
the remains of Dio

and Joseph Joestar
into the same car?

Because it's not over.

-Dio borrowed something from us.

And we need it back.

I'm afraid I don't follow.

A blood transfusion between
the two bodies, can you do it?

Are you suggesting
we transfuse Dio's blood

into Mr. Joestar's corpse?

To bring Mr. Joestar back to life?

Dio drained his blood
only minutes ago.

Dio's upper half is gone,
but we'll take what we can.

I think we can still make it.

Did you hear that? Over.


It's impossible!
He doesn't have a pulse.

His heart has stopped.

We can't circulate his blood
without a working heart!


Just about everything
on this journey has been impossible.

I'm sick of hearing words
like "impossible" or "futile."

They mean nothing to us.

You said you can do it
if his heart's b*ating, right?

Well, you're in luck.

Thanks to Dio,

I've already had some practice
with stopping and starting hearts.

I hear a pulse!

His heart's b*ating!

Hurry! Extract the blood
from Dio's corpse

and transfuse it to Joseph!

This just might work!


His skin is regaining its color!

His lifeless flesh is softening
and filling out!

Brain activity!
We have brain activity!

I don't believe it!
His vitals are good!

His eyes! He opened his eyes!

We did it! He's back!

Old man?

You're a fool, Jotaro!

Don't freakin tell me...

You've single-handedly
resurrected yours truly!

You bastard!

Wait, Jotaro! I'm kidding!
Kidding! I'm just kidding!

Just kidding! It was a joke!

I'm sorry!
I was just messing with you.

I swear it's me!

Joseph Joestar.
Born September th, .

Wife's Suzie Q.
I collect comics as a hobby!

Who's the leading actress
in the film Tarzan, the Ape Man?

Bo Derek.

Who sang "Eat It",
the spoof of "b*at It"?

"Weird Al" Yankovic.

Good grief. I guess it is you.

Only you would know
pointless crap like that.

This is Car Two. It's unbelievable!

Mr. Joestar is awake!

Mr. Joestar has come back
from the brink!

It's a miracle! Over!

We've taken back what's ours,


It's over.

Dio took something from all of us.

For the past hundred years,

he's taken whatever he wanted.

He's taken far too much.

Things we can never get back.

The loss is as vast as this planet.

But thanks to their sacrifices,

we stand here today.




It's over.

So you're really going back
to France, huh, Polnareff?

But your family's gone.

Why don't you come stay
with us in New York?

Mister Joestar, they may be gone,
but France is my home.

It's filled with my memories.

It's a place
I must always return to.

If you ever need anything, call me.

I'll find you, wherever you may be.

We're gonna miss you.

It sure wasn't easy,

but I had one hell of a time.

Thanks to you guys.


We're a team.
We'll always be.

Calling passengers
of France International Airlines

Flight to Paris,

please proceed to Gate .

See you, you old bastard!

I wish you a long, long life!

And you, his stingy grandson!
You'd better not forget about me!

We'll meet again!

That is, if you don't hate me by then,
you stubborn jack ass!

We couldn't forget if we tried.

Take care of yourself.

So long, friends.

-So long.


Why did you wake up all of a sudden?
What happened?

I feel so much better!

Like we could read
each other's minds.

-They're both coming home, mom!


Dad and Jotaro!

They're coming home!
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