01x06 - Poisoning the Well

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x06 - Poisoning the Well

Post by bunniefuu »

Reliable power generation
is one of our greatest concerns.

With this project
we hope soon to convert and utilise

the intense heat
trapped beneath our planet's surface.

Geothermal energy. What, using this?

Do you have any idea how complex...

- McKay.
- I'm sure it'll work like a charm.

Looks like you're accomplishing
great things here.

Since the last Wraith culling
we have diligently rebuilt our society.

Are you not concerned
you will attract their attention?

Yes, but we refuse to let that stop us
from striving to reach our potential.

To do otherwise
would mean victory for them.

However, we currently are working
on a viable defence.



We've been here two days
before you mention that?

I had to learn that you could be trusted.

Are you talking
about a defensive w*apon?

You could say that. Something we hope
will protect us from another Wraith culling.

- You expect it to happen again?
- Of course.

But if they return as they have historically,
they won't be here for 50 years.

50 years, you say?

- How about that w*apon?
- Yes, if you'll just come this way.

You haven't told him
we woke the Wraith from hibernation.

Well, I really haven't had the chance.

- We've been here two days.
- One and a half, really.

Major, they're not expecting the Wraith
for another 50 years.

- They could show up at any time.
- Why don't you tell them?

- Reminds you of Area 51, doesn't it?
- Circa 1918.

Area 51 wasn't around in 1918, sir.

- The area was.
- True.

- These people couldn't have a w*apon...
- Weapons come in all shapes and sizes.

Major Sheppard,
I think you'll find this intriguing.

OK. I'm intrigued. What is it?

Something that we hope will one day
make us completely immune to the Wraith.

Druhin says their drug
is several years from being finished.

Given their current level of technology,
that could be an understatement.

They only believe
they're close to a breakthrough.

You saw their entire civilisation
is based on the completion of that goal.

I would not underestimate them.

Do we know for sure
that the Wraith are an immediate threat?

We can probably bet
they don't have 50 years.

Hence Major Sheppard has generously
offered the Hoffans our help.

Has he?

The fact is if they're onto something.
Maybe we can speed up the process.

OK, Major, you have a go.

- But if the drug is just a pipe dream...
- Dr Beckett's volunteered to help us.

Oh, he has, huh?

He will.

- It's not that I mind lending a hand.
- Of course not.

- You're a generous man.
- But it's the principle.

You can't volunteer someone
without consulting them first.

That's not even volunteering.
It's being pressed into service.

- And I'm not...
- In the military. I can't give you orders.

- He won't go through the Stargate.
- He's worse than Dr McCoy.

- Who?
- The TV character that Dr Beckett plays.

Converting a human body into energy and
sending it through a wormhole... insanity.

- How often do you go to an alien planet?
- I was already on one.

- Should you be messing with that stuff?
- I know what I'm doing.

They've mastered a few basics.

Biochemistry, physiology, perhaps
even some form of molecular biology.

- Fairly impressive...
- Our people's legacy.

This room represents hundreds of years
of medical knowledge.

I am Perna, chief scientist for the project.

John Sheppard. Oh, and this is Teyla
and Lieutenant Ford.

Carson. Beckett. Doctor.
I mean, call me Carson.

I'm Dr McKay. Dr Rodney McKay.

I hope you find our facilities suitable.

Oh, they're charming. Perfectly charming.

Long ago this city was a testament
to our imagination, our creative spirit,

to endless possibility.

How long ago was that?

We have been forced to rebuild
many times, never to our potential.

That is why perfecting the drug
is so important.

It is more than a defence
against the Wraith. It is our future.

With respect, you cannot prevent
the culling. It is a fact of existence.

A fact we challenge. We will always seek
to end the cycle of destruction.

The Wraith will prevent any race
from advancing too far.

- You figure you can beat 'em?
- Yes. Through knowledge.

A number of archives like this
are hidden throughout the city.

Their existence is known only to a few.

This is very impressive.

We preserve the accomplishments
of each generation

before they are wiped out by the Wraith.

So everything your people learned
is in here.

And in other identical archives.

In case they destroy one.
You guys are serious about this.

Standing on the shoulders
of our forefathers.

How long have you worked
on this Wraith drug?

150 years ago our scientists were close
to creating a viable prototype,

but died before seeing its fruition.

You're hoping that if this world's
no good to them, they'll move on?

The Wraith cannot possibly
perceive us as a threat.

To tell you the truth,
I don't know how they would react.

If they choose to wipe you
out of existence, you will be helpless.

We cannot hope to control their actions.

We can only do what we can to end
a cycle that has gone on for far too long.

His name was Farrol Mylan.

Before he died in the last culling, he was
one of our most celebrated researchers.

He was the one who found it.

- Found what?
- The key.

His journals tell of one man who survived
an encounter with the Wraith.

Farrol and his team discovered
that this man possessed a unique protein.

He could resist the chemical released by
the Wraith to drain life from their victims.

After painstaking trial and error...

Farrol made a copy of the protein.

He was eventually able to create
a prototype of a drug

to interfere
with the Wraith feeding process.

- And it worked?
- He was k*lled before it could be used.

And it's been your job to make certain
his work wasn't in vain.

- Quite the responsibility.
- It is a great honour.

How do you know that this Farrol
wasn't just embellishing his results?

Or making them up.
All you have to go on are his notes.

He and his team worked
until the last possible moment.

They knew the Wraith ships were
overhead and worked through the night,

hoping to provide one more insight,
one last thread of knowledge.

Not for themselves,
but for the generation that would survive.

10,000 soldiers gave their lives
to give them those last few hours.

The last words of Farrol's journal
are known to all Hoffans.

I meant no disrespect, Perna.

It's all right. More than just his journals
survived the culling.

His research materials
were safeguarded as well,

including carefully preserved
Wraith cell samples,

which we still use in our work today.


See for yourself.

That's incredible.

I saw it with my own eyes.

In a Petri dish. We are talking
about 150-year-old Wraith cells.

For all we know
they could be immune to the drug by now.

I don't think so.

I ran a few tests of my own

using cells from the Wraith arm
Major Sheppard brought from Athos.

The results were the same.
Near complete resistance.

They've got something.
I'm more surprised than anyone.

So what do you recommend?

That we take their work to the next level.

I've informed the Hoffans
of our guest in the brig.

You realise what you're asking for?

I do.

- Anything I should know about?
- No, sir, he's been quiet.

- Still trying to make you see things?
- He's given up on that.

I didn't think he'd last this long.

Hello again, Major Sheppard.

Sorry if I woke you.

Just came by to see
if there was anything you needed.

Magazine, fresh towels.

We've been talking for a couple of weeks
now and I don't even know your name.

You guys do have names?

Let me guess. Steve?

I am your death.
That is all you need to know.

I prefer Steve.

What do you hope to gain from this?

Just trying to bridge the gap between
our cultures, get to know you better.

And trying to figure out how to keep your
kind from sucking the life out of people.

Even if I told you what you want to know,
it would change nothing.

You are doomed, as are any humans
that stand in our way.

Can't be a nice way to die.

Hungry, slow,

knowing your food source
is just out of reach.

- Why do you keep me here?
- I need to know what we're up against.

For example, how many of those hive
ships have you got and where are they?

You have nothing to offer me in return.

We could talk about easing your hunger...


You would never sacrifice
one of your own kind.

And yet it is all that stands between you
and the information you seek.

Using living Wraith cells
is our only recourse at this juncture.

Without them we have no way of knowing
if the drug is viable.

You said it worked on the cells
of the severed Wraith arm.

It did, but those were already
in a partially decayed state.

We need live samples.

With new samples you think it's possible
to create a prototype?

Given enough time, yes, I do.

He's got a point.
The Hoffans are obsessed.

- Thank you, Rodney.
- I agree.

But their obsession may be their undoing.

Even if they do undo, it'd be good for us.
Wouldn't you want to be immune?

Not if it meant
the lives the Wraith might spare.

This drug would only be of value

if everyone everywhere
possessed the same immunity.

There's a thought worth pursuing.

I agree.

Major, have you made any progress
with your prisoner?

Not yet, but he just blinked.

He blinked? What does that mean?

He's still holding on, but he's indicated
to me that he may break soon.

- And he indicated this to you by blinking?
- Yes.

No offence, Major, but so far
he hasn't told you a thing.

He could linger this way for months
and ultimately we'll learn nothing.

The Wraith could be on their way to Hoff.

If your prisoner holds the key
to the creation of this drug,

should we not take advantage of this?

How could we get the sample
off him safely?

We possess the weapons
used in his capture.

It would be a simple matter
of incapacitating him again.

- So, then, it's possible?
- It's possible.

Hi, Steve.

Bye, Steve.


- Is he... You're certain he's...
- He's down, doc.

Do your thing.

- Almost looks peaceful, doesn't he?
- Peaceful? You're out of your mind.

I have never seen devices such as these.

The work you've done refining the drug
has been good.

With all this, we can make it better.

Your biggest problem
is that the test inoculations

failed to show enough presence
in human cells to be effective.

- We need a better delivery system.
- Exactly.

We'll recreate the key protein in the
serum and work our way up from there.

If we can avoid re-engineering it
from a natural source

and make an entirely synthetic version,

it should increase the efficiency.

- Such a thing is possible?
- Anything's possible if you give it a go.

Come on, then.
A bald head is soon shaved.

You speak differently than the others.

You noticed that, did you?

Sorry if I confuse you. Trust me, where
I come from, it all makes perfect sense.

- What is it like?
- Scotland? Oh, I think it's beautiful.

But I'm told it's something
of an acquired taste.

I meant your world. It must be so peaceful
there, knowing the Wraith will not come.

You'd be surprised
how not peaceful it is.

We're spoiled rotten,
now that I think of it.

You miss it. I'm sorry for enquiring.

Oh, no. Don't be, love.

One can see the various
refraction changes required

to complete the preliminary stage required
to boil down the base material.


100% cellular penetration
in all five test inoculations. Incredible.

There's still a lot of data to be analysed,
but the initial results are promising.

Dr Beckett's efforts
have advanced the project by decades.

Perna's formula was right on track.

It was a matter of changing its molecular
design to be better absorbed by the body.

This is an enormous victory for
our people. I don't know how to thank you.

No need. Of course, it's only a preliminary.

How soon until you can set up
the next stage of testing?

You'll have a schedule later today.

I'm sorry. Next stage?

Your report makes it clear that the project
is ready to proceed to its next phase.

We want to test the serum's effectiveness
against your prisoner.

You support this?

He's gonna die, so we might as well
make good use of him while he's alive.

The Geneva Convention prohibits
using prisoners for scientific experiments.

No offence, doc, but had the Wraith
attended the Geneva Convention,

they would have tried
to feed on everyone there.

Beckett's report indicates we have no idea
of the long-term effect on humans.

We know what the long-term effects
of Wraith culling are.

We're talking about putting a human
in the same room as a starving Wraith.

- Once we start down that road...
- Which road did you think we were on?

Not this one. At least not this fast.

Having spent time with the prisoner,
I don't pity him.

He's gonna die anyway.

- This drug could be useful someday.
- Someday.

The point is, we don't get
a lot of opportunities like this.

Do you know how obsessed
the Hoffans are?

When they found out
we had a live Wraith prisoner...

He's going to die.

I tried to feed him live stuff, but apparently
there's only one item on his menu.

What about the test subject?
If the drug fails...

We're not just grabbing anybody.

The test subject is a terminally ill patient
who has volunteered himself.

These are not exactly the type of decisions
I expected to make on this expedition.

Do it.

Hi, Steve.

More samples?

I was thinking more of a field trip.

You want sustenance, I want information.

You are incapable of offering such a trade.

You tell me something of value,
I let you eat.

That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

Very well.

Are they ready?

Major Sheppard is loading the prisoner
into Jumper Two.

Sergeant Bates is standing by
for their arrival at the rendezvous site.

Jumper Two, what's your status?

Cosy in here. Ready to depart.

- Be safe, Major.
- That's the plan.

- Jumper Two, you are go for launch.
- Roger that.

Dial it up.

This isn't supposed to be fun.

Perna explained to me about your illness.

I want you to know how sorry I am.

I wish there was something
I could do for you.

It's my time, Dr Beckett.

I'm at peace with my fate.

It's important you know that we may be
talking about a less than peaceful ending.

I have explained to Merell
in great detail what may befall him.

You should know this drug has
only worked in a laboratory simulation.

We don't know for certain
what will happen.

Even if it doesn't work,
you'll learn something of value,

how to perfect it in the future.

Possibly, but that's no reason
for you to face that creature.

Dr Beckett, I'm not afraid.

No matter what happens,
my death will have meaning.

Is that not something we all strive for,
to die knowing we made a difference?

I want to do this.

Please don't deny me the chance
to help my people.

- What do you think?
- It goes against everything I believe in.

There's an oath among medical people.

It begins, "First, do no harm."

- Important words to you.
- More than words, Perna.

"The battle rages at the very threshold
of our laboratory now."

"We know that these few final hours
have been dearly purchased,

yet our concentration has not waned."

"We cannot hope to save ourselves,

but we can hope that one last insight,
one last revelation before we die

may prevent this terrible day
from happening again."

Farrol's last journal entry.

More than words, Carson.

I understand that. I do.
But there are too many unknowns.

- We need time to determine...
- There is no time.

Are you so afraid of making a mistake
that you can't see what we're up against?

This isn't about making mistakes, Perna.
It's about the end justifying the means.

In our profession,
that's a very slippery slope.

We have no idea if this'll work.

We could be sacrificing that man
to a monster.

There will be another to take his place.

That's just what I'm afraid of.

They are ready.

Careful, sir.

This is the sustenance you promised?

A little change in plans.

You tell me something right now
or the dinner party's cancelled.

What do you want to know?

How many hive ships have become
operational since we awakened one?

All of them, Major Sheppard.

First they will travel their own
feeding grounds and gather strength.

We are a patient race, Major.

When we have taken our fill
and gathered our strength,

we will join force and come for you.

Do you have any idea when that'll be?
Morning, afternoon?

Open it up.

You don't have to do this.

I know.

I'm ready.

He is weak.

You are both heroes of the Hoffan people.

I'll admit, it was amazing.

I hope your friends will join us
for a banquet to honour your work.

They'd be glad to,
but aren't celebrations a bit premature?

The results speak for themselves.

I intend to ask the Council to approve
mass production of the serum.

After today I doubt
they will offer any resistance.

- That is wonderful news.
- With all due respect, it isn't.

We're talking about one test here.

I'm as pleased as anyone
with the results,

but we have a lot of work to do
before we can use it.

Dr Beckett wishes to run
a full series of tests on Merell

prior to issuing his final report.

There may have been mitigating
circumstances. The man was dying.

Of course. I'll bring it up with Council.

To success.

- What is it?
- Steve. He doesn't look so good.

- How long has he been like this?
- Since the test.

- Think it's a ruse?
- It is not their way.


What have you done to me?

- We need Beckett in here.
- Go.

We're gonna help you.

Don't feel pity for me.

You will suffer far worse
when the others come for you.

Major. I was just about to cut him open.

Then I was just leaving.

I've already done a series of tests
you might like to know the results of.

You know what k*lled him?

It was all of his vital organs
shutting down almost simultaneously.

- Did he starve to death?
- No.

I don't think he died
from a lack of nourishment.

What was it?

Tests revealed a significant amount
of Hoffan serum in his blood.

I'm guessing we'll find similar
trace amounts in each of his organs.

Why did the Hoffan drug
end up in his blood?

We know that when the Wraith feed, they
release a chemical to their victims' bodies.

What it does we don't yet understand.

I can only assume that it prepares
the human body to be drained of life.

The serum is designed to shield the victim
from that initial chemical release.


The serum protein may have mutated
when exposed to the chemical,

triggering a toxic reaction.

- Instead of feeding off him...
- He was poisoned.

So if the serum did this, it's more
than just a defence against the Wraith.

It kills them.

I fail to see cause for alarm. This
development increases the serum's value.

No, it takes away any doubt about what
the Wraith will do when they come here.

I don't see the difference.

Once they learn you possess this w*apon,

the Wraith will wipe your people
from existence in retaliation.

Or they may simply leave us alone
once they learn we are unpalatable.

'Cause they're such
a live-and-let-live kind of race.

Maybe when you were talking about
this being defensive, but now...

You fail to see the larger picture.

For the first time we have a way
to not just defend, but strike back.

Is this about revenge
or saving your people?

You can't hope to understand
the generations of suffering.

I've been in one of their hives
and fought against their ships.

When the first Wraith dies
because of this drug, they won't move on.

They'll make the problem go away.

They will seek out any who have had
contact with you. They will spare no one.

I know how passionate you are about this.
This drug is sort of your Holy Grail.

- You're gonna have to shelve it until...
- No.

I'm serious.
Otherwise we can't help you any more.

You don't understand, Major. It's too late.

I have made my recommendation
to the Council and they've agreed.

We have already begun
inoculating our people.

You're leaving?

Unless you'll go back to formula on
the serum, there's no point in my staying.

Re-open the project.

With more work we could prevent the
mutation, maintain it as a defensive drug.

Merell is dead.

The cause of death
is still to be determined.

- They need to stop the inoculations.
- They won't.

- A man is dead.
- More won't necessarily follow.

Even if I wanted to,
I couldn't make them stop.

Not without more proof.

Perna, you're one of
the brightest people I've ever met.

For your own sake, I beg you,

have no more part in this.

At least until we know more.

- I can't do that.
- Why not?

Because I was among the first
to be inoculated.

I appreciate your sense of urgency,

but at this point it would be unwise
to rush to any conclusions.

You want to exercise caution?
Are you serious?

You yourself have told us the Wraith
could be on their way here right now.

We have to move forward.

You're speaking
on behalf of a lot of people.

You think I'd force this choice
on my people?

No, sir, our people
are in complete agreement.

Your people may be dead before
the Wraith even get here, for all you know.

Chancellor, please. It's not too late.

Suspend the inoculations
until we know what k*lled Merell.

He was terminal. We don't know
the serum caused his death.

He suffered
a complete respiratory breakdown.

Which could have been due
to his condition. His sickness had spread.

Are you willing to risk lives
based on that assumption? I'm not.

- Major Sheppard.
- Go ahead, Teyla.

We're in the medical centre. We need help.

My God.

The doctors say they began arriving last
night and their numbers are increasing.

I'm on it. Lieutenant, radio Weir. Tell them
we need a full medical team on a jumper.

Roger that.

Perna. Perna.

I need help here. Oxygen!

Take it easy.

Leave us.

- Do you have any idea what's going on?
- I do, Major.

- Half those who took that drug are dying.
- Half of them, Major. Half.

The statistics are clear
and the numbers are holding at that level.

Which means the other 50%
of those we inoculated will live

and destroy any Wraith who feed on them.

I don't believe this.

The Wraith will know the full conviction
of the Hoffan people.

- Conviction?
- If we spread this drug to every human,

future generations would never know
the horror of a culling.

You're deliberately sacrificing
millions of lives.

An end to the Wraith.

You can't comprehend the bargain in that?

You can't make a bargain like that
for your entire people.

- Do you think I'm alone in this?
- I think you're delusional.

You shall see. We are putting it
to a vote as we speak.

I will stand by the decision
of the majority.

- Does that satisfy you?
- Do they know what they're voting on?

Yes. I promise you.

- You'll back off if it doesn't go your way?
- You have my word.

Use any rooms you need for overflow.
We need to keep this area clear for triage.

Teyla, there you are. Make sure oxygen
is properly deployed in the hospital.

- Doctor...
- Have non-critical patients use it in turns.

Teyla, you're not listening to me.
Where's Perna? I need her.


I would... like to have seen Atlantis.

Perna, I'm so sorry.

Don't look at me that way.

I am at peace with what I have done,
as you should be.

I wish I had no part in this.

You gave us hope.

For years our people have been working

towards this very moment.

We didn't betray the forefathers.

We fulfilled their destiny, their promise.

Stay. Stay with me. Stay.

I'm here.

It's OK.

- You OK?
- Aye.

- I'm told you're leaving.
- Yes, we are.

Not that it hasn't been... lovely.

I wanted you to see the results
of the vote before you left.

96% in favour.

- Does the vote include all your people?
- Every one.

So you see, Major, we speak
with one voice and we are resolute.

Yeah, I can see that.

Next time I'd like to discuss disseminating
the drug on as many worlds as possible.

- We won't be doing that any time soon.
- Our victory may change your mind.

If and when we ever return,
I don't imagine you'll be here.

I don't imagine
anybody else will be either.

Good luck.

"Victory at all costs."
That sound familiar, Major?

- Churchill.
- Aye. Never thought I'd disagree.
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