01x07 - Underground

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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01x07 - Underground

Post by bunniefuu »

They call themselves the Genii.

They are a simple people,
but good farmers and fair traders.

We're still months away

from producing successful crops on the mainland,

and we're heading towards a food shortage.

It's getting desperate.

We're almost out of coffee.

Well, maybe you should stop drinking 11 cups a day.

I'm just making sure I get
my fair share before it's all gone.

Sounds fair.

I'm all for trade, but don't you think we should find

a way to help defend ourselves?

How can a bunch of farmers do that?

Well, maybe they can introduce us
to people who can help.

In the meantime, let's take care of the basics.

I guess it's always good to get to know your neighbors.

The Genii's stargate is
a short distance from their village.

I suggest we walk.

The puddle jumper may alarm them.

As I said, they are very simple.

Sounds like a mission.

All right.

Where to, Teyla?

We should allow them to come to us.

Well, if you know where the village is...

They are simple people and they trust me,
but that trust was hard earned.


What is it you said they grow here, anyway?

Many things, but they are best
known for a bean known as tava.

What, java?


How will they even know we're here, anyway?

They already do.

They look friendly enough.

The eldest one is called Tyrus.

I've traded with him on many occasions.

Teyla emmagan.


It has been many days.

Too many.


This is...

Major Sheppard,

Dr. Mckay,

and lieutenant Ford.

My daughter, Sora.

You must be very proud.

She is betrothed.

Well, I wasn't hitting on your daughter.
I just...

They have come to trade for a share of your crops.

Yet you bring weapons.

Only to defend ourselves.

Do you dress as they do of your own accord?

Of course. Why?

He wants to know if you work with us or for us.

These are my friends, Tyrus.

I would not have brought them if I did not
think them worthy to become yours.

We'll take you to see Cowen.

Follow me.

Maybe we should offer a sense of humor in trade.

Sure. They can have yours.

Oh, please, my side.
You slayed me.

I'm thinking about it.

I'm bringing them in.
All operations to silent mode.

Team24 and SG-66
for seriestele.net and Forom.com
Transcript: Raceman

Season 1 : Episode 8

And these medicines are potent?

They are capable of stopping
bacterial infections entirely.

It would help us through a harsh winter.

We will need more than you offer.


I don't think you understand how cool this medicine is.

Well, leave if you wish.


I thought you said the Genii were fair traders.

We have always been able
to achieve a reasonable bargain.

You ask for much of our harvest.

New crops will have to be
planted in sufficient quantities

to replenish our stores,
or it is the Genii who will starve.

That amount of planting will
require new land to be cleared.

Clearing more land is slow, hard work,
and it will lose us a great amount

of growing time between now and
the next harvest season.


What if clearing land was fast and easy?

You know a simple way of uprooting
the stump of a 300 year-old tree?

As a matter of fact... I do.

Cover your ears.

I don't understand.

It can be quite loud.

Come on. You're going to wish you did.


Fire in the hole.

It's called C-4.

If you can supply us with a sufficient quantity of C-4,

we will supply you with the crop you require.

So, this instead of the medicine?

As well as the medicine.


That wasn't impressive enough?

It is you who are in need.

Well, I'll have to discuss this with my people.

I'm sure we can come to terms.

Teyla, thank you for bringing us
these new trading partners.

Please stay as our guests.

There will be a harvest ceremony later.




We're talking harvest ceremony.

Sounds like fun, sir.

I'll be back soon.

I should go back with the major.


This is a scientific expedition, Major.

I know that.

But you want us to become arms dealers.

Have you ever tried to clear a stump by hand?

Yes. It's a hobby.

They are taking a chance by giving us
so much of their crop this year.

Plus the medicines I already agreed to?

I think in the future, major,
I should do the negotiating.

I did say I had to ask you first.

Uh-huh, to terms you already agreed to.


Do you see why I have a problem with this?

Do we need food or not?

We are on the verge of rationing, and as much

as I'd like to devote every off-world mission
to the pursuit of tava beans...

I get your point.

Tell them we agree.

We give thanks for a plentiful harvest.

We give thanks.

May next season be as fruitful.

And to our new friends.

To new friends.


I thought you were man enough.

You have no idea which way to go, do you?

Just trying to get my bearings.

Translation, "I'm lost."

They were very clear which route to take.

I prefer a straight line.

Yes, of course, because everything's
a shortcut in Sheppard's world.

Okay, there it is again.


I'm picking up a strange reading
from right over there.

Define strange.

You don't know what strange means?

I know what strange means, Rodney...

Weird, freakish, odd...

I'm just trying to determine whether it's worth
getting off the route back to the village.

Radioactive readings on amish world. You call.

- We're lost anyway. What difference is it?
- I am not...


All right, let's check it out.

Oh, now, that is definitely


Yeah, not that amish, really.

No, not so much.

Maybe they don't even know it's here.

This hatch has been oiled recently.

We have to check it out.


Of course we do.

All right.


The construction's architecturally advanced.

I don't think the Genii could've made this.

We need to tell Ford where we are.

Lieutenant, come in.


This place is built like a bunker.

It must be shielded for R-F.

The reading's stronger this way.

What kind of readings?

- Palm readings. Is that good...
- McKay.

It's neutron radiation.

It's definitely a... a powerful energy source.


Let's check it out.

I really think we should get out of here.

Now, this is strange.

If you'll excuse me, I must go tend to a dispute.

Is everything all right, Cowen?

I will return shortly.

Maybe they exist as two separate cultures.


Who cares?

How long are you boys planning on keeping us here?

You know, if people could just learn to keep their

secret underground hatches locked...

So much for two separate cultures.

What am I going to do?

I'm getting a weird vibe all of a sudden.

I agree.

I have never seen the Genii behave this way.

Listen, we're just going to step outside

and see if Major Sheppard and Dr. Mckay are back.

No one must leave. It's not safe.

There's a wraith ship in the area.


Are you serious?

We need to warn our friends.

You will draw them to us.

Everyone must stay indoors.

Oh. Can we be careful with that?

It's just, it's rather fragile, and if it, uh...

We have a problem.

Then we have something in common.

Normally, you would already have been
shot for discovering our secret.

In which case, more of our people would
show up and question our disappearance.

We would simply tell them the Wraith took you.

With no evidence to the contrary,

they would believe us.

You were saying?

You have technology, knowledge new to us.

This C-4 of yours...

It's not for blowing up stumps.

We have a more sophisticated application for it.

Look, what you people do with your c4

is none of our business.

We just need food.

As far as your little secret down here goes, well...

we say, "what giant, underground bunker?"

I want more than that.

Well, maybe we can give you... more.

You have weapons more powerful than your C-4?

Are you kidding me? Weapons are us. We...

We might.

What if I wanted more than weapons?

Uh, did I mention that I know almost
everything about almost everything?

For Teyla Emmagan to have joined with you,

you must have something much more...

Look, I'm going to go out on a limb here

and just say that we're looking
for allies against the Wraith.

How about you guys?

Listen, we just want to take a look outside.

We can't let you.

It's not safe.

We can take care of ourselves.

Tyrus, please respond.


Bring them.


Relinquish your weapons.

You will not be harmed.

You guys are full of surprises.

You missed a hell of a harvest ceremony, Sir.

I can imagine.

Oh. Teyla.

I am as surprised as you are by all of this, Major.

I don't know. I'm pretty surprised.

Teyla and her people know us only
as the simple farmers we show outsiders.

The secrecy of who and what we are
is the only defense we have against the Wraith.

One day, all that will change.

You think you can do that with an atomic b*mb?

Now it's you who surprise me.

Well, radioactive readings,
your fascination with our C-4...

You're just mentioning this now?

It just came to me when he said,
"one day, all that will change."

I assume you're hoping our C-4
will solve your supercriticality problem.

Will it?

It might.

Depends on your design.
There's a host of other considerations.

You know how to make an a-b*mb?

Major, most of my high school chess team
could design an a-b*mb.

The actual hard part is having
sufficient fissionable materials of appropriate grade.

And we do.

You do?

The Genii were once a great confederation of planets.

Millennia ago, the Wraith had driven us
to the brink of total annihilation.

Our forefathers sought the protection
of bunkers such as these,

originally created for wars long forgotten,

and it was here that a small number of our people

managed to survive undetected.

Over the course of many, many years,
generation after generation

we have made technological developments here in secret.

So the whole farmer thing is just a front.

So the Wraith do not suspect.

More than that.

We do have many mouths to feed below.

I want to show you something.

Come with me.

Oh, that thing you so carelessly threw on the table...

Can I take that along?


Stay as you are.

Down below, our military trains
as our scientists create weapons for them.

With our atomic w*apon, we believe

we finally have what we need to defeat
the Wraith once and for all.

You do realize that long-term exposure
to these levels of radiation is extremely dangerous.

Our scientists tell me otherwise.

Well, they're wrong.

Are we in danger now?

It would take days or weeks
at these levels of radiation,

but I assume the Genii spend days or weeks down here.

Many of our people have spent their entire lives here.

Their entire, short lives.

We'll be fine, just as long as you weren't
planning on having children.

Well, you're on the right track.

We're about 60 years ahead of you.

That is, if you survive.

This shielding is woefully inadequate.

Now, uranium...

How much do you have?

Much more.

It's nowhere near weapons grade.

We have had problems in our purifying efforts.

The molecular structure of the unwanted material
is very similar to that of the desired material.

Diffusion... You need to separate the 235 from the 238.

When you remove the barrier between two substances,
the slight difference in their mass

causes them to separate at different rates.

You could do this?

Well, of course. I just...

I think the real question is, right now.

Are we allies...

Or are we still prisoners?

We give thanks to our new friends.

We give thanks.

Please, eat.

You don't think there's lemon in this, do you?

I'm sure it's delicious.

Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock?


I hope that by sharing this meal
we can make up in some small way for past offenses.

I'm sure we'll get along just fine.

What method did your people use

to initiate fission reaction

in your prototype devices?

Well, there's two different approaches, actually...

Implosion and a g*n-type b*mb.

Both were designed to create
a supercritical mass, obviously.


Either way you go, you need an amount of refined 235

roughly equivalent to the size of my fist...

Or his fist, actually.

Well, our dreams may soon be a reality.

With your help, before the next culling,

we plan to vaporize the Wraith as they sleep.

What exactly is your plan?

We intend to take advantage of their overconfidence.

That is their weakness.


They hibernate between cullings aboard their great ships,

sometimes for centuries at a time.

There are always Wraith who watch over the sleepers,
but they're small in number.

Small enough to be overpowered.

We intend to sneak aboard
their ships with our new weapons.

That may no longer be possible.

- Teyla...
- Major?

Don't you think we should listen to their whole plan
before we start poking holes in it?

If we are to work together, then they need
to trust us and we need to trust them.

Please explain.

I and several of my people
had been captured by the Wraith.

You must understand,
it was a rescue mission to save us.

I am only alive today thanks to them.

As a result of that rescue...

You awakened the others.

They found out that there were
more people where we came from.

Father, they will all awaken.

Look, we took one of them prisoner.

The next culling was supposed to be decades away.

He said they were in no hurry,
that they would take their time to come after us.

We had hoped to test our first
atomic w*apon five years from now.

Do we have that much time, Sheppard?

Do we?



They may detect the radiation.

We have to shut down the reactors,
survive this culling, and somehow plan for the next.

You're forgetting something...

- We can hide from them...
- We're both on the same side...

Once we have extracted all
the information we can from you,

you will be left on the surface.

You'll be the first the Wraith feed upon,

I promise you.

I've gone up against Wraith ships and I won.

I've seen your weapons...

I'm talking about a ship,
one that flies through space,

with weapons beyond anything you've ever seen.

Do you really want to turn down that kind of help?

I think you're trying to save yourself.

Well, you're damn right I am.

I say we work together,
then maybe help save each other.

We both want the same thing.

We started our experiments confident the Wraith
would not appear for many years.

They will detect us the same way you did.

- But if we work together...
- Haven't you done enough?

We haven't even started yet.

I can get your program right back on schedule.


I built an atomic b*mb for
my grade six science fair exhibit.

They let you do that up in Canada?

It wasn't a working model.
Still, I was questioned for six hours by the CIA,

who believed I was part of
a secret preteen organization.

Actually, it led to my first job...

Major Sheppard has convinced me
that we may yet prevail...

He has?

If we work together.

Many generations ago, during a culling,

the Genii were able to sh**t down a wraith dart.

Although many lives were lost that day,

the ability to resist, even in some small way,

gave the Genii the seeds of hope.

This data storage device was recovered
from that downed Wraith dart.

It's like flash memory in a jump drive.

It contains information about
the hive ship it was deployed from.

Tyrus and his daughter have been able
to successfully access that information.


Through this interface.

Well, really?

We believe...

This is where a Wraith ship still sleeps.

The Wraith tend to self-destruct.

It's probably pretty rare to get ahold
of something like this.

Have you been able to access any other data?

With this interface device, we believe
we can access the Wraith ship's data core.

So this is what your whole plan is based on?

Well, how does getting access
to a Wraith ship's computer help you?

With this interface device, we can learn
the locations of all the Wraith ships.

So you know where to deliver your new bombs.

Makes sense.

Assuming, of course, the ship
we're looking at is still there.

Well, if the Wraith are in no hurry
to rally their forces, as you claim, it will be.

This ship is nowhere near the Stargate.

Approaching it undetected by foot is impossible.

That is where your ship comes in, Major Sheppard.

I always wondered where my ship would come in.


How's that for an answer?

It's pithy, I'll give you that.

I'm sure you already agreed to this.

Only because we'll get something out of it.

And we do need allies, ma'am.


You just said these people were ready to string you up.

How can you trust them?

Hey, I don't trust them as far as I can throw them.

There's a reason they insisted
that McKay and Teyla stay there,

and it's not just to help them with their b*mb,

but we have something they need and
they have something we need.

I thought that's what negotiating was all about.

Ioh, well, it is.

Personally, I stop short of offering nuclear weapons.

They were building them anyway.

Oh, if they were building them anyway,
why didn't you just say so?

You realize I originally sent you out for food?

I think we can still get that.

I don't see why not.

We kind of moved past it
with the whole atomic b*mb thing.

All right, bottom line, can you pull this off?

We'll have to watch our backs, but...

I wouldn't put my team at risk if I didn't think so.

Okay, go, and then maybe we'll talk
about making nuclear bombs.

The spherical encasement directs
the expl*sive forces inward,

and the resulting implosion
creates extreme compression.

The subcritical mass becomes supercritical.


I know, and can you believe
I didn't even win the science fair?

So, the practical adaptation of available equipment
and resources will be the real challenge.

You're destined to become a hero
among our people, Dr. Mckay.


As long as major Sheppard returns with the C-4.

I'm a dead man.

We have surprised each other.

The Genii are not the people I thought they were.

And look at you.

I would never have thought
that you'd leave your people.

No. I do this for them.

John sheppard and his people have brought
new hope to our stars, Sora.

They have the spirit of explorers
and the hearts of warriors.

They have accepted me.

But look at you.

How many "harvest ceremonies" did I make you endure?

Never again, I promise you.

You respected us for who we were.

That gave us reason to trust you.

I am saddened that you could not
trust me enough to share in your secret.

That is our way.

Our deception was and is a matter of survival.

It is a secret we are born into that
we willingly take to our graves.


Have we not always traded fairly with you?

You should know we have not dealt
with others so graciously.

Perhaps this new alliance
will help to open your eyes...

That we can only stand against
the Wraith if we do so together.

We'll have to see if your friends
will live up to their promises.


Do you see?

We've got to get in and out as fast as possible.

I've been studying these plans all my life.


Then we'll follow your lead.

We'll keep you covered during the breach and download.

Exit plan?

Same as we came in. You'll stay with the jumper.

Yes, sir.

I should be going with you.

There's a good chance we could end up in a firefight.

Sora is a skilled fighter and
expert marksman, lieutenant Ford.

Still, she must stay here
to carry on if we don't come back.

We need you to deliver the C-4 you've promised us,
Major, before we proceed.

We need to get the proper intel first.

There's no use in building a bunch of nukes
if we can't put them to use.

Those are your terms?

I'm sure you understand.

I do.

It seems we have no choice but to trust each other.

How many of these ships do you have?

Just the one.


Have they awoken?

I don't see any activity.

Same as last time.

All right, here we go.

Right through the front door.

Hey, hold the fort.

Yes, sir.

Good luck.

Oh, god.

These people were cocooned for later feeding.

Some of them may still be alive.

We don't have time for this.

They could be your people, for all you know.

Teyla, take care of this.
We'll meet you back at the ship.

McKay, you're with me.

I'll stay with her.

We'll meet you back at the ship.

This is it.

But the ship's plans I memorized did not
include the details on how to operate this door.

If we try to blow this door,
it's going to make too much noise.

So find another way.

Can I get some light here?


Please... help me.

We're going to get you out.

What are you doing?

- We cannot free him. We can save none of them.
- What?

Please help...

You would leave him here to die?

Listen, the Wraith must not know we were ever here.

I said no.

McKay, we don't have..

Look, I don't even know if this is going to...



All right.

I'll cover your six. Go.

If you free him, they will know he was taken.

You are not the man I believed you to be.

This ship is closest to our world.

The Genii will be the first to die if they awaken.

Help me!

I said leave him.


Be silent!

Major, we have been discovered.

We've got to get out of here.

We've got it.

Wraith guards.

Hurry. More are coming.

Where's Tyrus?

He was struck by a Wraith w*apon.

He may have only been stunned.

By now, the Wraith will be upon him.

Go. Go!

All right, hang on.

Where is my father?

He did not survive.


What happened?

I think we should find out.

Take aim.

I thought we were just learning how to get along.

She k*lled tyrus.


By leaving him to die, you may just
as well have k*lled him yourself.

He shot the man we tried to save.

It was a mistake to try and save anyone.

It jeopardized the mission.

We will keep this intelligence information...

You're the one making a mistake.

And your ship, and whatever quantities of C-4
you have in your possession.

That is all you ever intended, to use us.

And for your efforts, I will spare your lives.

How generous of you.

I guess the tava beans are off the table.

Your weapons.


I don't think so.

We have the advantage, Major.


This is what your father died for?

In the name of people who would lie and
steal from those they would call friends?

Well, I lied too.

Jumpers two and three, execute.

You didn't really think we had one ship, did you?

Tell your people to get back and nobody gets hurt.

Jumper two, prepare to fire on my mark.


Do you promise to leave?

Well, that's the plan.

I guess we'll have to go somewhere else
to find our tava beans, but...

I think it's only fair we end up with something.

You do not want to make an enemy of the Genii.

Well, you know what?

Same here.

Major, I thought you might like to see this.

A lot of the information we downloaded
from the data storage device was encrypted,

so we're still working on that.

Yeah, I didn't think it would be easy.

But we were able to ascertain
the existence of 21 Wraith hive ships

just in our quadrant of the Pegasus galaxy alone.


And there are indications of
far more elsewhere in Pegasus.

Well, how many more?

Well, there's no way of knowing for sure.

Perhaps 60... Or more.

That's a lot of ships.

Some of them already appear to be on the move.

Toward us?

That's the part we're still working on.

So even if were to have helped
the Genii build nuclear warheads...

We only could have nuked
a handful of them simultaneously.


There's far too many Wraith ships
for a coordinated attack.

The Genii plan never would have worked,
with or without our help.

I'll see what else I can find.

Thank you, Peter.

You might be happy to know sergeant Bates was able to
broker a small trade agreement for food while you were gone.

Oh, he did, did he?

Yes, he did, but it's not a competition.

So who are these people?

They're traders.

They call themselves Manarians.

I'm sorry you weren't able to find
the allies you're looking for, John.

Well, we gathered some valuable intel.
That's something.

You're trying to convince me this is good news?

I much prefer to know what
we're up against than not.

60 ships...
Or more.

I just hope they don't all come at once.
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