02x01 - The Siege: Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Stargate Atlantis". Aired: July 16, 2004 – January 9, 2009.*
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Within the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis is buried a secret base left by the Ancients, originators of the Stargate.
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02x01 - The Siege: Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

You have some wraith DNA.

- You can actually see what's happening?
- I'm on a ship.

Receiving an IDC.

- Who is it?
- Stargate Command.

All we have to do is hold down
until the Daedalus get's here...

then we could use the ZPM
to power the city shield.

Multiple signals Sir. We couldn't see
them until they were right on top of us.

The colonel Marshall Sumner
was a very good friend of mine.

You admit to firing the
shot that k*lled him.

The Wraith... they are in Atlantis.

They're sending in another wave.

Fly the puddle jumper in stealth
mode right down their throats.

You are volunteering
for a su1c1de mission?

- You can't.
- I have to, and you know it.

Teyla I'm hearing g*n
fire, what's your status,


Mecanism armed and ready. I'm going in.

And now the conclusion.


Major Sheppard, decloak
your jumper immediately.

What? Who the hell is this?

Authentication, Alpha
Charlie 1. Decloak now!

Detonation in 5, 4, 3, 2...

Target has been neutralised.

He did it.

Yeah he did.

Dr Weir I'm picking up another ship.

- Another hive ship?
- Negative. I'm reading an IFF.

Atlantis? This is Sheppard.


What other Sheppards do you know?

Oh, thank God!

No, that can't be. We
saw the hive ship go up.

I assure you Dr McKay that
Major Sheppard is alive and well.

Who is this?

Colonel Steven Caldwell. Commander of
the Daedalus. We are ready to assist you.

Oh, thank you!

We are very glad to hear it, Colonel.

And I assume we have you to
thank for saving Major Sheppard.

We were monitoring your transmissions
as soon as we came out of hyperspace.

We couldn't beam him in
until he decloaked his jumper.

Didn't take much convincing.

Dr McKay?

Present! Yes!

I trust you know what to do with this?

Your ZPM sir.

How did they do that?

The Daedalus is loaded with Asgard technology.
Beaming technology is the first part of it.

- They got things like...
- Rodney?

What say we get the shields back up.

What say we.

We still have Wraith all over the city

After we deal with those other hive
ships, we'll assist you as soon as we can.

Caldwell out.

Sir, we have incoming
enemy fighters bearing 320.

All forward rail g*ns, stand by.
Launch all fighters.

Colonel Caldwell?
This is Novak in engineering.

What is it?

Hermiod wanted to remind you that our shields
strength will be severely diminished...

without the Zero Point Module
tied into our power systems.

I'm well aware of that
Doctor. Caldwell out.

Major, do you recommend any
specific target on the hive ship?

One of the fighter bays, Sir.

That would increase the
chance of secondary explosions.

That's what I was thinking, Sir.

I agree. Waeps, arm two mark 8 tacticals.
Our target is the hive ships main fighter bay.

Warheads armed. Target is locked Sir.


We need to get in closer.

Helm, alter heading to
intercept. Go to max thrust.

Max thrust.

We'll just have to get closer.

The Asgard gave you hyperdrives and
shields. How come, no offensive weapons?

Providing other races with anything that
could be potentially used against them?

I thought they were allies?

Without their beaming technology,
you wouldn't be here, Major.

Arm two more mark 8's.

You're wasting ordinance, Colonel.

Those missiles are being
intercepted miles from the hive ship.

I've routed the shield's sub routine. When I
give the word, all you have to do is punch it...

I know what to do, go!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is this?
This is my security escort?

Well we are spread a
little bit thin right now.

OK, but you need to know
that if we come under fire,

you're gonna have to put your
lives on the line to protect me.


OK, I mean the ZPM.
Protect the ZPM at all costs.

And me! Am I wrong?

- Dr Weir?
- Yes?

I've lost contact with
some of our people.


We can get a hold of the teams led
by Captain Radnor, Teyla or Lt Ford.

Well keep trying.

Now we're 0 for 2.
How many things have you got?

Only one needs to get through.

Is there any way we can deliver a warhead
the same way you plucked me out of the Jumper?

The Asgard have already
considered that Major.

There are failsafes built into the systems to
prevent their use as a weapons delivery system.

You've got one of these Asgard onboard?
Can he override the failsafe?

Why would he do that?

Well, his butt's on the line,
just as much as ours.

Novak, I need you and Hermiod to figure
out how to get sight to sight transport...

lock on a set of coordinates
inside the hive ship.

No, no, no, no, no. Sir.
Hermiod isn't going to like that.

Get it done Doctor, that's an order.

That's where we have to go.

What was that? I didn't get all that.

What do I do? Look, I'm gonna get to
the rolling things. Maybe I can uh...


No. You stay here.

So! This is how it's gonna be? Just me?

OK, that's fine!

You want some of this?

This is McKay! I'm in trouble down here!

Dr McKay? Are you alright?

Teyla, we thought you were...

My radio was broken and I was separated from
my group. I've been trying to make my way back.

Oh thank God! You have no idea.
I thought I was gonna...

I thought you were very brave.


- I have a ZPM.
- Yes.

We need to get the shields up.

- Lead the way.
- Yeah sure. After you.

I've set the timer for 5 seconds.
Is that enough time for you?

Five seconds should be more than ample.

OK look. I know you don't approve of using
techology this way, but you have to understand...

I am ready.

Colonel, Hermiod is ready and
standing by for warhead transport,

but I can tell you,
he is not happy about this.

I take that under advisement.
Are we within transport range?

Yes Sir!

Transport warhead when ready.

Ready! 5... The w*apon is away.

We have a k*ll. The last hive
ship has been neutralised.

Novak, I need you to prep
another warhead for transport.

We need to take out those cruisers.

Sir wait!

Colonel, cruisers have broken
off and entered hyperspace.

Seeing what we just did to their
remaining hive ships, I don't blame them.

There are still a lot
of Darts out there.

Alright, let's clean this up.

Sir, the Wraith fighters are regrouping.

Everyone get into position.
Stand by for defensive fire.

We're not the target.

Major Sheppard is right, Sir. The
formation is headed toward Atlantis.

Elizabeth, you've got a problem.

Yeah, we see that Major.

We're moving to intercept, but I
don't think we can get there in time.

Not a chance. They're
coming in too fast.

Oh my God! Their approach is ballistic.

And what exactly does that mean?

Their impact velocities will be in
excess of 10,000 kilometres an hour.

No part of the city can withstand that.

You'd better get the damn shield up!

How much time do we have?

45 seconds.

Rodney we need the shield up
in 40 seconds or we're dead!

What are you, kidding me?


I think we're nearing the point
in which I completely snap.


That should do it! Fire it up!

That didn't do it.

- What?
- It is not working.

- I know what she said!
- 20 seconds.

Okay, Snap! That's it!
Are you all happy now?

- Rodney!
- OK, OK, OK! Try it now!

Atlantis? This is Sheppard. Come in.


This is Sheppard. What is your status?

The explosions must have
disrupted the radio signal.

We're still here. That's our status.

Don't scare me like that.

Sorry. What about the Wraith fleet?

The remaining cruisers
have withdrawn from the battle.

Thank you Colonel. Thank all of you.

Glad to be of help. We're gonna stay in
Geosynchronous orbit for the time being.

Can we be of any further assistance?

We could use some help
with the Wraith in the city.

We're sending some people to
help with that. Daedalus out.

Major Sheppard. I'm sure you're
anxious to get back to Atlantis.

Yes Sir! Thank you.

Rodney? You can take
the rest of the day off.

I'm going to curl up in bed with
the largest sandwich I can find.

Shall I just explain to the rest
of the Wraith left on the base,

that you're unavailable to fight?


Secure Stargate Operations.
Hello, I'm home!

Yes you are.

I truly thought...

Yeah, yeah. I thought the same
thing about you, a minute ago.

We gotta stop that.

I'd like that.

So uh, where are we?

Well most of our sensors are still down,

but we do know that there are at least
a handful of Wraith still in the city.

Still got some work to do.

Before you do anything, Colonel
Everett insists on speaking with you.

He's in the infirmary.

We've neutralised the hive
ships, activated the shields...

and we've mustered as many people as we can,

making sure there are no Wraith
hiding in the shadows.

- Good work Major.
- Thank you, Sir.

They're shipping me out with
the next batch of wounded.

I wanted to finish our conversation.

Yes Sir.

I owe you an apology.

No Sir, you don't.

I think I have a pretty good idea.

I would have done the same thing as
you did, when you found Colonel Sumner.

That's what I wanted to tell you.

None of that matters right now, Sir.

I'm trying to say,

I wish you had been there for me.

You're gonna be fine Sir,
once you get back to Earth.

I said what I had to say.

Get back to work.

Yes Sir.

Preliminary count is 40 casualties.

Maybe more. I'm still trying to line up
life signs readings with actual people.

There are no Wraith life signs?

The last one was trapped in one
of the deeper parts of the city.

He died trying to damage city
with one of their grenades.

Three of our men were injured. On the
bright side, there was no flooding.

Have we been able to locate Lt Ford?

I'm sorry, no.

We searched everywhere in the city. It's...

possible he may have beamed
up into one of the Wraith Darts.

Let's not make that assumption.

Major, I'm sorry. We searched
everywhere inside the city.

Well how about outside the city?

- I don't understand.
- Expand the sensors. Maybe he's in the water.

Even if that was the
case, there's no chance...

Look, I'm not asking you to swim out there,
I'm asking you to press a few damn buttons!

Even if you're right, I don't see how...

Oh my God.

Colonel Caldwell?
One of our men is in the ocean...

outside our shield. Most probably injured.

Can you beam him to your ship
and down to our infirmary?

Atlantis? This is Dr Novak on the Daedalus.

You're gonna need some SO's in your
infirmary, before we beam your man down.

We already do Doctor. Beam away.

Good Lord!

Let's get this thing off of him.

How is he?

I gave him a mild sedative to
help rest, but he should be dead.

He's a tough kid.

Not my point, Major. He was lying face down
in the freezing water for over an hour.

I don't care how tough he is.

So what are you saying?

We still have no idea how it works,

but during the Wraith feeding process, the
victim is injected with a special enzyme.

It strengthens the human body temporarily
and ensures that the heart continues to beat.

Why would they wanna make you stronger?

So the victim doesn't die immediately.

The feeding process is so traumatic,
that without the special enzyme,

we shut down far sooner than they like.

They make you stronger so they
can take more time to k*ll you.

Lovely, isn't it?

In most cases the enzyme is released
slowly into the blood stream...

throughout the feeding process.

I can only ascertain that
the Wraith died quite suddenly...

and that Lt Ford's system
became flooded with it.

And that's why he was able to
survive in the water for so long.


The problem is, now the enzyme
is breaking down in his system,

eventually there'll be none left.

That's not good.

No. In fact, I'm quite
certain it'll k*ll him.

It's possible his body's become
dependant on the enzyme to function.

What's the treatment?

We wean him off it. Sneak his body
chemistry back to normal incrementally.

Then we're gonna have to
get more of this enzyme.

Aye. With your permission Doctor,

I'd like to harvest it
from the Wraith bodies in the morgue.

I know it's a little bit creepy, but...

Elizabeth. Major Sheppard?

Do whatever you have to do.

- What is it?
- You're gonna wanna get up here.

Aren't you supposed to be
getting some sleep, Rodney?

I was trying to do just that, but
someone thought I should know...

the deep space sensors
were back up and running.

Yes, and?

They picked up 12 more hive ships
travelling in hyperspace.

Their course and speed will
bring them here in 36 hours.

12 hive ships?

The Cruisers that got away
probably called for reinforcements.

Our research shows there are at
least 60 hive ships in this galaxy.

But who knows how many
more could be on the way?

- At least the shield's up and running.
- That only buys us time!

I like time.

Look, the first siege of Atlantis
lasted for years. I mean,

with only one functioning ZPM, we
can't expect to hold on that long.

Can we submerge the city again?

It's a city, not a yo-yo.

Look, I don't even know how
they did it the first time.

How long until they arrive?

A little over a day.

You know what?

I'm sick of this.

I'm sorry?

I mean, sitting around waiting for them to
show up. I say we take the fight to them.

We've got one ship, Major.

We got one ship with an Asgard shield, an
armoury full of nukes and beaming technology.

- That evens the odds out a hell of a lot.
- Twelve ships and their escorts.

I'm telling you. We've gotta
send these guys a message.

We're not like the Ancients. We're
not gonna sit around and wait.

If they don't back off,

we have the capacity and the will
to go kick their asses for a change.

How do I fight a ship in hyperspace?

The Wraith's faster than light travel is not
as the Asgard hyperdrive aboard the Daedalus.

Not only slower, they need to
travel in a series of jumps.

So, if my calculations are correct,
they'll make one last stop here,

fifty light years away,
before they make the final jump to Atlantis.

Dr Weir?

It will feel good to have them
on the defensive for a change.

Alright then,

let's do this.

Scanners are clear, Sir. No contacts.

I hope we're in the right spot.

They'll be here. I'm willing to
trust Rodney about these things.

I've set the warheads to go off
one second after reintegration.

So I assume you're fine with that?


They are angry. I can feel it.

Word of our success might spread to
other worlds. They want us silenced.

You can sense that?

The Wraith warriors were
in such close proximity...

Excuse me.


I'd like to report for duty ma'am.

Dr. Beckett released you?

Why wouldn't he, I'm fine.

If we can hit the first one or two
as soon as they exit hyperspace,

I think that'll send a message.

Who knows, maybe they'll surrender.

Sir, we have a contact.

Stand by for weapons deployment.
Shields at max power.

Shields up.

Novak, this is Caldwell.
Begin deployment at your discretion.

I have a weapons lock on the
coordinates of the first enemy vessel.

Got it! First w*apon away, Colonel.

That's a k*ll.

Stand by.

Alright, that's two.

It's working.

Stand by for coordinates.

The other hive ships are
altering course to intercept.

- Take us right at them.
- Yes Sir.

They're flanking us.

Forward rail g*ns, return fire.

Novak we need to speed up
deployment of those nukes...

or this fight is going to be over soon.

The enemy has engaged counter measures that
are preventing our ability to transport.

- Is there a way to counter the counter?
- None.

Colonel, we have a problem. They've found a
way to jam us from beaming onto their ship.

We don't know how.

Rear shield emitters are down
to forty percent!

Central rail g*n two is out of action!

Take engines to max. Foster!

Try keeping the damaged
shield from the main force.

Sir! One of the cruisers is
approaching on a parrallel course.

They may intend to board us! That was
their strategy when they att*cked Atlantis.

Shield status?

Under 20%.

Set course for Atlantis.
Engage hyperdrive.

Hyperdrive. Yes Sir!

This fight is over.

Bottom line is, it didn't work.

At least you gave them
something to think about.

We'll see. I doubt very much that
that tactic will work again...

and the Daedalus has sustained damage.

It was still the right thing to do.

We should make it home before they do.

I hope so. We'll keep the
porch light on for you.

OK, what are our options?

Well let me see, we've got slow death, quick
death, painful death, cold lonely death...

OK, you said yourself that the
shield should buy us some time.

Where do you want me?

Lieutenant, I...

Lt! What do you think you're doing here?

- I'm fine Doc, really. It's cool.
- The hell you are. You should be back in bed.

I feel great. Just drop it.

I will not just drop it. Not twenty
minutes ago, you were at death's door.

I don't care how spry you feel, you
need to be under medical supervision.

I'm good to go.

I appreciate your enthusiasm
Lieutenant, but Doctor...

I'm serious! Just let me prove it.
Just give me something to do.

- I don't think so.
- Don't push me around!


Put him down Aiden,
he's trying to help you.


I'm sorry Doc.

- I don't know why I...
- You need to be under medical supervision.

He's right, Lieutenant.

We just wanna know why you're
suddenly feeling this way.


I'll go back.

Good, that's what you should do.

Yes ma'am.

Sedate him if you have to.


It's starting to affect his brain chemistry.

There's no way you could
have known that Carson,

and it's better this than death.

We need to be more aggressive,

wean him off quicker than I expected to.

It'll be painful and arduous,

but I think it may be our only option.

Now I've sedated him,

but he should definitely
be under secure supervision.

I've already stationed
a guard at the door.

Doctor Weir,

the Daedalus is requesting
permission to land on the east pier.

Permission granted.
I'll meet them there.

Welcome back to Atlantis, Colonel.

The Wraith are right behind us.

I wasn't expecting you to land.

Until repairs are complete,
the Daedalus is going to need...

Atlantis' shields as much as you do.

Doctor Weir,

the hive ships are
emmerging from hyperspace.

We're on our way.

- Ford!
- Don't move or I'll sh**t!

Where's the rest of the enzyme!

- There is no more.
- I saw you extract it, don't lie to me!

- Where is it?
- No, I'm not lying!

Where is it?

You're not thinking straight son.

You're all afraid of me.

Look at what you're doing,
we have good reason to be.

- I'm gonna die if I don't get it!
- Aiden, you're not gonna die.

Shut up!

I'm not gonna ask again.

Is that all of it?

- I promise you.
- Toss it over.

Toss it!

Don't follow me.

They're getting into
some sort of formation.

Move, move!

The shield's holding under bombardment,
but it's under incredible strain.

How long will it hold?

Well if they stop firing at it,
it'll last almost indefinitely,

- but with this kind of...
- Are we talking months, weeks?


At this rate the ZPM will
be depleted within days.

It's almost pretty, isn't it?

Almost. But not quite.

We can get the Daedalus back
into fighting form within 24 hours,

but I think the next engagement
is gonna have the same result.

Even if we were able to destroy
these ships this instant,

more would be here in a few days
and even more a few days after that.

From where I'm standing I just
don't see how we can win this.

Well now we know how the
Ancients must have felt.

Atlantis is the only way to Earth.

As long as they know we're here,

they're just going to keep coming.

As long as they know that we're here.

What do you mean?

Zelenka just said that as long as they
know that we're here, they'll keep coming.

Yes, he said that.

Well what if they thought we were gone?

Then there'd be no
reason for them to stay.


Exactly what?

We disappear.

Destroy the city you mean?

No, we just make it look like we did.


We cloak it.

Yes, yes!

The Puddle Jumpers are equipped
with cloaking technology,

which renders them invisible to
the naked eye and to Wraith scans.

If we just simply remove one of the
cloak generators from the Puddle Jumper...

I wouldn't say simply, but yes, by...

interfacing a Jumper's stealth mode
generator with the city's shield,

we should be able to
render the city invisible.

That's all well and good, but I think
if the city were to suddenly disappear,

they might be able to put
one and one together.

Which is why we fake a self destruct.

Have the Daedalus beam a nuke right above
the city shield and then detonate it.

While their sensors are
blinded, we cloak the city.

When the smoke clears...

Nothing but ocean.

What about high radiation?

I should be able to calculate
with reasonable accuracy,

how long to wait before we
switch over to the cloak.

But what about the displacement issues?

It's called planet emulation.
That's the easy part.

OK. What about the hard part?

Hard part?

Ah! The cloak, for all intents and
purposes, will replace the shield,

which means that we'll be completely
unprotected once the cloak's activated.

We'll be completely exposed?

Well... yes.

So if they're not fooled by the ruse...

Then they destroy the city,
which I remind you...

is exactly what we were going to do anyway.

What about the Daedalus?

Well if it doesn't work,

our shields should be sufficiently recharged
to break through their lines and escape.

We know we can outrun them.

Alright. Let's get as many non essential
personnel onto your ship as we can.

Just in case.

I love this idea. I really do.

But the Wraith are aware that
we have cloaking technology.

They are close.

Close enough for me to connect to them.

If I can convince them that we
intend to destroy Atlantis...

rather than allow it to be taken,

just before the expl*si*n occurs.

How will we know whether
or not they believe you?

Once they stop the bombardment, we'll know.

He's right.

If the Wraith believe that
we intend to destroy the city,

the last thing they'll wanna
do, is to help us do it.

How much time do you need?

- Oh, a week.
- Uh, couple of hours.

I'll take the second estimate. Go!

You're in union?

Full hours.

He escaped.

- What?
- Who?

Ford. He was able to disarm
one of the marines...

and go away with all the
Wraith enzyme I had left.

Ford, this is Sheppard, come in.

Ford? I need you to come back to the
control room buddy, we're all going home.

Lt do you copy?

You're just afraid of me Major.

You're afraid of what I can do now.

I'm not listening to you.

I'm going after him.

Now's not the right time!

Now I'm jolting you out of this
the second I feel there's a problem.

I understand.

We're all set down here.

Good! We're almost
ready up here. Rodney?


Ready to go.

Colonel Caldwell.

The people are securely aboard.

The warhead has been armed and is
ready for deployment on your mark.

Very good! Stand by!

Dr Beckett?


I'm ready.

We're good to go.

Alright, let's send our message.

I am on one of the ships.

They see me.


The message has been delivered.

Elizabeth, it's done.

Seems that they heard Teyla
loud and clear. Rodney?

- Yeah! I think I'm ready.
- You think?

I am definitely ready.

Daedalus, launch the w*apon.

Give me city wide.

Attention all personnel.
Prepare for detonation flash.

Shut 'em down!

The w*apon is away.


If we switch to cloak before the blast
radius diminishes, we'll all be incinerated.

Five seconds.

Stand by to engage
sublight engines on my mark.

Standing by Sir.

I think that was
definitely five seconds.

We're cloaked.

How can you tell?

They're scanning for us.

I could have shot you a
couple of times by now.

Well, I'm glad you didn't.


why don't you and I just go
someplace where we can talk.

You're trying to change me back.

No, I'm just trying to help you.

No you're not.


I don't think they've detected us.

Why are you whispering?

I don't know, it just seems
like the right thing to do.

Is it working or not?

What the hell...?

- That's Ford.
- I assume that's him in the Jumper?

- Can they detect that?
- I don't know.

- Shut it down!
- I can't the Jumper's in control!

Ford! Stand down,
this is a direct order!

Where the hell is he going?

It won't matter if the Wraith can detect
the gate activity through the cloak.

There's only one way to know.

This is Daedalus. Our sensors indicate
the Wraith fleet is breaking orbit.

I can confirm that.

They're headed for hyperspace.

Look, I'm gonna keep the cloak up
for a while just to be sure, but...

I think they bought it.

The gate address will be in the
log. There's still a chance...

Doesn't matter where he goes.

The second he gets to
wherever he's going,

he's gonna ditch the Jumper,

turn around,

and dial another address.
One we can't trace.

We'll find him.


At least we're still around to try.

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