01x05 - Where No One Has Gone Before

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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01x05 - Where No One Has Gone Before

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 41263. 1.

We have rendezvoused
with the USS Fearless.

A Starfleet propulsion expert
and his assistant

are beaming over to conduct tests
on the Enterprise's engines.

They have made similar adjustments
on two other Starfleet vessels.

I don't understand your concern.

They're not authorised
to make alterations.

They will run tests on different
ways of entering warp speed,

and different formulas.
Where's the harm?

It's the specs Kosinski sent us.
They're gibberish.

- Gibberish?
- Mr Data, would you explain?

We put Mr Kosinski's specs
into the computer and ran a test.

There was no improvement
in performance.

So explain why the same tests
on the USS Ajax and the Fearless

resulted in
an increase in propulsion.

Our engines are new, sir.
Top condition.

The tests on older ships
may have fixed some inefficiency.

Bridge from transporter.

Two from USS Fearless
are ready to beam over.

Stand by. Mr Riker's on his way.

Aye, sir.

You're concerned about these tests...

Yes, sir.

If I may, I'll ask Counsellor Troi
to look these visitors over.

Very good.

Welcome aboard, Mr Kosinski.
I'm Cmdr William Riker.

- Where is the Captain, please?
- He's engaged in other duties.

His engines should
be the Captain's concern.

They are,
which is why the First Officer

is responsible
for an engine's performance.

Guided, of course, by a
Chief Engineer, Lt Cmdr Argyle.

Nice to meet you.
I appreciated receiving your specs.

To which you have many questions?

Aye, I have.

You, sir, are...?

Mr Kosinski's assistant. My actual
name is unpronounceable by humans.

You're from Tau Alpha C.
That's very distant.

All approved and described
in the Starfleet communications.

I will set up in the engine room.

Our Chief Engineer
will show you the way.

No need.
I know my way around starships.

One thing Kosinski's not hiding
is bad disposition!

Agreed. Also, he's arrogant,
overbearing, self-important,

and very sure of himself
and his ability.

- And his assistant?
- He's the puzzle.

With most life forms,
I can usually feel something.

I may not be able to understand it,
but I feel something,

if only a presence.

With him, nothing. Empty space.

It's as though he isn't even here.

Something about this concerns me.
I can point to no reason yet.

Stay concerned, please.

The safety of the Enterprise
may be entrusted to these two.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds,...

..to seek out new life
and new civilisations,...

..to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

I shall begin my first test
in precisely 1 5 minutes.

- Why is this child here?
- He's doing a school project.

There are some questions. First...

To save myself time,
let me ask those questions for you.

You received the information
from Starfleet,

fed it into your computer
as precisely as humanly possible.

You did a controlled test.

Then, to your astonishment,
nothing happened.

So, you said, "What's going on?
This doesn't work!"

"Kosinski's a fraud!"

I have had this conversation

on other vessels.

They didn't understand it.
Why should you?

You're saying it's unexplainable?

I'm saying I'm not a teacher.
Nor do I wish to be one.

I have neither the inclination
nor the time.

You have all the time you need.

I don't think you understand.
It has been approved by Starfleet.

It hasn't been approved
by the Chief Engineer or me.

- I didn't know that was necessary.
- Now, you do.

Perhaps I should speak
to Capt Picard.

If you like.
It won't change anything.

- How basic shall I be?
- I'll leave that to you.

Would you get
on the auxiliary panel?

To save time, my assistant
is going to lay in my base formulas

more rapidly than any
human being could, even myself.

Here, then, in the simplest
possible terms, is what I do.

This warp-drive system has been
tuned only in the grossest sense,

at least according to my standards.

What I do is specific. Thank you.

Well, sufficient
to say for now that these symbols...

Something troubles you
with the way this is configured?

How about it now?


But shouldn't these be connected?


..and here.

Now will it do what Kosinski
says it will?

It has a chance.

It might work better... this way.


View this screen
as we consider this.

Now, is this merely mechanics,
or is it nature we're dealing with?

What else than nature are
the elementals of space and time?

You are trained in the system.
You go in a straight line.

Competent. Perhaps innovative,
in a minimalist way.

But what I do is not the end of
the process, it is the beginning.

So, do I go back to the Fearless,

which I left with a more efficient
warp-drive system than I found?

Or do you cast off your ignorance
and let me continue?

Could this damage our system?

- It's meaningless.
- Should we let him try?

"Let him try"? Don't talk about me
as if I'm not standing right here!

- We might as well let him try.
- You are too generous.

Boy! Don't play with that!

Engineering is ready to proceed.

Engineering, this is the bridge.
It's your call.

Do this one just like
the last time. Nothing changes.

Commander, I'll make my preliminary
adjustments at warp 1 .5,

and complete them
as we achieve warp four.

Engineering to bridge.
Did you copy that?

Affirmative, Number One.
Are you ready?

We are.

La Forge, set in warp 1.5.

Warp 1 .5, sir.


Alright, here we go.

What are you doing?

Captain, we're passing warp ten!

- What is our velocity?
- It's off the scale, sir.

Reverse engines.

Captain, no one has ever reversed
engines at this velocity.

No one has gone this fast.
Reverse engines.

- All stop.
- Reading all stop, sir.


Calculating it.
Data, what do you read over there?

Malfunction... I trust.

Position, Mr La Forge?

We've not only left our own galaxy,
but passed through two others,

ending up on the far side
of Triangulum.

The galaxy known as M33.

That's not possible. Data,
what distance have we travelled?

2,700,000 light years, sir.

- I can't accept that!
- You must, sir.

Our comparisons
show it to be accurate.

And I calculate that
at maximum warp it would take over...

..300 years to get home!

Captain's log, stardate 41263.2.

This will be a rather unusual
log entry,

assuming Starfleet
ever receives it.

As I've already informed my crew,

a surge ofpower
during a warp-speed experiment

has sent our starship hurtling
out of our galaxy and past another,

taking us over 2, 700,000 light years
in a few minutes.

Message on this has been
transmitted to Starfleet, sir.

Which they should receive in
51 years, ten months, nine weeks...

- Mr Data!
- Sir?

- Capt Picard, I presume.
- We don't know what happened.

The truth is, I made a wonderful,
incredible mistake.

Just explain what brought us here.

As the power grew, I applied
the energy asymptomatically.

I anticipated some tilling.

That was my error, using the Bessel
functions at the beginning.

- What is he saying, Number One?
- It sounds like nonsense.

But considering...

Considering where we are,...

..we must assume it isn't.

Can I do something to help?

I can call my mother.
She's a doctor.

There's nothing she can do. I need
to rest. I've been away too long.

Is what happened to you
part of what happened to the ship?

Please believe me. I mean no harm
to this vessel or those in it.

Is Mr Kosinski like he sounds?
A joke?

No, it's too cruel.

He has sensed some small part
of this.

That space and time and thought

aren't the separate things
they appear to be?

I thought the formula you were
using said something like that.

Don't ever say that again!

Not at your age, in a world
that's not ready for such...

..such dangerous nonsense.

I suspected that this rate
of speed was possible,

but at this level... No, never.

We're going to need
new definitions, new parameters.

Perhaps you could
call it the Kosinski Scale.

Why not? Yes, of course!

Since I'm the one who's made
the warp barrier meaningless.

Captain, this must be
a special thrill for you.

- Thrill?
- As an explorer.

In three centuries, we've charted
just 1 1 percent of our galaxy.

And then, we accomplished this.

Yes, but isn't the real point,
can you do it again?

Can you get us home?

Well, of course I can.
I'll just do what I did before.

Coming, Riker?

Cmdr Riker will join you in a moment.

Comment is invited. Counsellor?

He's convinced he's right.
I have no doubt of that.

Can you allow a man
who's made one mistake

into a position
where he may make another?

Captain, if this guy
can't get us back, who will?

Captain, why not avail ourselves
of this opportunity for study?

There's a giant protostar
in the process of forming.

No other vessel
has been out this far.

Spoken like
a true Starfleet graduate.

- It is tempting, Number One?
- Aye, sir, it is.

But, as they say,
you're the Captain.

If Kosinski can get us home,

Starfleet can use his technique
to bring back a pure science vessel.

Do even more.

Tell Kosinski
to get us out of here.

Aye, sir.

Do you realise how many
great advancements of mankind

have been tied to speed?

This is a moment in history,
right here, right now,

and your names
will be forever linked with mine.

Excuse me, Cmdr Riker.

I don't think he did this. It was...

- Not now.
- Standing by.

But, sir,
I was watching his assistant...

I'm sure this is fascinating,
Wesley, but not right now!

Aye, sir.

- Come on.
- He's too tired.

- Why don't you do it by yourself?
- Yes, why not?

- No! I will help.
- As you wish.

I've laid in the reciprocal course
back, Captain.

Tell the Captain I am ready,
First Officer.

Ready for you to engage, Captain.

- As before, begin at warp 1 .5.
- Warp 1 .5, sir.

This isn't working.

- All stop.
- Answering all stop, Captain.

According to the instruments,
our speed never exceeded warp 1 .5.

All stopped, sir.


But where is this place?

Where none have gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 41263.3.

Instead ofreturning
to our own galaxy,

the Enterprise has gone forward
to a place in the universe

which is uncharted and unknown.

Our position puts us at over a
billion light years from our galaxy.

Data, you have the helm.
I'll be in Engineering.

- What is it?
- A Klingon targ!

My pet!

From home!

But, when I was a child...

You're saying it's a kitty-cat?

I suppose you could call it that.

You darling!
What are you doing here?

Now, run.
This place isn't safe at all.

Tasha, what's wrong?

- You look scared to death!
- I was...

This is crazy. I was at the colony
where I grew up,

being chased by a r*pe g*ng!

Are you alright?

Well, you're safe now.

Captain! We need your help!

- What's wrong?
- Don't you see what's following us?

Ensign, what are you doing?

You look tense, Jean-Luc.
Come and have a cup of tea.

Maman... ?

I make it good and strong,
the way you like it.

We'll have a nice long talk.

- This can't be! You've been...
- Dead?

But I'm always with you.
You know that.

Yes,... I felt that.

But why now, suddenly?

You mean out here?

At what you say
is the end of the universe?

Or did you see this
as the beginning of it?

We believe it the outer rim.

do you understand these things?

Can you tell me where my ship is?
What is this place?

You were reported headed for...

Just a moment, Number One!

Can I help you, sir?


No, let's help all of us.

General quarters. Red alert.

What is it?
Why are we at general quarters?

It was the quickest way
to get everyone's attention.

This is the Captain.
This is not a drill.

It seems that in this place,

the world of the physical universe

and the world of ideas
is somehow intermixed.

What we think

also becomes a reality.

We must, therefore, I repeat,
must begin controlling our thoughts.

We will give you more on this
as our understanding increases.

The Enterprise will stay at
full alert until the crisis is over.

- What did you do?
- It was his assistant.

Kosinski wasn't controlling
the experiments.

It was me!

The equations he punched in
were nonsense. As we thought.

I honestly thought... it was me.
I thought somehow...

..somehow I was operating
on his level.

It was also my fault. I should have
realised it wasn't Kosinski.

How could you? How could any of us?

Wesley did.

If you knew, why didn't you say?

He tried, twice. I didn't listen.

- He's unconscious. Why?
- I'm not certain yet.

- He phased, sir.
- What does that mean?

Parts of him disappeared
then came back.

Nobody paid attention to him
the first time.

This time, he was fighting it.

- He's dying.
- He mustn't!

He's the only one
who can get us back.

that doesn't seem possible.

Captain's log, supplemental.
Our position is unknown.

Our only chance ofreturning to
the known universe is a dying alien,

who is generally humanoid,
but with a physiology

which would create medical problems
in caring for him.

- Cause?
- I don't know.

My equipment doesn't register
his life signs.

I would guess exhaustion, fatigue.

- Will he be alright?
- Why is the boy here?

Mom, he's my friend.

You may want him here, sir.

He seems to have developed
an attachment to the boy.

My name is Wesley.

He knows! We all know.

- Will he live?
- I'm not sure.

- Wake him.
- I'd rather let him come round.

We don't have that luxury!

He could die,
and with him any chance we have.

Doctor... Wes... We all have
other friends on this ship.

If we stay here,
we may lose the ability

to distinguish
between thought and reality.

Regardless of the risk,
wake him, now!

Recognise me? I'm the Captain
and I need answers.

I will do my best... to provide...

Who are you, or what?

I am... a Traveller.

What is your destination?

- Destination?
- Yes.

- What place are you trying to reach?
- Place? No.

There's no specific place
I wish to go.

What is the purpose of your journey?


- That's not an answer.
- I have certain abilities.

They give me a knowledge
of propulsion.

I have been trading this
for passage on Starfleet vessels.

- Letting Kosinski take the credit?
- It seemed the sensible way.

- Until now.
- Captain...

I seek only transportation in order
to see and experience your reality.

I am no thr*at to you,
your ship or your crew.

He isn't, Captain! I know he isn't!

Our reality? And in order
to satisfy this curiosity,

you have brought my ship and my crew
into grave risk!

- I have made some mistakes.
- Some mistakes!

What mistakes could possibly
explain these explosions of velocity?

I don't know if I can put this
in terms you'll understand.

I believe there may be a warp speed
that can get us beyond galaxy M33.

But there is no velocity
of any magnitude

that can possibly bring us...
wherever this is.

Are our navigational sensors right?

Are we millions
of light years from where we were?

- Well, yes.
- Well, what got us here?


- Thought?
- You do understand?

Thought is the basis
of all reality.

The energy of thought, to put it
in your terms, is very powerful.

That's not an explanation.

I have the ability to act
like a lens, which focuses thought.

That's just nonsense.
You're asking us to believe in magic!

Well, yes, this could seem
like magic to you.


No, it actually makes sense to me.

Only the power of thought could
explain what has been happening.

Thought is the essence
of where you are now.

You do understand the danger?

What we think is what happens.

It pains me I was so careless,

My intent was only to observe,
not to cause this.

You should not be here
until your far distant future.

Certainly not
until you've learned control.

You are from a different time?

Not exactly from another time. I...

Although as you understand
the concept,

yes, perhaps that term
fits as well as any.

- You have this ability to travel?
- Yes.

- Others of your kind have it?
- Oh, yes.

Then why is there no record of
someone like you having visited us?

What wonderful arrogance!

It's because
we have not visited you before.

Why not?

Well, because, up until now,
if you'll forgive this,

you've been... uninteresting.

It's only now that your life form
merits serious attention.

I'm... sorry...

- What's happening?
- He's unconscious again.

Revive him.

Whatever you need from him,
get it soon!

Sir, our first leap out of our
galaxy was, as he said, a mistake.

- Unless he was distracted.
- and it weakened him,

resulting in the incredible leap
out here.


Have you any facts that fit this?
Can you get us back?

Captain, not so fast.

We have an opportunity
for scientific discovery.

And we report our observations
how? To whom?

Can you get us back?

I will try.

Take him down to Engineering.
I'll be on the bridge.


- He's very weak.
- The Captain's right. We must hurry.

First, I request a moment
with the Captain. Alone.

Strange how he seems
to care for you.

He will forget me in time,
which is as it should be.

- It's Wesley I want to speak about.
- The boy?

It's best you do not repeat this,
especially not to the mother.

Whatever happens, it is imperative
that it proceed naturally.

I must get my ship back.

- Do we have time for this?
- Oh, yes!

He and a few like him
are why I travel.

You have it in your power
to encourage him without interfering.

- Encourage him in what?
- How shall I explain?

Are you familiar with the intricacies
of what is called "music"?


Such musical geniuses I saw
in your ship's libraries.

One called Mozart, who as a small
child, wrote astonishing symphonies.

A genius who made music not only
to be heard, but seen and felt

beyond the understanding,
the ability of others.

Wesley is such a person.

Not with music, but with
the equally lovely intricacies

of time, energy, propulsion.

And the instruments of this vessel,
which allow all that to be played.

You're right, I must hurry now.

But you're right. He is just a boy.

He should be encouraged,
but told none of this.

We're going home.
Take him to Engineering.

- Yes, sir.
- I'll be on the bridge.

- Put it out!
- How?

Put the flame out in your thoughts.

Get to your station.

- Concentrate on your assignment!
- Yes, sir!

Captain's log.
Any time entry is meaningless.

We have to repeat
the same warp experiment

but with one variation.

A principal part of this formula

will be the thoughts
of everyone on the Enterprise.

We have no idea how this works.

We understand only
that the Traveller

makes use of this somehow.

It is important that those aboard
avoid random thoughts

that might change the reality
of what we're attempting to do.

Do you have further advice?

When you begin the attempt,
there will be stress.

It's only natural
the crew's concentration will shift.

Plus some genuine fear, Captain.

You can't notice what's happening
without that.

All decks, all stations.

This is the Captain speaking.
I must have your full attention.

In a few moments,
as we attempt to warp home,

it is absolutely vital
that you centre your thoughts

on your duty or on the welfare
of the one called the Traveller.

Think ofgiving him some
ofyour strength. This is an order.

You must try to do this.

attempt to concentrate completely

on your duty of the moment.

Or on the Traveller,
on his wellbeing.

Think ofhim as someone
you care deeply for.

All decks, all stations...
battle stations!

I need Kosinski
back on the main computer.

You need me?


Helm, set in warp 1 .5,
retroactive course.

Warp 1 .5.
Retroactive 261 , mark 31 , sir.

Bridge to Engineering. Stand by.

I feel an abundance
of wellbeing on the ship.

It feels like...

..quite wonderful.

Engineering to bridge.
We're ready.

On my order, Mr Data, Mr La Forge.


It's not happening. It's not enough.

Warp 1 .5, sir, which is what
my instruments read all along.

Our position is exactly what it was
before this sleigh ride began, sir.

- Cease red alert.
- Sleigh ride?

Whatever you want to call it.
I don't have a proper name for it.

- The Traveller's gone, sir.
- Gone?

He's phased
completely out of existence.

At least, out of our existence.

Attention, all decks.

With your support, the Traveller
has returned us to our own galaxy.

However, he has now left us.

Wherever he has gone,
we wish him well.

Have the boy sent to the bridge.

Wesley Crusher, report to the bridge,
on the double.

Our next assignment
is on this heading?

Yes, sir.

Mr Data, Mr La Forge,
increase to warp five, same heading.

- Warp five, sir.
- Same heading, sir.

Wesley, come on the bridge.


Cmdr Riker told me
how supportive you were. Well done.

At ease. Er...

- Sit here.
- Captain, it's not allowed.

- Your orders.
- That's true.

Well, I can't waive them again...

Only commissioned officers...

- It's alright. I understand.
- Please don't interrupt me.

I'm sorry, sir.

Any commission rank? Even ensign?

That would give him
authorised access to the bridge.

Well, then, I'll have
to make him an acting ensign.

Captain's log, stardate 41 263.4.

For outstanding performance
in the best Starfleet tradition,

Wesley is made Acting Ensign

with the duties and privileges
of that rank.

And whether that rank
becomes permanent depends on you.

At the earliest opportunity,

your application for
Starfleet Academy will be tendered.

Until then, you will learn this ship.
Every operation and function.

Commander, a duty schedule
for Mr Crusher, heavy on study.

Aye, sir.

sit here and learn something.

- Sir, shall I send for Dr Crusher?
- Why? ls someone ill?

Or would you rather tell her, Wes?

Sir, I'd like to sit here
for a while. I'll tell her later.
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