01x13 - The Insider

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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01x13 - The Insider

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: In New York
City's w*r on crime

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued by the detectives

of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Girl: So Brittany's
like, committed.

Who knows if she's
even going to show up.

That's not even the
point. Who is this guy?

All of a sudden he's supposed to
be in Atlanta for an Elton John benefit.

He is off of the
VIP list forever.

Lilly, I need to speak with you.

We're late, Daddy.

This article?

Lilly: Dad, that's
great exposure.

That's a national magazine.

Didn't you get enough
exposure last summer

when you nearly ran
over those people?

- Yeah, by accident.
- And now this... this exposé
of your sex life?

Nobody takes
that stuff seriously.

They do, Lilly. It's degrading.

Well, I didn't do it to
embarrass you, okay?

- Let's talk about this later.
- Where are you going?

- Where do you think?
- I don't want you going there.

I know what goes on there.
That so-called friend of yours,

if he doesn't stay
away from you...

- Daddy, stop it!
- Lilly, I mean it.

I can hurt him.

Lilly, I'm on your side.

Sometimes I wish
you'd remember that.

Does it ever occur to your
dad what a supreme geek he is?

Don't say that. Well, he is.

Well, shut up, Serena.

(techno music playing)

Man: You need
to get out of there.

- 'Cause that is out of control.
- He was threatening me.

I was like, "Oh,
that's great, Daddy.

Real warm and
fuzzy. I love you, too."

You want me to do
a Menendez on him?

Just say the word,
I'm there for you.

Thank you, sweetie.

Hey, jerkwad!

Put it away, Eddie.

I'm sorry, man, I got this.

Go tell Jimmy I said
take care of you, all right?

Try that again, I'm not
letting you back in here.

- How you ladies doing?
- Great.

'Cause we've only
been here a half hour.

Where have you been?

Come on, I want to talk to you.

Where'd you go to?

Let's have some fun.

Johnny, what is this?

Honey, go back inside now.


That was weird.

Could you just leave
me alone, please?

Daddy, it's me.

Are you there?

Pick up.

Pick up, pick up, please!

(muffled yelling)

Mister Carlyle? Hello?

Lilly: Please get up!

Please, I didn't
mean to yell at you!

Please get up!

That's great,
Dad! Just lie there!



Please get up! Get up!

Daddy, please, don't do this.

(theme music playing)

Wharton Carlyle, son of the late
Titus Carlyle, the billboard king.

What do you make of this?

The guy's stabbed here
with a double-edged knife

and then hits his head
on the floor when he falls.

Look at the indentation,
the rip in the skin.

You don't get that
from hitting the floor.

I'd look at all the
oars around here.

I bet you find part of
Carlyle's brain on one of them.

Rowed in the Olympics
in '72, in Munich.

- His daughter into it?
- First time I've seen her.

I get here, there he is,
she's all going haywire.

You get much trouble
with the neighborhood?

Nah, just the occasional bum.

I feel bad about this.
He was a nice guy.

Lilly Carlyle.

Somebody call Dominick Dunne.

- What, you know about her?
- "It Girl" of the minute.

Famous for being
rich and famous.

"Details" magazine,
"Vanity Fair."

Very popular, very
young, very everything.

Excuse me, are you
the new detectives?

Because I kind of
need to get out of here.

She sounds like lots of fun.

Are you warm
enough, Ms. Carlyle?

'Cause we could
get you some coffee.

No. Look, I'm sorry. I'm just...

I'm a little bit of a wreck right
now and I need to go home.

Unfortunately, as traumatic
as this has been for you,

we can't allow you to leave

until we get a better sense of
what happened here this morning.

I showed up and I
found my father dead!

Are you on dr*gs, Ms. Carlyle?

Excuse me, what did you say?

I was wondering if you'd
consent to a drug test.

Man: Don't answer that.

Hall, thank God!

This is terrible.

It's okay, Lilly. Hall Richmond,
I'm a friend of the family.

And a lawyer.

Lilly will be happy to
answer your questions

once she's had a chance to go
home and change and compose herself.

As for a drug test,
the answer's no.

Come on, Lilly.

I got a call from the inspector, who
got a call from the chief of detectives,

who got a call from a
lawyer named Richmond.

Here come the smoke and mirrors.

You asked to
drug test this girl?

- Tell me she's not a suspect.
- She's a suspect.

I've seen this girl in my kid's
magazines, she's 90 pounds soaking wet.

With a nose full of cocaine,
she's a 400-pound gorilla.

Still, the guy was an
Olympic champion.

She could've had an accomplice.

- How's that work?
- Two weapons.

We found the oar used on
his skull, wiped clean of prints.

Torso wounds from a
dagger, presumably...

gathering silt at the
bottom of the Harlem river.


I'll call Hall Richmond, make sure
he brings Ms. Carlyle by for a chat.

Aren't you going
to ask me if I did it?

Hall: It's irrelevant, Lilly.

Now, whatever you do,
you must not lie to the police.

If there's anything I don't want
you to answer, I'll let you know.

You're out of your depth, so keep
your mouth shut and do what I tell you.

My dad was angry
about a magazine article...

and we got into a
fight Thursday night,

and I went there to apologize.

And then when I
saw that he was dead,

you know... And I just
started throwing things,

but that's all that happened.

Eames: You drove from the West
Village all the way up to the Bronx.

- Who was with you?
- Nobody.

Anybody you know carry a knife?

I wouldn't associate with people

who carry weapons, now would I?

I didn't know very
much about you,

so I pulled some
articles off the computer,

and I went to the newsstand.

Is this one of the articles
that made your father upset?

- No.
- How about this one?

It was this one, wasn't it?

You're very candid about
your sex life in this article.

Was your father embarrassed?

It's promotion,

for my public
relations business.

Last summer...

you got into an...

An altercation with
a photographer?

No, he was intruding
on my privacy.

You see, people like
me are always targets!

You nearly ran him
over with your car.

Did your father think
that's appropriate for...

people like you?

No. People like me don't
have to put up with crap like this!

- Lilly...
- No! I'm not doing this anymore!

We'll need the names of the
people you were with last night.

Just go to the club.
They all know me there.

Hall: If you'll excuse us.

John: I don't remember seeing
her leave. We were packed.

- At 5:00 a.m. on Friday morning?
- 5:00 a.m. any morning.

- How about who she was with?
- Like I said, it was a zoo.

You got security. How about
you pull the tapes from that night?

It's a loop. It's not
going to help you.

You know, I read that
she did PR for you.

What does she do exactly?

She's Lilly Carlyle.

Her Rolodex looks like the
guest list at the MTV Awards.

She put us on the map.

Is that the reason why you're
giving us the runaround?

Come on.

Mr. Hampton,

you can alienate her,
or you can alienate us.

But we can get a lot
nastier than some debutante.

Talk to Serena Whitfield.
She was with her.

Serena: I don't remember
anything unusual.

Lilly talk about her
father that night?

Was she upset with him?

I don't know
anything about that.

These are the police. Tell
them what they want to know.

Her dad was on her a lot.

And Lilly was like...

She can give as
good as she gets.

What was his problem with Lilly?

He didn't like her
hanging out at the Aztec.

Eames: Why?

He didn't like the people there,
the people who ran the place.

Her dad told Lilly he knew
what was going on there

and he was going
to shut it down.

What was going on at the club?


Thursday night...

there was this guy getting
beat up behind the club.

I don't know who he was.

- Eames: Who was beating him up?
- Two guys, these big guys.

Everybody says
they're gangsters.

Those two were just
wailing on this other guy.

John was there.

John Hampton?


Lilly was so freaked out.

Hampton, John. That's right.

Business address
is 1-1-2 Garston.

Okay, get back to me.

Cabaret license is
held by Hampton.

Same story with
the liquor license.

We're not the only
ones checking up on him.

Two weeks ago, Wharton Carlyle,
through his non-profit foundation,

called the State Liquor
Authority about Hampton.

He also called the Real Estate
Board and the Health Department.

It looks like Hampton
didn't want the attention.

Last few years, Hampton ran a
couple of clubs in Tempe, Arizona.

Cited for serving alcohol
to minors, fire regs.

- He paid his fines.
- Tempe's a long way
from Mott Street.

The club is connected, Captain.

The magic gut speaks.

If I'm going to talk up
this mob angle upstairs,

you're going to have
to prove it to me first.

Excuse me. Excuse
me. This is a private lot.

- Yeah? Who owns it?
- Sorry, Officer.

It's leased, actually,
by the Aztec Club.

I hope there's no problem.

We're just keeping an
eye on the neighborhood.

- How come?
- Because we're the police.

- How long have you been
exclusive to the club?
- A couple of months.

And they make
it worth your while

to keep the place deserted
like this during the day?

It's an arrangement. It works
for them, it works for me.

It looks more like
you're working for them.

When you made this
arrangement, they thr*aten you?

- We'll protect you.
- Right. Right.

Who are the lucky stiffs

who get to park
here during the day?

That's Mr. Hampton's
car. He owns the club.

That one... I don't know.

Looks like it's been
here a few days.

The paper on the
dash is from Thursday.

This car's been here
since Thursday night?


Is there a problem?

You'll be the first to know.

I already told the
cops at the hospital.

It was on Little
West 12th and 9th.

Four guys, one with a g*n.

They jacked my van.

The next thing you know,

I wake up in the emergency room.

It's so amazing you
got Pete's van back.

Did you catch the guys?


Mr. Samuels, did you do
any work at the Aztec Club?

I never heard of the place.

We found your van
in the parking lot.

- Who roughed you up, Pete?
- We know you're afraid.

The fact is,

if you don't help us,
we can't help you.

Yeah, but I'm not
asking for help, all right?

- I didn't ask you here.
- We're here anyway.

I installed the audio
system at the Aztec.

Eames: Were you
there Thursday night?


They asked me in
to adjust the subs.

As soon as I got there,
they went after me.

On account they
heard that I took a gig

with a new place down on 9th.

No one told me I was exclusive.

That's the other guy, Vinny.

Him and Frank did the beat-down.

- And Hampton just watched.
- You did a good thing, Pete, thanks.

I don't have to come back again,
right? They don't have to know it was me.

- No.
- No, that's good.

Now's a good time to think
this is going to piss 'em off!

Come on, Cry... hey, Crystal,
come here. Wait a minute.

Vincent Russo. Frank Ventura.

Kissing cousins
of the Genoveses'.


One second.


Why'd you lock your door?
You got somebody in here?

I was taking a nap. Here you
go, coat check and bar tabs.

We got a new guy we want
you to use for your glassware.

I already got 2,000
glasses, Vinny.

Guess what? They're all chipped.

Okay, okay.


the police came by
about the Carlyle m*rder.

I don't need that kind of heat.

Hampton, don't go
looking for trouble.

Lilly: My Dad never told
me anything about the mob.

Eames: Why was he looking
into the club's ownership?

I don't know.

Why does it have to be
about this whole mob thing?

Why can't it just be some
mugger who tried to rob him?

It's going to be
what it's going to be.

Why do you care
one way or the other?

I don't care about what
happens to these guys.

I think you care about what
happens to John Hampton.

John isn't a mobster.

Sorry to give you the bad news
about the guy you've been sleeping with.

Excuse me, what?

Were you or weren't you?

Lilly, I think you should
answer the detectives truthfully.

It was a very casual thing.

But enough to worry your father.

He didn't want me
going down there.

I told John he shouldn't
let those guys in,

that it was a horrible
image for the club.

And he said that
he had no choice.

Did he say why?

This guy, Vinny...

John said the feds
had him indicted

because he chopped
off a guy's hand.

A federal indictment?
John Hampton said that?


Since when?

Okay, thanks, Harry.

There's an indictment all right.

Federal grand jury billed Russo for
t*rture and extortion four months ago.

- It's not on his sheet.
- They said it was sealed.

Where does a nightclub owner find
out about a sealed federal indictment?

What's it called, Aztec?

- Yes.
- I never heard of it.

I can run the name of the principals
through the Bureau's database,

see what comes up?

Could you? That'd be so helpful.

Mmm. What's your
interest in this club?

It's in connection
with a m*rder.

Wharton Carlyle,
kind of a big shot.

Well, who you looking at for it?

Vincent Russo, Frank Ventura,
plus a newcomer, John Hampton.

We're about to execute
search and arrest warrants.

You can't do that.

Really? Why's that?

The Aztec is a
Bureau sting operation.

And John Hampton would
be Agent John Hampton?

We have spent over a
year putting this in place.

We're well into building a
case against the Genoveses

for extortion, racketeering,
money laundering.

We're not jeopardizing
that for some...

For a m*rder investigation.

How long before you
roll up the operation?

- Four to six months.
- Six months!

What do we do till then,
watch our leads turn to ice?

I sympathize with your problem.

Maybe I can be your
eyes and your ears.

You'll do no such thing.

The Aztec Club is off limits.

I won't have my
agent compromised.

Then you better pull him out.

Because as long as it's in the five
boroughs, that club's on our beat.

I want to see the tapes.
It's a sting operation.

I want to see the
surveillance tapes.

- Absolutely not.
- Deakins: I get calls every day

from the mayor on
down on this case.

Sure would be great to tell them
how helpful the Bureau's been.

I think I got something
interesting from Thursday night.

So John, you like undercover?

Beats driving a desk in
the Phoenix field office.

After a while, you forget
you're playing dress-up.

It's like a groove.
You ever try it?

I wouldn't be any good.
It's just not in my nature.

Those four years in
Narcotics, what was that?

You ran three
undercover operations,

27 arrests, 27 convictions.

- You read my file.
- Wouldn't you?

And Eames, you transferred to
Major Case after three years in Vice.

Winter nights trolling the Point

in a fur coat and a halter
top looking for johns.

It's tough duty.

Let's not run games
on each other.

Okay, let's check it out.

That's Eddie Dutton.

He shows up every
time Lilly's around.

This might help you.

Is there any more to the tape?

That's all I can show you.

Good hunting.

It was in your bedroom, Eddie.

A double-edged knife.

The same kind of w*apon
used to k*ll Lilly's dad.

Listen. I'm not even...

- This is nuts, okay?
- Relax, Eddie.

We're going to get
to the bottom of this.

Oh, Jeez. You know, this is...

That's just really what I...

You're going to want to start finishing
a sentence here pretty soon, Eddie.

Forensics is going
over your knife.

You got something to tell
us, now would be a good time.

What she says is true.

Okay. Okay.

I offered to get rid of her
dad. I know how it sounds.

When I drink, I say
pretty much anything.

Well, people say things they
don't mean when they're drunk.

But then it happened. He's dead.

I'm screwed, man, this is wha...

Well, you're in
trouble, that's a fact.

You keep telling us the truth,
we'll see where it gets us.

Hey, if I was
really going to do it,

I wouldn't have flashed the
knife in front of everybody.

- Who's everybody?
- (sighs)

Lilly, Serena, a photographer,


Man, he really flipped out.

Over the knife?

Yeah, I thought he
was going to k*ll me.

Eames: After all this
stuff, what happened?

All I remember is waking
up in the bathroom.

- What time did you leave?
- I don't know. Morning.

The cleaning crew woke me up.


Got a mixed bag from Forensics.

Size and shape
consistent with the wound,

but no blood or
tissue on the knife.

He could've soaked
it in disinfectant.

If he was smart he would
have ditched the knife.

Be happy he's plenty
dumb to hand you enough

incriminating statements
to choke a judge.

Now you just have
to bust his alibi.

I have to brief the chief
of detectives by 6:00.

A little good
news wouldn't hurt.

Go and check the alibi.

I'm going to be
down in Forensics.

I analyzed the saliva.

This one, traces of animal
fat, mustard residue...

Not that one. I had
pastrami for lunch.

That explains the antacid.

The other mug is
more interesting...


It's also present in the
fingerprints on the mug.

(techno music playing)


John: Those cops came to see me.

So? They come and
see me all the time.

They asked me
about you and Eddie.

They think you k*lled
your father, the two of you.


Who told them that?
Did Eddie tell them that?

They had to get
it from someplace.

That is so outrageous.

Doesn't really matter.

It's enough the
police believe it.

You got to protect yourself.


So what am I going to do?

What I tell you.


There's a way to
handle the police.

You know so much
about cops, right?

I know enough.


I don't ever want
this to end, baby.

You are so too much.

Eddie was drinking
vodka gimlets all night.

I think he had, like, seven.

And then he came out and
he said he was going to do

something really cool for me,

that he was going to pull
a Menendez on my dad.

And I just ignored
it 'cause I thought

what anybody would think,
that he was just kidding.

Eames: What made you
change your mind about that?

I don't know. I
was just thinking.

Then there's the part where
he pulled out the dagger.

- He took out a dagger?
- Yeah.

He got really pissed
at this photographer

and he started flashing
it around to impress me.

I mean, I realize now he was
doing all that to impress me,

so that's why I think he did it.

That's why I think
he k*lled my dad.

What was it he said again?

That he was going to do
something really cool for me;

that he was going to pull
a Menendez on my Dad.

By that time he had,
what, three or four drinks?


Seven vodka gimlets.

All right, Lilly.

I think that's sufficient.

We appreciate your
coming in, Ms. Carlyle.

It took a lot of guts.

The officer will
accompany you out.

Hall: Thank you.

I'll call the DA and tell him
we're ready to send up charges.

Goren: Dagger?

Since when does a 20-year-old
debutante use the word dagger?

Maybe she read it in
a fashion magazine.

Only cops use the word dagger
to describe a double-edged knife.

It didn't sound on the up-and-up
coming from her, Captain.

Eddie Dutton didn't
just have a lot of drinks,

he had seven drinks.

She was coached by her
coke-snorting boyfriend, Agent Hampton.

Undercovers have
a lot to do to fit in.

Dipping into the nose candy, humping
the local talent is not unheard of.

What is your
problem with this guy?


I just get the feeling I got to
watch my back around him.

Well, until you come
up with a motive,

don't talk to me about Hampton.

Mr. Carlyle never mentioned
a John Hampton to me.

Mr. Carlyle was a
very private man.

If it didn't have anything to do with the
foundation's work, we didn't discuss it.

Ever see the name on any
documents or correspondence?

No. Eames.

It's the office phone records.

In the two weeks
before the m*rder,

there are three
phone calls to Phoenix.

Hello? What was that?

Wagner Security.

Is there a Mr. Wagner
I can speak to?

Mr. Wagner?

Detective Goren. This
is Detective Eames.

You're a tough
guy to get hold of.

Well, can't hit a moving target.

You mind if we hurry? My plane
was late and I have a meeting.

So you wanted to know
what I did for Wharton Carlyle?

- Whatever you can tell us.
- He had me run a background
check on a guy in Arizona.

- Name of John Hampton.
- Did he say why?

Carlyle had found
some explicit Polaroids

of Hampton with his daughter.

Plus evidence Hampton
had given her dr*gs.

The girl had floated
Hampton some money...

40 grand.

Carlyle wanted leverage to
get this jerk to cut the girl loose.

Guy works for the
Bureau, you believe that?

I'll fax you his
file if that'll help.


How did Carlyle react
when you told him?

That an FBI man was
corrupting his daughter?

He was not happy about
it. I told him to be careful.

Hampton had already
stuck a g*n down the throat

of one of Lilly
Carlyle's boyfriends.

Hampton was out of control.

Carlyle was probably
leaning on him,

threatening to go to his boss.

Giving dr*gs to a girl that's not old
enough to drink, taking money from her...

It's indefensible, even
for an undercover.

So do we have a motive now?

I think you do.

We're talking about arresting
an undercover FBI agent

in the middle of a sting.

I don't know about you, but I don't
want to be reassigned to the motor pool.

Then it'll be my decision.

I'll get the warrant,
you pick him up.

(siren wails)

What the hell is this?

The FBI sting netted a number of
associates of the Genovese crime family,

including popular night
club owner, John Hampton.

Son of a bitch!

United States
versus Vincent Russo,

Francis Ventura,
John Hampton, et al.

The predicates include

as*ault in aid of racketeering,

money laundering and extortion.

Judge: How are we
pleading, gentlemen?

Not guilty.

- Not guilty.
- Not guilty.

Lawyer: We ask for
remand, Your Honor.

The defendants all
have previous records

and the evidence
against them is substantial.

Defendants are
remanded to custody.

Your Honor, ADA Carver,

New York District
Attorney's Office.

Before the defendants
are removed,

I'd like to be heard
on this matter.

The detectives'
first attempt to arrest

John Hampton was
pre-empted by Agent Wallis.

We're now simply
trying to keep the FBI

from kidnapping our suspect.

Arrest warrant or not,
their m*rder investigation

can't be allowed to
sabotage a federal case.

It's hardly our fault the US Attorney
pinned her hope on a m*rder*r.

His behavior does
seem questionable,

but I don't see much direct
evidence linking him to this m*rder.

If these detectives weren't so busy
running the FBI's obstacle course,

I'm sure they'd find enough
evidence to satisfy you.

Your Honor, in the absence
of compelling evidence,

the federal government
has the greater interest here.

There's an interest greater than
prosecuting the taking of a life?

What law books are
you working from?

I have to agree
with Ms. Emanuel.

Until I see more evidence,
I'm staying your arrest warrant.

There's also the need to protect
the identity of the Bureau's agent.

I'd like to request a gag order.

Very well.

Mr. Carver, NYPD and your
office is now under gag order.

You can continue
to develop your case.

We are done here.

There goes Hampton
down the rabbit hole.

Even the FBI can't
ignore a federal judge.

You heard him.

The man wants
compelling evidence.


And I want a foot
massage from Derek Jeter.

Man: I didn't see
him. I'm sorry.

That's all right.

This rope is cut through clean. Are
there any scissors or shears over there?

- Nope.
- Knife?

No knife, but there are hash
marks on this workbench.

Could be from a knife.
Mr. Carlyle keep a knife here?

He had a rigging knife.

A rigging knife. That's
a single-edged blade.

Those double-blades,
they're not so useful.

- Cut yourself, you know?
- Yeah, I know.

Do you think you could
pick the knife from a book?

- Think so.
- We'd appreciate it.

This is the wrong kind of knife.

- Carlyle was k*lled
with a double-edged blade.
- But his is missing.

Caretaker picked it.

Last time he saw Carlyle with
it was a couple of weeks ago.

Big help there.
What are you doing?

Reading Hampton's FBI files.

Eames: We passed his photo
and a description of his car

around the neighborhood
of the marina. No pops.

We need something.

The City Police Liaison, the mayor's
office, the Department of Justice

all feel very strongly the FBI
should not be messed with.

We got him.


is the same kind of knife that
Carlyle kept in his boathouse.

The knife that was
used to k*ll him.

- This a single-edged knife?
- Yes.

Well, right there, he's wrong.

The k*ller stabbed the
victim once with this knife,

turned it around and
re-inserted it into the wound,

this time with the
sharp edge down.

Why would he do that, Detective?

So we would think the victim was
k*lled with a double-edged knife,

a knife just like
Eddie Dutton's.

And Hampton
thought his little trick

would fool a
forensic examination?

Wouldn't have
been the first time.

The k*ller of a federal
informant in Arizona

was almost acquitted
because of an identical mistake

made by a forensic examiner.

Hampton knew that because...

he was the lead investigator.

It's in his file.

I hope you appreciate the
fact that we stopped in here

before going to Judge Gordino.


I'm not sure it's enough to convince
me to honor your arrest warrant.

Then give him to us for a day.

Just to question him.

John: It's Goren.

Frustrated second-rate city cop.

You see the signs
in their office?

"World's Greatest
Detectives," my ass.

This whole thing is
complete speculation.

There was a reference, actually.

To a case in your file.

The Jo-Jo Benitez case.

I brought you a federal
indictment against the Genoveses.

I should be getting a medal.

You didn't do it
by yourself, John.

The interview's set
for tomorrow morning.

Pick you up at 8:00. Be ready.

(door opens, shuts)

Lawyer: That's just fabulous.

On top of everything
else he's facing,

you want him to perjure himself?

Carver: There'll be no perjury.

He won't be under
oath and his statements

won't be offered as
evidence in any proceeding.

All right, say he does help you

with this m*rder investigation,

what's in it for Mr. Russo?

Besides the federal charges,

these FBI operations always
give rise to state charges.

We'll make sure they
don't in Mr. Russo's case.

Hampton was my business partner.

And he's my co-defendant.

Not that loyalty's
a big thing with me,

but why should I help you
hang a m*rder rap on him?

Because, Vinny, if
you don't hang it on him,

I'm going to hang it on you.

What do you mean
John's in the FBI?

I think I would've
known if he was a cop.

Be that as it may, your father found
out he was an undercover FBI agent.

He threatened to expose Hampton's
illegal activities to his superiors.

Illegal activities?

Giving Ms. Carlyle dr*gs,

taking money from her,

threatening her
former boyfriends.

- What do you expect from Ms. Carlyle?
- We need her to testify against Hampton.

I don't think you understand.
John's a victim here.

Those gangsters victimized him.

He didn't k*ll my father!

I don't think that
you understand.

That Friday night there was
a problem in the coat room.

Must've been around 5:30.

I couldn't find
Hampton anywhere.

I even went out to the
parking lot. His car wasn't there.

He didn't turn up
until about 6:00.

He told me we didn't have to
worry about Wharton Carlyle

nosing around in our
business anymore.

Goren: Not bad.

Beats a desk at the
Phoenix field office.

Give her a workout yet?

You better not put it off, John.

The Department
of Correction's strict

about conjugal visits
for convicted murderers.

Trust me,

you're a long way
from making that stick.

So you called this
meeting, what do you want?

I want to give you
a chance to do right.

And what's doing right
in the Goren playbook?

Fidelity. Bravery. Integrity.

Isn't that what it says
on your FBI crest?

You're going to give me the
good-agent-gone-bad speech?

I just want to know
what happened.

Did you get tired of watching
the bad guys have all the fun?

This is getting boring.

Let me make it a little
more exciting for you.

My father was angry that John
Hampton was taking money from me

and that we were
having a relationship.

He said that he could hurt John,

and I repeated that to John

and he got really angry.

He knew Dad went
rowing every morning.

I even showed
him where one time.

By the time we clean her up,

put her in a nice blue dress,

she'll make a terrific witness.

The remorseful
daughter of the father

that died trying to protect her.

You used her, John.

She was weak,

and you used her.

And that really pisses me off.

I think it's time to think
about taking a plea.

That crap's not going to fly.

We're done. Get him out of here.

- I'm sorry, John.
- What are you sorry about?

John Hampton, you're
under arrest for m*rder.

You need me. You can't
make the case without me.

It's no longer your concern.

It's lonely at the bottom.

(theme music playing)
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