02x12 - Suite Sorrow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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02x12 - Suite Sorrow

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

She is not to know about this.

How much do you usually get? Think of a number you're comfortable with.

Now double it.

Just now, up in her office.

This is what she thinks of me.

Oh, God.

She has no boundaries.

It's not gonna work.

I mean us, Julie.

I'm sorry.

We make a good team, Kenneth.

You're fooling yourself.

Nan will make our life a living hell.

I'm sorry, Julie.

I really am.


He loves me, Mother.

Is that so hard to believe? - Your judgment is off.

- Right.

I disagree with you, so I must be wrong.

It's my life.

Do you hear me? Everyone hears you, Julie.

But as long as you live under my roof, and work for me, you You can't control me! Is this a bad time? Julie was just leaving.

She only wants what's best for you.

Dad, how can you take her side? I'm not.

The last week, when the talk about selling the hotel came up What? She didn't She said she would discuss it with you.

She can't do this! You can't let her upset you like this.

Come on, you've got everything going for you.

You're young, you're talented, you're gorgeous.

Guys would k*ll for the chance to date you.

You know that, don't you? No.

No second thoughts.

I just Of course I trust you.

I will.


Turner! Mr.

Turner! The room below, they call about the water, but / Slow down, Carlos.

Slow down.

There is a leak into the suite below yours.

I called Mrs.

Turner many times, no answer.

I didn't want to disturb her.

Nan? Nan! Mr.

Turner! Nan! Law & Order CI There's no obvious signs of a struggle.

The wine glass didn't even spill.

Other than the corpse in the tub, the entire suite is fit for a princess.

Just like the ads say.

She drink and drown? The body fights drowning.

The throat closes to keep the water out.

The victim suffocates.

Which means she should've surfaced.

Which she hasn't.

Lungs are filled with water and her throat didn't close.

Forehead has blisters, pinpricks.

Botox sh*ts.

Just a guess, going by that nice smooth look in all her photos.

Botox works by paralyzing the nerves around the facial muscles, doesn't it? Does it look like I'd know? Xanax, Ambien, heart pills.

A real pinata bowl.

The bed was slept in.

You Major Case? I'm Cooper.

That's my boss in the tub.

I'm the house d*ck here.

Used to be at the 24.

- I'm the one who called you.

- On a drowning? The husband doesn't want any insurance questions later.

For example? She was suicidal? She makes other people suicidal.

That include her husband? Ask him.

He's in the study, about a half a mile down that hallway.

Nan did not do this to herself.

She never would have given her enemies the satisfaction.

She must've slipped or Or something.

The manager said you got home around 3:00.


Poker night at the Explorers.

Every week for 20 years.

So your wife was here by herself? Yes.

What about your daughter? Julie was with her fiance, Kenneth Rayfield.

She's at his loft now.

She's She's far too upset to do any good here.

Your wife have enemies? When Nan's father died, she took over the old dame.

It's been a battle.

With whom? Unions? The suppliers? The competition.

She was determined to keep the hotel in the family.

This belonged to Admiral Peary? He took it to the pole.

Nan's father acquired it.

And you use it as a, you know, letter opener? Your competitors, have they made a play for the hotel? There is talk that the Grimwalds are about to make an offer but you'll have to try Julie on that.

Can't we try you? When the family trust was set up, the hotel passed directly to Nan and then to Julie.

I'm not part of that loop.

One last thing.

Did your wife get Botox injections? A gentleman does not ask a lady to reveal her secrets.

I saw Mom just before 8:00.

She was in a good mood.

And then you went to your fiance's? I'd just gotten back from the gym.

We ordered Chinese, watched a DVD.

A quiet night.

- It wasn't that quiet.

- Kenneth.

Your father told us that your mother was gonna keep the hotel in the family.

That's right.

What are your plans? I grew up in the Townson Hotel.

It's my home.

I'm not selling it.

Maybe a competitor thought they could change your mind.

The Grimwalds, for example.

If the offer was generous enough? What did the Algonquin sell for last year, $30 million? Forty.

And it's hardly in the same league as the Townson.

I'm an equity analyst at Mason Stone.


Helen Grimwald's always had her eye on the Townson.

But she underestimates me, like everyone else.

So Nan It wasn't an accident, is that what you're inferring? You mean implying.

The listener infers.

And detectives speculate, since we don't know the cause of death yet.

We'll be in touch.

We're so sorry for your loss, especially now you're getting married.

We haven't set a date yet.

We just met three months ago at a benefit and we Wow, three months.

A whirlwind romance.

Well, we We both just knew.

Well, you're lucky to have each other.

He knew when he got a look at her mother's hotel The ME's got the tox screen results.

This holds 100 units of botulin.

It's good for four treatments.

Nan Turner had over 3,000 units in her system.

Would this fill a whole syringe? Sure.

It's freeze-dried.

Just add saline solution and find a vein.

What about these pinpricks on her forehead? Oh, those would be from a regular treatment, probably the day she died.

The lethal dose went into her jugular.

Now, she had sleeping pills, wine.

She was probably injected in her sleep.

Yeah, the botulin caused a descending paralysis.

First she can't open her eyes, then she can't speak, can't swallow.

And can't close her throat.

But she can still breathe.

So the k*ller dragged her to her bathtub, pushed her under and her lungs filled with water.

Death by Botox.

Live slow, die old, leave a good-looking corpse.

Thanks to your friendly local dermatologist.

Oh, I checked with her doctors.

They never gave her Botox.

Well, there's always the hotel beauty salon.

TOWNSON HOTEL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21 I'm not licensed to dispense Botox.

Yeah, we've found that a lot of people do things that they're not licensed to do.

Especially if their landlord insists.

My salon never treated her.

Not only does he remove hairs, but he splits them.

Your cosmeticians, technically, they're independent contractors, right? Yes.

If you had to pick one? Jason.

He's got a following.

House calls, parties.

Julie, I want you to think.

Imagine the worst thing that Kenneth could do, and then ask yourself, would you still love him? What's done is done.

What matters is, would you still love him? Would you? Then do whatever needs to be done.

He's incredible.

Isn't Jason the perfect little miracle-worker? He has quite a following.

Are these to-dos always so crowded? No.

Half of us were here last Wednesday.

My dear, I would k*ll to have your skin.

Laser abrasion, am I right? No.

If you just saw Jason, why would you need another treatment? Because Wednesday he showed up empty-handed.

Oxygen facial? No.

So what happened? He left his whole supply in a cab.

I know.

You had a lymphatic drain facial.

Sorry, just soap and water.

Now serving number 10.

I'll be done in a jiff.

Aren't we eager? I couldn't take the risk you'd run out like last Wednesday.

What a nightmare! I'm surprised it didn't make the evening news.

There's still a chance.

Jason here ran out of Botox the night Nan Turner died.

What is going on here? A m*rder investigation.

The Baronet.

Isn't that a Grimwald hotel? Yeah, what isn't? I gave a party in one of their suites.

The Vam Dam, another Grimwald hotel.

Boy, you are just in too cozy with the Grimwalds for your own good.

He left those vials in a cab.

How often do you need to hear it? Helen Grimwald was your regular customer.

I mean, you saw her the Monday before you saw Nan Turner.

Come on.

It's written right there in ink.

Did she know that Nan was your client? He's not gonna answer that.

He's gonna want to say something.

He's already on the hook for nine counts of dispensing a controlled substance.

It's just Botox, for God's sake.

Just Botox? You mean anyone could do it? Even me? This stuff was derived from something developed for germ warfare in the '50s.

A jury might not think it's so harmless.

Especially when they find out Nan died after having 30 vials of it jammed into her neck.

I, look I I lugged those vials around all day in this.

First in the fridge at the Townson's beauty salon.

Then I had some sessions at the Baronet.

I stored them in their spa.

After that, the Plaza.

Well, you get the idea.

The idea being that the vials could've been stolen at any point.


Not that I'm pointing fingers, but Helen Grimwald knew that Nan was a client of mine.

She was always asking me about Nan's health.

It was morbid.

She thought as soon as Nan kicked, she could grab up the hotel? Yeah, I tried to tell her Julie Turner would never sell.

Julie lived to renovate.

But Helen said that she had a little bird who told her to be patient.

A little bird.


Apparently the same one who saved her a lot of money when she bought the Baronet.

Okay, thank you.

Three years ago, when the Grimwalds bought the Baronet, they got a bridge loan through Mason Stone.

Kenneth Rayfield's firm.

Yeah, that's Helen Grimwald's little bird.

Once the old lady's out of the way, he'd sweet-talk the daughter into selling the hotel.

And he gets a commission from the Grimwalds and a $40 million dowry.

Except that he k*lled Nan before marrying the daughter and locking in the profits.

Nan was in bad health.

He could've let nature take its course.

Something forced his hand.

Kenneth? Julie adores him.

You trust her judgment? Three months, they're already engaged? Julie's had some bad luck in the past.

She's been divorced? No, she was engaged about three years ago.

Came to her senses just in time.

Was this guy also in the real estate field? Junker? He played the field, he didn't have one.

How'd you find out? We found out because Nan did her due diligence.

You didn't tell Julie? With Julie, if you push one way, she tends to go the other way.

We felt it better to let her Come to her senses? You know There's a check stub missing.

It's been ripped out.

And the checks before and after were written the day of your wife's m*rder.

It's check 768.

Do you know anything about it? The trust account was strictly Nan's domain.


That check should have cleared by now.

The day the check was written, were there any other transfers into the account? Mrs.

Turner transferred $100,000.

Did I say something amusing? Not yet.

Could you look up a check? A three-year-old check? The name of the payee? Well, we only have the first name.

Junker, with a J.

Just be happy his name isn't Messerschmitt.


Junker Dalton.

$30,000 for traveling expenses.

As in, "Hit the road, Junker.

" Nan's M.


She pays Julie's fiances to go away.

Ken didn't go.

Why take the consolation prize when you can stay in the game and marry $40 million? So Kenneth k*lled Nan and Julie's covering for him.

My father told me all about your suspicions.

You're desperate.

You don't care whose life you destroy.

We care who destroyed your mother's.

When Ken came over that day she died, it was around lunchtime? People saw him in the lobby.

Yes, he was here to have lunch with me.

Oh, good, because the people who saw him weren't sure what day it was.

Oh, is that how it's going to be? We're going to play tricks? Well, like you said, we're desperate.

Anyway, so the two of you met in the loft.

That was around 8:00? He just came back from the gym, he took a shower? / Yes.

- Yes? / No.

- No? What? - He showered at the gym.

- Take your time.

And then you ordered in Chinese from Maple Duck? Yes.

Did we tell you? We got it off his credit card bill.

You see, we did a little snooping.

The restaurant told us this Look at this That the order was made just after 10:00.

Well, as Ken alluded crudely, we were preoccupied.

Oh, yeah, well Oh, that's right.

You took a tumble between 8:00 and 10:00.

The restaurant also told us the order was picked up in person.

Well, they're confused.

Ken was with me the whole evening.

Then we're confused, because his gym said he scanned himself in just after 9:00.

Oh, someone must have stolen his membership card.

Next you're gonna tell me someone stole his cell phone and called you at quarter to ten.

No, I used his cell phone.

I misplaced mine in his loft, so I called it, so it would ring, so I could find it.

You're turning every little innocent thing into evidence of nothing.

While you waited for Ken at his loft, Ken k*lled your mother and then ran around establishing his alibi.

'Cause he was afraid that you wouldn't lie for him.

I'm not lying.

Ken wouldn't hurt my mother.

You're into homeopathy.

There's Lycopodium, Iris, Satrum.

Leave my things alone.

Well, they're expired, anyway.

You don't use them? No.

Just put them down.

You know, your mother was right.

You have no judgment when it comes to men.

How would you know what my mother Your last fiance What was his name? Junker.

She paid him 30 grand to get lost.

How would you know about That was a loan.

- She knew - A con when she saw one.

Is that why she wrote Ken a check for $100,000? Ken ripped up that check.

Doesn't that tell you something? Well, what's one check when you can marry the checkbook? How dare you! Ken loves me! Is that so hard to believe? He understands me! He loves me! We're sorry.

We'll show ourselves out.

She's not covering for him.

He's covering for her.


Julie's an attractive young woman.

She doesn't need Botox.

I saw Julie's homeopathic stash.

All the treatments for migraines.

And the heavy curtains in her suite, to block out the light.

She suffered from migraines.

I wouldn't know.

We checked with the hotel pharmacy.

It's been four months since she refilled her migraine prescriptions.

She found something better, didn't she? She found Botox.

We heard for some people, it works miracles.

That day that Nan died, Julie came to you.

She said she had a bad one and you just wanted to help her.

She said they hurt so bad that they make people want to k*ll themselves.

She asked to buy your whole supply? She threatened to make trouble for you? I just wanted to help her.

And then later, I realized You helped her commit m*rder.

The happy couple.

We brought you new engagement rings.

Julie Turner, you're under arrest for m*rder.

You're gonna have to come with us, too.

Ken, don't leave me.

It's nice being loved so much.

Ken! I just told Helen Grimwald Nan had concerns about Julie's ability to run the hotel.

Nan might've been enticed to sell it before Julie could run it into the ground? Yes.

Did Julie know what her mother was thinking? I don't know.

We talked about other things.

Like about the $100,000 check? Julie told us about that.

Not one of my finest moments.

I acted rashly.

Ripping up the check was a noble gesture.

I mean, giving Julie back the engagement ring.

But Nan would've made our life a living hell.

Julie didn't tell you? Let's see if we have this straight.

Her mother was planning to sell the hotel out from under her and she drove her fiance away.

Did we miss anything? I know what you're implying.

But Julie is just not capable of hurting her mother.

So, again, what time did Julie show up at your loft? And this is an answer that you wanna give a lot of thought to.

I I called her just after I left the gym.

She was out walking.

I told her to meet me at my place.

She She got there just after 10:00.

Sounds like the right answer.

Whose idea was it to lie? Julie was afraid she'd be accused.

I Now, I told her that was ridiculous.

But she was so upset.

She I said, "We should just say that we were together.

" I knew she'd never have hurt Nan.

I bought enough for one headache, okay? I was under a lot of stress with the wedding preparations and the redecorating.

Redecorating your mother allowed you to do while she was making provisions to sell the hotel? Just a rumor.

- My mother had complete faith in me.

- Your mother I No.

No, it's too easy.

Why? What's too easy? To get you to go on about your mother.

You should wait for your lawyer.

I don't need a lawyer to tell the truth.

No, you need a lawyer because it's hard for you to know what the truth is.

It's not your fault.

I mean, how could you, with a mother like Nan? Don't patronize me.

I've had enough of that.

Hey, I'm trying to let you know that there's a lot of sympathy for you in this room.

You had a parent that lied to you.

Undermined you.

Questioned your judgment to the point where you didn't even trust it yourself.

She didn't want you to be happy.

I did not hate my mother.

I did not k*ll her.

I was with Kenneth.

That's not true.

Ken told us.

Julie, we can see that you're not a cold-blooded k*ller.

You were provoked.

I didn't k*ll her.

And she drove Kenneth away.

Kenneth told us that he broke off the engagement.

That was just a test.

She wanted to see if he'd take the money.

A test? Like the $30,000 she loaned Junker? No, she was right about him.

That he took the money? That and he was cheating on me.

According to Nan.

She showed me pictures, okay? So if she had anything on Kenneth, she would've shown it to me.

So it was just a test.

And he passed.

Then she realized I was right.

She realized he loves me.

This is Mr.

Edwards, her family lawyer.

Your father's just outside, Julie.

He doesn't want you to say another word.

Until we get a criminal attorney, she's reasserting her right to remain silent.

What do you mean, we can't post bail? Most of the money is in the family trust.

Normally, Julie would have access to it, but since she's charged with k*lling Nan There's gotta be something I can use for collateral? There's not enough that's yours to pledge.

There's gotta be something we can do.

Well, if she were to assign you power of attorney over the trust, temporarily Well I don't want it to appear as though I'm losing faith in her.

Perhaps you can bring it up with her, from a legal standpoint.

- Well, that's your call, William.

- Yes.

Now, as far as a defense attorney, I want the best you can get.

She can't tell us what it is or what it isn't, what she should tell us, what she shouldn't.

She's a pathological liar.

Whatever story works, that's the one she goes with.

Whatever works for her.

She's not lying to us, she's lying to herself.

Are you hoping the truth is in these boxes? We're looking for the evidence Nan had against Kenneth.

What makes you think she had anything more than a mother's instinct? Well, her husband said she did her due diligence.

Last time, that meant photos of Julie's fiance.

The evidence against Julie lays out in a nice, straight line.

Juries like straight lines.

Whatever Nan had, it's not here.

And there's no evidence she hired an investigator now, or three years ago to take photos of Junker.

Well, maybe she kept it in-house.

So, what's your thinking on this m*rder? They're trying to find out who Mrs.

Turner hired to take the snapshots of that What's his name? Junker.

And the Captain thinks it was you.

Well, you want a job done right, hire a pro.

What can I tell you? Legwork 101.

So when it was Kenneth's turn, she came to you? You would've thought.

I even offered but Mrs.

Turner said no.

Why do you think? Mrs.

Turner didn't want another incident.

You mean, with Julie? She was violent? Yeah.

She att*cked her mother? Well, they had this huge argument when Mrs.

Turner showed her the pictures.

I thought it was over.

But that night, they're on their way out to go to some dinner, and Julie hauled off and punched her.

Nearly broke her jaw.

So this time, Mrs.

Turner wanted to be more supportive of her daughter.

She even took her to Florida the weekend before she died.

Just the two of them.

Come back happy as pismo clams.

I don't think Julie did it.

We'll pass that on to the DA.

Thanks for coming in.

Yeah, one last thing.

This punch-out over the photos, did Kenneth know about it? Yeah, he asked me about it once.

He found it amusing.

Well, you know where to find me.

Kenneth told us he didn't think Julie was capable of hurting her mother.

Gee, you think he was lying? He knew she could be provoked.

With rumors of Nan selling the hotel, with Nan paying off another fiance, he got her to do his dirty work for him.

If she gets caught, his hands are clean So much for nice straight lines.

I gladly posted bail today.

Anyone who knows my daughter, knows she could not possibly have committed this crime.

Julie! Julie, did you do it? She has no comment, gentlemen.

No comment, please.

I just wanna say how much I miss my mom.

I loved her very much.

Do you have any other comments? It may amuse you to know her lawyer's already putting out feelers for a plea bargain.

I'm inclined to accept.

Even if someone put her up to it? That doesn't lessen her culpability.

Who is this someone? Her fiance.

He created a circumstance which he knew in the past had caused her to attack her mother.

If her fiance were trying to control her, wouldn't she lash out at him? Not if he made her believe Nan was pulling the strings.

If you take Julie's plea, if you put the weight of this m*rder on her shoulders alone, we lose our leverage against any other suspect.

I'll hold off responding to their plea offer.

But sooner or later, I will take the bird in hand.

Kenneth, he knew that if he could trick Nan into paying him off, Julie would snap.

And the way to trick Nan was to let her find out about his, you know, bad behavior.

Nan and Julie spent the weekend in Florida.

She wrote the check when she came back.

Kenneth was in the city alone.

Whatever he did to set Nan off, good chance he did it that weekend.

At this point, I don't think we should count on Kenneth.

But who else can testify for me? Well, that's why I approached Mr.


About a plea bargain? Absolutely not.

Will, consider manslaughter.

If Julie said she had help from Well, from Kenneth, for example.

I would never hurt Kenneth, ever.

My daughter doesn't have to perjure herself to win.

If you're afraid to try this case, we'll find someone who isn't.

Friday night he had sushi for one.

Phone calls to Julie in South Beach every couple of hours.

So lovey-dovey.

Do you have a charge there CAFE BRASILIA TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 Did you see who was number two? No.

This is Kenny? He's so handsome.

Everybody's having a, you know, a good time.

This is a good time place.

I like these photos.

Who took them? Mercedes.

You remember this guy three Saturdays ago? Oh, yes.

This guy asked me to take a picture of him and his date, like a surprise.

So, I do.

What did his date look like? They were kissing.

I see only the back of his head.

He was wearing a baseball hat.

His head? The date was a man? / Yes.

Did he buy the photo? This guy buy it right away.

Okay? Kenneth outed himself.

He sent the photo to Nan anonymously.

He knew that it would get her to pay him off.

Why didn't Nan just tell Julie? She had proof, in living color.


If she did, Julie would've dumped him herself.

Kenneth's plan wouldn't have worked.

He had to make Nan appear unreasonable.

He had to make absolutely sure that Nan would never show Julie the photo.

Julie goes to jail, who's left standing? No.

It explains everything.

We're both innocent, okay? I told Mr.

Behrens I'm not interested in a plea bargain.

Neither are we, but we're compelled to explore mitigating circumstances.

I'm not some puppet.

No one can manipulate me into A: Something I didn't do, and B: Something I would never do.

C and D: You att*cked your mother three years ago and Kenneth knew it.

That's I was a different person then.

- Anyway, Kenneth didn't know.

- He knew.

He talked to your house detective.

This is Mr.

Cooper's statement.

While you and your mother were in Florida, Kenneth went to a nightclub.

This is a photo of his reservation.

You see his name here? Kenny.

While he was there, he had a photo taken of himself.

A compromising photo which he sent to Nan anonymously.

This is the statement from the hostess at the club.

And this is the statement of the girl who took the photo.


Kenneth kissing another man? Believe me, if my mother had that photo, she would've shown it to me.

Even if it meant hurting you? I've gotten over worse.

Kenneth didn't want you to get over this.

And there's a reason why your mother didn't show you the photo.

Because she did love you.

She was afraid it would destroy you.

We found out Kenneth served on a tourism board last year.

- Did you know that? - No.

Your father was on the same board.

Did he mention meeting Ken? No.

He was only on it for a few months.

What does this have to do with anything? That benefit where you met Kenneth, how did you happen to go? My father bought me a ticket.

He thought I should get involved in good works.

Your father has your best interest at heart? He gives you good advice? Yes, he does.

He's always there for you.

He was standing next to you on the courthouse steps.

/ Yes.

He probably asked you not to take the plea bargain.

That a trial would vindicate you? Yes, he did.

He believes in me.

What are you getting at? We noticed, from the trust accounts, your mother paid your father a monthly allowance.

I don't know.

That was between them.

Who signs those allowance checks now? Well, because of this nonsense You signed power of attorney over to your father? If you go to prison, what'll happen to the hotel? - I'm not going to prison.

- If you do, who will control the hotel? Your father? Yes.

Because he has power of attorney, he could sell it.

- He wouldn't.

- But he could and there would be no one to stop him.


No, my father did not do this to me.

Don't get upset and just sit and listen.

Your father knew your temper.

He knew what buttons to push.

He used Ken to provoke you.

I'm not listening to any more of this! Julie.

/ Let her go.

Go ahead, Julie, run.

Just run.

You push her one way, she goes the other.

Those are the exact words your father said to us.

Imagine the insight that he gave Kenneth.

No wonder Ken understood you.

Oh, this can't be true.

My father loves me.

Your mother loved you.

She didn't show you the photo, she couldn't show you the photo, because the other man kissing Ken wasn't just any other man.


No, my My father's not gay.

This is a monstrous lie.

Julie, come on, you've known it all along.

Even as a kid, this image that your parents presented to you, of a happy marriage, and what you saw with your eyes was out of sync with what you felt.

Oh, God.

What's happening? What's happening to me? Look, in my own life, I know what it's like to have your judgment, your sense of security, undermined by your parents.

Because they were hiding a truth or denying it to themselves.

You can survive that.

My client's ready to admit her guilt in her mother's m*rder, but obviously, her father's involvement has changed her situation.

As I said, we're willing to consider mitigation.

But we still have to make a case against Mr.


Do you have a plan? We've discussed one.

We found a clause in your mother's trust agreement.

You need my help? Well, only if you're up to it.

Julie! Julie, if I'd known you were waiting for me, I would've come home sooner.

How are you, honey? I have news, Daddy.

Good news.


Would you like a drink? No.

I'm going back on the wagon.

Well, now that is great news.

How'd it go with the district attorney? Have they come to their senses yet? Not yet, but Daddy, the good news.

There's a miracle.

After the meeting, I went to the doctor's.

I'm pregnant.

Does anyone else know this? I just talked to Kenneth.

Daddy, he was so happy, he cried.

- And then we decided - Decided what? In the morning, we're going to City Hall to get married.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

You can't rush this.

You've got a trial.

Kenneth doesn't want to wait.

I'm sure he doesn't.

Julie, did you ever show the family trust papers to Kenneth? Maybe once, why? That's it, reel him in.

Because there's a clause in the trust that says that, if in any case that you can't administer the trust, say you died, or went to prison, it would pass to your child, or your child's guardian.

That will be Kenneth if you marry him.

Well, I'm sure Kenneth would take good care of things.

No, no, no, no.

Kenneth is not the kind of man you think he is.

What do you mean? I thought you liked him.

I do.

But you can't marry him.

I swore to your mother I would never tell you this.

She was convinced you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Handle what? Your mother received a photograph of Kenneth in a compromising situation.

He's the father of my child now.

I think I can forgive him an indiscretion.

Not this one.

He was with another man.

Got him.

Daddy, why didn't you tell me? You seemed so happy.

You'd let me live a lie? - I thought that - Whoa, whoa, where's she going? if you found out about his preference later, - Where's she going? - you'd learn to live with it.

Is that what mother did? Learn to live with it? What are you talking about? No.


We gotta get in there.

We gotta get in there! You never had anything for me.


You never loved me.

Mom did, but you didn't.


You bastard! How could you do this to me? Our whole life was a lie! I was just a child.

Mom loved me! Hey, if anyone deserved it - She wasn't ready.

- Detective No, no, no, I know that anger.

I should've seen it coming.
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