02x22 - Zoonotic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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02x22 - Zoonotic

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

It's Twyla's most accessible work.

I took a chance and got us tickets.

I hope you like dance.

I'm game for anything.

I get so wrapped up in my work, I forget there's a whole other world out there.

It's time you enjoyed your life.

Here's to Here's to opening new doors.

It's my service.



Stern here.


Tell him the results are positive and we'll resolve the problem Friday.

Oh, and no more calls tonight.

Come on, Melissa.

It's getting late.

I'll see you Friday.

Buzz, we're going to Florida next weekend.

I don't want to go with Ted, I want to go with Daddy.

Oh, we will, honey.

Real soon.

I'll take us all to Florida.

Give your daddy a kiss.

Get in the car.

Buzz, you know about making promises.

This is one I'm, I'm gonna keep.

Listen, I'll come in.

So we're clear, you do not want to mess with me.

I just got into the city.

What? But you All right, I got it.

Back of the train.

You listen, no more changes.

Hey! Help, I'm stuck! Law & Order CI 2x22.

Zoonotic We have bloody shoeprints, a partial heading back to the exit at the other end.

Why not use that exit? Out of order.

Officer William Davis, Suffolk County PD.

He's a long way from home.

Well, he tried to let his assailant know he was a cop.

Would've been better off reaching for his piece.

He's wearing a vest.

He expected trouble.

He found it.

So the k*ller He threaded the bars of the gate and found major arteries.

He was sure-handed.

Unless these wounds are just for show.

Davis might've been trailing someone.

A pen.

No memo pad.

Buzz was a dedicated officer.

If he was on someone's tail, he'd just keep doggin' the guy.

His case log has a butcher shop break-in, vandalism at a laundromat.

Which of these was he dogging in the city? - Lt'd be in his memo book.

- Which was swiped.

According to this time sheet, he punched out at 4:00 yesterday.

You know how it is.

You punch out, you keep working.


From the reservation? A smuggling investigation? I'm not saying he was Serpico.

If Buzz was k*lled in the line of duty, it doubles his family's death benefit.


He's going through a divorce.

He's got child support, legal fees.

So he's been moonlighting.

Any other sidelines besides selling off-tax cigarettes? That's the only one I heard of.

Maybe the one you didn't hear about is the one that caught up with him.

How come all divorced cops have the same decorator? A diagnostic manual, medical encyclopedia.

The PDR.

Unless this guy's a hypochondriac, he's not reading these for pleasure.

This was his bedtime reading.

Escort ads and 800 numbers.

That painting.

There was something bigger hanging here.

How many eight-year-old girls you know who like sports cars? Besides me? It's freshly cut.


Unless that's what he was picking up in the city.

Something to stash in there.

We were saying goodbye, and then he promised to take us to Florida.

He said this time he meant it.

And I almost believed him.

He give any hint how he was going to pay for this trip? No, but I figured it was his raise.

What raise? He was up for a promotion, to detective.

They probably told you that at the station.

No, nobody mentioned it.

Did he say why he was being promoted? He was close to cracking a very big case.

Medicare fraud.

That explains the medical books.

You're a secretary, Janice, at an insurance company? - A medical insurance company? - Yes.

I bet your adjusters use these in the office all the time.

If Buzz was investigating Medicare fraud, he'd need access to insurance records.

Buzz being a quick-thinking cop, he would've looked for a shortcut.

Especially if it was for critical information.

He would've looked for a computer password, like this one here.

Maybe your password? He said if I loaned him my password it would be like giving him the last piece to the puzzle.

He'd get promoted.

And Melissa could be proud of her daddy.

The officer will take you home.

Her company can tell us what files he accessed.

Maybe instead of investigating fraud, Buzz was committing it.

Buzz, he was boning up on infectious diseases.

Infectious diseases and escort ads.

Have you told anyone about me yet? There isn't much to tell yet.

Other than outside a spa, I've never seen so many jets in one shower.

I like a clean body.

You're so beautiful.

There really isn't a jealous boyfriend somewhere? No, not for the last three years.

I've gotten used to being alone.

From now on, you'll be anything but alone.

Hi, Bobby.

I'm Angel.

Come on in.

Can I take your coat? Oh, hi.

He didn't mention he had a friend.

Actually, I'm his partner.


You're cute.

Can you get me something from the mini? Oh.

Right, "partner.

" Do you remember on the phone, when I didn't discuss specifics? I just came here for a little conversation.

/ Save it.

We just want to ask you about one of your conversation buddies.

- I don't know him.

- You should.

His phone records have him calling you every other week.

Hey, you know, it's Friday night.

I'm sure there's lots of guys out there that are dying for, uh, conversation.

But if you'd rather sit here with us all night Okay.

I know him.

Buzz, the cop, right? The first time we hooked up, he tinned me.

Then he asked for a PBA discount.

Fifty bucks.

I tell you, you give a guy a badge and Did he ask about any of your other clients? All cops are nosy.

What did he want to know about your clients? Just who they were, where they worked.

Did he ask you if any of them had a sexually transmitted disease or any other infections? Yeah, sure.

But I think he was just being careful.

Your regulars, any of them stop seeing you lately? Well, Reverend Tony and Mr.

Cabezas, a couple others.

We'll need telephone numbers, whatever you have on them.

Buzz could have been looking at her johns' medical histories and then using that information to shake them down.

And one of the johns shook back.

He said he was a police officer.

He shows me a badge, and then he asks me for money, otherwise he was gonna arrest me in front of my wife and kids.

He blackmailed you.

How much? $1,600.

That was all my savings.

And what did he have on you? Evidence that you'd been treated for a sexually transmitted disease? No, no.

I've never been treated for that.

Listen, I know that what I did with Angel was wrong, but it was safe.

Buzz took him for $1,600.

Pretty much the same ballpark as the other johns.

But it doesn't seem like he was blackmailing them with their medical records.


As dirty as Davis was, he's still a member of the family.

Let's keep this from the press, for his kid's sake.

It would've taken 50 johns to fill up the hole in Buzz's wall.

Buzz had to be going for bigger fish.

Well, it looks like he was trying.

The insurance company tracked the files he accessed.

The patient records of three doctors.

Two on the Upper East Side, one in Soho.

Why would someone access my patient records? We believe the hacker was targeting male patients with STDs.

We refer those out.

We're loathe to use antibiotics, as are our patients.


Kantor, you're not the subject of this investigation.

Of course not.

You don't believe us.

Is that because you've been investigated before, because you practice unconventional medicine? Yes.

The AMA, the insurance companies, managed care.

Has anybody bothered you lately? The IRS called about four weeks ago.

They asked about your patients? The investigator had a tip that some of them took inflated medical deductions.

It was pure harassment.

- Who were the patients? - One has lupus, the other a tropical disease she's been fighting for the past few weeks.

All women? Yes.

And none of them had an STD.

The last time I spoke to the IRS was eight years ago over a tax shelter my former accountant got me into.

Well, this would have been somebody pretending to be an IRS investigator.

The same somebody who hacked into your patients' insurance records.

Why would someone do that? We think he was looking for embarrassing information to blackmail your patients.

Maybe a married patient with an STD.

I don't handle STDs.

- Not my specialty.

I'm more - Internal medicine.


And, uh, here you're being honored for your work in South Africa, combating infectious diseases.

We went into the townships, we did what we could.

The diseases we saw were fascinating.

The way they mutate, they'll outlive us all.

You didn't bring this little fellow all the way from Africa, did you? Look, look, he brought a tiger cub to the kids at St.


There are no tigers in Africa.

Not even in the Cape Town Zoo? We'd like to go through your patients' files with you.

See if anybody in there might fit the bill as a blackmail victim.

I highly doubt it's worth your time.

Most of my patients have digestive problems.

Acid reflux, stuff like that.

I have to tell you, it doesn't sound like the sort of thing blackmailers look for.


Stern, I gotta tell you, blackmailing is right up our alley.

I mean, we are pretty good at sniffing out potential victims.

My partner might be a little hard on the furniture, but he's right about sniffing out blackmail victims.

There's just a little matter of patient privilege.

You should discuss this with my attorney.

Let me give you his number.

You're already fobbing us off on your attorney? I don't like lawsuits from my patients.

Your hand shakes.

It's either nerves, or an intention tremor.

An intention tremor.

It started in college.

I guess that eliminated surgery for you.

No loss.

Even in college, I let my lab partners do the dissecting.

Stern couldn't have k*lled Buzz.

Uh, he has a tremor.

He lacks the dexterity to have committed the crime.

This turn-gate was vandalized.

It was vandalized so that Buzz was forced to use the one closest to the staircase.


Stern had a stainless steel door on his cabinet rigged so he could look at the changing area from his desk.

He likes to watch.

If he arranged to have Buzz k*lled, he would have wanted front row seats.

From the staircase.

So he sabotaged the other exit.

All right.

Thank you, Doctor.

The woman with the tropical disease slipped into a coma this morning.

Until you look close, you can't tell it's varnished macaroni.

- Isn't it fun? - Yes.

As advertised.


What are you doing at an opening? Tish Van Der Wahl, meet Dr.

Scott Borman.

He's got some of the biggest patients in New York.

Really? You must be the one who brought Roger here.

His idea of a big night is to stay home and watch the Surgery Channel.

Well, we're going to change all that.

I bet you will.

Tish, let me get you a refill.

So, Scott, what's your specialty? Hands-on care.

Roger's been keeping you under wraps.

Now I see why.

Was Dr.

Roger Stern one of the specialists you saw? Uh, I saw him, yes, but it was a while ago, for something unrelated.

Why do you ask? Well, someone hacked into his records, and yours, Megan.

And another woman, who's also being treated for an unknown viral infection.

Emily Wagner? You know her? I got a call, and they mentioned her name but I don't A call from somebody with the IRS? Yes.

He said he was investigating some of Dr.

Stern's business expenses.

He tried deducting the dinners that you had together.

You dated him.

How did it end? We just We went our own ways.

He was married to his practice.

Was there any other reason for the breakup? No.

Would you excuse me? - I'm awfully tired.

- Sure, sure.

I just thought, being a germaphobic, Dr.

Stern broke up with you when you got sick.

No, I got sick after.


Well, we'll show ourselves out.

Typhoid Roger.

You dump him, you get sick.

Blackmail him, you get k*lled.

The CDC determined one woman was infected with Rift Valley fever, the other with Nipah virus.

They're obscure, potentially lethal zoonotic viruses, meaning they're found in animals.

Anything I could catch from my local vet? Not unless he's been in the Southern Hemisphere playing fetch with flying bats.

Then these woman were more likely deliberately, uh, infected? Assuming you could get hold of the viruses.

Well, thanks, Doc.

Let's keep in lock-step with the CDC and the Health Department, huh? We're already best friends.

Even if you connect Stern to these women, the guy's an acid reflux specialist.

How does he get his hands on these bugs? The tiger cub.

I need to track down the tiger cub.


The tiger cub that Stern brought to the hospital was from the Hudson Zoo, where his donations have made him a special friend of the zoo.

And where he's taken seminars on veterinary sciences.

Two civilians contaminated? That's pretty wild.

Do you keep specimens of these viruses? Uh, the lab keeps cultures for diagnostic purposes.

If you need to change, Dr.

Borman, we can wait outside.

Oh, that's okay.

We're all mammals in here.

- Right, ladies? - Whatever you say, Doctor.

You do know, of course, that zoonotic doesn't mean that the viruses came from the zoo.

It doesn't? My partner was telling me that.

But it doesn't make sense to me, because there's the word "zoo.

" Guys.

We never listen.

You conducted seminars for special friends of the zoo.

Well, the directors think I'm a good ambassador for the zoo.

Because you have so much in common with your animals? Like Tarzan, right? There's a doctor, a Dr.

Roger Stern.

He attended some of your seminars.

/ Sure.

Oh, these guys are like groupies.

They, uh, take one lecture, and go on a field trip.

They think they're saving the planet.

Would you hand me those? Did Dr.

Stern ever ask you about Nipah or RVF virus? No, no, no.

But one of your seminars was about zoonotic viruses.

Well, it was on arenaviruses.

A completely different viridae.

We classify viruses with what we call the Baltimore system.

You've lost me.

It doesn't matter.

Uh, well, it's almost showtime.

We have a male hyena that we're going to neuter.

You are welcome to stay and watch me operate.

It's quite a specimen.

That's okay.

I've seen my share of specimens.

It is fascinating how they complement each other.

Tarzan and Dr.

Stern? Stern likes to watch, Borman likes to be watched.

Megan's reasons for breaking up with Stern There's something she's not telling us.

The Health Department told me it's an animal virus.

I can't imagine how I got it.

Well, before you fell ill, you were dating Dr.


You might have gone someplace where you got exposed.

I don't see how.

We went to the theater, to the opera.

He showed you a good time.

Yeah, I did most of the showing.

He said he hadn't been to the Met since his mother dragged him to La Boheme when he was ten.

I hope he appreciated your efforts.

He said before he met me, his life was bereft.

That must have been nice to hear.

And you showed him new things.

So if If he asked you to do things that you hadn't done before, you might try it, just to make him happy.

Well, yes, within reason, I guess.

Did he ever ask you anything involved with his friend, Dr.

Scott Borman? I was so dumb not to have seen it.

How did it happen? I was at Roger's.

We'd been drinking.

The doorbell rang.

It was Scott.

He said he was in the neighborhood.

It didn't occur to me they'd planned it.

So you drank a little more, one of them made a suggestion Yeah, I thought they were joking.

But Roger said it would draw us closer.

Roger kind of drifted away, and Scott took his place in bed with me.

And right away, it felt wrong.

And so I looked to Roger.

He was sitting next to the bed, staring.

I got scared.

With the way that he was looking at you? Yeah, I felt humiliated.

I wanted him to stop.

I started crying, and he got this little smile.

He saw me crying, and he smiled.

After this, you stopped seeing him? He kept calling, apologizing.

I told him there was no going back.

But you did see him again? Well, I agreed to have dinner, in public.

When I got there, he gave me a "no hard feelings" gift.

A pair of earrings.

And he insisted putting them on you.


But with that hand tremor of his He pricked me.

My earlobe started bleeding.

Tish, please.

You're having a bad reaction.

A bad reaction? There's nothing wrong with me, Roger.

It's you.

Take a look in the mirror.

I can't believe I almost Don't! Just stay away from me.

Stuck-up little prude.

It's too bad we have to let this one go.

I'm not kidding, Roger.

We can't afford another mistake.

Get past it, Scott.

They infect these women for revenge? Maybe.

Most K*llers get satisfaction from witnessing their handiwork.

Not these two.

When they inject these women, it's fire and forget.

A voyeur and an exhibitionist.

It's a wonder they found each other.

Isn't the world a swell place? The lab tests on Megan's earrings was inconclusive.

But the jewelry store said they sold Dr.

Stern four pairs of earrings.

One was returned by Emily Wagner.

The woman in a coma.

She returned it two days before she first reported symptoms to her doctor.

Let me find a judge.

When you leave, I want everything back where you found it.

Housekeeping duties aren't stipulated in the warrant.

What's this autoclave for? To steam vegetables? Huh? Get him out of here.

Let's get everybody out of here.

Uh, we need a HAZMAT team.

Bolivian Hemorrhagic Fever, Lassa, anthrax, alpha pathogens.

The baddest boys on the block.

Everything was safe and sealed, or I wouldn't keep them in my home.

Where'd you get these specimens? The Bolivian and the Lassa I acquired from doctors who encountered them in the field.

And the anthrax? Because there are a lot of people here interested in knowing how you got your hands on a bio-w*apon.

It's from South Africa.

A fellow collector in their defense department.

I can give you his name.

I should have gotten rid of it, I know.

I will pay a fine.

I won't do it again.

If it were only that easy.

Our lab told us some of the vials have been opened recently and resealed.

Those open vials included the Nipah virus and RVF.

Two women that you dated were infected with these same viruses.

I have 267 specimens.

Whatever virus anyone gets in this city I probably have in my collection.

Or you infected these women because they wouldn't be part of your other little collection.

The one you share with Dr.

Borman? Oh? This sounds rich.

Megan Colby told us when she opted out of your health plan, you infected her with a pair of earrings.

Like this pair we found in your home.

Which lucky lady are these for? No one.

Poor Megan.

You know, the viruses can impair memory.

Even cause paranoia.

She had a very clear memory of the look in your eyes when you were watching her.

And I see my lawyer's here.

Our threesome's over.

Lab says the virus strains in the women are too degraded to match with the ones in his collection.

As far as finding other victims, now we have 267 pathogens Stern might have used.

This just doesn't stop.

If Buzz Davis hadn't tried to put the squeeze on Dr.

Stern, he might have actually busted this case and earned his promotion.

Stern kept his specimens sorted according to the Baltimore system.

But this one vial, it's out of order.

It's a rabies virus.

Of all the pathogens, he was only using the zoonotics.

Animal virus.

At least we can narrow our search to women with those infections.

He said I was the missing piece in his life.

I really thought he enjoyed going to art galleries, plays, all the sissy things he said his mother tried to interest him in.

Sissy things? He used those words? That's what his father called them.

Did he say anything else about his father? Just that he was in shipping.

Worked himself to death.

Roger didn't want that happening to him.

Those finer things, did they include his friend, Scott Borman? Actually, Scott's the one who introduced us.

I used to volunteer at the zoo as a docent.

Did Scott do anything besides introduce you? Okay, look, I really don't want to revisit that.

It's a thing, it happened, that's it.

After that, did you go back to work at the zoo? And risk running into Scott? No.

I resigned.

You had to go back to get your things.

They sent them to me.

What exactly? Stupid things.

A sweater, makeup, my case for my contact lenses.

- You wear contacts? - I used to.

Before the infection.

My lawyer will be here soon.

But if you wanna tell me what these as*ault charges are all about It has to do with infecting one of the volunteers at the zoo with a virus.

Excuse me? - Anais Hutchinson.

- She dated Roger Stern.

We've been wracking our brains trying to figure out how a zoonotic virus, the Hendra virus, went from his little wine cooler into a contact lens case that was left by her at the zoo.

That's how she was infected.

The rewetting solution in the case was contaminated.

You didn't tell us just how close you and Dr.

Stern were.

- The ladies are talking, Scott.

- You wanna know what they said? Tell me everything.

Don't leave out a word.

I'll tell you.

What they're talking about is how after you and Roger tag-teamed them They couldn't find soap strong enough to get rid of the stench.

Well, they weren't singing the blues when I was plowing the field.

Roger dumped them.

As much as it turned him on to watch them with me, he'd get jealous.

No, they bailed out of your little freak show.

And then the next thing they knew They were hooked to an IV being pumped full of antivirals.


Miss Hutchinson worked at a zoo.

Wild beasts rolling around in their own feces.

You said that he got jealous.

Well, maybe he thought that he was being taken advantage of by you.

Well, I don't see that.

Well, he's a Park Avenue doctor.

You're a vet.


I mean, he's doing all the work, bagging all these beautiful, cultured young socialites.

What do you bring to the table? What do I bring? Well, I'll tell you.

Roger can't satisfy these women.

That's where I come in.

I seal the deal.

And Roger likes to watch, see these women going out of their mind with pleasure.

If I'm guilty of anything, it's spoiling these girls for other men.

His Speedos must be pinching off the blood supply to his brain.

In the midst of all his strutting.

He did present an alternative theory to Miss Hutchinson's infection.

One that creates a reasonable doubt.

If both doctors hold to their stories You know, we know Scott's story, but we don't know Roger's.

Now, he said that seeing women being pleasured was what Roger found exciting.

But Megan saw something else in the way that Roger was looking at her.

He was getting off on her humiliation.

/ Yes.

Scott and Roger were using these women to meet their needs.

But I doubt they really know what each other's needs are.

It's time that we show them.

Why don't you just copy the form you filled out when you first arrested me? It's ridiculous.

My lawyer told me I'm supposed to get bail today.

Okay, your father's name.


His occupation.

Your father's occupation.


That's right, shipping.

What are you looking at? Nothing.

I'm just thinking about these preposterous charges.

Well, we feel pretty good about them.

And our witnesses.

Like Megan Colby? Her character leaves a lot to be desired.

He was right.

You are jealous.

No, Dr.

Borman told us that you're jealous of his prowess.

That's nonsense.

He said that you couldn't satisfy them, so you brought him in to pick up the slack.

He told us that it turned you on to see what a good time they were having with him.

And that excitement, well, gave way to jealousy.

No, he's a brute.

A pig.

Why would I be jealous of a pig? Scott told us that your girlfriends had the time of their life with him.

What are you talking about? They were debased, humiliated.

I turned them into the corncob in the pigsty, with that rutting hog on top of them.

They'd look at me, wanting me to call him off! They wanted you to save them? We have to redo his booking form, too.

Well, I won't be long with Dr.


Have a seat right there.

Now, where were we? Your mother, I need her name.

- Vivian.

- Vivian.

That's nice.


One of your girlfriends told us that Vivian used to take you to the opera.

- Is that true? - Yes.

She wanted to enrich your young life.

You must've liked that.

I bet your mother never dragged you to the opera.

Yeah, she knew better.

Well, Roger here, now, he got stuck doing all the sissy things with his mother.

Isn't that what his father called it? That's right.

Sissy things.

You know, something just occurred to me.

Those women, Megan, the others.

They were trying to change you.

Like your mother.

Let's leave her out of this.

No, Vivian didn't want you to end up like your dad.

A brute of a longshoreman, working himself to death.

- My parents respected each other.

- Why don't you just tell the truth, Roger? That everything you did wrong, Mom said it was because of your dad's side of the family.

Your mother, she put on airs.

Like Megan.

She made you do sissy things.

But then you became an adult, and you found a way to square things up.

That little scenario what we talked about earlier.

The one with Scott and Megan.

He is kind of like your dad.

A big swaggering brute.

What are you talking about? Forget it.

It's dime-store psychology.

Even so, there is something to it.

When you used him to humiliate those women, to degrade them, that was your mother being humiliated.

Your mother being degraded.

Sorry to tell you, Scott, but it wasn't your technique that turned him on.

It was the humiliation that he inflicted on them by using you.

What is it that you said you did? You turned them into the corncob in a pigsty.

And, well, Scott, you're the pig.

That's not true.

I never said that.

I'm no pig.

Women crave me.

Roger knows that.


Does he? Oh, look.

This webcam up here on top has been on.

Scott said that your girlfriends had the time of their life with him.

What are you talking about? They were debased, humiliated.

I turned them into the corncob in the pigsty, with that rutting hog on top of them.

They'd look at me, wanting me to call him off.

A rutting hog? You called me a rutting hog? He used you to turn them into animals.

You prissy bastard! You think you can use me like a donkey? And then when they walked away from him, he got them sick with animal viruses.

Animals, Scott.

Like you, Scott, the rutting hog.

He's the animal, not me.

- He did it to them.

- Shut up, you dope.

It was his idea to punish them.

- He infected them.

- No, it was him.

Look at him.

So full of himself.

The veterinarian, wallowing in the muck with his animals.

I'm gonna k*ll you! Yeah, who's in the cage now, huh? Who's the animal now, huh? Who's the animal? Who's in the cage? Huh? Huh? I'm gonna k*ll you! I'm gonna k*ll you! You know what he does all day? You know where he puts his hands? He's a filthy animal, a pig.

He's a k*ller.

He k*lled Buzz Davis.

Yes, yes, that's right, a k*ller.

A wild beast.

And you watched.

I'm not like him.

I'm nothing like him.

Both Dr.

Stern and Dr.

Borman are willing to plead to multiple counts of as*ault.

Stern offered to roll on Borman for the m*rder of Officer Davis.

How much time just on the assaults? Separate counts to be served consecutively, minimum 15 years each count.

So they'd be very old men before they got out, if they ever get out.

And if no one's prosecuted for Buzz Davis' m*rder, the circumstance of his death wouldn't be on the record.

- That's true, but - For all anybody'd know, he died in the line of duty.

It matters? Yeah.

It matters to his daughter.

What is it? The South African source for Stern's anthrax.

He told the FBI he gave Stern five grams of the stuff.

But our lab only found three in Stern's collection.
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