03x19 - Fico Di Capo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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03x19 - Fico Di Capo

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders are pursued
by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

One eighty-five, 190, 195.

Oops. I'll be right
back with the rest.

Runnin' out of time, Chops.

Hey, if he's breathin', we'll find
him. Don't even think about it.

Sorry. Am I a bad
accountant or what?

See you next week, girlfriend.

You put up with that crap?

It's not forever.

He's been in that apartment
for a week. He's going stir-crazy.

It'd be a nice gesture,
considering what he's doing for us.

I just need him to sit
still for another week.

If we don't get thrown
another continuance.

Here she comes.

We go with her?

No. Go buy a cake.

So the big mystery's
over. Here's the address.

No stops on the way there or back. Take
him in and out through the back entrance.

Inside, stay close.


So, what do you think?

I think she's gonna be
very proud of you, Danny.



Danny, this is the
best gift I could get.

I didn't think you'd come
back from Florida in time.

Hey, anything for my nana. Ah.


This guy's still at it?

I'm gonna put his head in that
squeeze box he doesn't shut up.

Shut your mouth,
punk. I love that tune.

- Don't screw with me, old man.
- Or what?

You sit down and drink
your Shirley Temple.

You sit down before I rip your
finger off and shove it up your...

Get down!

Ma, you all right?

- Danny, did you...
- Oh, my God!

This kid's a witness in a mob trial, and
you bring him here for Sunday dinner.

Whose idea was that? Mine.

Thank you, Officer Tait.

Who knew Danny'd
be here? His family?

No. They thought
he was in Florida.

Not even my own
guys knew until tonight.

Danny witnessed an
arson of a meth lab?

He was working across the street. He
saw Mikey Damiano run from the building.

We only found Danny 'cause
our other witnesses recanted.

Nobody knew we had him.

If I knew who he was testifying against...
Mario Damiano's kid, of all people...

I never would've allowed that.

We understand. Your
son was brave, Ms. Lucci.

We'll get justice for him.

Danny Lucci's protection detail said
the sh**t was standing right about here.

Male Caucasian, 50s,
60s, gold-tinted glasses.

It's Chianti.

No one drank from this.

Three sh*ts, grouped together
to avoid hitting unintended victims.

And enough boom-boom
to make everybody duck.

Next shot, on the money.

He saved the last two rounds...

in case he ran into
trouble getting out.

Old school pro.

Working with someone from the
new school. The other guy: 19, 20,

dark hair, leather
coat, collar turned up.

I can't believe it, Jim. Your guys
were supposed to sit on top of him.

- Now we're in for it.
- This is a disaster.

Mr. Perez, this is neither
the time nor the place.

Detective Farcas, the district attorney,
the police commissioner have agreed...

Major Case will be
investigating this m*rder.

It's my case.

You have your hands full
with the Damiano arson case.

Now, why don't you and Mr. Perez
have a word with the young man's parents.

Come here. I
want to talk to you.

This began as an argument
over an accordion player?

A diversion. It was a hit.
Probably ordered by the Damianos.

And Damiano Senior is in a hospice
dying from cancer. And his son Mikey?

Somehow they knew Danny
Lucci would be here tonight.

It's such a nice cake.

"Isabella's Italian Bakery."
It's a special-order cake.

They had to know in
advance where to deliver it.

Ms. Lucci came in Sunday
afternoon to check on the decorations.

This guy kneadin' the
dough... Is he new?

He's not using enough
flour. The dough's gonna stick.

- Yeah, he's new.
- What happened to the guy he replaced?

Roberto never came back from
his break yesterday afternoon.

His break... It was after
Mrs. Lucci was here?

Yeah. He was in the alley talkin' to some
guy. He came in and he went out again.

Why'd he come back in?
He looked in that fridge.

Is this where you kept Ms. Lucci's
cake? In the box with the address?


The guy in the alleyway...
What did he look like?

White guy. Young guy. I
couldn't see his face real good.

He had, you know, his collar up.

It's all the rage these days.

Here are the phone records for
the cops on Lucci's security detail.

How're they stacking up?

Mm, two of them
are happily married.

One of them... Tait... got
slammed in his divorce last year.

A wife and two teenage kids.

A lot of cops manage
alimony without taking bribes.

Hey, the Damianos have
their hands in a lot of pockets.

The great Damiano family.

Old man Mario with lung cancer.

His brothers long gone.
His eldest son dead.

His middle son serving life.

Now it's down to
the runt of the litter.

The officer with the
alimony, that's... Tait.


All right. His cell phone shows
a half dozen calls yesterday...

to and from a
number in Cape May.

It's registered under
a Karen Loeser.

Yeah. That's his ex-wife.

There's no calls
to her last month,

month before... Two
calls in nine weeks.

Then all of a sudden
she's his best pal.

A new dirt bike.

That's what the
calls were about.

It was delivered to Tait's son the
day after Danny Lucci was shot.

His kid says that it was a
surprise birthday gift from his dad.

We're still tracking
down the dealership,

but there's no record
of how Tait paid for it...

No check, no
withdrawal from his bank.

Son of a bitch.

Sorry. Didn't know
you had company.

These are detectives from
Major Case. This is my wife, Nina.

We're just, uh, you know,
swapping fish stories.

Take your time.
Nice to meet you.

So Tait was in a position
to tell Mikey Damiano...

that Danny Lucci might be
at his grandmother's dinner.

One of Detective
Farcas's own men.

Bring him in.

Mikey handled everything
like a real pro, Mr. Damiano.

I always knew he was
a chip off the old block.

Good boy.

Give me one of those figs.

You don't tell Mikey about
your visits here, okay?

No, sir, Mr. Damiano.

Mikey's the last of my sons.

I see his flaws.

But you...

Maybe you're from outside the
family, but you got the Damiano spirit.

We all come from the
same earth, Mr. Damiano.

I see bad days ahead.

We'll be nothing if we
don't help each other.

I did not give up
information on Danny Lucci.

Just out of curiosity, how much do you
think that information would be worth?

Fifty thousand? Forty?

How about $6,542.22?

How did you arrive
at that number?

It's the price of
a new dirt bike.

Gift wrapping not included. It was
delivered to your ex-wife's house.

An early birthday present
for your son, Jason.

- I didn't buy that.
- Well, that's not what you told your son.

He said that you bought him a
new bike. Well, he thought I did...

Thinks I did.

It was the first time he called
you in five months, right?

- He was angry about the divorce?
- What do you expect? He's just a kid.

Well, if he thought that
you did something nice,

that might turn things
around, right, Raymond?

I did not buy him that bike.

You let him think you did.

I know I should've
reported it, but...


You should've heard the kid.

I'll need the DD-5's
by tomorrow. I want to

present to the grand
jury as soon as possible.

Well, I'm not sure
Tait was the leak.

You bought that sob
story? I bought his affect.

Well, I'm sorry, but that's not
evidence. The motorcycle is.

A witness is dead. The
sooner we indict that guy,

the sooner we can make a
m*rder case against Mikey Damiano.

Now the sh**ting really starts.

No question we screwed
up. We lost a witness.

But not one of my guys is
on the Damianos' payroll.

Then they have nothing
to fear from a grand jury.

Don't sell me
sunshine, counselor.

Perez is well-intentioned,
but he's makin' enemies.

Detectives Goren and Eames
happen to agree with him.

They think Tait was set
up. And the motorcycle?

Cash purchase from a
dealership in Hoboken.

Buyer was a male Caucasian,
early 20s, black hair,

just like Mikey Damiano.

Can you turn that into probable
cause for a search warrant?

I'll talk to a judge.
Good enough.

Any way to put the
brakes on Perez?

Your detectives bring me
something, I'll try to cool him out.

Wa-Wa-Wait. I don't want these
guys messin' up my dad's stuff.

I'll show 'em where my room
is. They'll just follow the stench.

What'd you do? Give
the maid the year off?

It's just you livin' here, huh,
since your dad went to the hospice.

This place must've been something back in
the day when your mother was still alive,

- your brothers still around.
- Don't-Don't talk about my family.

You're the last of
the Mohicans, Mikey.

I don't have nothin' to
say without my lawyer.

Oh, that's just adorable. Probably
the first words your dad taught you.

The garage this
way? You figure it out.

You know, Mikey, you really
dodged a b*llet with this arson case.

We keep trying to figure out
how a guy like you pulled it off.

Very clever of you... Use
a dirt bike to dirty up a cop.

What dirt bike, huh? Do
you see a dirt bike anywhere?

Is this your defense strategy? Convince
us you're too dumb to have pulled it off?

Watch out. You're gonna
get dust all over your clothes.

You know, you should take better care
of your dad's car for the resale value.

I'm not sellin' his car.

Well, I don't see you
drivin' around in this boat.

And your dad's not gonna
ride in it anytime soon.

My pops'll be back.
He'll be back strong.

You're in over your
head, aren't you, Mikey?

No. I'm doin' just fine.

Fine? You turned your
father's house into a pigsty.

You let his gambling
operation slide.

And, best of all, you turned
an arson rap into m*rder one.

Perez won't stop until he
puts a hot shot in your arm.

Perez. I'm not scared of Perez.

You know, he likes
fishin' so much?

You tell him, he keeps
tryin' to reel me in,

I'm gonna cram that
hook down his throat.

He likes fishing?
How do you know?

Look. I don't got nothin' to
say without my lawyer, all right?

Perez had fly-fishing
equipment in his apartment.

I doubt Mikey just
made a lucky guess.

They did their homework on Tait.
They probably did the same on Perez.

Does he have a history
with the Damianos?

No. This is his first mob case.

Two weeks ago, somebody
pulled Perez's marriage

license from the
county clerk's office.

Then they pulled his
wife's birth certificate.

I don't like the sound of that.

Well, last year, one
of Perez's as*ault

cases was reassigned
to another prosecutor...

due to conflict of interest.

- What was the conflict?
- The arresting officer...

was Officer Nina Perez.

His wife was a
beat cop at the 3-8.

Hate to think the
Damianos got to her.

Check her creds.

Officer Nina Grotsky Perez.

She was transferred out of the
3-8 six months ago to the 7-1.

She's not at the 7-1
anymore, or anywhere else.

She's not on leave. But
she's still drawing a paycheck.

What, she's off the radar?

She's undercover.

The duty sergeant at the 7-1 doesn't
know what happened to Nina Perez.

Narco and Vice have never heard of her.
If she's undercover, it's not with them.

Whoever pulled her
birth certificate could've

followed the same
trail that we did...

and come to the same place.

Deakins. Hold on.

It's a reporter at the Ledger.

He says he got our number
from your friends at the 7-1.

Put him through.
Yes, Mr. Nossak?

Right. About Nina Perez.

No kidding?

Well, I can't comment till I see it. Can
you fax it? Have you got the number?

Right. You won't believe this.

Nossak's running a column on A.D.A.
Perez in tomorrow morning's paper.

"A.D.A. Perez's prosecution of
Officer Tait has surprised many,

"not the least of whom must be
Perez's wife, Nina, a police officer...

"who sources say is
currently working undercover...

in a heating oil company
controlled by the Russian mob."

They're blowing her cover.

Well, if the reporter knows, we
have to assume everyone does.

Captain Deakins for the
chief of detectives. It's urgent.

They caught her just as she got
home. Three puncture wounds.

If you hadn't alerted
us, we'd have gotten

here too late. This is
her decoy apartment?

Right. She'd come home,
change into her running sweats,

take the stairs up three
floors to her husband's place.

How many in your
unit knew her identity?

Four, including me. And two
more at the chief of D's office.

Nina? Nina? Oh, my God.

Baby, can you hear me?
What have they done to you?

They got her stabilized, Mr. Perez.
Listen. I know who did this.

I know who leaked her cover.
It was cops to get back at me.

This is the same thing as
m*rder. The same thing as m*rder!

I don't know about all that, but I
can tell you who tried to k*ll her.

The Russians.

If the Russians wanted
her dead, she'd be dead.

I can't believe a cop would
blow Nina Perez's cover.

Perez believes it. So do a
number of my colleagues.

We better get ahead of
this before it turns into a w*r.

A w*r would play into the hands of
the people who tipped off the reporter.

- The same people who att*cked Nina Perez.
- The Russians?

She was no threat to them.

Her supervisor said the Russians hadn't
taken her into their confidences yet.

This attack wasn't about silencing
her. She was knocked unconscious.

Each knife strike was precise.
He hit no major organs, no arteries.

He let her live.

This was a display of power.
And so is orchestrating a w*r.

A single individual pitted the
police against the D.A.'s office.

Only the Damianos benefit from
this, and I don't see Mikey pulling it off.

Maybe his old man. His
phone at the hospice is tapped.

His visitors monitored. Mikey
visits once a month. That's it.

Everybody else is
in the pen or dead.

Well, a ghost didn't do this.

What are you violatin'
a dyin' old man for?

Don't you have enough problems in your
own family? That young broad gettin' cut.

You heard about that?
Who do you think did it?

The Russians. They're animals.

And who else would be so dumb?

Right. Goin' after
a prosecutor's wife.

It's bad for business.
That's what you mean?

So I hear. Those are private!

It's just about the only
pleasure left for an old man.

Who brings you these?

Sicilian blacks. Fico di capo.

Fig of the don.
Mikey bring them?

Yeah, Mikey.

Oh, that's a nice gesture.

It's too bad he's not as
considerate with your home.

Mm. It's like a frat house
on a Sunday morning.

He never even bothers
to wash your car.

Yeah, Mikey thinks
that this is your last stop.

Where in the hell you been?
I've been buzzin' for an hour!

Sorry, Mr. Damiano, sir.

Hey, you. Give me that.

You lay off my boy.

He's gonna be an orphan soon.

Mikey hasn't been
here in two weeks.

These figs are fresh.

Why don't you just tell us who
brought 'em to you, Mr. Damiano?

It's somebody that you
don't want us to know about.


Somebody who
sneaks in like a thief.


He didn't look happy about
the attack on Perez's wife.

He seems to be happy
enough about the figs,

however they're
getting in there.

Our fig man must have
a friend on the inside.

- Do you need help?
- Yeah.

That door over there...
The alarm is disconnected.

Uh, uh...

- What?
- Pupils the size of pinholes,
an orderly's salary.

- I'm guessing methamphetamine.
- Let-Let's go with that.

You know, seeing as you're
the soldier on duty all night here,

who brings Mr. Damiano the figs?

Green Jell-O, stewed
prunes, I'm your guy.

But figs? No. Sorry. I...

If we checked that alarm box, whose
fingerprints do you think we'd find?

You cannot tell him
that I told you this.

- He would take me apart.
- Tell who? Damiano?

Not him. This kid, Chops.

If I don't open the door
for him, he said he'd k*ll me.

And you believe him, this kid?

He deals meth to the regulars
down at the bathhouses in the Village.

My friends have seen what he
does to people who rip him off.

Uh, excuse me, Chops.

Hey, hey, the boys say that you're
the guy to see if you need a boost.

Do I know you? No. I just
moved down here from Boston.

You know, I'm still makin'
new friends. Boston P.D.

You're a cop, right?
And her, your little friend?

He made us.
Wasn't that the point?

Have the little punk make us.
Maybe he'll get cocky, drop his guard.

Come on. Come on. What do you wanna do now,
officers? A stop-and-frisk? Be my guest.

Hey, that was a preemptive
offer. You know, so

we think he's clean; we
don't wanna search him.

Turn out your pockets.

Whatever you want, officers.

I guess we could go at
it all day, huh, Chops?

Trying to outsmart each other.

- You do good business selling meth.
- I don't do that.

There's another reason why
you're so popular in a bathhouse.

Something to do with
your nickname... "Chops"?

Yeah. Yeah, that must be it.

Is that how you met Mikey
Damiano? In the sauna?

I don't know a Mikey Damiano.

That blank look on your face...

When-When-When you got
that look, what are you thinkin'?


I don't see any I.D.
here. You got a name?

You know my name. It's Chops.

Well, he wanted a stop-and-frisk.
See, this is where it gets frisky.

So you say you don't
know Mikey, right?

Yet you sneak in and visit
his father four times a week.

Oh, so now my imaginary
friend has an imaginary father.

Why are you makin' a fist? Huh?

So when you bring the old
man figs, they any good?

Look. I'm a delivery boy, all right? That's
what I do. But I'm nothin', all right?

- He's clean.
- You okay, Chops?

- Am I free to go, officer?
- You're free to go.

Give me your rag.

That a snake on your neck?

My mother always told me
to keep my paws to myself,

so I wouldn't leave smudges.

We got deliveries
to make, officer.

We almost got a nice set
of his prints off the window.

I got partials on these
when I uncurled his fingers.

We have Richard Chops Cozza. "Chops"
is actually on his birth certificate.

One arrest for
possession of stolen goods.

Two chalices from a church.

Maybe he is just Mario
Damiano's delivery boy.

A delivery boy that Damiano lied
about, who sneaks in like a thief.

He's smart.

We gave him plenty of provocation,
but he never took the bait.

He felt anger. He just
knew better than to show it.

And instead, he went blank,

like he was flipping through
an emotional Rolodex,

searching for the socially
appropriate response.

But anger, that is his only
true emotional response.

For a guy with only one
arrest, he's got quite a file.

His mother voluntarily terminated her
parental rights when he was an infant.

- He was adopted by his maternal uncle.
- Mm, another hard luck story.

Grew up in Mikey Damiano's
neighborhood until he was nine.

Then he went to a group
home in Staten Island.

Wore out his
welcome at his uncle's?

Uncle Eddie. He was sent
up for first-degree as*ault.

Now he'd be about 60, the
same age as the Lucci sh**t.

Look him up.

His car's still here.

Eddie ever mention his nephew?

Chops? All the time.

Eddie loves that kid
like he was his own.

Uncle Eddie.

You help your nephew k*ll a
witness, and this is the thanks you get?

Who's there? Who is it?

You shouldn't come around.
The cops are all over me.

I brought you the newspaper.

Things are getting tough on the
streets. The other families are blaming us.

That cop broad... You didn't have
nothin' to do with cuttin' her, did you?

It was Mikey, Mr. Damiano. I
would've stopped him if I knew.

That stupid...

This is the end, Rickie. The other
families are gonna finish us off.

That won't happen.
I'll protect Mikey.

The Damiano family will
be a great family again.

It's gonna take blood, Rickie.

You have to do somethin' for me.

The last thing
I'll ever ask you.

Two s*ab wounds to the chest.
The k*ller left nothing at the scene.

Except another display of
power. The precise knife work...

Two thrusts under the
rib cage, into the heart.

And then, he left these where
we would see them, to mock us.

Rickie would've been staring his
uncle right in the face when he k*lled him.

Kid knows how to reward loyalty.

The question is, who's the
loyalty to? Mario Damiano? Mikey?

Whatever brings
him closer to his goal.

He grew up in the
Damiano neighborhood

before they shipped
him off to Staten Island.

Now, he might be trying to earn
what naturally would have been his:

a membership in
the Damiano family.

A family on its last legs.

We're going to see about
passing around the peace pipe.

Anything you'd like to
share about your next move?

Uncle Eddie's sister, Rickie's mother,
she still lives in the old neighborhood.

Now, Eddie might have told her
about the work he was doing for her son.

I haven't talked to my brother
since he got out of prison.

If you don't mind, I got kids. They're
comin' home. I have to make dinner.

Your kids... You include Rickie?

Chops is my kid on
a technicality only.

I got two boys. Good
boys. They're both in school.

Ms. Rigatello, we found your
brother a couple days ago...

in his house, stabbed to death.

We think Rickie did it. My
brother died the way he lived.

We noticed that "Chops" is
one of Rickie's given names.

Was that your husband's idea?

I wasn't married when I had him.

Um, it was your idea?

Something to do with, um, the way
the baby looked when he was born?

The boy was born with a
full set of teeth in his head.

Teeth! Can you imagine?

They're called natal
teeth. They're rare, but...

Call 'em what you
want, it's... It's unnatural.

So that's why you... You
put him up for adoption?

Because he was ugly?

Did something happen?

He bit you when you nursed him?

The day I had him, he
bit me. He's a monster.

I used to see him hangin'
around, bullyin' all the smaller kids,

telling them that he was
the king of the neighborhood.

Then their older brothers used to come
out and beat the living crap out of him.

And I used to think, "Thank
God he ain't my kid no more."

That basement window...

Did someone, uh, go down
into the window well recently?

Because the-the grate...

covering the well...
has been moved.

Uh, do you mind if we
look in your basement?

Be my guest.

This key ring... Does it
usually have a key on it?

It's an extra house key.
One of my kids must've took it.

Do you notice anything
missing from your house?

Or out of place here?


Do you think you could go upstairs and
see if you can find that extra house key?

All right.

The other boxes are
taped shut, but not this one.

Rickie's been here.

Broke in, stashed this,
stole the extra key...

so he could get back in.

- He's coming back to k*ll someone.
- Oh, I can think of one candidate.

Well, k*lling his mother is not gonna
make him king of the neighborhood.

But everything he's done has
brought him closer to the seat of power.

There's only one obstacle left.

I don't know this
kid Rickie Chops.

These figs... I just open
my eyes, and there they are.

Well, you better open your eyes a little
wider, because he's setting your son up.

Oh, you don't know
what you're talkin' about.

He doesn't care about Mikey.

He k*lled that witness
to grab your attention,

but he let Mikey
take credit for it...

and for stabbing the undercover
cop and starting a w*r.

Now the heat's on,
he's gonna k*ll Mikey.

He's gonna blame it
on the other families.

And when you seek
revenge, you'll turn to him.

And he'll take all the
power you have left.

And you'll put it in his hands,
and that's what he's after.

Why are you tellin' me this?
You think I'm gonna help you?

We're not telling you anything
you don't know already. Are we?

You already gave him
the okay to k*ll Mikey.

This kid you talk about...

He terrifies me more than
this cancer inside me, but...

I'm gonna give
him what he wants.

As I leave this world, I
unleash him on yours.

Have you thought of
talking to Mikey Damiano?

Once he knows there's a
knife aimed at his jugular,

he might decide
to turn on his friend.

Assuming he was careless
enough to say something.

Well, maybe... maybe
Rickie is the one to turn.

You know, kids like
him... abandoned

kids... sometimes their
weakness is loyalty.

You know, they don't
give it, but they expect it.

When they don't get
it, they lose control.

What are you looking for?

A fig salesman.

Mornin'. We were just
admirin' your car, Louis.

Especially the way it's
parked so far from the curb.

Let's see your registration.

Don't think we don't know that look.
You think we're harassing you, right?

And then we're gonna need
to see your driver's license.

In fact, why don't you
empty your pockets right here.

But we're not harassing you, you
know? We're just giving you a heads-up.

We don't want you to
end up like... Uncle Eddie.

People at the restaurant
remember his big goofy glasses.

That's why Chops got rid of him.

We don't want people to start
remembering that snake on your neck.

Sooner or later, we're gonna
come knocking on your door, Louis.

You better hope that we
get there before Chops does.

You workin' on a problem?

Me? No, Chops.
Everything's cool.

Today's it, man.
Don't screw it up.

Okay. Let's go.

My pops has really been
wantin' to meet you, Rickie.

I told him what a good
friend you been to me.

This is a big day for me,
Mikey. Meeting your father.

Hey, I wanna get somethin' special
for your dad at my mom's house.

- It-It's on the way.
- Yeah. Sure. Whatever. Come on.

This is somethin' that my grandfather
brought back from the old country.

Your old man's gonna
get a real kick out of this.

I don't wanna be
late, man. Come on.


My mother must've
m-moved things around.

Easy, boys.

- You boys smokin' cigarettes down here?
- This is my mother's house, officer.

I'm just gettin' my stuff.
She knows I'm here.

Until we verify that, why don't you put
your hands down on that counter there.

- What, you cops been watchin' us?
- What, Louis didn't mention it?

We ran into him this
morning. Sorry, Chops.

It's okay, Lou-Lou. They're
just screwin' with you.

Oh, you brought
the whole precinct?

- They're responding to a burglary call.
- Oh, they're clean.

All right. Now...

this stuff that you
came here to get...

Where is it? It's
none of your business.

Well, Gina Rigatello, the owner
of the house... That's your mother?

Because the two of you don't have the
same last name. Did she divorce your dad?

Or maybe she wasn't
married when she had you.

What's up, Chops?
What's the matter?

Searching for the appropriate
response? Try, uh...

Try lookin' hurt.

Now, you were
standing right here...

when we came in.

Were you looking in this box?
Huh. Christmas decorations.

Were you getting a jump
on trimming the tree?

That puncture mark
on the inside here...

Looks like it was made
with a sharp-tipped object.

Yeah. The cardboard
along the cut,

it isn't as discolored
as the rest.

Looks more recent.

Were you keeping a knife in here?
Is that what you were looking for?

Did he take a knife from here?

Then why were you
poking around in the box?

There's no knife.

Were you guys gonna
throw a little party for Mikey?

- Was that the idea?
- We weren't plannin' nothin'.

Don't listen to this.
They're just screwin' with us.

What down here belongs to you?

How about this hockey stick? This yours?
Nope. Got somebody else's name on it.

I didn't grow up here.

Your mother didn't raise you?
She put you up for adoption?

- She had to.
- Is that why you went to live
with your uncle, Uncle Eddie?

The late great Uncle
Eddie who shot Dan Lucci.

- That's a lie.
- You know, Mikey,

we found Uncle Eddie dead
in his house, in the garage.

He had a knife in his heart.

That's the story of
Rickie's life, you know.

Everyone's always leavin' him.

- They die, go to prison...
- Or they turn him out on the street.

Like his mother.

Uh... sadness.

Sadness would be an
appropriate response.

I got something here.

Oh, a .22 auto.

sil*ncer, anti-fingerprint
grip, a hitter's special.

Hang on.

It's only accessible
from this side.

It's perfect for a
left-handed sh**t.

You're left-handed, aren't
you, Mikey? No. That ain't mine.

No. You know, now...

I-I think I get it.

- Chops, Mikey turned the tables on you.
- I don't know what he's talkin' about.

All that time you spent suckin'
up to his father, you know.

Those visits late at
night, bringin' him figs.

You been to see my
pops? You didn't tell me that.

Don't act like you
didn't know, Mikey.

Come on. You
don't really believe...

that the don would let
you k*ll his baby boy.

I mean, you really don't
know anything about family.

Or loyalty.

- Well, how could you?
- Shut up. This is just lies.

You want proof of how
little you know about loyalty?

How do you think Mikey knew
you were bringing him here?

Chops, I swear...

Come on. You can't blame Louis.

He saw how you
turned on Uncle Eddie.

- On my mother's grave, I didn't know
Mikey was gonna pull this crap.
- What are you talkin' about?

Shut up, the both of
you! Don't you lumps get

it? They're just tryin'
to set us up, man.

You don't get it. You think
fear is what binds people to you?

It isn't. It's respect.

- Louis doesn't respect you.
- That's not true, Chops.

You know, I just
thought of somethin'.

Mikey, he was
gonna pull his piece.

What were you gonna do?


- Do you have a w*apon hidden somewhere?
- Maybe you missed it in the pat-down.

You know, I might have. Maybe
I should have another look.

You wanna be the king?

A king rules by rewarding
loyalty with loyalty.

They take care of their
people, even their enemies.

Oh, yeah. I mean, how would a guy
like you be expected to know that?

I mean, everything you learned about
care you learned from your mother.

You ever ask her
why she gave you up?

- She was too young to take care of me.
- You're gonna love this, Louis.

It's the same reason why
she named him Chops.

Because he was born
with a mouthful of teeth.

- Shut up about that.
- The first day she took him home
to nurse him, you know what he did?

I'm not listening to this,
Chops. You wanna know? Huh?

He bit her.

He bit her right on the
breast. He made her bleed.

- You son of a bitch. That's a lie.
- You know, she found him repulsive.

She put him out like
a dog on the street.

What's this?

- What'd you do in here? Geez.
- I don't know how that got there.

Something's stuck
on it. It's not blood.

Seeds smell like fruit.

See the bits of black pulp?

- It's fig, right? Black fig?
- I don't eat figs.

This is what you brought
Mr. Damiano. Black figs.

- You been seein' the don behind my back?
- No, Chops! I swear!

You know what, Chops?

I think Louis has turned on
you, just like everybody does.

You have been! I'll k*ll
you, cut your eyes out!

Keep him away
from me! He's nuts!

Faccia brutta... I'll
split you like a pig!

You want protection? Huh?
You wanna make a deal?

Yeah, yeah. I want protection
from him. I want a deal.

- I'll bitch you up if you open your mouth!
- That D.A.'s wife... He stuck her.

He put her down and he stuck her.
And the Lucci kid... It was all his idea.

- You're never even gonna make it
to the courthouse.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got protection now.

- You're under arrest, Rickie.
- You too, Mikey.

Hey, what did I do? It
was all this sick mutt!

Who's talkin'? You should
hear the way your father

speaks about you. He wants
to put a b*llet in your head.

I spit on you Damianos.

Hey, you got it!
That's it. Rage.

That's the appropriate
response. Rage.

He better save some of that.
He's gonna need it where he's goin'.

To hell? He's already there.
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