04x12 - Collective

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x12 - Collective

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

I'm there now.


No, I don't see Oh.

I can't believe there's another I have to go.

They got the fire out, but all that smoke and water Uncle Mike thinks maybe they can be saved.

Dorian, I'm so sorry.

Not your fault.

You're sweet.

I need to use the restroom.

Don't go away.

Jocelyn, your phone Hello?

Show me the bottom.

I need to see the bottom of the box.

Everything you need to see is online.

Maybe I want to buy it now.

You want it, go online.

It's an apartment building, 255 East Barrington, Apartment 18.

This is 255 East Barrington, mister.

And Apartment 18's right there.

Third row.

I'm not coming out!

You'll have to sh**t me first!

His name's Arnold Pierce.

Neighbors say he lives alone, but they heard a woman inside.

He's got a g*n!

He's going to k*ll me!

Drop the w*apon.

Drop it!

Where's the hostage?

Where is it?

Where's the g*n?

The neighbors heard yelling, a man, a woman, things breaking.

The man refused to open the door.

Did he seem scared or angry?


And the woman shouted he had a g*n, we heard a shot, we went in.

He had something in his hand.

He turned toward us, we heard another shot.

You see a muzzle flash?

We know how she got out?

Fire escape's in the bedroom.

The window was open when we came in.

Thank you, Sergeant.

IAB's gonna eat them alive for this sh**ting.

The place looks like Pee-wee's Playhouse.

'50s sci-fi toys.

Pierce took fanatical care of his collection, even put anti-UV film on the windows to keep the boxes from fading.

If she was tossing his toys around, no wonder he got upset.

These toys have been smashed.

He might've done it himself in some kind of self-destructive rage.

Pointing a toy at a cop is a good way to get yourself destroyed.

More UV film.

But no toys.

This empty space, it's a place of honor.

Something important would have gone on that shelf.

Lots of stuff disappearing, toys, g*ns, hostages.

I think I found the g*n.

Through the door, muffled, it could sound like a g*nsh*t.

The second pop came when Pierce was turning toward the officers.

The packaging was in the bedroom, where the girl went out the fire escape.

She yelled he had a g*n, popped the bags.

She wanted Pierce dead.

And used our guys to do it.

Bring in the girl.

We'll talk about it.

My brother never hurt anybody.

Why'd they have to sh**t him?


Pierce, we think that someone might have provoked the sh**ting, a woman, maybe his girlfriend.

Arnie had a girlfriend?

He's not interested in women?

He was.

But last summer, I set him up with a girl from work.

All he talked about was his toys.

Where did he buy his toys?

At toy conventions.

The money he spent on that junk.

It was out of control.

He tried to borrow 1,000 bucks from our mom a couple of weeks ago.

And he got 30 grand from a car accident six months ago.

It's all gone.

He had a shelf over his bed.

Do you know what he kept on there?

Yeah, some robot from an old kid's TV show.

A Space Legion Rorbit.

He loved that thing.

Thank you, Mr.


The officer will show you out.

A lonely man gets a girlfriend, he might spend more than he could afford.

Even sell off his most precious possession.

If he didn't, maybe she did.

I don't know.

It gets busy on the weekends.

Anyway, we don't get a lot of people from New York.

Well, this New Yorker bought a bus ticket to Philadelphia last weekend, and he used to own a robot just like that one.

So what?

"So what" is, you're the only place on the east coast that has one in stock.

Could we see it?

It's 10 grand.

It's mint, in the box.

Someone tried to erase it.

Pierce wrote his initials in pencil on the bottom of all his toys.

You can still make it out.

See, AP.

Where'd you get this?

I bought it fair and square from the owner.

Who's that?

I just moved to this location.

All of my records are Hey.

Johnny Seven.

One Man Army.

My brother had one when I was a kid.

He nearly took my eye out with it.

Seven weapons in one.

One, grenade launcher.

Hey, you'll break something.

You sure you don't have those records?

Two, anti-t*nk rocket.

I'm going for a walk.

Three, armor-piercing shell.


Maybe I have a record.

I don't know if it's in here.

Four, anti-bunker m*ssile.

Here, I found it.

Five, machine g*n.

Elizabeth Wexley.

You paid her $2,000 cash, the thing's worth 10.

Nice profit margin.

She wanted cash?

And that didn't tip you off that the robot was stolen?

Six, repeater r*fle.

Okay, okay, so maybe I should've been more careful.

Pierce mention anything about this girl?

He asked if I bought the robot from a girl.

He said her name was Amanda.

She lived in an apartment over on East Barrington in the 200 block.

No apartments on the 200 block.

It's all commercial.

That include a mailbox store?

No wonder he was angry.

She stole his robot.

Well, don't get between a guy and his toys.

Seven, cap g*n.

I don't get it, Dorian, what do you care about those people?

You don't have to talk to them.

Just show up.


I'll be there.

Oh, before I forget, my uncle found a restorer to do the work.

But he said it's expensive.

How expensive?


I know it's a lot, sweetie, but he works for a museum.

Oh, and he has to be paid in cash.

Can you have it Friday?


I guess so.

I'll tell my uncle.

And I'll see you Friday.

She'll be here.

See, you misjudged her.

Did he come in last weekend?

Yeah, very confused man.

I told him I didn't know where Ms.

Wexley lives.

There's no personal mail, just a bunch of newsletters from different fan clubs.

You have a package for her?

Trekkies, mystery weekend, Hobbit fairs Life's just one big fantasy for Ms.


It came in last week from Grayson Fabrications in New York.

She gets a lot of packages from them.

That would've given Arnie a heart attack.

It's definitely not for Arnold.

The design, it's sci-fi, but it's not from the '50s and it's not for children.


It says next month in Miami, there's a convention for H.


Giger fans.

Pictures here from their masquerade ball.

If she's looking for a new sucker, she'd get a lot of bites wearing that.

That's what this woman does.

She trolls these conventions for men like Arnold Pierce, then takes them to the cleaners.

Poor Arnie, his robots had more heart than the woman of his dreams.

It's one of the creations I made for Elizabeth.

We've talked on the phone.

Never actually met her.

I have her measurements.

She sends me drawings of what she wants.

What other creations have you made for her?


Well, here are her drawings, photos of the finished costume An outfit for every kind of fan club.

This one she ordered for the convention next month.

This was ordered last summer.

It's from a '50s sci-fi movie.

She probably used this to get Arnie's attention.

This one was ordered just five months ago.

The proportions don't look right.

Because it's a Parisian child's dress sized up for an adult.

And the sleeves don't match.

The basic dress is late but Elizabeth wanted something Victorian for the sleeves, so I made them leg o'mutton, circa 1890 London.

It's been burned and patched along the hem.

Is that her design?

Yes, to look like the wearer had walked through a fire.

The patch is raw cotton.

Elizabeth wanted something from the American South, at the end of the Civil w*r.

Could you excuse us, please?

It took her six months to clean out Arnold Pierce.

This dress was ordered five months ago.

Whoever she reeled in with it, she may still be working him.

We match this to a fan club, maybe we find her.

Each costume represents a specific character from literature or the movies.

A dress made with pieces from three different time periods.

For a little girl who lived for 100 years and never grew up.

"The Ripper's Mask.

"Lord Fantomas battles Jack the Ripper for the dark heart of Victorian London.

" It's written by Carlotta Francis.

Here's another one by her.

"Blood Magnolias.

"Lord Fantomas and his merry band of vampires "are caught in Sherman's March across Georgia.

" Her first novel, "Darkness Takes a Daughter.

"Vampire Lord Fantomas, whose journey begins in the elegant salons "of pre-revolutionary Paris.

" Paris, London, Georgia.

Sounds like we hit the trifecta.

All the books, they have a character named Rosalie Panet.

She was 10 years old during the French Revolution.

When she was bitten by a vampire, she became immortal and never aged.

Rosalie's dress tells her story.

In the second novel, she and her fellow vampires came to America.

They're in Atlanta when Sherman burned it down.

That's why the dress is scorched.

In the third novel, she's in London when she's att*cked by Jack the Ripper.

She survived, but her dress was slashed.

She had to replace the sleeves.

These were written in the '50s.

They still have a big following?

Well, it doesn't hurt that Carlotta Francis committed su1c1de when the last book was published.

If our lady con artist got her dress four months ago, there must've been a fan convention somewhere around that time.

There was.

Sponsored by the Carlotta Francis Society of Manhattan.

They have pictures of their costume ball.

We're looking for a brunette.

There's the dress.

And that looks like our girl.

Vampire humor.

Every Friday night, they hold a wake at the Brooklyn Crypt.

"New devotees welcome.

" Captain Cobb.

Captain Cobb of the Army of the Confederate States.

It's an honor to make your acquaintance, sir.

I'm Bob Goren.

This is Alex.

We just moved here from Delaware.

We saw your picture in the newsletter.

I really liked the costume that you were wearing at the annual ball.

I told Bob yours looked more authentic.

He puts extra padding you-know-where.

I really like what you did to your crypt.

The fixtures are from our store, Recovered Relics in Bay Ridge.

I'm Ronette, Parker's wife.

Geez, I'm sorry.

I always forget to make the intros.

And Well, that was Iris.

So, Bob and Alex, how long have you been Carlotta fans?

We really got into her two years ago.

Alex really clicked into the Rosalie character.

I mean, she can't get the dress right.

There was a girl in a picture from the ball.

Her Rosalie dress was perfect.

Is she here tonight?

Becky Friel and Erlinda Gage both have pretty good Rosalies.

Becky's home with her kids.

They've got the flu.

And Erlinda's on a business trip to Michigan, I think.

We don't know any other Rosalies.

Honey, we have to go.


See you at the next meeting.


Guess who wears the fangs in that family.

Bloody Mary?

You had that gorgeous gown at the ball.

You were the Marquise De Verendrye.


Lord Fantomas's first conquest.

There was a girl in the picture with you.

Her Rosalie dress was so perfect.

I don't remember her.

They just moved here from Delaware.


I don't remember there being a Carlotta Society chapter down in Delaware.

We're pretty much it.

We read our first Carlotta two years ago.

You have so much to learn.

This is like high school without the zits.


It's a black orchid.

Black orchid is what Rosalie was given when she became immortal.

Someone was expecting a Rosalie here tonight.

Maybe our Rosalie.

"Union Square Florists.

" Black orchids must be so rare.

Florist said they deliver a bouquet of them every other weekend to Ms.


Well, she's been coming here for the last four months.

Since she checked in this afternoon, has there been anybody up to see her?

I think she's out.

She hasn't made any calls or ordered room service.



It's the front desk manager.

Open it up.


Bathroom's clear.

There's our dress.

My guess, it's not a hope chest.

It's her.

Looks like our Rosalie found a box she couldn't con her way out of.

Well, so far, I can eliminate most things except asphyxiation.

Now, how he did it, I couldn't tell you until we get her back to the morgue.

Locking her in a box is a good start.

Yeah, but the box isn't airtight.

She would've been okay.

What do you make of this?

Looks like freezer burn.


Dry ice.

They would have locked her in here with a block of it, and when it dissolves, it would have filled the box with carbon dioxide.

Pushed out all the oxygen.

That's how she suffocated.

In a box in the dark.

The ultimate Carlotta Francis experience.

Her FBI prints got a hit.

Lori Purcell, 29.

She took a collar from Philadelphia PD for pros and dr*gs.

It's the kind of background we'd expect.

A low opinion of men, ability to manipulate them.

And how.

She had over 300 grand in a bank account.

That's probably how she got her biggest thrills, to take what's most precious from her marks, like Arnold's toy robot.

Looks homemade.

I think it was made to fold up, to be carried.

The k*ller was probably gonna come back and leave her in the bed.

Just another hotel guest who died in her sleep, causes unknown.

A smoke alarm?

Carbon dioxide detector.

Batteries are still there.

A fan.

And the wood looks water damaged.

All right.

So the detector senses when the carbon dioxide level's too high, fan kicks in, clears the air.

A safety device?

Maybe this thing wasn't built to k*ll anybody.

It's big enough to fit two people.

You know, in one of the books, Rosalie's mother almost suffocates buried alive with her lover.

That's what this box was designed to simulate.

As it fills with carbon dioxide, it acts as a form of erotic asphyxiation.

Whoever put the girl in here must have disabled the fan.

These hinges, they look old to you?

Old enough to be a recovered relic.

They were on a cedar chest we found.

We'd love to find more.

I mean, they're probably from a church, right?

'Cause you see how the cross is bonded onto the metal?

You don't sell anything like this here?

I've never seen a hinge with that design.


Willis, I'm going upstairs for lunch.

All right.



One more thing.

Just Do you remember that Rosalie dress that we were asking about?

Wow, look at that doorknob.

"Public School, City of New York.

" Is there another one of these?

Hi, Ronette.

Hi, Bob.

Hi, Alex.

We had these knobs when I was a kid at school.

I thought you said you were from Delaware.

Little white lie.

By the way, we're detectives.

We identified the girl in the Rosalie dress at your costume ball.

She went by the name of Jocelyn or Lori.

We had a little too much wine that night.

You should've seen Parker, he gets red like a fire truck.

What about the single guys at your chapter?

Maybe one of them got to know her.

There's plenty of gals in the chapter.

The guys don't have to look outside.

What's the deal with this girl?

Are you looking for her?

We found her in a box in a hotel room, dead.

That's That's awful.

Nice collection of Carlotta books.

Do you have any first editions?


They're too expensive.

Well, I mean, if you had a set, they'd be the centerpiece of your collection, right?

Anybody in your chapter have a first edition?

Only Dorian, Dorian Cavanaugh.

He has a real nice one.

Mint condition, with the dust jackets.

Must've cost him a fortune.

Does his wife mind him spending so much on books?

Dorian's not married.

Jocelyn Shapiro?

Yes, I know her.

Why, is she all right?

You're her boyfriend?

I'm Well, we've been dating the last four months, but she lives in Philadelphia.

We were supposed to meet on Friday night, but she didn't show up.

What's happened?

She was found dead in her hotel room Friday night.

We're very sorry, Mr.


We have to ask, had you been giving her money?

A few thousand dollars.

She lost her job.

You have a collection of books.

Carlotta Francis books.

I belong to a kind of fan club.

This empty space, that's where you keep your first editions?

You lent them to someone?


She has an uncle in the antiquarian book business.

He was appraising them.


Jocelyn's real name is Lori Purcell.

She was a con artist.

She scammed men she met at fan conventions for their money and their collections.

That's not possible.

Jocelyn wasn't like that.

She had feelings for me.

Before you were supposed to meet her, where were you?

I was at work.

I write copy for an advertising company.

I was running late.

I called my friend Parker to get a ride.

But he and his wife Ronette weren't home, so I got a cab.

I bought flowers for Jocelyn.

Then I went to The Crypt.

Parker and Ronette, were they there?

They arrived a little later.

They know about you and Jocelyn?


It was kind of a problem.

They didn't like her?

They're good people.

They just kept calling her Josephine.

In the books, the vampire Morpheus fell in love with Josephine, so much in love, he refused to make her a vampire.

Am I getting this right?

He didn't want to share with the other children of the night.

Parker expected you to share Jocelyn, sexually?

Parker and Ronette can get weird.

Jocelyn and I hadn't even Not yet.

I wanted things to be just between us.

Is erotic asphyxiation one of the things Parker and Ronette are into?

It's from the books.

They use special equipment, maybe a box like that?

They built it.

Where did you get this?

We found Jocelyn in it.

Parker and Ronette aren't here.

What about last Friday afternoon, Mr.

Willis, were they here?

No, Parker went to look at a hotel they're tearing down.

Looks like you stepped in water.

You got a leak back here?

We have a drainage problem back here.

We had a wooden box that was water damaged.

Hey, what was in this spot here?

Some pieces of painted wood.

Not sure what they were for.

It's red satin.

I'll call CSU.

Parker, did he take anything from here last Friday?

No, not Friday.

They were here Thursday with their friends from that vampire club they belong to.

This woman, was she here?

Yeah, and her boyfriend, with the beard.

On their way.

It's not just Parker, it's the whole g*ng.

They all k*lled her.

The police are at the store.

They're searching the place.

It was an accident, Dorian.

We were just looking out for you.

Now it's your turn to look out for us.

Everybody knows about the box.

People are always borrowing it.

I don't know who had it last.

Well, what's it like going in there, getting hot and heavy with your girl?

You know, feeling yourself choke?

It's an incredible feeling.

Half the people in the chapter use the box, and not always with the same person.

This experience, it builds trust?

And it helps us understand Carlotta's characters at a deeper level.

Characters like Morpheus?

If one of your friends didn't want to share his girlfriend, would that make the rest of you unhappy?

"Josephine," that's what you called Dorian's girlfriend.

Now, you all thought that she was pulling him away from you.

We didn't even know he was seeing her.

That's not what Dorian told us.

You knew that she was coming to the meeting Friday.

Instead, you and Ronette were waiting for her Friday afternoon, at her hotel, with the welcome wagon.

I was in Tarrytown Friday, all day, bidding on the fixtures of an old hotel.

The people there all know me.

Names and numbers.

Our little dumplings are sticking to their story.

Any evidence on this death box to contradict them?

Latent found over two dozen fingerprints on the outside of the box.

That thing got quite the workout.

Well, apparently so.

The fan didn't go on because the carbon dioxide detector had become desensitized from over-exposure to CO2.

It wore out.

Well, they would've needed a car to carry the box to the hotel.

Parker's alibi will probably hold up.

Ronette doesn't have a license.

Neither does Iris.

Carl Rosenman does.

This is private property.

That's why we have a search warrant.

You should really get this lock fixed.

I mean, anybody could just climb right in.

This is really embarrassing.

My mom is watching from her window.

I don't remember Carlotta's vampires living off their parents.

What's that?

Not sure.

It just fell out of last Thursday's paper.

Isn't "carbonics" a fancy name for dry ice supplier?



So you know about Parker's love box.

Look, me and Iris did a couple laps in it last month over at The Crypt.

We left it there when we were done.

You sure you didn't leave it at the hotel last Friday with a body in it?


Last Friday after work, I had a hook up with Iris.

She has roommates and my mom's here all day, so we borrowed Dorian's place.

You can check it out.

I lent them my keys.

I wasn't going to be home anyway.

The sheets that they used, did you wash them?

They're still in the hamper.

You run a hot-sheet motel for all your friends?

They'd do the same for me.

Would they k*ll Jocelyn if they thought that she was taking advantage of you?

I can't think they did that.

Okay, I've got semen and pubic hair.

I guess your friends were here after all.

Lights on in there.

When did you wash these?


You washed them, but you didn't wash the sheets Carl and Iris used?

They gave you the semen and the hairs to smear on the sheets?

Dorian, people that ask you to do something like that, they're not really your friends.

As Mr.

Cavanaugh's statement makes clear, he was asked to falsify alibi evidence.

There's only one conclusion a jury will draw.

Before you jump to that conclusion, our clients have another explanation to offer, off the record.

We just wanted to scare her.

Carl and Iris put her in the box, then when we came back later to let her out, we saw the police there.

We wanted her to leave Dorian alone.

You locked her in a closed box with a block of carbon dioxide?

We've been in the box dozens of times.

The fan's always kicked in.

We tested it before we loaded it into my van.

We put new batteries in it How did you test it?

With some dry ice.

Everything worked.

It was an accident.

If you just wanted to scare her, why not report her to the police?

She's stealing from your friends.

Dorian gave her money, that's not stealing.

She took his first editions.

The Carlotta first editions.

Dorian lent them to her a month ago.

She never returned them.

He never let those books out of his sight.

I can't believe he'd do that.

They're like the Holy Grail.

He was the only one in our chapter with the whole set.


Carver, there's no intent here.

At most, our clients were reckless.


Stronach, I'll get back to you.

The batteries did look new.

You wouldn't put new batteries in if you didn't want the thing to work.

Maybe it was an accident.

Maybe it wasn't.

We need to subpoena Dorian's financials, see what other secrets he kept from his loyal friends.

Three days before Jocelyn died, Dorian applied for an $8,000 personal loan.

His bank turned him down.

She already had his books, the centerpiece of his collection.

I mean, going by her MO, the game should've been over.

Look, these are estimate forms from an antiquarian book restorer.

Philadelphia PD found them in Jocelyn's apartment.

Looks like she made copies and covered up the original name and address.

The middle step in creating a bogus estimate.

$8,000 to repair books.

She'd need other props to run this con.


There's a receipt here for a picture from an online photo service.

Here's the picture Jocelyn bought, the inside of a burned-out bookstore.

She was playing him for one last con.

What if Dorian figured out that she was conning him, and he decided to do something about it?

And let his loyal friends take the rap?

We need an antiquarian bookseller.

Imagine Dorian's disappointment if he found out that she wasn't playing him.

So, this is your clubhouse.

Very unusual decor.

Yeah, you almost forget you're in the middle of Brooklyn.


Carver, I don't see why this is necessary.

I'm trying to understand your clients' state of mind.

I got a message you wanted me to meet you here.

Guess we gave you the wrong time.

Why don't you come in anyway?

Have a seat.

Well, we're figuring out how your friends got the notion that Jocelyn was trying to take you away from all this.

That's what you all thought, right?

Dorian practically stopped spending time with us after he met her.

No, Dorian said that was his idea.

No, it was hers.

If she really cared about you, she would've joined the group.

Your friends sound sincere.

Maybe I did allow myself to get too wrapped up in Jocelyn.

Well, I guess that's how she got you to give her all your money.

Now that I know she conned all those guys, I feel a little stupid.

Don't say that, man.

We feel bad for you.

They told us how you gave her the Carlotta first edition.


Well, you were embarrassed about that, right?

I felt like such a loser.

You're not a loser.

Hey, after you told us about the books, we did a trace for Jocelyn's uncle.

Turns out she has four uncles.

One of whom, Larry Purcell, is an antique book dealer in Baltimore.

And we called him.

He had your books.

Now, if they look like they've been burned in a fire, it's, well, because they were burned up in a store.

But he said they could be restored.

And he sent us a copy of an estimate for 8,000 bucks.


These It's evidence.

But Mr.

Purcell told us that Jocelyn was supposed to talk to you about it.

She didn't?

You said she was a con artist.

Yeah, well, even con artists tell the truth some of the time.


Purcell told us something else.

Jocelyn was planning to move to New York.

She said she had met a real great guy, an advertising writer, and in spite of herself, she had really fallen for the guy.

Sounds like you made an honest woman out of her.

Somebody made a tragic mistake here.

Yeah, someone should've talked to Jocelyn before they locked her in a box.

You idiots!

You idiots!

I never should have listened to you!

Dorian, we're sorry.

We were thinking of you.

You said she was using me.

I believed you.

She loved me and you k*lled her.

No, no, no, it was an accident.

No, she's right.

As stupid as it was, it was an accident.


They meant to k*ll her.

No, see, they told us.

They checked the fan and the detector.

They're lying.

They wanted her dead.

They made threats against her.

Dorian, what are you saying, man?

Look, we understand that you're angry.

Jocelyn was in love with you, yeah, but we checked that thing.

Batteries were new, the wires, they were good.

Something must have just been knocked off.

They want you to think it was an accident, but they know how you can rig the detector so it won't turn the fan on if you expose it to too much gas.


By waving dry ice in front of it till it wears out?

That's a lot of dry ice.

They used something I I don't know what.

Something else with carbon dioxide.

I know.

My father used to use them on old seltzer bottles.

Something just like this.

It's full of carbon dioxide.

I don't know.

That could be it.

No, we think this is it.

We found a cap in Carl's van.

I didn't do it.

We know you didn't.

Because we found a big fat thumbprint on this and it didn't belong to you.

It's funny how you knew somebody tampered with the detector.

Parker's assistant Willis told us you dropped by last Thursday, just after Parker and the rest of the g*ng had taken the box out of the storage room.

You saw that the box was missing, and you figured out what kind of reception they were planning for your beloved Jocelyn.

And so, you bought one of these at a party store.

You went to Carl's because his van has a broken lock.

Dorian, you did it?

You k*lled her?

Shut up!

Shut up, you loser!

Yeah, they're all losers, right?

But you had Jocelyn, who, for a brief moment, she made you feel like Like someone special.

Until she hit you up for the eight grand and the bank turned you down.

Is that when the light bulb went on, saw what your life really was?

The life of a loser pretending to be little vampires, hanging out in your vampire crypt Stop it.

discussing your vampire books, having sad vampire sex in a plywood vampire box Stop it!

You were angry at her, but you got enraged at them.

Because they are everything that you loathe about yourself.

You know, they sucked your identity from you.

They made you easy prey for just a promise of intimacy, just a promise of anyone to help you reclaim your uniqueness.

So you took this and destroyed them, you destroyed her.

And now your whole life, up in vapor.

That's what you did, didn't you?


I didn't know she really loved me.

I didn't You're under arrest, Dorian.

When you going to tell him the truth?

I think he knows the truth.

Fantasy they can't handle.
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