04x18 - The Good Child

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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04x18 - The Good Child

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Hi, honey.


How was your day?

Hideous, as usual.

Still having trouble with that new teacher?

I'm having trouble with all my classes.

If only Dad had let me go to a real music school.

You'll feel better after you eat something.

I'm making your favorite, lasagna.

I'll be in my room writing my will.

Make sure you spell my name correctly.

I just worry so much about you.

I don't want anything bad to happen.

Hey, where's my best girl?

Come on, mopey, sit out here with your old man, watch the game?

I just wish she wouldn't leave messages.

What if my parents find out?

About us?

Would it really be the end of the world?

Just give it time.

It'll work itself out.

Here, I had them order this one especially for you.

I didn't drive eight hours so you can stare a hole in the trunk.

This guy doesn't want a cannon.

Then here.

He said there's neighbors.

What are you doing snooping around in my room, anyway?

Don't you know what kind of danger you're putting us in?


This is all your fault!

Our fault?

Give me that!

You little brat!


You're such a jerk!

Rachel, wait!

Well, I'm glad I let you handle it.

She thinks I don't feel guilty, I do.

I know what I've done.

You can't keep treating her like a baby.

There she is.

Now try and make nice.


Come in here, please.

I want to apologize.


It's that girl from next door, the Coburns.

What's her name?



Are you okay?

In the house, they're dead.

My parents.

The daughter came home from a late class, found them like this.

No forced entry.

Front and back doors still locked.

Daughter said the family used the door from the garage to get in and out.

Figure that's how the hitter got in.


Two, probably.


Burnett was shot from the back.

Now, if there was a single gunman, Mrs.

Burnett would've had time to move out of the way while he repositioned himself.

How long were they in Witness Protection?

Two years.

Burnett was a gold merchant in Buffalo.

One of our drug gangs, the Marinkos, wanted him to launder their money.

We set up a sting.

Thanks to Mr.

Burnett, two of the Marinko brothers are doing 20-to-life.

Their case is up for appeal?

Up for review next month.

We might've needed Burnett.

You've been in touch with him?

He mention any unusual activity, visitors?


He called me this morning, but I was tied up in court.

Dennis did everything he could to protect his family.

These were brave people.

The TV doesn't drown it out.

They probably thought it was their daughter.

Busy people.

They have activities four nights a week.

Bridge club, concerts China.

Looks like someone dropped a plate.

We need a work-up of everything that's in here, please.

The sh**t learned the Burnetts' schedule.

Somebody watched the house?

Or somebody was already familiar with it.

Did your parents make any new friends?

My parents didn't need friends, they had each other.

How about old friends up in Buffalo?

You or your parents been in touch?

Don't you know anything?

We weren't allowed to.

It's been hard.

Giving up your life.

You play an instrument?

Your bracelet, the charms are all musical.

I sing.

I'm a music major at the local loser college.

Well, I'm sure that there's new people there for you to meet.

I made an effort not to meet them.

Strangers made Dad nervous.

Why aren't you out busting the Marinkos, instead of talking to me?

Everyone knows they did it.

We need to figure out how they found you.

I don't know.

I don't know.

Rachel, there was a plate in the garbage in the kitchen.

Do you know how it got broken?


I was at school all day.

How long do I have to stay here?

Until we're sure you're safe.

She doesn't know whether to grieve for her parents or blame them.

What she didn't do is blame herself.

You know, "If I'd only been at home, if I'd only been more vigilant.

" Maybe because she knows it won't bring her parents back.

Or it might invite questions that she's not ready to answer.

The g*ns used to k*ll the Burnetts were from Buffalo.

A 9-mil and a.


The slugs were matched to two robberies up there last year.

Hitters from Buffalo.

That puts it in the Marinkos' ballpark.

They would've needed a spotter, somebody local, to case the house.

And how to get in.

The hitters knew what door to use, and where the Burnetts would've been sitting.

Someone who got to know the family.

Or a member of it.

Maybe that's what Burnett's call to the Buffalo D.


Was about.

He found someone in his world who didn't belong.

What did Burnett do for a living?


Lots of money in the bank.

Mostly, they played cards, went to concerts Start working the phone records, the daughter included.

I have your soda, Rachel.

I'm setting it down out here.


I can't help thinking if I hadn't No, I'm not sorry, but I Please don't get angry.

I couldn't stand it if I lost you, too.

The Burnetts did the same things last week they did the weeks before, called the same numbers, paid the same bills.

New cheese?

It's the contents of the trash from the Burnetts' kitchen.

Minus three boiled eggs, three grapefruit halves, toast and coffee grounds.

The Burnett family breakfast.

The broken plate, with traces of yolk.

Paper napkins, grocery list Torn piece of a picture.

Latent found both Rachel and Dennis Burnett's fingerprints on it.

It's the left arm of a man.

Older man, his hand is old.

Gold wedding band, older-model watch, sapphire cufflinks.

Burnett had his watch on his right arm.

Broken plate, two sets of prints on a torn picture.

What do father and daughters argue about?


Especially an older, married boyfriend.

Burnett must've been thrilled.

Thrilled enough to call the Buffalo D.


This could be the leak to the Marinkos.

We lost her.

The girl went out her bedroom window and jumped down to a dumpster about 20 minutes ago.

Great, out the window, and down the rabbit hole.

After a rabbit with sapphire cufflinks.

She had help escaping.

The dumpster was pushed into place under the window.

What'd you get off her cell phone?

Lots of calls to a no-name cell, the cheating man's best friend.

If this guy was using the girl to get to her parents, he might've just told her he was married to keep her mouth shut.

Well, she was isolated.

She was angry, susceptible to the attentions of a thoughtful stranger.

Especially one bearing gifts.

This is a box for a bracelet.

She was wearing a new bracelet, one with musical charms.

This box is from a no-name jewelry store.

He might've bought it at the mall where this picture was taken.

I like their tables, red frogs, pink squirrels.

Can't be a lot of malls with tables like that.

I remember these cufflinks.

Sapphires on platinum.

It's Trevor.

I don't know his last name.

Could you dig up a credit card receipt for the bracelet?

He paid cash.

He buys a charm every week or two, since five months ago.

He ever come in with anybody?

A young woman?

Well, no, of course not.

No, of course not.

But he was flirting with you.

He's that type, charming, very smart.

He can talk on any subject.

Oh, one of those.

What subjects did he talk about?

Well, he told me about an exposé on freshwater pearls that was coming out in CITY magazine.

It saved us a lot of money.

He knew about the article before it was published?

What, does he work at the magazine?

I don't know.

I wouldn't be surprised if he owned it.

Excuse me.

There's a newsstand a few doors down.

We could pick up the magazine, check the masthead for a Trevor.

You know, he's been buying Rachel jewelry for five months.

If this is just about finding her parents, he wouldn't need to keep up the charade for so long.

There might be a real relationship here.

I can't believe you did this!

It has nothing to do with you!

It has everything to do with us!


You and your damn secrets!

I told you to stay out of it!

Look what you've turned me into!

Look what Mr.

And Mrs.

Lipton, it's the police.

Yes, coming!

Trevor Lipton?


I'm Detective Eames.

This is Detective Goren.

May we come in?

Of course.


So how may we help you?

A lot of dirt on your floor.

Did you knock the plant over?


That was me.

I bumped into it.

Are you fighting, Mrs.


It was hardly a fight.

Did the neighbors upstairs call?

Oh, God.

No, it's just so embarrassing.

You got blood on your hand.

Yeah, saw it when you were Gash on the back of your head, here?

Let me have a look.

No, no, it's fine.

No, no.

It's not good.

Can I help you clean that up?

You wanna show me where the bathroom is?

Come on.

All right.

This way.

I'm just gonna How did your husband hurt his head?


I threw something.

An ashtray.

I lost my temper.

I've been under a lot of pressure.

My caseload.

I'm a social worker.

You know, Mrs.

Lipton, most of the domestic fights we see are about sex or money.

I just lost my temper.

You have a very nice apartment.

It must be expensive to keep up.

It was a wedding present from my father.

It's paid for.

Well, still, a social worker's salary, and your husband's a fact-checker at a magazine There's money from my parents.

Well, if it's not about money, then it must be another woman.

Excuse me.

Well, she's unhappy with her job and she takes it out on me.

She knows it, and I know it.

The two of you have a nice life.

Who plays guitar?


I'm teaching myself how to play flamenco.

Songs of love and torment.

Is that where you met Rachel, in music class?


Sorry, just keep pressing.

Your office said that you skip out a couple of times a week Sorry, I thought I thought this was about noise.

No, it's about Rachel Coburn, the girl you spend your afternoons with.

She went missing.

Did you know that?

I don't even know who she is.

I think that you do.

'Cause when I mentioned her name, your pulse went up.

But when I said that she was missing, you didn't skip a beat.

So, I don't think it's news to you.

My, my, a human polygraph.


Lipton, lying to us won't keep your girlfriend safe.

My girlfriend?

That's the problem with you civil servants, you snoop around, you don't care who you hurt.

Leave my wife's briefcase alone.

Now, you can go.


This thing looks like it's been through a tug-of-w*r.

Whatever they were arguing about, it might have something to do with it.

His wife's briefcase, civil servants, the ones who snoop.

Maybe he meant his wife.

The rules against searching our databases for personal reasons are very strict.

Nina's the last person I'd expect to behave irresponsibly.

You haven't seen her with an ashtray.

She ever complain about problems at home?


She's very devoted to Trevor.

You know, Nina doesn't have any pictures of kids or grandkids.

Nina doesn't have any children.

She has her hands full with Trevor.

Let me know if you find any irregularities.

Look what Nina did.

She pulled all the white baby girls named Rachel born in New York City 20 years ago.

She must've found out Rachel's first name, age.

The next step would be to find the ones living in the area.

Or you could hope your husband doesn't clean out his pockets before tossing his clothes in the hamper.

What do you think?

Trevor's love nest?

No, I'm sorry, I don't know a Rachel or a Trevor.

How did you get this address?

From a social worker, Nina Lipton.

Any idea why she had it?


I've never needed a social worker.

You're probably going to think that I'm flirting with you, but you have very distinctive eyes.

I love these old apartments.

You know, what do you call them?



Railroad apartments.

Because they look like railway cars.

You eat a lot of health food?

I watch what I eat.


So these cheese snacks, here, they wouldn't be yours.

The neighbor's kid.

He was here helping me move some things.

This looks like it was just opened.

It needs a coaster.

There's somebody else here, isn't there?

You know, somebody who likes junk food.

Don't go in there.

There's no one here.

Now, please, leave.


Curtis, we're looking for a missing girl.

If you don't wanna help us, you can come downtown.

Leave her alone.

I'm not missing.

This is my mother.

Your birth mother.

She really does have your eyes.

I found a letter from my birth mother, Maureen, six months ago.

It was hidden in a box in the garage.

She had sent it through a lawyer to my parents when we were still in Buffalo.

Did you know you were adopted?


But my parents never told me about the letter.

And I didn't tell them that I'd found it.

I knew my dad would've flipped out.

I got in touch with Maureen, and we started spending time together.

Trevor is your birth father?


Maureen told me that they'd had an affair when she was my age.

He was married, so But she wanted us to meet.

Did Trevor ever talk to you about his wife, Nina?

He said she was a very jealous person.

He was afraid of how she'd react if she ever found out about me.

Rachel, why didn't you tell us about this?

I was afraid that because I'd contacted my birth parents, because I'd gone outside the Witness program, that I screwed up, and the Marinkos found us.

That could very well be true.

You hardly know these people.

They're my birth parents.

Did you tell them you were in Witness Protection?

It just came out.

All right, I want you back at the hotel.

I'm staying with Maureen.

Not till you're out of danger You're the reason my parents are dead.

You talked them into testifying.

Easy now.

You can stay with Ms.


We just need to know where you are.

We can go.

I can't believe you're just gonna let her go We'll put a car outside their place.

Trevor's wife, maybe her snooping got the attention of someone working for the Marinkos.

How close did she actually get to finding Rachel?

Not sure.

We have a dozen boxes of material to go through.

There's a great Chinese place off Chatham that delivers till 2:00 a.


I'll get you the menu.

Midnight egg rolls, can't wait.


She stole our She stole our stapler.

She Maureen, she stole our stapler.

She steals.

That's why she has all those knickknacks.

That's interesting, huh?

Welcome home!

Look who's here.

It's your dad!

What smells so good?

I found a Sicilian recipe for lasagna.

Maureen told me it was your favorite.


That was one of the last meals Mrs.

Burnett cooked for Rachel.

I didn't know.

How thoughtless.

Look, but never mind, we'll go out.

No, no.

It's all right.

I'm fine, don't worry.


Well, at least you have your real parents now.

It's family night.

Finally, after all these years, your real family.

Nina had this list hidden in a file under "Out-of-Pocket Expenses.

" Families on welfare in Buffalo.

Halfway down the page.

Dotty Valavero Marinko.

Wife of Tommy Marinko, one of the brothers that Burnett helped put inside.

Nina downloaded her address.

Somehow, she figured out Rachel and the Burnetts were in Witness Protection and why.

She would've noticed that Rachel's social security number, the one that she got in Witness Protection, was only two years old.

Well, maybe she tipped Dotty Marinko off to the Burnetts' whereabouts.

She might've thought if she blew their cover, the Burnetts would move away and take Rachel with them.

Getting rid of the woman that she thought was her husband's girlfriend.

She was trying to save her marriage.

Well, Trevor should consider himself lucky he only got beamed by an ashtray.

I can't help you.

The family already hates me.

If they think I said anything to hurt Tommy's chances of getting out, they'll k*ll my kids.

Why don't they like you, Mrs.


Dotty never showed up at Tommy's trial.

They think you're disloyal.

Screw what they think.

I couldn't get a babysitter.

We know you got a call from a New York City payphone a week before the Burnetts were k*lled.

Don't try to say it was a wrong number, because you talked for two minutes.

I guess you found a way to prove your loyalty, Dotty.

You helped them m*rder two witnesses.

That's a lie.

I never said anything about it to the family.

Who called?

Sounded like a white lady.

All she said was that the Burnetts were living in New York City, in Queens, in a nice neighborhood with their kid.

That's it?

No address?


I thought it was a joke.

So funny that you just had to tell Tommy.

I never did.

I swear.

I wouldn't.

I didn't tell anybody.

You don't mind that he's in prison?

You don't mind if he never gets out?

He's an animal.

Look, I'm trying to give my kids a chance at a life.

And if he gets out She's lying.

She knows what they'll do to her if they find out she sat on that information.

She told Tommy.


I want you to file charges against him.

If his conviction is overturned, he'll walk.

I want to nail his feet to the ground with two counts of m*rder one.

On what evidence?

You charge him now.

I'll supply the evidence later.

In our part of the state, it works the other way around.

Nice talking to you.

That man's an ass.

He demanded I charge Tommy Marinko for the murders.

He's convinced Mrs.

Marinko passed on the tip.

Well, she must've done it telepathically.

The prison said Tommy's been in solitary for the last month.

No calls, no visitors.

There are other family members she could've talked to.

She got the information a week before the Burnetts were k*lled.

No address, just a neighborhood.

That's not enough time to find them, learn their schedule.

Unless she's lying, and the tip included the address.

I don't think she lied about giving her kids a chance at a life.

Then maybe Dotty Marinko isn't the only Marinko Nina called.

Or maybe someone wants us to believe that Nina blew the whistle on the Burnetts.

No one knew what I was doing.

I didn't ask for anyone's help.

Did Trevor know that you were looking for Rachel?

He wouldn't tell me who she was.

Him and his secrets.

He should've expected me to look.

The day we came over, that's what the fight was about?

He accused me of somehow causing her parents' deaths, because of what he called "my snooping.

" This list of girls named Rachel Yeah, all I had was her first name And her age.

It must've made you mad.

I knew they weren't lovers.

I overheard him on the phone with her.

The way he spoke to her, I knew she was his daughter.

Well, her year of birth, I mean, was it a guess?

Or had you known that Trevor was having an affair back then?

A very serious affair.

I almost lost him.

I didn't know the woman, and I certainly didn't know there'd been a child.

When you got married, did Trevor want kids?


My father used to say Trevor was too immature to raise children.

Doesn't sound like he was a fan of Trevor's.

When my father died, Trevor took over my dad's sports equipment company.

He had ideas for new games, new sports.

And, I mean, it drove the company out of business, but Trevor was so wonderfully creative.

This address, you found it where?

In Trevor's shirt pocket.

What were you going to do if you found Rachel?

I just wanted to see her.

I mean, now all Trevor talks about is Rachel.

How alike they are, how much he wants to do for her.

Do you recognize this?

Welfare families in Buffalo.

I don't handle cases in Buffalo.

It was downloaded using this access code at the top of the page.

I have to That's my access code.

But I don't recognize the print-out.

Where did it come from?

Well, when you work from home and you're accessing databases on your computer, I mean, do you look up the code on that card?

I have to.

Yeah, they change it every six months, and I can never remember it.



Excuse me.

Overheard phone calls, scraps of paper in pockets Trevor wasn't very creative about keeping his secrets from her.

He wasn't trying.

He was fueling her curiosity, making her frantic.

He could've gotten her code to download these names, then planted them in the file.

Setting her up to look like she sicced the Marinkos on Rachel and the Burnetts.

Maybe setting up Nina was just the crowning touch.

I think I was on this ride at Disney World.

It's the Burnetts' kitchen, as it was the night that they were k*lled.

The lights were out.

The K*llers came from the garage.

Door squeaked.

Which they didn't expect.

It made them stop and wait.

Wait in the dark of the kitchen.

While the Burnetts were in the next room watching TV.

They would have flattened themselves against the counter to keep from being seen from the den.

They stood there, steadying their nerves Their eyes got used to the dark.

They started to see detail of where they were.

Half-eaten toast, three grapefruit halves, shells from three soft-boiled eggs, coffee grinds.

That's what was in the trash.

The Burnett family breakfast.

There's three coffee cups.

There are three bowls and only two eggcups.

Dennis and Camille.

There's an eggcup missing.

That's Maureen.

She steals when she's nervous.

She stood there in the dark, and she stole an eggcup to calm her nerves.

It's Trevor and Maureen.

They shot the Burnetts.

The plot sickens.

She wants to buy a car, new clothes.

She's talking about moving to Florida, South Beach.

She can't do anything yet.

She thinks by next week.

What are we going to do?

We can't let her go.

We won't.

Come on, darling, let's just enjoy being Mommy and Daddy.

Maureen could've been the one who called Dotty Marinko.

And who would've put them up to this?

Rachel is the one with the most to gain.

The Burnetts had a net worth of nearly two million bucks.

Rachel's their only heir.

Could she be one of the sh**t?

CSU did a routine swab of her hands for g*nsh*t residue.

The GSR test was negative.

Hard to believe this kid talked two adults into committing m*rder.

Well, Maureen might be susceptible.

Rachel may be the centerpiece for her need to make things right in her life.

Her need?

Her compulsive stealing.

She could be acting out her anger, maybe at giving up her baby 20 years ago.

Maureen and Trevor.

See what alibis they have for the night of the killings.

I was with Trevor.

We met for a drink to talk about Rachel.

What about Rachel?

She had called us, very upset.


Burnett had found Trevor's photo, and we were trying to decide if it was better for Rachel for us not to be involved in her life at this time.

You would've given her up, after looking for her all these years?

Yes, if it was in her best interest.

You were a runner.

Is this you in the Olympic trials?

The Los Angeles Olympics.

I made the team, but I didn't actually compete.

Maureen, it concerns us that Rachel seems to have recovered pretty quickly from the Burnetts' death.

We don't dwell on the past.

We're creating a whole new life for ourselves.

As a family?

It's something every woman dreams of.

I always regretted giving Rachel up.

You know, we haven't been able to find an official record of the adoption.

That's because it was, you know, under the table.

A doctor arranged it all.

This is you and Edwin Moses.

So, Trevor and you, you met here at this store?

Have you kept in touch over the years?


Not at all.

Did he send you that?

The rose.


Rachel did.


That's thoughtful.

Edwin Moses is a hero of mine.

I was wondering if you could make a photocopy for me or something.

That's very nice of you.

Thank you.

Eames A lot of vases, for a lot of roses.

A single red rose, love and fidelity.

What every woman dreams of.

Attaboy, Trevor.

She's never been married.

Looks like she's been waiting for Trevor.

A 20-year affair.

Well, maybe they just haven't found a way to be together.

Maureen's personnel file shows she quit the store in 1995.

She came back a year later.

Trevor took over the company.

Maybe Maureen quit because she thought that Trevor would have enough money of his own.

They could finally be together.

A year later, the company went into bankruptcy, and Maureen went back to work at the store.

It's all about money.

That's what kept them apart.

And now they expect Rachel to support them?

She inherits from the Burnetts.

But if she dies When Rachel was adopted, Maureen gave up her parental rights, including her right to inherit.

That leaves Trevor.

Because the adoption was illegal, Trevor can argue he never gave up his parental rights.

So if anything happens to Rachel, he inherits whatever she has.

They k*lled her adoptive parents, so she'd inherit their money.

Trevor can't do anything until Rachel actually has the Burnetts' money, and she won't have it until she has the death certificate for the Burnetts.

See what you can do to hold up that certificate.

I think I'll take a walk.

Gee, kid, you think that's a good idea?

The police said it was still dangerous.

I'll be fine.

Rachel, we'd feel a lot better if you stayed in.

Tomorrow we have a big day, all that travel.


Tell you what, sweetheart, I brought my guitar.

I'll play, you'll sing.

That'll be fun.

I'll make some tea.

The Burnetts' bodies went to Saint Michael's mortuary, where they were cremated last night.

The instructions specified the ashes should be packed for travel and ready for pick-up this afternoon.

Packed for travel.

Well, the Burnetts are from Buffalo.

It makes sense to bring their ashes back there.

Back to a town full of potential m*rder suspects.

If Rachel takes a b*llet up there, the Buffalo D.


Will be more than happy to pin it on the Marinkos.

Well, there's one Marinko that can help us put the blame where it belongs.

I thought they'd have the ashes ready for us when we arrived.

That's what they told me.

Maureen, relax.

The plane doesn't leave for an hour and a half.

There you are.

We were worried we missed you.

We need to talk to you.

I'm sorry.

This is not a good time.

Rachel's here to pick up Mr.

And Mrs.

Burnett's ashes.

It's a very emotional time for her.

You're gonna bring them to Buffalo?

Well, it's the city where they were born.

It's the right thing to do.

You might want to reconsider.


Arrangements have been made to inter the ashes in a crypt tomorrow morning.


The Buffalo police intercepted a phone call yesterday.

Just It's Dotty.

You gonna be talking to Tommy later?


Tell him I got another call, from a man this time.

It's about the daughter.

She's bringing her parents' ashes home.


You mean here?


The guy gave me the name of the motel where she's gonna be staying.

He said that son of a bitch D.


Thinks he can use her against Tommy.

Oh, my God, they're talking about me.

That's Tommy Marinko's wife, Dotty, and one of Tommy's associates.

All right.

So there's no question, we have to cancel the trip.

Sweetheart, I'm sorry, it's just not safe.

We're wondering how they found out about your trip.

Did you say anything to anybody, Rachel?


Dad told me not to.


But, of course, Maureen and I had to tell our work where we could be contacted, and I told the people at the crypt in Buffalo.

And I had to give them Dennis and Camille's names.

But how stupid of me.

That's probably how the word got out.

Trevor, we should go.

Of course.

I can't leave without the ashes.

We'll get them.

Well, while we have you here, we were pulling together the paperwork on the case.

It was pointed out to us that Trevor never signed away his parental rights when you were adopted.

Well, no.

I mean, I was never asked to.

Apparently, it's a big, legal can of worms.

We talked to somebody at Family Court.

They said Trevor should sign a waiver as soon as possible.

I'm sure it's just a formality, and I'll deal with it first thing Monday.

Well, we can save you the trouble.

We happen to have a waiver right here.

Yeah, go ahead.

We can be witnesses.

All right.

You know, I feel I mean, Rachel, are you all right with this?

I mean, I feel like I'm abandoning you.

It's just a legal paper.

It doesn't mean anything.

No, but I It occurs to me, what I'm really doing here is I'm waiving your rights as my daughter.

I mean, if anything should happen to me, then, you know, Rachel would not have any claim to my estate.

I couldn't pass anything on to her.

Unless you include her in your will.

Well, I can't do that, because Nina would fight it.

I'm sorry, Rachel.

I think that we should consult a lawyer before I sign this.

We didn't really expect him to sign it.

The estate that Trevor is worried about is the one that your parents passed on to you.

If anything happens to you, Rachel, the money the Burnetts left you goes to Trevor.

I'm not so sure that you're right about that.

That's why they're taking you to Buffalo, to get you k*lled.

Trevor's the one who called Dotty Marinko and tipped her off.

That is an insane lie.

Rachel, it's not true.

These are my parents.

They love me.

The only people that they love is each other.

Twenty years, they've been sneaking around, trying to steal time to be together.

Rachel, now they have you.

You're their ticket to a life of connubial bliss.

They k*lled your real parents, Rachel, to make you rich.

They were in the house that night, and they shot them.

We know, because Maureen swiped your eggcup as a souvenir.


That can't be true.


None of this is true.

Listen to your heart, Rachel.

The heart doesn't lie.

You know we would never hurt our baby.



I just need your signature.


Let's take care of this business.

Is that really what you believe, Maureen?

That the heart, it never lies?

I mean, even after 20 years?


Excuse me, what did you say to her?

That, you know, a lot of men, they fall in love.

They leave their wives, you know.


Why didn't he?

Well, 'cause I had my reasons.

Maureen understood.


Money, because money Well, money is important to Trevor.

It's more important than you.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Trevor loves me.

Maureen, look, the tape's not finished yet.

There's another thing.

The guy said the girl's gonna be sharing a room with her aunt.

He said this lady could be a problem for Tommy, and you guys should take care of her, too.

Two for one.

I'll pass it on.

Two for one, Maureen.

And two million for Trevor.

He's the one who called Dotty to tip her off.

That's ridiculous.

I never called her.

Twenty years Twenty years you've been waiting for him, putting your existence on hold, listening to his excuses Maureen, you know that I love you.

You know I always have.

You were going to have me k*lled?

Honey, that conversation, it's made up.

No, it's Dotty Marinko all right.

You know what she sounds like, don't you, Maureen?


I talked to her, remember?

You told me to call her, to tell her about the Burnetts.

Maureen, shut up!

Oh, my God, it's true.

And it was all Trevor's idea?


The first day he met Rachel, he found out her parents had money.

He found out they were in hiding.

He came up with the idea to k*ll them.

Maureen, what are you talking about?

It was his idea to get the g*ns from Buffalo.

His wife told us he was creative.

Maureen, you see, it was her idea to k*ll Rachel.

Yeah, her own daughter.

She was jealous of her.

Imagine that.

Jealous of her own daughter!

I saw how you looked at her.

I hadn't waited all these years to share you with another woman!

Well, your wait is just beginning.

You're under arrest for m*rder.

You, too, Trevor.

You see what you've done?

Do you see what you've done?

Don't talk to me!

Because you couldn't keep your hands off the damn eggcup!

Get him out of here.


We're gonna need to take the bracelet for evidence.

Take it.

Get it off me.

I did this.

I brought these people into our lives.

Well, you didn't do anything wrong.

Just like any child just wants to know where Where you came from.

That's okay.


Let's go.
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